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Chossidmom's thread about childhood vaccines
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:17 am

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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:23 am

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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:24 am

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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:30 am

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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:33 am
Recently read new studies showing forensic specialists can pick up DNA shed in the air like from sweat, and if you have ever walked by someone with too much cologne on or jogging this comes as no surprise.
So then why would the concept of "shedding" vaccine etc be considered impossible?
So when experts far more educated than I state it as fact I don't find that controversial in the least.
And any scientist or medical professional worth his or her salt should be open to and humble enough to consider that their theory may turn out to be just that a theory and later proved "right" or "wrong".
We don't live in a vacuum. Politics, money, profit making, power and the like definitely play big factors.
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:33 am

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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:40 am
#BestBubby wrote:
If a treatment has to be mandated (forced)
It stinks.

Ummm what?
So a person who’s sick with any illness and has a mandated treatment should say oh no thank you I don’t do mandated things?
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:48 am
amother Hunter wrote:
Recently read new studies showing forensic specialists can pick up DNA shed in the air like from sweat, and if you have ever walked by someone with too much cologne on or jogging this comes as no surprise.
So then why would the concept of "shedding" vaccine etc be considered impossible?
So when experts far more educated than I state it as fact I don't find that controversial in the least.
And any scientist or medical professional worth his or her salt should be open to and humble enough to consider that their theory may turn out to be just that a theory and later proved "right" or "wrong".
We don't live in a vacuum. Politics, money, profit making, power and the like definitely play big factors.

Article from today, August 2, 2023

New Study & Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm mRNA ‘Vaccine Shedding’ has been occurring with shockingly dangerous consequences

A study conducted by scientists at the University of Colorado confirms the vast majority of humanity has had absolutely no choice in the matter of whether they wish to get the Covid-19 injection or not because the vaccinated have been transmitting antibodies generated by the injections through aerosols.

The findings should however come as no surprise because a confidential Pfizer document had already confirmed exposure to the mRNA injections was perfectly possible by skin-to-skin contact and breathing the same air as someone who had been given the Covid-19 jab.

They also, unfortunately, add weight to the claims made by Dr Phillipe van Welbergen, who demonstrated that graphene, an alleged undisclosed ingredient of the Covid-19 injections, is being transmitted from the vaccinated to the not-vaccinated and destroying red blood cells and causing dangerous blood clots.

The study, titled ‘Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV2-specific Humoral Immunity’, and published 1st May 2022, was conducted by the following scientists for the University of Colorado –

Ross M. Kedl, Elena Hsieh,
Thomas E. Morrison,
Gabriela Samayoa-Reyes,
Siobhan Flaherty,
Conner L. Jackson,
Rosemary Rochford.

The abstract of the study reads as follows –

Despite the obvious knowledge that infectious particles can be shared through respiration, whether other constituents of the nasal/oral fluids can be passed between hosts has surprisingly never even been postulated, let alone investigated.

The circumstances of the present pandemic facilitated a unique opportunity to fully examine this provocative idea. The data we show provides evidence for a new mechanism by which herd immunity may be manifested, the aerosol transfer of antibodies between immune and non-immune hosts.

And here are the study authors’ main findings –

The extended mandates for mask wearing in both social and work environments provided a unique opportunity to evaluate the possibility of aerosolized antibody expiration from vaccinated individuals.

Utilizing a flow cytometry-based Multiplex Microsphere Immunoassay (MMIA) to detect SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies (Fig 1A and B) 4,5 and a method previously used to elute antibody from rehydrated dried blood spots (DBS), we identified anti-SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies eluted from surgical face masks worn by vaccinated lab members donated at the end of one workday.

Consistent with the results reported by others, we identified both IgG and IgA in saliva from vaccinated individuals (Fig 1C and D). It was therefore not surprising to detect both IgG and IgA following elution of antibody from face masks (Fig 1C and D).

Given these observations, we hypothesized that droplet/aerosolized antibody transfer might occur between individuals, much like droplet/aerosolized virus particles can be exchanged by the same route.
Source: https://www.medrxiv.org/conten......full

This means Covid-19 vaccine shedding is perfectly possible when we take into account a study performed on behalf of Pfizer in Japan.
The study observed the distribution of the Covid-19 injection in the bodies of Wister Rats over a period of 48 hours. One of the most concerning findings from the study is the fact that the Pfizer injection accumulates in the ovaries over time. The highest concentration was noted in the liver. But it also accumulates in the salivary glands on the skin.
It is not known if the injection continues to accumulate after 48 hours due to observations being stopped after this amount of time in the study. But these results coupled with the first study above tell us that for a minimum of 48 hours, an unvaccinated person is at risk of being exposed to the Covid-19 injection if they breathe the same air as or touch the skin of a person who has been vaccinated.

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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:51 am
Trademark wrote:
The moment I Saw the line about "shedding" made this entire thing not credible to me.

Aren't you aware vaccines shed?
This is not something new
Kids are told to stay away from immuno compromised after vaccines
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:52 am
amother Oak wrote:
Ummm what?
So a person who’s sick with any illness and has a mandated treatment should say oh no thank you I don’t do mandated things?

Absolutely. Totally immoral to force a treatment that the government wishes to mandate. There is something called personal and civil rights. You cannot force me to take a preventive shot which could potentially harm me, in order to "protect Grandma". Immoral and also against halacha (as an aside).

Today you may be happy that the authorities force certain things. Tomorrow, you may not be so happy.

And, if the authorities have to censor anyone who challenges their "science" instead of having dialogue with them and they force you because "I said so", this stinks to the high heavens.

It's usually not the good guys who have to censor others' speech.
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:53 am
amother Oak wrote:
Ummm what?
So a person who’s sick with any illness and has a mandated treatment should say oh no thank you I don’t do mandated things?

When is treatment mandated?
Treatments that work a person should want...
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:54 am
amother NeonBlue wrote:
Aren't you aware vaccines shed

Of course it's a know thing that vaccines shed (not that I knew about this before covid)!
I have seen pictures of signs on oncology wards for people not to enter if they are within 2 weeks of a vaccine. Oncology patients have low immunity and it's dangerous for them.
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 7:58 am
I was responding to poster upthread who said CM lost her when she mentioned shedding.
Thank you CM for giving the benefit of all your work! You sure do your homework. Thank you.
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 8:25 am
amother NeonBlue wrote:
When is treatment mandated?
Treatments that work a person should want...

Like vaccines. Vaccines work. Nothing is 100%. No one ever said they work 100%. The more people get them, the better they work and the more the disease is minimized.
People who don’t vaccinate and assume they’ll rely on others who are vaccinated are obnoxious.
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 8:25 am
Here is a 5 minute explanation by cardiologist Peter McCullough about shedding.
He quotes real evidence - scientific papers.
Bottom line: of course there is shedding. Spike protein has been found in breast milk and this means that it is also in other glands in the body.

Watch: https://rumble.com/v26o7na-dr.......html

Dr. McCullough is recommending no intimate relations for 90 days after "vaccines"/boosters, if an unjabbed person wants to avoid getting stuff from the shots in their body!

By the way, I was on the phone recently with a woman in her fifties who told me that she didn't want to take the covid vaccine. Apparently her husband was scared stiff and he took it without telling her! At some point she started to bleed again (she was deep into menopause already). Her gyno checked her and found nothing B"H. Needless to say, this caused a real crisis in her marriage. She felt very betrayed. She also had sudden tremors down one side of her body for two weeks, btw.
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 8:28 am
And here’s the truth about vaccine shedding.

Vaccination is a vital tool for preventing various infectious diseases. A vaccine contains components from a disease-causing organism (pathogen), like a virus or bacterium.

Encountering these components, called antigens, stimulates your immune system, teaching it how to recognize and respond to the pathogen. This provides protection against the pathogen, should you be exposed to it in the future.

You may have heard of something called vaccine shedding. This is where a vaccinated individual can release the components of a vaccine.

While vaccine shedding can happen with a few vaccine types, it’s not possible with many others. This includes the COVID-19 vaccines. Keep reading to discover more about vaccine shedding and when it actually occurs.

Vaccine shedding is when an individual releases, or sheds, the components of a vaccine either inside or outside of their body.

This can only happen with a certain type of vaccine called a live-attenuated vaccine. Some examples of live-attenuated vaccines that are commonly given in the United States include the:

measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine
flu nasal spray vaccine (FluMist)
chickenpox vaccine
rotavirus vaccine
About live-attenuated vaccines

Live-attenuated vaccines contain a weakened form of a pathogen. These types of vaccines need to replicate within the body in order to produce an immune response.

Due to their weakened nature, the pathogens in these vaccines don’t cause disease. The exception to this is in immunocompromised individuals, for which live-attenuated vaccinations aren’t typically recommended.

Because live-attenuated vaccines can replicate, the weakened pathogen can be shed. But it’s important to note that shedding doesn’t equate with transmission, in which the weakened pathogen is passed to another person.

Should these pathogens be passed to another individual, they’re highly unlikely to cause disease. In fact, the only live-attenuated vaccine associated with significant infections due to shedding is the oral polio vaccine, which is no longer in use in the United States.

In addition to live-attenuated vaccines, there are several other types of vaccines. Unlike live-attenuated vaccines, none of these vaccine types contain live pathogens. Because of this, they cannot be shed.

Inactivated vaccines

Inactivated vaccines contain a whole, killed version of a pathogen. Some examples of inactivated vaccines are the:

polio vaccine
hepatitis A vaccine
rabies vaccine
Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, or conjugate vaccines

In this diverse group of vaccines, only small pieces or fragments of a pathogen are present, as opposed to the entire pathogen. Examples of such vaccines include the:

flu shot
hepatitis B vaccine
pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine (part of the DTaP or Tdap vaccines)
shingles vaccine
human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
pneumococcal disease vaccine
meningococcal disease vaccine
mRNA vaccines

The mRNA in these vaccines instruct cells on how to make proteins associated with a pathogen in order to generate an immune response. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are mRNA vaccines.

Viral vector vaccines

Viral vector vaccines use a modified virus to deliver instructions on how to make proteins associated with a pathogen in order to produce an immune response. The COVID-19 vaccines produced by Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca use an adenovirus vector.

Toxoid vaccines

Toxoid vaccines are made up of an inactivated form of a toxin produced by some bacterial pathogens. In this case, an immune response is generated to the harmful toxin produced by the pathogen, rather than against the pathogen itself.

Two examples of toxoids are those for tetanus and diphtheria, which are found in the:

DTaP vaccine
Tdap vaccine
DT vaccine
Td vaccine
The only COVID-19 vaccines that are currently authorized for emergency use are mRNA vaccines and viral vector vaccines. While you may have seen posts on social media about COVID-19 vaccines shedding, this is a myth. COVID-19 vaccines cannot be shed.

This is because none of the COVID-19 vaccines contain live SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The only COVID-19 vaccines that are currently authorized for emergency use are mRNA vaccines and viral vector vaccines.

Let’s take a look at how each of these vaccine technologies works.

mRNA vaccines

mRNA vaccines contain genetic material called RNA. The mRNA is packaged within a protective shell called a lipid nanoparticle, which is essentially a tiny ball of fat. This allows the mRNA to effectively enter your cells.

The mRNA in the vaccine tells your cells how to make spike protein, a protein found on the surface of the novel coronavirus. Once the cells have produced the spike protein, the mRNA is broken down.

Viral vector vaccines

Viral vector vaccines use a modified adenovirus to deliver instructions on how to make spike protein.

In nature, adenoviruses can cause illnesses like the common cold. But the adenovirus used in the vaccine has been modified so that it can’t make more of itself (replicate) or cause illness.

Once inside the cell, the adenovirus releases the genetic material that tells the cell how to make spike protein. After this has happened, the adenovirus itself is broken down.

An analogy is to think of the adenovirus as a shipping container. It simply delivers its contents to the proper location before being disposed of.

What happens to the spike protein?

In both of these vaccine technologies, the spike protein that’s produced is transported to the surface of the cell. This allows it to be detected by the immune system.

Once your immune system recognizes the spike protein as foreign, it will work to generate an immune response against it. This immune response is targeted specifically at the spike protein.

As such, vaccine-generated spike proteins are eventually destroyed by your immune system. They can’t accumulate or circulate significantly in your body, nor can you shed them into the environment.

Some research has shown that very sensitive tests can detect minute levels of a piece of the spike protein in the blood in the days after vaccination. But these pieces of spike protein rapidly decline as the immune response kicks in.

It’s technically possible for any live-attenuated vaccine to shed. But in most instances, documented cases of this are rare.

The oral polio vaccine (OPV) is responsible for the most harmful infections related to vaccine shedding. The live-attenuated virus used in this vaccine can be shed from the body in feces.

In very rare cases, the virus used in the OPV can mutate and become harmful, potentially leading to paralysis. In countries that still use the OPV, this is estimatedTrusted Source to occur in 2 to 4 out of every million live births each year.

Since the year 2000, the OPV is no longer licensed or available in the United States. Now, all polio vaccines given in the United States are inactivated vaccines.

Other live-attenuated vaccines for which shedding has been documented include the:

Flu nasal spray vaccine: Shedding of the virus used in this vaccine is common, particularly in younger individuals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source. While transmission of these viruses can occur, it’s rare and not typically associated with symptoms.
Chickenpox vaccine: According to the CDCTrusted Source, there have been reports of only 11 healthy vaccinated individuals worldwide spreading the chickenpox vaccine virus to 13 unvaccinated people.
Rotavirus vaccine: Rotavirus vaccine virus can be shed in feces for days after vaccination. An older 2011 studyTrusted Source in twins found that the vaccine virus could be transmitted to unvaccinated individuals, but wasn’t associated with symptoms.
MMR vaccine: The rubella part of the MMR vaccine may be presentTrusted Source in the breastmilk of recently vaccinated mothers. But transmission of the vaccine virus to breastfeeding infants is generally believed to be unlikely or rare.
Vaccine shedding is when components of a vaccine are released into the body or out into the environment. This can only happen in live-attenuated vaccines that contain a weakened form of a pathogen.

Other vaccine types cannot lead to vaccine shedding because they don’t contain live pathogens. This includes all of the currently available COVID-19 vaccines.

While live-attenuated vaccines can be shed, it’s unlikely that the weakened pathogens in these vaccines can be transmitted to unvaccinated individuals. When this does happen, it typically doesn’t result in symptoms.
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 8:30 am
amother Oak wrote:
Like vaccines. Vaccines work. Nothing is 100%. No one ever said they work 100%. The more people get them, the better they work and the more the disease is minimized.
People who don’t vaccinate and assume they’ll rely on others who are vaccinated are obnoxious.

Bring us some scientific evidence, please. Those of us that actually research this stuff have found that vaccines actually hurt people, cause autoimmune disease, chronic disease and autism.
All I do is bring medical information. Lots of it.
I don't think you read any of it.

I think that those that force others to do what they think is the best for themselves are obnoxious. The unvaccinated children are the healthiest ones around. No autism, no chronic diseases. Go check the Amish.

And stop passing judgement on people who actually are taking the time to research and decide what is best for their families.

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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 8:33 am
amother Oak wrote:
And here’s the truth about vaccine shedding.

What on earth makes you think that an article you read on Healthline is "the truth"? lol
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 8:33 am
ChossidMom wrote:
Here is a 5 minute explanation by cardiologist Peter McCullough about shedding.
He quotes real evidence - scientific papers.
Bottom line: of course there is shedding. Spike protein has been found in breast milk and this means that it is also in other glands in the body.

Watch: https://rumble.com/v26o7na-dr.......html

Dr. McCullough is recommending no intimate relations for 90 days after "vaccines"/boosters, if an unjabbed person wants to avoid getting stuff from the shots in their body!

By the way, I was on the phone recently with a woman in her fifties who told me that she didn't want to take the covid vaccine. Apparently her husband was scared stiff and he took it without telling her! At some point she started to bleed again (she was deep into menopause already). Her gyno checked her and found nothing B"H. Needless to say, this caused a real crisis in her marriage. She felt very betrayed. She also had sudden tremors down one side of her body for two weeks, btw.

You do know that post menopausal women can bleed, right?
And post menopausal women can have tremors. Did you know that?
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Post Wed, Aug 02 2023, 8:34 am
ChossidMom wrote:
What on earth makes you think that an article you read on Healthline is "the truth"? lol

What on earth makes you think rumble or anything you post that can’t be found on google is “the truth”? 😂
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