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Living Princess
Thu, Aug 19 2021, 6:57 pm
Translated from bhol.co.il Bchadrei Chareidim
Tonight it was reported in Behadrei that Denver police have arrested four suspects in the murder of 19-year-old yeshiva student Shmuel Silverberg on Tuesday evening.
The four suspects arrested are 21-year-old Seth James Larhood, 18-year-old James Freeman, 18-year-old Eden Sides and 19-year-old Noah Loop-Hall, all four of whom are in custody on numerous charges, including murder, Burglary, aggravated robbery, car theft, threat and assault. Police are looking for a fifth suspect hiding.
Earlier tonight (Thursday), it was reported in "Behadrei Haredim" that Shmuel HY"D was killed inside the yeshiva, contrary to the police version that he was hit by stray gunfire outside the yeshiva building.
Behadrei Haredim learned that two gunmen arrived at the Torat Chaim yeshiva in the city of Denver on Tuesday evening, aimed a gun at the head of the young man standing outside the yeshiva and ordered him to open the locked front door using a code. As they entered the building , they turned toward the principal's office and fired four bullets at him.
The principal fell to the ground immediately, but by the grace of heaven no bullet hit him. He pretended to be dead and they thought he had indeed been killed and left him alone and thus saved his life.
They then aimed the gun at the late Shmuel Silverberg, who was standing in the corner of the room, and fired 12 bullets at him.
Police have announced in the past two days that the shooting took place at the same time as two more shooting incidents took place in the same area on Tuesday night at the same time, but it turns out that the murder of Shmuel HY"D is not related to the shooting in the area as police initially claimed.
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Thu, Aug 19 2021, 7:00 pm
Listen, you’re all ok with censorship, so we’ll be seeing a lot more of it.
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Thu, Aug 19 2021, 8:18 pm
I don't understand how anyone can jump to the conclusion that it must have been targeted just because they tried shooting more people inside. They were looking for opportunities. They had some at carjackings and didn't succeed in murder there, they burglarized businesses but since it was late at night they likely didn't come across anyone.
Police have been interrogating them. They haven't brought up any language at all referring to religion. A true hate crime has the perpetrators spewing vile. They've caught 4. Not a single one has made any indication that they paid attention to religion.
I'm just as heartbroken as all of klal yisroel. I have boys in yeshiva out of town. I think my son knows his brother (I haven't spoken to my son since this to confirm and see how he's doing). I briefly thought of applying my son to this yeshiva. This is very close to home.
But I refuse to fall into a trap where we claim victimhood where it doesn't exist. That mentality is bringing this country down. Let's just focus on following factual evidence and not feelings for the crime, and save our feelings for all those affected and to cry out to Hashem over this next month to spare klal yisroel anymore pain.
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