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Do you actually know someone who was vaccine injured?
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Do you actually know someone who was vaccine injured (not a headache, minor seizure, etc.)?
 19%  [ 62 ]
 74%  [ 233 ]
Something Else  
 0%  [ 3 ]
Temporarily, but it was addressed and fixed BH  
 4%  [ 15 ]
Total Votes : 313



Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 8:45 am
amother [ Amethyst ] wrote:
A relative with 2 autistic children told me just last night that her one yr old, whom she wasn't quick to vaccinate cause of fear of autism, got the measles. After 3 weeks of on and off fever, pnumonia, and now trouble breathing, she told me: tell everyone to vaccinate their kids!!

this is what measles is. perhaps she wasnt prepared for wht it comes with but it often causes secondary infection
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 8:51 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
You're not supposed to give children food until 6 months old because of their digestive systems not allergies. I also do not introduce foods one at a time because we dont have a history of allergies.

thats the point. You arent supposed to give them FOOD before 6m because they can cause gut issues AND may be allergic. (sorrry if I missed the gut issues last night, it was late)
But then it ok to go and INJECT toxins.. how is that ok?

Please look up injected vs ingested. Its wreaks havoc on the body and has doesnt filter things out effectively.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 8:56 am
Honestly, seizures in a one year old would also have me blaming vaccines. As per WebMD, these are the causes of epilepsy:
A change in the structure of your brain
Severe head injury
Brain infection or disease
Lack of oxygen
By the time a kid is one years old, he's gotten 3 DTaps, 4 Hibs, 3 Hep Bs, 3 PCVs, 3 IPVs, 2-3 Rotavirus and possibly 1 Hep A, 1 Varicella and 1 MMR. At least 3 of the above have been linked to vaccines. You think all of these shots don't affect a kid in some way, miswiring his brain?
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 8:57 am
amother [ Chartreuse ] wrote:
this is what measles is. perhaps she wasnt prepared for wht it comes with but it often causes secondary infection

and sometimes serious brain injury - which is why people vaccinate.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:08 am
amother [ Brown ] wrote:
My mother developed crohn's disease after visiting Israel and eating in places where the hygiene left a bit to be desired. When she was finally diagnosed with Crohn's, several months later, she was told that sometimes a disease lies dormant in one's system, and a shock to the system, such as the amoebic infection she contracted during her visit to Israel, can bring it out. I had been told that the same is often true of vaccine/vaccine injury. The shock to the system caused by the vaccine can bring out problems that lie dormant in the child's system. That doesn't mean that without vaccines they would be in the clear, it just means that in this case, the vaccine was the systemic shock which brought out this problem.

Two of my kids came down with mild cases of rubella (confirmed by their doctor) shortly after receiving the MMR, but I voted no - it wasn't a vaccine injury, just a side effect.
There is no such thing as a disease lying dormant. Either you have it, or you don't. If you're talking about epigenetics, iow the effect of the environment on the expression of certain genes, then you need to look up how that works. People that are predisposed to type 2 diabetes don't have dormant type 2 diabetes. It's not inevitable that they will get it. Except maybe in a very select few cases. Generally, a person will develop insulin resistance if certain environmental factors are present, a big one but not only one being diet. And in the same vein, insulin resistance can be avoided until the day they die if they follow certain lifestyle practices. In the case of the person you know with crohns, yes, infections can trigger autoimmunity, including crohns, if an individual is thus predisposed. This doesn't mean it was dormant, it means they experienced the perfect storm that led them to develop autoimmunity. Autism is the same. Most parents can retroactively trace the perfect storm that led to their child's regression into autism. And vaccines usually feature prominently. They are not the only cause, but one of many, including genetic predispositions, and often they are the final straw. Still, it would be ridiculous to say their autism was lying dormant and was going to come out regardless. Because epigenetics just don't work that way. How do we know that autism isn't purely genetic, it's always a combination of genes and environment? Because there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic. But epigenetic epidemics are a given. And there's no arguing that there's an autism epidemic going on.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:16 am
amother [ Black ] wrote:
Honestly, seizures in a one year old would also have me blaming vaccines. As per WebMD, these are the causes of epilepsy:
A change in the structure of your brain
Severe head injury
Brain infection or disease
Lack of oxygen
By the time a kid is one years old, he's gotten 3 DTaps, 4 Hibs, 3 Hep Bs, 3 PCVs, 3 IPVs, 2-3 Rotavirus and possibly 1 Hep A, 1 Varicella and 1 MMR. At least 3 of the above have been linked to vaccines. You think all of these shots don't affect a kid in some way, miswiring his brain?

And that is why I can't take you seriously. Any illness you'll assume is related to vaccines.

You know nothing of my daughter's case. Did you ask if she has a brain malformation, another congenital issue that later came to light?

My daughter's epilepsy (may Hashem give her a full refuah) has absolutely no relation to vaccines. But, because of the timing of the presentation it would have been very easy, under slightly different circumstances, to assume that it does.

(And to the poster who referenced the dtap and seizures, it is specifically related to febrile seizures which my dd doesn't suffer from).

There are a lot of vaccines in the first year, so any incident will be within 1 month (in the first 6 months) and within 1.5 months (from 6 months to a year) of a shot. This makes it easy to blame the shot. It doesn't make it true.

(And yes, I believe there are cases of vaccines injury and I believe that people see vaccine injury where there is none).
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:23 am
My friend almost died from chicken pox which turned into encephalitis. She was in a coma for months and had to relearn how to walk again when she finally came out of it and it was a miracle that she survived.
There were 2 other little girls who had the same thing at the same time and both of them died.

Died. From chicken pox.

The vaccine was only developed after and because this happened.
My friend is a mother and nurse now and makes sure all of her kids are up to date on all of their vaccinations. Everyone who knows her gives their kids the chicken pox vaccine!
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:32 am
This is about a relative of mine. Her son was born healthy and he was a very happy normal infant and 1 year old. However, over the course of his first year he had severe eczema. He was covered from head to toe. The doctor told her to put on cream and peel it. Later she realized that he had fungal overgrowth contributing to the eczema and a myriad of issues with his gut including dysbiosis. He is 9 now and is on the autistic spectrum. He has a lot of digestive issues as well as allergies and immune dysfunction. This child should not have been continuously injected with toxins while his body was in overload. The doctor should have known more than to say put on cream.
As a previous poster said it is often a multiple factors including predisposition and injecting every child the same load of toxins whether or not they can handle it.
A child does not regress into autism without a trigger. Epigenetics-the environment is what affects a genetic predisposition. Current research is showing that those with mthfr gene mutation and mitochondrial dysfunction are at risk.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:35 am
amother [ Violet ] wrote:
My niece had a vaccine injury.
My sister stopped vaccinating her kids.

My niece had what one would call "autistic characteristics" soon after a high fever that started withing the hour of her dtap vaccine.

But it's not autism becuase after close to 3 years of intense therapy, she is bh in a mainstream school and doing great. But it was a huge struggle.
Her symptoms were really symptoms of a brain injury. Some connections in her brain were fried.
For example, she saw an apple. She wanted an apple. She started making kvetching sounds. Noone knew what she wanted.
Her brain didn't connect, "you want apple. Ask for apple" meanwhile she was getting more and more agitated. And she'd cry and tantrum for 2-3 hours at a time nonverbally....
And that was a THREE year old.
Whereas 2 years before, as a baby she'd point and make gestures with her hands for what she wanted. It all stopped after that shot....

So what helped was intense therapy to help her brain build all of these connections again. It was a long slow process.
At times she can still go back to those behaviours but overall she's functioning fine now.

Wow. Wow. Wow.
You just saved me a whole lot of time typing up what I know happened to my nephew. THIS EXACTLY.
At age 2 he was a beautifully developed toddler. Talking. Walking. Eating. Interacting. Way beyond his age.
One day he suddenly began regressing... in every way.
They went for urgent tests. At the hospital the nurse operating the MRI machine took my sister aside and asked her (furtively) whether they'd vaccinated recently. My sister said - "Yes! Just last week! How did you know?!" The nurse replied - I've seen so many kids like yours...
I think it's scandalous that the nurse doesn't talk up -but my sister said she was scared to lose her job.

Until that moment, though, it didn't occur to my sister that the two could be connected.
Today - almost 5 years later, her son is B"H beginning a mainstream school environment. Several top specialists determined hat what he had was not autism - but could not give any kind of definite diagnosis. What they do know was that his symptoms were almost identical. So similar, he spent several years in a special needs environment and my Sister and BIL went through hell to get him back to where he is today.

If I can think of one scenario more heart-wrenching than watching a child suffer from a measles complication, it's knowing that you've willingly administered a shot to your child that has altered his life in such a terrible way. Yesterday he was 100% normal. Today he isn't. Poof. Literally overnight. Years and years of unbelievable heartache.

I know of another case where parents were urged to give their child multiple shots (to catch up) and the child developed a deathly fever for several days (almost ended up in ER). From that day on the child was weak and sickly and had recurring bouts of unexplained pain until the symptoms developed into an acute childhood cancer. In that case - the connection is only an assumption. But the parents are concerned enough that they are extremely careful to space out vaccinations with the rest of their kids (even if it's more hassle) and only begin vaxxing at the age of 3.

After what I've seen and heard, I've become a cautious vaxxer. I've done my research and what I have come to understand is that certain people are more genetically susceptible. These people are more likely to get injured. Since we don't always know who is more at risk, and who isn't - I believe in vaxxing with extreme caution. Never believe a nurse who says it's absolutely fine to jab a child with four separate shots in one go, and if you have reason to believe your children are more sensitive to unusual compounds than others, then it might be a good idea to hold off vaccinating until your children are a little older, if you can. Above all, as with everything in life - Daven for Hashem's protection.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:40 am
amother [ Chartreuse ] wrote:
thats the point. You arent supposed to give them FOOD before 6m because they can cause gut issues AND may be allergic. (sorrry if I missed the gut issues last night, it was late)
But then it ok to go and INJECT toxins.. how is that ok?

Please look up injected vs ingested. Its wreaks havoc on the body and has doesnt filter things out effectively.

It's not a gut issue. It's because their system cannot actually digest food. If you give babies meat they will die. I dont understand what you're saying. Vaccines, like formula, are designed to be given to appropriate age groups.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:47 am
amother [ Chartreuse ] wrote:
thats different. This person said it happened after shots.

Did your daughter have shots any time around her first episode? Its hard to know when it happens a while after, but a day after in a little baby is very different.

Sorry you are going through this.

You missed the point. She was supposed to get shots that day, but she didn’t because she wasn’t feeling well.

Had she gotten the shots and had a seizure the next day, what would you say?
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:47 am
amother [ Chartreuse ] wrote:
thats the point. You arent supposed to give them FOOD before 6m because they can cause gut issues AND may be allergic. (sorrry if I missed the gut issues last night, it was late)
But then it ok to go and INJECT toxins.. how is that ok?

Please look up injected vs ingested. Its wreaks havoc on the body and has doesnt filter things out effectively.

You are going by emotions only. There is a science to this.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:54 am
momsrus wrote:
You missed the point. She was supposed to get shots that day, but she didn’t because she wasn’t feeling well.

Had she gotten the shots and had a seizure the next day, what would you say?

This is where people miss the point. Vaccines do have adverse effects for some people and seizures is one of them. That doesn't mean all seizures are caused by vaccines. The same is true for other ailments. It does not prove safety because this case were that case was not caused by vaccines.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:57 am
momsrus wrote:
You are going by emotions only. There is a science to this.

science to wwhat
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 9:58 am
amother [ Teal ] wrote:
This is where people miss the point. Vaccines do have adverse effects for some people and seizures is one of them. That doesn't mean all seizures are caused by vaccines. The same is true for other ailments. It does not prove safety because this case were that case was not caused by vaccines.

I believe there is such a thing as vaccine, but it’s way more rare than people think.

Many cases of vaccine injury is coincidence that illness happened after vaccinating. Like what happened with this child seizure after well visit.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 10:04 am
So many anonymous cowards. Post with your screen name. Man up!
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 10:05 am
momsrus wrote:
I believe there is such a thing as vaccine, but it’s way more rare than people think.

Many cases of vaccine injury is coincidence that illness happened after vaccinating. Like what happened with this child seizure after well visit.

Ok, you are entitled to your opinion. According to Harvard Medical School vaccine injury is extremely under-recognized. According to their study only 1% vaccine injury is being reported.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 10:07 am
flowerpower wrote:
So many anonymous cowards. Post with your screen name. Man up!

Are u not aware of the tone on this website? Do you have nothing to say to people who have experience with vaccine inury other than "man up"?
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 10:26 am
amother [ Crimson ] wrote:
There is no such thing as a disease lying dormant. Either you have it, or you don't. If you're talking about epigenetics, iow the effect of the environment on the expression of certain genes, then you need to look up how that works. People that are predisposed to type 2 diabetes don't have dormant type 2 diabetes. It's not inevitable that they will get it. Except maybe in a very select few cases. Generally, a person will develop insulin resistance if certain environmental factors are present, a big one but not only one being diet. And in the same vein, insulin resistance can be avoided until the day they die if they follow certain lifestyle practices. In the case of the person you know with crohns, yes, infections can trigger autoimmunity, including crohns, if an individual is thus predisposed. This doesn't mean it was dormant, it means they experienced the perfect storm that led them to develop autoimmunity. Autism is the same. Most parents can retroactively trace the perfect storm that led to their child's regression into autism. And vaccines usually feature prominently. They are not the only cause, but one of many, including genetic predispositions, and often they are the final straw. Still, it would be ridiculous to say their autism was lying dormant and was going to come out regardless. Because epigenetics just don't work that way. How do we know that autism isn't purely genetic, it's always a combination of genes and environment? Because there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic. But epigenetic epidemics are a given. And there's no arguing that there's an autism epidemic going on.

My mother read somewhere that there's a link between prenatal ultrasounds and autism. I don't tell her when I'm getting ultrasounds anymore because she starts worrying. I can believe that autism has an epigenetic link, but that link is not clear at all.

Japan stopped using the MMR for a couple of years, and their autism rates kept on rising. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p.....title
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 10:35 am
amother [ Teal ] wrote:
This is where people miss the point. Vaccines do have adverse effects for some people and seizures is one of them. That doesn't mean all seizures are caused by vaccines. The same is true for other ailments. It does not prove safety because this case were that case was not caused by vaccines.

Yes, but you're conflating all seizures. The seizures linked to vaccines are febrile seizures from the fever (in the same way, many children have a seizure from a fever caused by illness). To extrapolate to epileptic seizures is scaremongering.
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