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Do you actually know someone who was vaccine injured?
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Do you actually know someone who was vaccine injured (not a headache, minor seizure, etc.)?
 19%  [ 62 ]
 74%  [ 233 ]
Something Else  
 0%  [ 3 ]
Temporarily, but it was addressed and fixed BH  
 4%  [ 15 ]
Total Votes : 313



Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 9:22 am
The pro-vaxxers here just don't want to agree that there might be some danger in vaccinating. If you inject something that causes such a strong reaction in the body that it creates antibodies to an illness than why could it not cause any other possibly damaging effects inside the body. ??The human body is such a sophisticated machine that we don't understand everything that goes on inside the body and outside interference, which a vaccine is, could cause internal dammage in the fine balance internal balance of our body.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 9:30 am
For instance they are now finding aluminium in the brains of Alzheimer's people. And younger and younger people are getting Alzheimer's symptoms. And all this is co-insiding with a huge increase in vaccination. And some of the vaccines have aluminium in them. Do the safety trials and then we'll know
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 9:42 am
helene wrote:
For instance they are now finding aluminium in the brains of Alzheimer's people. And younger and younger people are getting Alzheimer's symptoms. And all this is co-insiding with a huge increase in vaccination. And some of the vaccines have aluminium in them. Do the safety trials and then we'll know

My grandmother and great grandmother( two different sides) both had it. They got zero vaccines.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 9:54 am
helene wrote:
For instance they are now finding aluminium in the brains of Alzheimer's people. And younger and younger people are getting Alzheimer's symptoms. And all this is co-insiding with a huge increase in vaccination. And some of the vaccines have aluminium in them. Do the safety trials and then we'll know

The claims of a connection between aluminum and Alzheimer's are hardly new, and still debated by scientists, although most researchers say there is no link. Additionally there are multiple sources of aluminum in the diet, even if someone has entirely eliminated use of aluminum foil and utensils it naturally occurs in some foods (and makes its way into breast milk), and the amount of aluminum in vaccines is negligible compared to that.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 10:31 am
My brother had seizures from the pertussis vaccine, which definitely had a permanent affect. The doctor said this was the case and didn't give him any more pertussis. This was when they were still giving the live pertussis virus in shots. Fast forward 20 years later, when our kids (his and mine) were getting the dpt, the non-live cell had become an option and both pediatricians opted for that.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 10:35 am
helene wrote:
The pro-vaxxers here just don't want to agree that there might be some danger in vaccinating. If you inject something that causes such a strong reaction in the body that it creates antibodies to an illness than why could it not cause any other possibly damaging effects inside the body. ??The human body is such a sophisticated machine that we don't understand everything that goes on inside the body and outside interference, which a vaccine is, could cause internal dammage in the fine balance internal balance of our body.

We don't deny that there might be some danger in vaccines. But we believe the danger in vaccines is far less than the danger in the VPD they're preventing.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 12:05 pm
This is why we aren't eradicating diseases:

But hey, blame the anti-vaxxers.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 12:51 pm
amother [ Burgundy ] wrote:
Most of these stories are assumptions. There is no proof that vaccines caused any of it. Sometimes things are coincidences and sometimes because the body is slightly weaker dealing with vaccines, a baby can easily catch other things or dormant things can show up. None of these stories convince me that vaccines lead to any of this.

this! I voted yes, but its not a fact. its an assumption that the vaccine triggered a long term issue in a child. child got very sick after the shot and then it's thought they were predisposed for a certain chronic illness that was set off by the vacinne. its a relative of mine and I still fully vaccinate. (with a prayer Wink)
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 1:32 pm
amother [ Pumpkin ] wrote:
this! I voted yes, but its not a fact. its an assumption that the vaccine triggered a long term issue in a child. child got very sick after the shot and then it's thought they were predisposed for a certain chronic illness that was set off by the vacinne. its a relative of mine and I still fully vaccinate. (with a prayer Wink)

That’s what happened to my baby. Fever and rash the day after vaccines, then admitted to hospital with pneumonia and bronchiolitis. Her doctor said her body was probably weaker from the vaccine, and this allowed a virus that she might have been able to deal with to develop into something more serious. So without the vaccine there’s a good chance she would not have gotten so sick.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 2:39 pm
After Pharmaceutical Companies got immunity from Liability in 1986, the CDC QUADRUPLED the Vaccine Schedule and the number of children with chronic illnesses has skyrocketed:

1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
1:6 children are learning disabled
1:6 children are allergic (can be FATAL)
1:8 children have IBS
1:10 children have ADHD
1:13 children have asthma (can be FATAL)
1:50 children have AUTISM and keeps increasing
1:100 children have Epilepsy /Seizure Disorder
1:250 children have Tourettes Syndrome
1:400 children have Diabetes
1:775 babies die of SIDS
1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
1:5,560 children have CANCER

ZERO deaths from Measles, Mumps or Chickenpox (in USA).
432 deaths reported to VAERS in 2016
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 2:48 pm
My nephew had recurring ear infections and was put on stronger and stronger antibiotics. On the day my sister brought my nephew for a re-check, the doctor asked my sister "His ears are clear. Should we do vaccinations today?" My sister shrugged "you're the doctor". My nephew received 7 vaccines right after getting three rounds of antibiotics.

A few weeks later the babysitter told my sister that she thinks my nephew lost his hearing as my nephew stopped responding to his name. My nephew was diagnosed with Autism. My sister says it was the vaccines. She remembers how the doctor hesitated to give 7 vaccines right after illness and multiple anti-biotics but then the doctor did it anyway. My nephew is 17 and is like a 2 year old - needs to be watched 24/7.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 2:51 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
After Pharmaceutical Companies got immunity from Liability in 1986, the CDC QUADRUPLED the Vaccine Schedule and the number of children with chronic illnesses has skyrocketed:

1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
1:6 children are learning disabled
1:6 children are allergic (can be FATAL)
1:8 children have IBS
1:10 children have ADHD
1:13 children have asthma (can be FATAL)
1:50 children have AUTISM and keeps increasing
1:100 children have Epilepsy /Seizure Disorder
1:250 children have Tourettes Syndrome
1:400 children have Diabetes
1:775 babies die of SIDS
1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
1:5,560 children have CANCER

ZERO deaths from Measles, Mumps or Chickenpox (in USA).
432 deaths reported to VAERS in 2016

Where and when are these figures from? It would mean more if you had figures from before 1986 to compare. Also, 1:6 children learning disabled and 1:8 IBS for example sounds a bit exaggerated, no?

I’m so sorry about your nephew!
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 3:03 pm
I haven’t read every post but I want to chime in. I hope no one takes this the wrong way. I’m anon because I’m posting personal things.
BestBubby - I’m sorry about your nephew. Truly. And the stats you gave are definitely meant to shock.
If I may, I’d like to ask the question in a different way.
One of my children had many many ear infections and other health issues. The child was put on so much medicine that the teeth were deformed. BH the adult teeth are fine, but for a few years it wasn’t pleasant to look at my child. Should I sue the doctor? Pharmacist? Medicine company? No I shouldn’t. Better to have a child that’s alive and hearing than the alternative. (Child also has other health issues. Only focusing in the ones mentioned.) Correlation is not cAusation.
The stats about how many kids were diagnosed with other things- have you looked at medical journals and seen how different things were classified years ago and today? Or how treatments have changed and more people are surviving? Or how diagnoses have gotten better and better? Diabetes used to be a death sentence. Now it isn’t. It’s like how the states with the highest cancer rates happen to have the best hospitals. Why? Because people go there to get treated. I can warp any study for my benefit …
At the end of the day, vaccines save lives. Want read an article about autism rates? Look up acetaminophen and autism. Cuba has a higher vaccination rate and uses the same vaccines as the USA but has almost no cases of autism. Know why? Because in Cuba Tylenol is a prescribed drug and parents are told not to use it. There are studies showing that Tylenol might be the culprit for autism, not vaccines.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 3:31 pm
amother [ Smokey ] wrote:
Where and when are these figures from? It would mean more if you had figures from before 1986 to compare. Also, 1:6 children learning disabled and 1:8 IBS for example sounds a bit exaggerated, no?

I’m so sorry about your nephew!

1:6 have developmental disabilities. source: CDC https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dev......html

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) effects between 10-25% of population. Source: CDC https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dev......html
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 4:03 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
1:6 have developmental disabilities. source: CDC https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dev......html

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) effects between 10-25% of population. Source: CDC https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dev......html

The CDC gives several reasons why these disabilities exist such as CMV, fetal alcohol syndrome and low birth weight. Where does it mention vaccines.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 4:07 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
After Pharmaceutical Companies got immunity from Liability in 1986, the CDC QUADRUPLED the Vaccine Schedule and the number of children with chronic illnesses has skyrocketed:

1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
1:6 children are learning disabled
1:6 children are allergic (can be FATAL)
1:8 children have IBS
1:10 children have ADHD
1:13 children have asthma (can be FATAL)
1:50 children have AUTISM and keeps increasing
1:100 children have Epilepsy /Seizure Disorder
1:250 children have Tourettes Syndrome
1:400 children have Diabetes
1:775 babies die of SIDS
1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
1:5,560 children have CANCER

ZERO deaths from Measles, Mumps or Chickenpox (in USA).
432 deaths reported to VAERS in 2016

Opioid use also skyrocketed. I wonder how heroin use in a mother affects the child. Could this maybe account for some mental illness or mental disability? I mean, are vaccines the only culprit?
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 4:10 pm
amother [ Blue ] wrote:
I haven’t read every post but I want to chime in. I hope no one takes this the wrong way. I’m anon because I’m posting personal things.
BestBubby - I’m sorry about your nephew. Truly. And the stats you gave are definitely meant to shock.
If I may, I’d like to ask the question in a different way.
One of my children had many many ear infections and other health issues. The child was put on so much medicine that the teeth were deformed. BH the adult teeth are fine, but for a few years it wasn’t pleasant to look at my child. Should I sue the doctor? Pharmacist? Medicine company? No I shouldn’t. Better to have a child that’s alive and hearing than the alternative. (Child also has other health issues. Only focusing in the ones mentioned.) Correlation is not cAusation.
The stats about how many kids were diagnosed with other things- have you looked at medical journals and seen how different things were classified years ago and today? Or how treatments have changed and more people are surviving? Or how diagnoses have gotten better and better? Diabetes used to be a death sentence. Now it isn’t. It’s like how the states with the highest cancer rates happen to have the best hospitals. Why? Because people go there to get treated. I can warp any study for my benefit …
At the end of the day, vaccines save lives. Want read an article about autism rates? Look up acetaminophen and autism. Cuba has a higher vaccination rate and uses the same vaccines as the USA but has almost no cases of autism. Know why? Because in Cuba Tylenol is a prescribed drug and parents are told not to use it. There are studies showing that Tylenol might be the culprit for autism, not vaccines.

Now this is interesting but autism was first noted in medical literature in 1912 so there must be more to it than either vaccines or Tylenol.
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 4:16 pm
southernbubby wrote:
The CDC gives several reasons why these disabilities exist such as CMV, fetal alcohol syndrome and low birth weight. Where does it mention vaccines.

Of course the CDC which owns 50 Vaccine Patents and is legally allowed to accept bribes ("gifts") from the pharmaceutical company would not list vaccines as a cause of learning disabilities. But the CDC does say that 1:6 children has a learning disability.
Per the Mawson Vax vs UnVax Study, Vaccinated children are 5x more likely to have a learning disability than unvaccinated.

Last edited by #BestBubby on Mon, Aug 05 2019, 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 4:22 pm
southernbubby wrote:
Opioid use also skyrocketed. I wonder how heroin use in a mother affects the child. Could this maybe account for some mental illness or mental disability? I mean, are vaccines the only culprit?

I never said vaccines are the only culprit. But given the thousands of parents who say their healthy child became autistic, chronically sick, died etc after vaccination, vaccines are the most likely culprit.

Also, why dies the CDC refuse to do a Vax vs UnVax Study even though congressmen requested one? The Tobacco Industry for decades denied that smoking causes cancer. The Tobacco Industry hired scientists to chant "correlation does not prove causation".
It was a Smoker vs Non-Smoker Study that PROVED that smoking DOES cause cancer.
A Vax vs UnVax Study would prove vaccines cause Autism (and much more). That is why the CDC refuses to do a Vax vs UnVax Study.

Also, the Opiod Crisis was caused by DOCTORS over-prescribing opiods, so why should you trust doctors when it comes to vaccine???
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Post Mon, Aug 05 2019, 4:23 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
Of course the CDC which owns 50 Vaccine Patents and is legally allowed to accept bribes ("gifts") from the pharmaceutical company would not list vaccines as a cause of learning disabilities. But the CDC does say that 1:6 children has a learning disability.
Per the Mawson Vax vs UnVax Study, Vaccinated children are 5x more likely to have a learning disability

Usually anti-vaxers have a different set of statistics than everyone else and I wonder where that info about the CDC patents and bribes comes from.
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