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-> Halachic Questions and Discussions
Thu, Sep 14 2006, 2:32 pm
As I posted on a different thread, I'm on a search for good kosher curry.
I noticed that some Sharwoods products (made in the UK) are on some "lists", such as the kosher kiwi directory, even though there is no kosher symbol on the label of the products.
How does this work? Can I rely on this for Sharwoods items sold in Canada? Who do I contact to find out more?
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Thu, Sep 14 2006, 2:44 pm
In England most products don't have a hechser symbol on the actual product. I think a list is sent around from the London Beth Din. If it's on that list, AND manafactured in England it's fine. But if it's the same product but not manafactured in England then it would need a hechsher.
Like Kit Kats in Canada do not have a hechsher and are not OK, but for some reason Kit Kats made in the USA have an OU. Are they made differently? Probably not. But we still shouldn't eat them. So just check where the product is made and ask the London Beth Din to send you a "list".
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Thu, Sep 14 2006, 3:05 pm
AFAIK being on the list is not a hechsher. The London Bet Din publishes a list of products whose ingredients they have checked out as OK according to the info the manufacturer provides. But there is no mashgiach and ingredients can change.
Products with a hechsher by the LBD carry their symbol.
But I haven't lived in England for 20 years, so maybe someone else can correct me.
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Thu, Sep 14 2006, 4:56 pm
mummyof6 nope u sound right 2 me!!! I have the list and thats how it works
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