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Making this a safer space
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:03 pm
I’m finding it rude for posters to come on posts where someone says they are struggling with their kid who has a diagnosis of asd, adhd, Tourette’s or other and say it’s definitely pandas. It’s not helpful and it’s uncalled for. Don’t tell me/ us that you decided our kid’s diagnosis doesn’t exist. Is there anything we can do to make this a safer space for those of us that don’t want our threads of specific issues taken over by pandas?
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:07 pm
I second OP.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:20 pm
How about the OP of the thread decides if it's the type of input she wants or not?
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:22 pm
I completely agree.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:23 pm
If you don't want to hear about PANDAS, write that in your OP. Most people will respect that.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:23 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
How about the OP of the thread decides if it's the type of input she wants or not?

As if it’s simple to say that. I’ve tried as the op and was basically told I’m in denial. And I see many op’s saying it’s not pandas and yet the comments continue despite their lack of interest. So how about people listen and stop feeling the need to spread it where it’s not wanted.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:24 pm
amother Electricblue wrote:
If you don't want to hear about PANDAS, write that in your OP. Most people will respect that.

It is not respected at all. I’ve had personal experience.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:30 pm
amother OP wrote:
As if it’s simple to say that. I’ve tried as the op and was basically told I’m in denial. And I see many op’s saying it’s not pandas and yet the comments continue despite their lack of interest. So how about people listen and stop feeling the need to spread it where it’s not wanted.
I see OPs showing interest and wanting to hear more, and *other* posters telling them not to listen and that it's nonsense.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:32 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
I see OPs showing interest and wanting to hear more, and *other* posters telling them not to listen and that it's nonsense.

That’s not relevant to my thread. Not what’s being discussed here.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:33 pm
I agree.
The pandas-prophets on this site a quite a bit hyper-active.

I don't believe that pandas is real.
On the other hand, I understand that a pseudo-diagnosis like pandas could appease an explosive situation between parents and children, stating that "it is not the child's fault, it's pandas"... and therefore have a healing placebo-effect in some cases.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:35 pm
amother OP wrote:
That’s not relevant to my thread. Not what’s being discussed here.
It is relevant. I'm saying that if am OP shows interest, it should be OK to continue. If you personally don't like it on your own threads, you should say so. The current thread is a perfect example. Someone mentions pandas, OP says hmmm maybe I should try that, and someone else (you??) says OP don't it's nonsense it's dangerous she already has a diagnosis you don't need another one.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:37 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
It is relevant. I'm saying that if am OP shows interest, it should be OK to continue. If you personally don't like it on your own threads, you should say so. The current thread is a perfect example. Someone mentions pandas, OP says hmmm maybe I should try that, and someone else (you??) says OP don't it's nonsense it's dangerous she already has a diagnosis you don't need another one.

Are you the one who always brings up pandas?
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:39 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
It is relevant. I'm saying that if am OP shows interest, it should be OK to continue. If you personally don't like it on your own threads, you should say so. The current thread is a perfect example. Someone mentions pandas, OP says hmmm maybe I should try that, and someone else (you??) says OP don't it's nonsense it's dangerous she already has a diagnosis you don't need another one.

You sound like one of the problem people I am discussing. I was an op who said it’s not pandas. I got very passive aggressive comments from you in response. Just the other day I read an op who said it’s not pandas I ruled it out and she was told no you ruled it out wrong. Excuse me who do you think you are? Please get off threads you aren’t wanted on. Also just like on here you aren’t really taking the request well you do this on all threads. People say it’s not pandas don’t say I know better. You just demonstrated what my issue is with you. You always know better and it’s always warranted and needed. So I’m saying again listen better when someone says it’s not the topic of discussion. Stop harassing every op.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:39 pm
amother Seafoam wrote:
Are you the one who always brings up pandas?

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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:40 pm
amother Seafoam wrote:
Are you the one who always brings up pandas?
Not always, but often. When I feel it's relevant. And not if the OP indicates it's not something they want to pursue.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:41 pm
amother OP wrote:
You sound like one of the problem people I am discussing. I was an op who said it’s not pandas. I got very passive aggressive comments from you in response. Just the other day I read an op who said it’s not pandas I ruled it out and she was told no you ruled it out wrong. Excuse me who do you think you are? Please get off threads you aren’t wanted on. Also just like on here you aren’t really taking the request well you do this on all threads. People say it’s not pandas don’t say I know better. You just demonstrated what my issue is with you. You always know better and it’s always warranted and needed. So I’m saying again listen better when someone says it’s not the topic of discussion. Stop harassing every op.
What thread was that?
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:43 pm
Pointing out that someone may not have fully and properly ruled something out isn't harassing. It can actually be helpful. If you don't want to hear it on your own threads, say so.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:45 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
What thread was that?

I will not be bringing in other posters. This is not court. I’m telling you that you are being rude and insensitive on many threads by saying you know better than everyone. Maybe rethink this life mission of yours. The last thing someone who is struggling with a difficult child needs, is you harassing them. And yes you caused me a lot of aggravation back then a few months ago. My thread went off the rails with pandas discussions you going on and on and doing a whole question and answer panel with random posters and I got zero help for my questions. I still resent you for it.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:46 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
Pointing out that someone may not have fully ruled something out isn't harassing. It can actually be helpful. If you don't want to hear it on your own threads, say so.

You harass.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:46 pm
amother OP wrote:
I will not be bringing in other posters. This is not court. I’m telling you that you are being rude and insensitive on many threads by saying you know better than everyone. Maybe rethink this life mission of yours. The last thing someone who is struggling with a difficult child needs, is you harassing them. And yes you caused me a lot of aggravation back then a few months ago. My thread went off the rails with pandas discussions you going on and on and doing a whole question and answer panel with random posters and I got zero help for my questions. I still resent you for it.
What thread? Yours.
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