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Your 30+ lbs story
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Post Sun, Sep 22 2024, 1:30 pm
amother OP wrote:
I’m probably already doing keto.

What foods have carbs that I wouldn’t think of? I’m totally off gluten.

Some vegetables are heavy in carbs (potatoes for example)

If u eat Many rice cakes (like me) that can be a lot of carbs.

Just try looking at labels or googling so you can get an idea.
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Post Sun, Sep 22 2024, 3:30 pm
amother OP wrote:
I’m probably already doing keto.

What foods have carbs that I wouldn’t think of? I’m totally off gluten.
Oh, lots of things! Fruits, some veggies, even milk. 5 grams here and there add up quickly. You can google keto friendly foods to see which are lowest carb, but it seems like you are losing weight just fine so I wouldn’t change anything.
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Post Mon, Sep 23 2024, 7:54 pm
Next question!

I’ve really never lost a significant amount of weight before. It’s been maybe 10 lbs max but then I’d get pregnant bh and etc…

So right before I started this diet (new way of life) I was totally not eating well at all. But my weight stayed up to a certain number. When iyh I loose let’s say 25lbs, will I get a new “highest weight”? Not that I can go back to eating anything again. Not sure how to explain. It

Also, when iyh I do loose a significant amount, can.I ever go back to eating more? I’m really reducing my calories now (in a healthy way I hope). Will I be able to eat more when I get to my goal weight? Or will I gain it all back?
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Post Mon, Sep 23 2024, 10:09 pm
amother OP wrote:
Next question!

I’ve really never lost a significant amount of weight before. It’s been maybe 10 lbs max but then I’d get pregnant bh and etc…

So right before I started this diet (new way of life) I was totally not eating well at all. But my weight stayed up to a certain number. When iyh I loose let’s say 25lbs, will I get a new “highest weight”? Not that I can go back to eating anything again. Not sure how to explain. It

Also, when iyh I do loose a significant amount, can.I ever go back to eating more? I’m really reducing my calories now (in a healthy way I hope). Will I be able to eat more when I get to my goal weight? Or will I gain it all back?

Regarding your last question, I find after losing a lot of weight and staying that way, I can eat much more occasionally e.g. shabbos or simchos and it doesn't affect my weight.

This new diet is meant to be a lifestyle change that is manageable long term. Don't make it too hard or you'll end up quitting.
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Post Mon, Sep 23 2024, 10:24 pm
amother OP wrote:
Next question!

I’ve really never lost a significant amount of weight before. It’s been maybe 10 lbs max but then I’d get pregnant bh and etc…

So right before I started this diet (new way of life) I was totally not eating well at all. But my weight stayed up to a certain number. When iyh I loose let’s say 25lbs, will I get a new “highest weight”? Not that I can go back to eating anything again. Not sure how to explain. It

Also, when iyh I do loose a significant amount, can.I ever go back to eating more? I’m really reducing my calories now (in a healthy way I hope). Will I be able to eat more when I get to my goal weight? Or will I gain it all back?
Im the same way in that my weight always stays the same, but I gain a ton in pregnancy and then it just stays on so I need to work hard to lose it. Now, at the beginning of this thread I said I lost 15 lbs but now I’m down to 20 BH. I was very careful to gradually reintroduce more food groups, first more healthy carbs (no white bread or potatoes), then I allowed myself some small snacks, etc gradually over a few weeks. I still don’t eat at night past 8 and don’t eat breakfast before 11because I’m so used to it. During this maintenance phase I lost a few more lbs. Now I’m basically eating the same amount of calories and carbs as before my diet (I always ate more to the healthy side anyway) and BH my body has adjusted very well and I’m not gaining anything back.
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Post Tue, Sep 24 2024, 4:54 am
amother OP wrote:
Tell me how you lost 30+ lbs.
1.what did you eat?
2 how did you stay motivated
3 how long did it take
4 did you work out? If yes, what type and how often

If you took any type shot please don’t answer. If you took any natural supplements that you feel aided in your weight loss please post!

I need all the motivation and inspiration. I’ve got 8 weeks until a wedding and this has got to happen… now. I know how to eat clean, but I have such a hard time sticking to it. Hate working out but I know it’s a must.

Ok - I drastically changed my eating habits about a year ago and I lost somewhere between 30-40 pounds. I was having health issues. Sounds weird, but I got laser surgery. One year after the surgery, I got horrible symptoms in my right eye and on the right side of my face. After going to multiple doctors, getting scans with zero answers or results, I decided to take charge of my own health. I believe the food we eat affects every part of our body, so I went completely clean.

I found a coach who knows everything about food and health and prioritizes being as organic as possible. I told her I'll do everything you say, just tell me where to start.

At this point, I pretty much eat only what Hashem has put on this earth for us to eat, with as minimal human intervention or additives as possible. If I go to a regular grocery store, there's almost nothing on the shelves I can eat- fruits/veggies/meat/chicken are the only things I would buy at a regular grocery store. Stuff like grains, olive oil, nuts, dried fruit, peanut butter, jam, etc - I only buy at my local organic grocery store. I don't eat any dairy because it's all too processed with too many additives.

It's one of the hardest and most rewarding journeys I've ever been on. I don't preach about it, I didn't become obsessed with it, I can't tell you what fruit has what vitamins, but I incorporated eating clean into my life in a way that's become as black and white for me as kosher/non-kosher. I enjoy the foods I make for myself, and the foods that used to tempt me like crazy no longer do- they're not even appealing to me anymore, and I don't want to think about what would happen to my stomach if I ate pizza or mac n cheese after a year of keeping clean.

Besides the excess weight that basically melted off once I stopped all processed sugar and flour, I have so many health issues that completely cleared up, some without realizing it! I only noticed yesterday that a certain type of infection that I used to get recurring hasn't shown up since I started this. I also feel healthy and energetic.

Ironically, I'm still dealing with my eye issues, although one eye dr noticed a prism and gave me glasses with a tiny prescription that really helped. But besides for that, which I know in my bones is from the surgery, I am enjoying and appreciating real food in a way I never have, while completely not obsessing about it - I have my routine, I eat what I eat and that's it.

I hope this helps!
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Post Tue, Sep 24 2024, 6:03 am
slushiemom wrote:
Ok - I drastically changed my eating habits about a year ago and I lost somewhere between 30-40 pounds. I was having health issues. Sounds weird, but I got laser surgery. One year after the surgery, I got horrible symptoms in my right eye and on the right side of my face. After going to multiple doctors, getting scans with zero answers or results, I decided to take charge of my own health. I believe the food we eat affects every part of our body, so I went completely clean.

I found a coach who knows everything about food and health and prioritizes being as organic as possible. I told her I'll do everything you say, just tell me where to start.

At this point, I pretty much eat only what Hashem has put on this earth for us to eat, with as minimal human intervention or additives as possible. If I go to a regular grocery store, there's almost nothing on the shelves I can eat- fruits/veggies/meat/chicken are the only things I would buy at a regular grocery store. Stuff like grains, olive oil, nuts, dried fruit, peanut butter, jam, etc - I only buy at my local organic grocery store. I don't eat any dairy because it's all too processed with too many additives.

It's one of the hardest and most rewarding journeys I've ever been on. I don't preach about it, I didn't become obsessed with it, I can't tell you what fruit has what vitamins, but I incorporated eating clean into my life in a way that's become as black and white for me as kosher/non-kosher. I enjoy the foods I make for myself, and the foods that used to tempt me like crazy no longer do- they're not even appealing to me anymore, and I don't want to think about what would happen to my stomach if I ate pizza or mac n cheese after a year of keeping clean.

Besides the excess weight that basically melted off once I stopped all processed sugar and flour, I have so many health issues that completely cleared up, some without realizing it! I only noticed yesterday that a certain type of infection that I used to get recurring hasn't shown up since I started this. I also feel healthy and energetic.

Ironically, I'm still dealing with my eye issues, although one eye dr noticed a prism and gave me glasses with a tiny prescription that really helped. But besides for that, which I know in my bones is from the surgery, I am enjoying and appreciating real food in a way I never have, while completely not obsessing about it - I have my routine, I eat what I eat and that's it.

I hope this helps!

Wow kol hakovod! Can you give us examples of what you typically eat in a day, and on Shabbos please?
Really helpful! Thank you.
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Post Tue, Sep 24 2024, 6:09 am
It does help! A lot!

I’m doing this as a lifestyle change but I can’t say I’ll never eye a Mac n cheese and not want it.

You say the lbs melted away. How long did it take for that to happen? I’m literally living one day at a time praying it all comes off so I don’t end up failing. I’m enjoying the way I feel but it is a challenge being a busy mom and making time to make the proper foods for myself. My kids will sometimes eat my food but sometimes they need their kid food too!

If I really see the lbs “melting away” it would be sooooo much easier. But I’m still doing it! In fully since September first!
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Post Tue, Sep 24 2024, 7:38 am
To maintain weight, calories in must balance calories out. When you cut calories, your weight will drop until you reach a point at which your caloric intake equals your caloric expenditure. This may be a lower than ideal weight for you if you're cutting back severely.

Once you reach the weight you want to be, you gradually add more food. Preferably the good stuff and not the junk, though you can experiment with occasional treats. You can start with something like an extra fruit or glass of milk or slice of bread each day. If you continue losing, add another portion of something. Maybe another couple of nuts or another slice of fish. If you continue losing, add more. Once you stop losing, stay at that level of food intake. If you end up gaining, drop that extra portion or two.
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Post Tue, Sep 24 2024, 11:57 pm
amother OP wrote:
It does help! A lot!

I’m doing this as a lifestyle change but I can’t say I’ll never eye a Mac n cheese and not want it.

You say the lbs melted away. How long did it take for that to happen? I’m literally living one day at a time praying it all comes off so I don’t end up failing. I’m enjoying the way I feel but it is a challenge being a busy mom and making time to make the proper foods for myself. My kids will sometimes eat my food but sometimes they need their kid food too!

If I really see the lbs “melting away” it would be sooooo much easier. But I’m still doing it! In fully since September first!

Kol hakavod!

I also started the beginning of september last year- I would say after the first 6 weeks or so I started feeling a bit lighter. By chanuka I was noticing my clothes were getting looser, but winter clothes are big anyway- by the end of winter my leggings were like elephant skin and by the time spring came around I basically had to buy new clothes. This past summer was so much fun buying cute dresses etc.

We're all different, so I don't know what will work for you- for me, the fact that I was doing it for my health and not for my weight made all the difference. I'm also kind of an extreme person, so if I'm determined to do something I will do it with everything I have. That's why I had to do a complete 180 - with no cheats. Kosher/non-kosher style.

A couple things that helped in the beginning - writing down what I ate, and reporting it to my coach. I didn't keep that up for too long, but being very deliberate about it and knowing that I was telling someone everything I ate kept me very focused. Try to find a friend who's also paying attention to what she's eating, and see if you can report to each other every day, even just a quick whatsapp.

It was/is hard that I end up making different meals for me and for everyone else, but I made my own little cabinet with "my" ingredients and foods, and I got into a routine. I also started using my ingredients more and more when I cook for the family, but I still end up making a bunch of different foods most days. I don't love being in the kitchen, but I got into a routine with it, and it's fine.

I wish you HUGE hatzlacha! Keep us posted!
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Post Wed, Sep 25 2024, 12:13 am
amother Bergamot wrote:
Wow kol hakovod! Can you give us examples of what you typically eat in a day, and on Shabbos please?
Really helpful! Thank you.

Sure- I don't eat a lot, and I try to not eat in the morning or late at night. I'll start with what I make for myself for shabbos, because that usually lasts me until around Tues. Ingredients are almost completely organic - I have an organic produce market near my house every Thursday and I buy enough for the week, then buy my ingredients at the organic grocery store. I don't make all of this every week, but some form of this menu

Chicken soup
Challah - spelt sourdough or homemade spelt bread - no sugar, no seed oils
Pesto - homemade, super easy. Basil leaves, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper - jujjed
Tomato Dip
Spelt noodles- ingredients are 100% spelt flour and eggs
Chicken - wings/triangles. Either BBQd with spices or baked with ingredients like spices, honey, silan, soy sauce, ginger, lemon, etc.
Shnitzel - I'll occasionally make shnitzel using olive oil and spelt crumbs
Veggies- tons of veggies, roasted, baked etc
Potatoes - roasted or mashed
Organic brown rice - baked with some flavoring
Quinoa - with roasted veggies
Fruit cobbler- cut up fruit, topped with oats, silan, cinnamon etc
Occasional desert- I'll bake myself something with my ingredients - olive oil, spelt flour, eggs, baking powder/soda, and a flavor- banana, dark chocolate, apple, etc.
Snacks- nuts/dried fruit/ dark chocolate

During the week, utilizing whatever shabbos food I still have:

Morning- Coffee- coffee, honey, oat milk (I got used to the taste very quickly and it tastes normal for me now)

late morning - fruit/smoothie

Lunch/Dinner - leftovers from shabbos - usually some form of chicken and vegetables. Soup/noodles as long as they last.

Other meals - soups, eggs, shakshuka, occasional meat- steak, homemade burger etc

I don't eat fish because there's only two types of fish that are sold without processed additives here, and tuna isn't one of them Smile

That's pretty much it! Anything outside of these basics is just off limits to me, and honestly I hope it stays that way for the rest of my life.

Hope this helps!
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Post Wed, Sep 25 2024, 12:46 am
slushiemom wrote:
Sure- I don't eat a lot, and I try to not eat in the morning or late at night. I'll start with what I make for myself for shabbos, because that usually lasts me until around Tues. Ingredients are almost completely organic - I have an organic produce market near my house every Thursday and I buy enough for the week, then buy my ingredients at the organic grocery store. I don't make all of this every week, but some form of this menu

Chicken soup
Challah - spelt sourdough or homemade spelt bread - no sugar, no seed oils
Pesto - homemade, super easy. Basil leaves, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper - jujjed
Tomato Dip
Spelt noodles- ingredients are 100% spelt flour and eggs
Chicken - wings/triangles. Either BBQd with spices or baked with ingredients like spices, honey, silan, soy sauce, ginger, lemon, etc.
Shnitzel - I'll occasionally make shnitzel using olive oil and spelt crumbs
Veggies- tons of veggies, roasted, baked etc
Potatoes - roasted or mashed
Organic brown rice - baked with some flavoring
Quinoa - with roasted veggies
Fruit cobbler- cut up fruit, topped with oats, silan, cinnamon etc
Occasional desert- I'll bake myself something with my ingredients - olive oil, spelt flour, eggs, baking powder/soda, and a flavor- banana, dark chocolate, apple, etc.
Snacks- nuts/dried fruit/ dark chocolate

During the week, utilizing whatever shabbos food I still have:

Morning- Coffee- coffee, honey, oat milk (I got used to the taste very quickly and it tastes normal for me now)

late morning - fruit/smoothie

Lunch/Dinner - leftovers from shabbos - usually some form of chicken and vegetables. Soup/noodles as long as they last.

Other meals - soups, eggs, shakshuka, occasional meat- steak, homemade burger etc

I don't eat fish because there's only two types of fish that are sold without processed additives here, and tuna isn't one of them Smile

That's pretty much it! Anything outside of these basics is just off limits to me, and honestly I hope it stays that way for the rest of my life.

Hope this helps!

Wow! Thank you so much for typing all this up. It's a really big help. There's no way I'm being as restrictive but it's good to see how it's done, and that it's doable.

I lost another 2 pounds this week 💃
Need to try for this every week iyH. Y't is going to be so hard for me.
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Post Wed, Sep 25 2024, 1:13 am
amother Bergamot wrote:
Wow! Thank you so much for typing all this up. It's a really big help. There's no way I'm being as restrictive but it's good to see how it's done, and that it's doable.

I lost another 2 pounds this week 💃
Need to try for this every week iyH. Y't is going to be so hard for me.

It is doable! I keep it very simple as you can see - I don't patchke with fancy stuff or weird ingredients.

I used to be very nervous for chagim, changes in schedule etc- but by now I just eat the same basic stuff at all times so it doesn't really make a difference what's going on around me, if that makes sense.
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Post Wed, Sep 25 2024, 1:17 am
slushiemom wrote:
It is doable! I keep it very simple as you can see - I don't patchke with fancy stuff or weird ingredients.

I used to be very nervous for chagim, changes in schedule etc- but by now I just eat the same basic stuff at all times so it doesn't really make a difference what's going on around me, if that makes sense.

Yes I understand, still not easy.
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Post Wed, Sep 25 2024, 1:21 am
amother Bergamot wrote:
Yes I understand, still not easy.

Definitely not easy - I hope you're successful!
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dats me


Post Wed, Sep 25 2024, 3:17 am
slushiemom wrote:
Sure- I don't eat a lot, and I try to not eat in the morning or late at night. I'll start with what I make for myself for shabbos, because that usually lasts me until around Tues. Ingredients are almost completely organic - I have an organic produce market near my house every Thursday and I buy enough for the week, then buy my ingredients at the organic grocery store. I don't make all of this every week, but some form of this menu

Chicken soup
Challah - spelt sourdough or homemade spelt bread - no sugar, no seed oils
Pesto - homemade, super easy. Basil leaves, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper - jujjed
Tomato Dip
Spelt noodles- ingredients are 100% spelt flour and eggs
Chicken - wings/triangles. Either BBQd with spices or baked with ingredients like spices, honey, silan, soy sauce, ginger, lemon, etc.
Shnitzel - I'll occasionally make shnitzel using olive oil and spelt crumbs
Veggies- tons of veggies, roasted, baked etc
Potatoes - roasted or mashed
Organic brown rice - baked with some flavoring
Quinoa - with roasted veggies
Fruit cobbler- cut up fruit, topped with oats, silan, cinnamon etc
Occasional desert- I'll bake myself something with my ingredients - olive oil, spelt flour, eggs, baking powder/soda, and a flavor- banana, dark chocolate, apple, etc.
Snacks- nuts/dried fruit/ dark chocolate

During the week, utilizing whatever shabbos food I still have:

Morning- Coffee- coffee, honey, oat milk (I got used to the taste very quickly and it tastes normal for me now)

late morning - fruit/smoothie

Lunch/Dinner - leftovers from shabbos - usually some form of chicken and vegetables. Soup/noodles as long as they last.

Other meals - soups, eggs, shakshuka, occasional meat- steak, homemade burger etc

I don't eat fish because there's only two types of fish that are sold without processed additives here, and tuna isn't one of them Smile

That's pretty much it! Anything outside of these basics is just off limits to me, and honestly I hope it stays that way for the rest of my life.

Hope this helps!

Can you please elaborate on the fish with additives? I’m trying to learn more about this, I’m located in Israel. Which fish are the ones without ?
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Post Wed, Sep 25 2024, 3:56 am
dats me wrote:
Can you please elaborate on the fish with additives? I’m trying to learn more about this, I’m located in Israel. Which fish are the ones without ?

Yup - I went back and found my original emails from her with my meal plan etc - here are the 3 fish that are "clean" in Israel - I'm also in Israel

sardines, Denise or Labrock
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Post Wed, Sep 25 2024, 8:04 am
I’ve been doing IF from about 5-9am. My body naturally wants/needs ti eat around 9 so it works for me. I find shabbos and yt especially this time of year that eating late at night not good for me. But what can I do. I still need to eat something in the morning.

Also I won’t be getting in my regular workout on All the yt days… and then the fast day… but I’m gonna try and gonna try. I really need to see the big results of some real change. Right now, about 6.5lbs down and no one, not myself or my husband can see the difference. My face might be ever so slightly thinner but it’s only if im looking carefully with a very positive eye.
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Post Sun, Sep 29 2024, 4:28 am
Can I post successes I am so proud of? I’m trying not to talk about my eating habits in real life, I want to do this for myself and not to prove anything to anyone. Dh knows a bit but I’m not talking about it much. So you guys need to listen to my successes bc I’m proud of myself.

Friday- baking for Shabbos. Crunching up cookies for cake… of course I usually “sneak” having a few extra cookies while making this cake. Or lick that batter. Right? Nope, not even a lick.

Shabbos morning- kids cereal comes out. Dh bought them a new Shabbos cereal that I absolutely love! No matter what I would’ve ended up with at least 3 yummy bowls of it. Nope, didn’t have even one bite. And was ok with that.

Shabbos lunch- toddler doesn’t finish dessert. It’s literally sitting in front of my begging me to finish it. I ignored it and it wasn’t hard to do either.

Shabbos afternoon- not so hungry but need a snack so I Dont eat too much for 3rd meal. I glance at the tortilla chips to have with salsa.. but ew, why am I going to suddenly have processed chips? So what if they aren’t high in sugar, it’s still calories and still full of garbage. I Dont even open the bag and back in it goes. Was it a struggle? Not really

Late last night cooking for yt. Yum, the food looks so good. I Dont eat at night but I’m also not usually up so late. Stomach starts rumbling. But really I’m fine. Cookie batter goes straight into the sink, instead of being licked. Then the hot cookies are just sitting on the counter. Kids each take one and enjoy. I Dont even think about it. The part that got me to smile at myself? When I put the cookies into a container and I couldn’t really get the cover to close. What would I normally have done? I would’ve “taken it as a sign” to eat the cookies that are on top to make the container close for easily. I smiled, said not a chance, and pushed the cover on and into the freezer it went.

They all seem small. But a month ago, I would’ve have thought twice about any of those. Will this last forever? I really dont known I sure hope it does. But for now, I’m proud of myself. This is the longest I’ve ever lasted.

Down 7lbs from September 1
(Would’ve hoped for more but I’ll be thankful)
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