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Would you eat this hechsher? It's from Israel sold in ny
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 8:50 pm

This is a wheat tortilla sold in bingo boro park. I was wondering if it is a reliable hechsher. Please specify how you identify so I can gauge if I can use it too.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 8:52 pm
It's a sefardi hechsher.

Most litvish yeshivish people in Israel only eat one or more of the following hechsherim- badatz eidah charedis, landau, rubin, she'eris.

Im.not saying it's not a good hechsher. Probably is excellent for sefardim, but most yeshivish ashkenazim In Israel wouldnt
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 9:00 pm
Sephardic yes I absolutely do.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:08 pm
No I wouldn't. But ask you lor, he will guide you better than some random ladies online.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2024, 11:44 pm
We’re Ashkenazi and have been told Beit Yosef is fine except for beef, and not on Pesach. But you need to LYOR, because a lot of our friends have been told not to eat it bklal.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 12:02 am
most people I know will not eat that hechsher
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 12:05 am
amother Ebony wrote:
It's a sefardi hechsher.

Most litvish yeshivish people in Israel only eat one or more of the following hechsherim- badatz eidah charedis, landau, rubin, she'eris.

Im.not saying it's not a good hechsher. Probably is excellent for sefardim, but most yeshivish ashkenazim In Israel wouldnt

I'm litvish yeshivish (maybe yeshivish-lite but DH was in kollel for a number of years), lived in Israel for awhile. I eat a lot more hechsherim than those you listed, and so do many in my peer group.

OP, I would eat bet Yosef for pareve.
But as you can see, hechsherim from Israel are complicated, so you should really ask your LOR.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 12:06 am
Modern Chassidish and I would eat it for basic Pareve products not for meat or anything with complex ingredients.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 12:08 am
Yes I would eat it and I’m Ashkenaz, even meat isn’t an issue as Beit Yosef is stricter than Chassidish Shechita. Also it says Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef ZTZ”L on it as in it’s his Hechsher would you not eat in house?
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 12:43 am
I eat it. Most people I know (American JPF or Yeshivish) eat it for Dairy and Pareve. Chassidish and very very chareidi do not use it, even sefardim.

We eat it for meat and chicken but that's less common.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 12:45 am
amother Ebony wrote:
It's a sefardi hechsher.

Most litvish yeshivish people in Israel only eat one or more of the following hechsherim- badatz eidah charedis, landau, rubin, she'eris.

Im.not saying it's not a good hechsher. Probably is excellent for sefardim, but most yeshivish ashkenazim In Israel wouldnt

Thats only pretty chareidi people, who live in Yerushalayim or Bnei Brak or other very chareidi places. Even in Beit Shemesh it's totally normal to Beit Yosef for Dairy and Pareve amongst Americans and some Israelis, and for sure if you live outside major chareidi cities they eat a lot more heschers.

I have a lot of pretty chareidi friends in Yerushalayim who eat it as well.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 2:23 am
Chareidi living in Bnei Barak, I eat it but most people around me don’t, because they are very stringent. Not that there’s something wrong with it.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 2:49 am
Ashkenaz Yeshivish living in Israel. I eat a lot more than Eidah, Rubin, and Landau but I still wouldn't eat this.
Ask your LOR
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 2:50 am
In general bet yosef is sefardi, and not necessarily used by charedi ashkenazi.

But that particular product is on the recommended list of the Kosharot website, so I would eat it.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 4:07 am
Chareidi Anglo Yeshivish here (living in RBS if that helps) -
We would eat food under this hechsher for anything Dairy or Pareve manufactured in Israel or in developed, western countries (such as Western Europe where food standards are regulated and enforced).
We don't rely on it for meaty products, or for any stuff (dairy and pareve included) supervised in 3rd world countries or places where standards are laxer and fraud is common, such as Far East, Asia and Turkey.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 4:10 am
Chareidi Yeshivish in RBS, do not eat that hechsher.
Askyour Rav as everyone hold differently for different hechsherim.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 4:12 am
My husband actually worked at a Beit Yosef restaraunt and at. Rubin restaraunt and the Beit Yosef one had way better standards to Kashrus and cleanliness. The mashgiach at the Rubin restaraunt barely came and barely looked around since the owner was chareidi so he trusted him.

Both fleishig restaraunts, when the rubin one ran out of stuff they always told him to get it from the michlig place next door, things like chopped lettuce that had visible chopped onions in it.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 4:16 am
We didn’t officially eat Beit Yosef in our house but we ate at people’s houses who ate it. It’s definitely not treif, more a question of different minhagim.
Oot charedi/ yeshivish)

Last edited by notshanarishona on Thu, Jun 20 2024, 4:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 4:25 am
Bottom line OP, ask your LOR. As you can see there is a whole spectrum of how those of us living in Israel hold, partially hold or don’t hold by Beit Yosef. It’s not treif, it is sefardi and for shechita there are different mesoros for sefardim, ashkenazim and Chassidim.
For this particular product we do eat it and are American JPG living in an Israeli chareidi community. I would say there is an even divide in our kehilla between those who would or wouldn’t except that product.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2024, 5:09 am
It is considered a very solid hecsher and is widely respected in the Sefardi community.

Whether you will eat foods with this hecsher or not depends on your particular minhagim/practices.
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