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Forum -> Parenting our children
How old were you at your first levaya? Shiva?
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 6:03 am
I was at the Shiva and possibly the funeral for my Bubbie's aunt when I was too young to remember properly.

After that I was at the Shiva for a new friend I'd made who lost her dad in 8th grade. A bunch of other people in the friend group were there and it was mostly just like hanging out.

In 9th grade my Zaidy passed away and I was at the funeral and the Shiva, which was in my house since my Mom was a mourner.
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 6:18 am
I think for gedolim, you see nothing, there's a crowd.. It's somehow different to follow the cortege with an older child
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 6:21 am
First levaya, I was 12. My gfather passed away. I remember my mom sitting and crying hearing the news, and I didn't know what to do to comfort her. It was scary, because she was my rock, and I thought she's crumbling. All she wanted was be, we shoukd let her cry and not do anything for her to stop.

Then after levaya, we the big cousins took the little ones to pizza shop for lunch, and my cousins were laughing having a good time, getting together. I was appalled, how inappropriate and immature. I was a mature deep thinker girl, and feeling sad very strongly.
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 7:30 am
I was 6.
I remember sitting in the car at the cemetery for my great grandfather's funeral. Although it's possible it was the unveiling. I just remember sitting in the car and there was a lot of snow. He passed away in mid-December
I imagine my dad or someone else was in the car with me, but I don't remember who.
I just remember the snow and being at a cemetery and people were very sad.

My mother's cousin was set to get married during the shloshim, and I remember everyone being sad my great grandfather wouldn't be there. That was the first wedding I had been to. I remember crying because I wanted to sit with my dad and couldn't.
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 7:43 am
First shiva when I was 7-8 when my great grandparent lost a sibling first levaya when I was 10 for my little cousin who was sick that was very overwhelming for me I’ve always been afraid of dying or death as a kid I think it was too much for me to handle. Though by 12 already had gone to numerous shivas for a few friends fathers and a bunch of great greataunts. I’ve always been numb thru all those. Now I’m older and by a grandparents levaya and shiva and was able to appreciate being there.
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