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Chossidmom's thread about childhood vaccines
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 2:51 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Of course. I'll find it for you bli neder.

I will say this though, as someone who is connected to a rebbe (who btw was against) - NOT EVERY QUESTION IS A RABBI QUESTION. Sometimes a person has to do their own due diligence, make inquiries and do research. Taking a shot is not an issue for a psak halacha. You can ask advice but this is not psak halacha material.

That being said, off the top of my head (and I will bli neder find my list of rabbonim), The Amshinov Rebbe, The Sassov Rebbe, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, The poskim in Lakewood, Rav Wosner's Bes Din, Rav Karp's Bes Din (both in Israel), Rabbi Epstein, A bes din in NY with rabbonim like Rav Friedman, Rav Daniel Green and others. There are more and I don't remember the names. It's been a long time since I even discussed this issue with anyone.

You are contradicting yourself. First you say some questions are not for Rabbi's, then you go on to list who forbad it. So which one is it? Or they are relevant or they are not. Or only when it suits your agenda?
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 3:05 pm
Trademark wrote:
You are contradicting yourself. First you say some questions are not for Rabbi's, then you go on to list who forbad it. So which one is it? Or they are relevant or they are not. Or only when it suits your agenda?

No contradiction.

We felt the shots were dangerous from day one. There was nothing to ask a rabbi about. It's not a halachic question.

You asked if there is a list of rabbonim who were against the vax (or who forbade it). I answered your question. (And still don't know how to post the pdf with the psakim and photos of the rabbonim).

By the way, plenty of rabbonim were against it but did not forbid people from taking it. Like the Amshinov Rebbe. He was very against it but there were people that were petrified and really wanted to take it. He didn't tell them that it is forbidden.
On the other hand, there were batei din that actually put out psakim that because the long term effects were unknown, at best and dangerous, at worst that forbade people from taking them.

I don't see the contradiction.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 3:07 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
you say the benefits outweigh the risks.

Others - doctors, medical professionals and regular people are now questioning if this is true or if we have all been taken for a ride by those that stood to gain and gained a whole lot of $$$$$ from the vaccine industry.

That is why I posted Dr. Pierre Kory's presentation. He vaccinated all his kids. Now he has big, big questions and says he would never give another vaccine to his children. There are many more doctors like him. People who are curious WHY will watch his presentation or read Turtles All the Way Down.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Ahh yes. Pierre Kory. Someone who can no longer practice medicine but for the right price ($500-$1000+) he can give you unproven medicines that will cure everything from covid to the flu to rsv.
And I’m googling turtles all the way down and I’m not seeing anything.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 3:09 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
No contradiction.

We felt the shots were dangerous from day one. There was nothing to ask a rabbi about. It's not a halachic question.

You asked if there is a list of rabbonim who were against the vax (or who forbade it). I answered your question. (And still don't know how to post the pdf with the psakim and photos of the rabbonim).

By the way, plenty of rabbonim were against it but did not forbid people from taking it. Like the Amshinov Rebbe. He was very against it but there were people that were petrified and really wanted to take it. He didn't tell them that it is forbidden.
On the other hand, there were batei din that actually put out psakim that because the long term effects were unknown, at best and dangerous, at worst that forbade people from taking them.

I don't see the contradiction.

Because you mentioned first that some rabbis forbade it, so I asked for a list. Then you replied that it's not a question for a Rabbi.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 3:21 pm
Trademark wrote:
Because you mentioned first that some rabbis forbade it, so I asked for a list. Then you replied that it's not a question for a Rabbi.

I still maintain that it is not a question for a rabbi. This is MY OPINION.
You do your research and use your brain.
It is not a question that a person needs to ask a rav. MY OPINION.

Rabbonim who heard testimonies of people who had adverse reactions, mostly said שב ואל תעשה.Some actually forbade. This fact. Not my opinion.

Did you see the Five Towns video where the rabbonim said verbatim what the rabbonim from Baltimore said about "Show achrayus. Go take the shots" Verbatim. Same script. Different rabbis. Someone did research and found out that these videos were paid for and produced by an organization that is funded by George Soros. Whaaaaaaaat? I can find these videos and post them and you can plotz from watching them.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 3:46 pm
Rabbi Ros z"l who was the rav of Bikur Cholim Hospital put this out two years ago, regarding the Pertussis vaccine.

He says : It is well known that many were injured from it and I saw children that reached a matzav of Pikuach Nefesh immediately after having the vaccine. And even with this, the doctors are of the opinion that it is dangerous but are under intense pressure not to publicize that there are children hospitalized after receiving the pertussis vaccine. And you are permitted to be mechalel Shabbos for these injured children. And I know FOR CERTAIN that there are children still hospitalized after receiving the vaccine and are undergoing terrible suffering. Of course one should refrain from having the pertussis vaccine.

In this letter he speaks out against the flu vaccine, the measles vaccine and the Covid vaccine. He says that the doctors are prevented from speaking out about the terrible injuries that people have incurred from the vaccines. He says that many doctors refrain from getting these vaccines themselves. He says that he himself received pressure from the authorities not to voice his opinion and he was threatened with being fired. (He died suddenly and mysteriously during Covid. I don't think he had Covid. He just silently disappeared. It was very weird)

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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 3:52 pm
amother Oak wrote:
Ahh yes. Pierre Kory. Someone who can no longer practice medicine but for the right price ($500-$1000+) he can give you unproven medicines that will cure everything from covid to the flu to rsv.
And I’m googling turtles all the way down and I’m not seeing anything.

Here is Turtles all the Way Down. Right there on Amazon.

Google is not your friend. Have you heard about censorship?

Regarding Dr. Pierre Kory, there is a limit to how much garbage one can disseminate, even on imamother.
Here is the page with the physicians in the FLCCC (from FLCCC.net):

Here is Dr. Kory's full bio:
Pierre Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin. He is considered one of the world pioneers in the use of ultrasound by physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients. He helped develop and run the first national courses in Critical Care Ultrasonography in the U.S., and served as a Director of these courses with the American College of Chest Physicians for several years. He is also the senior editor of the most popular textbook in the field titled “Point of Care Ultrasound,” now in its 2nd edition and that has been translated into seven languages worldwide. He has led over 100 courses nationally and internationally, teaching physicians this now-standard skill in his specialty.

Dr. Kory was also one of the U.S. pioneers in the research, development, and teaching of performing therapeutic hypothermia to treat post-cardiac arrest patients. In 2005, his hospital was the first in New York City to begin regularly treating patients with therapeutic hypothermia. He then served as an expert panel member for New York City’s Project Hypothermia, a collaborative project between the Fire Department of New York and Emergency Medical Services. This project created cooling protocols within a network of 44 regional hospitals – along with a triage and transport system that directed patients to centers of excellence in hypothermia treatment – of which his hospital was one of the first.

Known as a Master Educator, Dr. Kory has won numerous departmental and divisional teaching awards in every hospital he has worked. He has delivered hundreds of courses and invited lectures throughout his career.

In collaboration with Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Kory pioneered the research and treatment of septic shock patients with high doses of intravenous ascorbic acid. His work was the first to identify the critical relationship between the time of initiation of therapy and survival in septic shock patients – an aspect of the therapy that led to understanding all the failed randomized controlled trials that employed delayed therapy.

Dr. Kory has led ICUs in multiple COVID-19 hotspots throughout the pandemic. Having led his old ICU in New York City during their initial surge in May for five straight weeks, he then traveled to other COVID-19 hotspots to run COVID ICU’s in Greenville, South Carolina and Milwaukee, WI during their surges. He has co-authored five influential papers on COVID-19, with the most impactful being a paper that was the first to support the diagnosis of early COVID-19 respiratory disease as an organizing pneumonia, thus explaining the critical response of the disease to corticosteroids.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 3:55 pm
And, if I may, I would like to say that Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik are true heroes for saving many, many lives during Covid and not being afraid to speak their minds about the medical corruption that they discovered during Covid that was going on for decades. They and all the other doctors who wouldn't be silenced deserve MEDALS.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 4:37 pm
Here is the English translation of a psak from a Beis Din in NY.

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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 4:49 pm
Haven’t seen this info, unless I missed it:
If you’re in NY, and want to delay a little. What would be the best order and time frames to give vaccines?
Which vaccine if not given by a certain age is not given?

They will need it by 2.9 for preschool.
Current Dr starts at 2 months and gives sometimes multiple together. I only give one at a time. They are allowing me to delay with a catch up plan.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 5:34 pm
Here is the beginning of the PDF which I changed to JPG. There are many more rabbonim.

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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 5:54 pm

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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 6:00 pm
Quite a sobering education.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 6:05 pm
I am still able to be shocked at how anyone and everyone no matter how lauded an expert in his or her medical field or other arena was viciously villified immediately the minute he or she spoke up and had a different opinion, theory, or finding from the mainstream narrative.
Putting censorship aside for the moment this was all new and even if not in general science is not always black and white and new developments are researched old findings are discredited yet on this topic Covid and vaccines no one was allowed to even dare bring up a different opinion?
To me this spoke volumes in and of itself.
And made me question a lot.
Organizations I had listened to were revealed to have ZERO credibility and worse agendas. And no accountability or transparency to say the least.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 10:49 pm
amother Wine wrote:
Haven’t seen this info, unless I missed it:
If you’re in NY, and want to delay a little. What would be the best order and time frames to give vaccines?
Which vaccine if not given by a certain age is not given?

They will need it by 2.9 for preschool.
Current Dr starts at 2 months and gives sometimes multiple together. I only give one at a time. They are allowing me to delay with a catch up plan.

Dr Paul thomas book "the vaccine friendly plan" should be helpful on this.
(I've never read it, just heard a lot about it.)

The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years https://a.co/d/94C5lQy
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 10:52 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Here is the English translation of a psak from a Beis Din in NY.

The moment I Saw the line about "shedding" made this entire thing not credible to me.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 11:03 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Here is Turtles all the Way Down. Right there on Amazon.

Google is not your friend. Have you heard about censorship?

Regarding Dr. Pierre Kory, there is a limit to how much garbage one can disseminate, even on imamother.
Here is the page with the physicians in the FLCCC (from FLCCC.net):

Here is Dr. Kory's full bio:
Pierre Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin. He is considered one of the world pioneers in the use of ultrasound by physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients. He helped develop and run the first national courses in Critical Care Ultrasonography in the U.S., and served as a Director of these courses with the American College of Chest Physicians for several years. He is also the senior editor of the most popular textbook in the field titled “Point of Care Ultrasound,” now in its 2nd edition and that has been translated into seven languages worldwide. He has led over 100 courses nationally and internationally, teaching physicians this now-standard skill in his specialty.

Dr. Kory was also one of the U.S. pioneers in the research, development, and teaching of performing therapeutic hypothermia to treat post-cardiac arrest patients. In 2005, his hospital was the first in New York City to begin regularly treating patients with therapeutic hypothermia. He then served as an expert panel member for New York City’s Project Hypothermia, a collaborative project between the Fire Department of New York and Emergency Medical Services. This project created cooling protocols within a network of 44 regional hospitals – along with a triage and transport system that directed patients to centers of excellence in hypothermia treatment – of which his hospital was one of the first.

Known as a Master Educator, Dr. Kory has won numerous departmental and divisional teaching awards in every hospital he has worked. He has delivered hundreds of courses and invited lectures throughout his career.

In collaboration with Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Kory pioneered the research and treatment of septic shock patients with high doses of intravenous ascorbic acid. His work was the first to identify the critical relationship between the time of initiation of therapy and survival in septic shock patients – an aspect of the therapy that led to understanding all the failed randomized controlled trials that employed delayed therapy.

Dr. Kory has led ICUs in multiple COVID-19 hotspots throughout the pandemic. Having led his old ICU in New York City during their initial surge in May for five straight weeks, he then traveled to other COVID-19 hotspots to run COVID ICU’s in Greenville, South Carolina and Milwaukee, WI during their surges. He has co-authored five influential papers on COVID-19, with the most impactful being a paper that was the first to support the diagnosis of early COVID-19 respiratory disease as an organizing pneumonia, thus explaining the critical response of the disease to corticosteroids.

How convenient for you to leave all of the controversial parts of his bio out. And all the parts about how he can’t really practice medicine anymore.
I’d really like to believe you, but as soon as you post anything paraphrased or excerpts…post everything so everyone can see every single part. The good and the bad. We don’t need you to make decisions for us, we can make our own decisions.
And with regards to google-we can only trust google if it goes with your opinion? Part of learning and being educated is seeing both sides. Not just getting the answers you want to get.
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Post Tue, Aug 01 2023, 11:29 pm
amother Oak wrote:
Considering vaccine mandates have been around for 170 years in the USA, I highly doubt all of a sudden they’ll stop. The benefits outweigh the risks.

If a treatment has to be mandated (forced)
It stinks.
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 5:38 am
Continuation of rabbis and piskei din:

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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 5:43 am

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