-> Household Management
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Thu, Dec 26 2024, 2:55 pm
Back in the hospital again, round #6
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Thu, Dec 26 2024, 3:33 pm
Refuah Sheleima & may you experience your own Chanukka-Neis
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Mon, Dec 30 2024, 5:38 am
Thank you! Please daven that they finally determine I am strong enough to start rehab. Evaluation is today.
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Wed, Jan 01 2025, 6:36 am
B”h we finally got the all clear to start rehab (it’s been 6 weeks of them saying I am not strong enough). Starting date next week after our next big series of tests and doctors appointments.
One thing we discovered is that talking makes my oxygen go down significantly but if I am quiet while I am try the exercises my oxygen goes down less. Was very interesting.
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Wed, Jan 01 2025, 8:43 am
Baruch Hashem!!!
May you be Zocha to Refuah Sheleima Bekarov.
Tonight is Zos Chanukkah, 8 is above nature. We can & should daven for miracles!
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Wed, Jan 01 2025, 8:47 am
We definitely are davening for miracles so many big and small.
The biggest of all would be that they could improve my lungs without needing a transplant and I would be ok. The same way this severe regression happened so suddenly it can also stop suddenly. Maybe?
Second would be qualifying and finding a match, and that it should go well
Third practical and financial worries
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Wed, Jan 01 2025, 9:34 am
Bh. Davening that you should have a complete refuah very soon.
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Thu, Jan 02 2025, 7:41 am
Posting an update (and also just explaining why I am still bumping as B”H we did get a lot of $$
Thank you so much to the many people who have been supporting us emotionally, financially, and with meals throughout this difficult time. It will likely still be a while until either of us can get back to full time working so if you can continue to give maaser we can still use it. I want to be totally transparent and explain where your $ is going to.
It’s been approximately 3.5 months of this gehenom , where I have been sick more often than not, being hospitalized approximately once a week, and spending more time at doctors appointments then at home or at work. Obviously this means my income has been cut dramatically .
Between myself and my husband we have been bringing in approximately 25% of our needed income now.
Our expenses are approximately $5000-6000 a month .
I am working about 5-10 hours a week when I can , and so is my husband but it’s not covering expenses at all. (Don’t forget in a normal week when I am not sick I work at least 50 hours a week) .
Our expenses are up approximately $1500 -2000 a month with the amount of extra things I can’t do and we need to hire out (cleaning help, babysitting help, etc)
Medical expenses:
Although insurance covers most things , their are several of my daily meds and essential services they don’t cover and with the amount of appointments I have I have limited strength to appeal things with them at the moment, sometimes I have to just pay now and fight later (I have a whole list of bills that I paid waiting till I have time and emotional energy to go through).
Long term plan :
Sadly, I have set up a meeting with a lawyer to talk about disability. Once we know for sure if transplant is the way to go, and if I won’t be cleared to returning to full work anytime soon, then we will get me set up with ssdi but it’s a process that can take a few years. It’s something I never would have thought I would do in a million years, and to me it’s a nightmare to say I am too sick to physically work, but I am also a realist and know that if even a fraction of what the doctors are predicting it may be years till I get back to the old Shiri.
Hopefully once we get out of crisis mode and I don’t need my husband’s help as much with all these appointments, he will be able to increase his hours, but right now the family and I need his presence.
The pool construction is secondary to my health right now but hopefully that will resume slow and steady progress and even if I can’t get back to full time running lessons, that should be finished by summer. I hope that once we have the new facility, I will be able to use it to make passive income and pay back our debt at least, even if I won’t be able to work in it as much as I originally expected.
We are getting some short term help from local organizations also to be transparent.
Sample monthly expenses:
Mortgage: $1300
Tuition fees $400
Shadow for Eli $1000
Utilities $800
Property taxes- $6000 annually or we try to put away $500 a month
Insurance $150 a month
Food- b”h on ebt right now but around $1000 a month of which half is covered
Gas (including driving to parma 4 days a week for rehab) $60 a week or $240 a month
Miscellaneous household goods $100 a week or $4000 a month (tissues, toilet paper, cleaners, wipes, foils pans, disposables, etc )
Meds not covered $250 a month
Parking at hospitals, ubers when I don’t have rides , babysitting $ 200-300 a month
Internet, phones, house phone $120 a month
Miscellaneous budget: clothes, stuff for kids , etc $200 a month
Thank you to everyone for your continued support and I give you a bracha that you should always be on the giving side with good health, parnassa, shalom bayis, nachas , and everything good.
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Sun, Jan 12 2025, 8:10 am
B”h I am tolerating rehab and slowly getting a bit stronger.
What seems to happen every time I get a cold or any virus is that since my oxygen is already so low and little trigger causes me to need to go to the hospital.
We got our 2nd opinion and this doctor (who is a head pulmonologist at CC ) is going to present my case at the pulmonary board meeting with 12 other doctors . Basically she also wasn’t sure what the best thing to do next is or that we have ruled out any underlying issues/ causes and wants to make sure I have been worked up for anything and everything before we start talking transplant seriously. So we need to daven that this team of doctors should come up with answers and also with so many top doctors not sure what to do is a big opening to daven and Hashem guide their path.
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Yesterday at 8:55 pm
I am writing a book about my life, primarily focusing on my medical stories .
I am looking for a few non biased people (ie not first degree relatives or best friends) to read and give me constructive feedback. If you are interested please pm me with your email.
Right now I have no idea if I am publishing it, a lot depends on what happens at the “end” of this medical story which is unknown. Mostly doing it for therapeutic reasons but thinking to do something with it at some point.
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