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I am Satmar Chassidish AMA
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 1:38 pm
amother Red wrote:
I'm satmar and I have the same question... Never got an answer

You're satmar and you have the same question????

Proving my point why these threads upset me
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 1:58 pm
Satmar isn't the only chassidus to outlaw black tights.
Originally black tights used to be thin and the leg would be seen which was considered untznius. It makes sense according to the satmar shitta considering most satmar women wear thick palm beige tights as the original Rebbe instructed.
Thin black tights has not been in style for years, instead most women wear thick black tights which is 100% acceptable but somehow black tights of any denier is still considered modern
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 2:04 pm
amother Phlox wrote:
Satmar isn't the only chassidus to outlaw black tights.
Originally black tights used to be thin and the leg would be seen which was considered untznius. It makes sense according to the satmar shitta considering most satmar women wear thick palm beige tights as the original Rebbe instructed.
Thin black tights has not been in style for years, instead most women wear thick black tights which is 100% acceptable but somehow black tights of any denier is still considered modern

I’m not chassidish, I find it bizarre to begin with that thickness of tights is an issue.
Do many chassidim or chassidish women judge others who don’t keep?
Do they keep in mind what’s the basic halacha and ok for others and what they keep on for themselves out of love and respect for what the Rebbe says or their minhag?
I have a LOT of love for chassidus and my husband was raised in a chassidish school environment (his kehila has close ties with chassidim but is strictly orthodox)
But it really hurt when my sister in law who is satmar told me once when we were sitting alone at night in the place we were staying with no people at all in that room at the time “nebach” to me when my shirt button was open(I didn’t realize )and pj pants and then told me that I better be tznius.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 2:09 pm
amother Sand wrote:
I knew about the Satmar geshtimt thing, there are a lot of smaller kehillos/ batei midrashim that there Rebbes were talmidim of Satmar and then branched out on their own.
It happens everywhere but more often in Satmar both with chassidim going elsewhere for hadracha or starting their own kehillos, my question is why, why davka in Satmar do they feel the need to go elsewhere?

Satmar started off this way.
Numerous Rabbanim and some Rebbes were followers of the Satmar Rebbe Zatzal.
this was one of the greatness of the Satmar Rebbe zatzal.
I think this is admirable.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 2:54 pm
amother Firebrick wrote:
I totally don't get it. If Satmar Rebbishe Rebbetzins and those with shpizels wear black tights, why would it be considered "modern" for other Satmar women to wear it??

Also, which women wear a shpitzel and which women are not supposed to wear a shpitzel?

Because you're supposed to stay in your lane.

The rebbetzin's and other frum women don't wear it for fashion whereas I would. They wouldn't wear beige tights/stockings in the summer, so the logic dictates the others can't wear black in the winter.

Levush goes by what your parents wore, so for men jacket length and hat style, and for women headcoverings and stockings/tights. If you change by more than a degree in either direction it will be gossiped about.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 2:56 pm
amother Freesia wrote:
You're satmar and you have the same question????

Proving my point why these threads upset me

I'm genuinely sorry that people having legitimate questions upset you. I'm not being sarcastic. But if this is the reaction we get when we question within the community the questions will be taken elsewhere.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 2:57 pm
amother Phlox wrote:
Satmar isn't the only chassidus to outlaw black tights.
Originally black tights used to be thin and the leg would be seen which was considered untznius. It makes sense according to the satmar shitta considering most satmar women wear thick palm beige tights as the original Rebbe instructed.
Thin black tights has not been in style for years, instead most women wear thick black tights which is 100% acceptable but somehow black tights of any denier is still considered modern

I've never heard this theory, but it seems reasonable
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 3:14 pm
Do most people in the community use Medicaid insurance or have private insurance ?
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 3:58 pm
amother Topaz wrote:
Do most people in the community use Medicaid insurance or have private insurance ?

I cannot speak for the community because this is not a conversation I've ever had with anyone. But in my family my parents have insurance through the marketplace and are paying a discounted premium, myself and a sibling have private insurance and another sibling who's struggling is using medicaid. The rest are still on my parents insurance
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 4:24 pm
forgive me if you were asked this already:

do people shove abuse under the rug? does the community side with abusers?
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 4:30 pm
amother Impatiens wrote:
forgive me if you were asked this already:

do people shove abuse under the rug? does the community side with abusers?

If it's not spoken about does it really exist? The party line is to shove things under the rug and hope for the best. But under the surface things are changing. Children are getting safety training, people are cutting abusers out of their lives, and the mosdos aren't so quick to shut allegations down. If there are credible complaints the perps are quietly suspended.

There's definitely progress but we still have a long way to go
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 6:01 pm
1. How do the two sides in Satmar get along with each other? How do the two Rebbes get along and/or consider/interact with each other?

2. How common is it that parents or siblings are on different sides of the divide in Satmar? How do *they* generally get along with each other? How are simchas affected?

3. Are the two sides considered to be different chasiduses (like Satmar and Bobov) or do they consider themselves to be one and the same chasidus of Satmar?

4. Is there any possibility they will unify in the future?
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 6:10 pm
amother Firebrick wrote:
1. How do the two sides in Satmar get along with each other? How do the two Rebbes get along and/or consider/interact with each other?

2. How common is it that parents or siblings are on different sides of the divide in Satmar? How do *they* generally get along with each other? How are simchas affected?

3. Are the two sides considered to be different chasiduses (like Satmar and Bobov) or do they consider themselves to be one and the same chasidus of Satmar?

4. Is there any possibility they will unify in the future?

Personally I was raised in an anti-politics (extended) family ( they made a conscious dexision not to let their stance affect them and their relationship) so it didn't really affect me in a tangible way.

1. Currently I think both sides get along decently well. There will always be some friction, since they are so similar, but for the most part it's live and let live. I have no insight as to the two Rebbes relationship with each others. They don't interact publicly.

2. There are some families that were split up during the split, but I have no personal experience with it. Anyone that does, feel free to chime in.

3. It is considered one chassidus, same rules, same hashkafos. Etc.

4. I don't think they will unify in the future and IMVHO it's for the best. Both satmar girls schools in Williamsburg have a combined 40+ 1st grade classes. I don't know the boys numbers but it's probably about the same. It is better for there to be multiple systems although I think it would be really great if they would interact with each others and do events together
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 6:20 pm
amother Burgundy wrote:
I think even Modox people know what feinshmeker means. And probably some non Jews as well.

Many of us don’t speak or understand Yiddish.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 6:27 pm
amother OP wrote:
I've never heard this theory, but it seems reasonable

The point was that women should not be so into fashion, changing stockings with every season.
Also, the thick black tights were initially considered modern even by non chassidim R' Falk discusses this in the original print of Oz Vhador Levosha. By now it really doesn't have that initial issue as it's been 30 years since that.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 6:38 pm
amother OP wrote:
I didn't say Satmar girls are chutzpa'dig, I said they have a certain chutzpah that is largely associated with the hustle culture that is so prevalent in the community.

If I would wear black tights with my shoulder length sheitel it would be considered "modern". Some rebbisha and other women with shpitzels wear black tights but that is a different story. They would never wear beige stockings.

There is an eruv in Williamsburg that Satmar doesn't hold of.

Anything else?

I'm satmar. Grew up in Williams lived in kj a few years currently live in shaags arya Cool.

I agree about the balck tights. It's considered "modern" to wear black tights. Not as in she's not tzniusdig or she's otd. But it's "cool" "modern" "pushing the boundaries a bit too much" "not inzeriga"

And YES the satmar girls have a certain chutzpah. A certain confidence a certain guts and mostly a healthy contentment and awarenes of who they are that isn't typical of young girls of their age.
They are developed beyond their peer groups in many ways and will go for what they want, what they are good at and excel in it.

I see it all around me. Girls out of highschool or still in highschool taking on summer jobs and after school part time jobs. They do what they like. And what they are good at and they live and enjoy their teenage years.

My niece at 16 is currently doing data entry for her sister in law. 3 hours every Sunday after school.
She has major plans what to do with the real money she earns.
She started out doing a lifegurading course but dropped it. Saw it wasn't her thing. Totally fine. Moved on to better things for her.

My other nieces decorated their rooms BEAUTIFULLY. They can draw and paint beautifully. And they created stunning pieces for the living room and bedrooms.
They also had odd summer jobs and spend their money on extras their parents can't afford. My sister pays for each child for 5 years of camp half summer. (A large family. It's a LOT. And where she lives camp isnt a must) her daughter's who wanted to go a full summer, paid for it herself with the money she made between camp and school and other odd jobs she took after school or Sundays.
Some nieces chose to teach. One is a very warm maternal type personality she teaches preschool. Another teaches highschool at 20 years old. I thought she's crazy to do that but she's loving it (probably cuz she IS a bit 🤪 LOL. Gotta love that kid!!) But she loves it!! Another is extremely tech savvy and a great eye for graphics. She took an expensive course in hischool. She made 5k a week as a 20 year old single girl working freelance. Still working these days w multiple kids bh. Still freelancing.
Another niece was a sheitel macher /hair dresser in 11th grade already. She did kallahs out of highschool in 12th (and soon after got engaged at 17 too. Lol)

You don't see so much girls at such young ages hustling about so confidently at such young ages in other places.

There's more. And this is only ONE family.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 7:46 pm
amother Birch wrote:
I'm satmar. Grew up in Williams lived in kj a few years currently live in shaags arya Cool.

I agree about the balck tights. It's considered "modern" to wear black tights. Not as in she's not tzniusdig or she's otd. But it's "cool" "modern" "pushing the boundaries a bit too much" "not inzeriga"

And YES the satmar girls have a certain chutzpah. A certain confidence a certain guts and mostly a healthy contentment and awarenes of who they are that isn't typical of young girls of their age.
They are developed beyond their peer groups in many ways and will go for what they want, what they are good at and excel in it.

I see it all around me. Girls out of highschool or still in highschool taking on summer jobs and after school part time jobs. They do what they like. And what they are good at and they live and enjoy their teenage years.

My niece at 16 is currently doing data entry for her sister in law. 3 hours every Sunday after school.
She has major plans what to do with the real money she earns.
She started out doing a lifegurading course but dropped it. Saw it wasn't her thing. Totally fine. Moved on to better things for her.

My other nieces decorated their rooms BEAUTIFULLY. They can draw and paint beautifully. And they created stunning pieces for the living room and bedrooms.
They also had odd summer jobs and spend their money on extras their parents can't afford. My sister pays for each child for 5 years of camp half summer. (A large family. It's a LOT. And where she lives camp isnt a must) her daughter's who wanted to go a full summer, paid for it herself with the money she made between camp and school and other odd jobs she took after school or Sundays.
Some nieces chose to teach. One is a very warm maternal type personality she teaches preschool. Another teaches highschool at 20 years old. I thought she's crazy to do that but she's loving it (probably cuz she IS a bit 🤪 LOL. Gotta love that kid!!) But she loves it!! Another is extremely tech savvy and a great eye for graphics. She took an expensive course in hischool. She made 5k a week as a 20 year old single girl working freelance. Still working these days w multiple kids bh. Still freelancing.
Another niece was a sheitel macher /hair dresser in 11th grade already. She did kallahs out of highschool in 12th (and soon after got engaged at 17 too. Lol)

You don't see so much girls at such young ages hustling about so confidently at such young ages in other places.

There's more. And this is only ONE family.

That's a wonderful overview. Thank you for sharing that insight.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 8:12 pm
Would love to hear from other Sheitel Macher’s their DP on the percentage of non shavers.
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 8:13 pm
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Post Wed, Oct 04 2023, 8:16 pm
amother Pumpkin wrote:
I just want to chime in here and say that as a Satmar Chassidish lady from Williamsburg, OP's answers do not accurately reflect the reality. Shaving is pretty much followed by everyone across the board, besides for a few outliers, and those women also don't have a problem wearing black tights and wigs longer than shoulder length. I don't think her portrayal of the Satmar community is all that accurate.

I also need to say that Satmar's level of education for the girls is on Regents level or higher. We're taught more than just text based material, we're taught to think outside the box. It is a known fact amongst employers in Williamsburg that Satmar graduates have the best language skills and are the most diligent employees. I was told this by a business owner that has absolutely no shaychus to Satmar whatsoever, but will only hire Satmar girls to work for him. And working in a corporate environment with every type of Jew, and some non-Jews as well, I have seen it to be true.

My DH and I run a business in Williamsburg where we employ Satmar girls. While they are wonderful, incredibly hardworking employees, their English leaves much to be desired. Even my chassidish-raised husband commented that he never realized girls could sound so stilted.

It doesn't affect us in any way because they don't interact with clients but we are now looking for a new employee who will need to communicate directly with the clients and as unfortunate as it may seem, the Satmar girls are very low on the desirability list due to their less than stellar English.
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