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Buying food from out vs buying challah
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 11:11 am
amother Firebrick wrote:
Baking Challah is absolutely a Mitzvah even if you aren't making a Brocha , its just min Hatorah to make a Brocha if you use a certain amount of flour. And remember you are separating Challa if you use 8 cups of flour without a Brocha.


Indeed, it is a very important mitzvah for a woman to bake bread for Shabbos, rather than purchase it from a bakery (Bi’ur Halacha, Orach Chayim 242 s.v. vehu), and it is an even bigger mitzvah to bake enough to separate challah with a bracha (Rama, Orach Chayim 242)

Honestly all preparation for Shabbos is a great Mitzvah!!

In general people need to be really careful about learning anything from this site, there's a ridiculous amount of misinformation here and people who quote things without any source.

I don't understand- what is the mitzvah in baking challah if you are not making a large enough dough to separate challah? I don't get it. What's wrong with buying challah from a bakery?
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 11:14 am
amother Bronze wrote:
I don't understand- what is the mitzvah in baking challah if you are not making a large enough dough to separate challah? I don't get it. What's wrong with buying challah from a bakery?
The Satmar Rebbe said, that if women would know what massive hashpaos baking challah lkovod shabbos brings to a home, all the bakeries would be out of business. It's a mitzva to bake 2 challos for Shabbos even if you don't take challah with a brocha.

Even if it's difficult for you (plural) to do, don't make it not into a mitzva to bake challos or to cook lkovod Shabbos. It's one thing not to be able to do it, it's another thing to take a mitzva that is so beloved by Hashem and by jewish women throughout the ages and to bash it here.
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 11:17 am
amother Natural wrote:
The Satmar Rebbe said, that if women would know what massive hashpaos baking challah lkovod shabbos brings to a home, all the bakeries would be out of business. It's a mitzva to bake 2 challos for Shabbos even if you don't take challah with a brocha.

Even if it's difficult for you (plural) to do, don't make it not into a mitzva to bake challos or to cook lkovod Shabbos. It's one thing not to be able to do it, it's another thing to take a mitzva that is so beloved by Hashem and by jewish women throughout the ages and to bash it here.

If one makes something l'kavod Shabbos, sure, one has a mitzvah. If one buys something nice l'kavod Shabbos, mitzvah too.
Now, if you want to say that there are hashpa'os also, beautiful. But it's not like one does an aveirah if she chooses not to bake.
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 11:18 am
amother OP wrote:
Shavua tov, Chag Sameach!

Ladies I have a question for you.. would like to hear everyone’s opinion.

My Rebbetzin has said multiple times in many of classes how important it is for women to cook Shabbat/chag meals themselves and not buying food from out while saying if they want they can buy challah from out and that’s not such an important thing to make challah every week.

On the other hand I recently went to a Suri Jaroslawitz Challah bake where she said we woman can order food from out but the beautiful mitzva of making our own challah and bracha should be done by the woman of the home and to try not to buy challah from out.

Now I’m so curious what has everyone else heard? I’m assuming it’s probably ideal for a woman to do both (make her own homemade food and make homemade challah) but I’m curious is there a source for either of these? Does one really out way the other?

Really wondering about these two differing ideas and what most people hold by or have heard of? Is there even a strong source for the importance for women to be making home cooked meals instead of ordering from out? (Besides for health reasons or kashrut reasons).

I think there are so many other worthy topics she could be discussing, quite honestly. Yes, it’s nice to Cook homemade foods and also to bake challah, but for those who can’t do it all at all times, for numerous reasons that we all encounter at some point or another, people shouldn’t be made to feel like they’re not doing their best or worse, that they’re possibly doing something wrong. IMHO This shouldn’t have been more than a one-sentence statement such as, “Ladies, there’s value to trying to cook some homemade foods and/or bake challah for Shabbos/Chagim if possible, and for the times that we can’t, and that we need extra help, we can also supplement by buying nice foods and Challah as well.”
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 11:20 am
amother Natural wrote:
The Satmar Rebbe said, that if women would know what massive hashpaos baking challah lkovod shabbos brings to a home, all the bakeries would be out of business. It's a mitzva to bake 2 challos for Shabbos even if you don't take challah with a brocha.

Even if it's difficult for you (plural) to do, don't make it not into a mitzva to bake challos or to cook lkovod Shabbos. It's one thing not to be able to do it, it's another thing to take a mitzva that is so beloved by Hashem and by jewish women throughout the ages and to bash it here.

I'm not bashing, honestly I never ever heard this before and I'm not a youngster...
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 11:22 am
I read that the Chofetz Chaim cried when the first bakeries opened, because he said the branches that come to a Jewish house, when a woman takes challis, and takes challah with a bracha wii now be missing...
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 11:28 am
amother Burgundy wrote:
I read that the Chofetz Chaim cried when the first bakeries opened, because he said the branches that come to a Jewish house, when a woman takes challis, and takes challah with a bracha wii now be missing...

Bakeries were open WAAY before the Chofetz Chaim. Also, taking challah is midaraban in any case... there are tons of other mitzvos that can be done to generate zechusim. I find this story hard to believe.
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 2:38 pm
amother Valerian wrote:
מצווה בו יותר מבשלוחו
That's the source you're adding about.
That being said, there a time and place for everything and I cannot understand how a blanket statement can be made about signing like this. So so strange.

This is an example brought of how it's better to do a mitzva yourself rather then delegate to a shliach and then an example is presented of someone who would take an action with his own body to prepare food for Shabbos rather then give it to his servant to prepare.
You can still use your body with the bought food and platter it up nicely yourself or add seasoning or something
This isn't a instruction for us to replace other mitzvahs with a nicer way to do something as the rebbetzin is suggesting.
also you are using your body when you go shopping too. There are many ways to use your body to prepare that don't necessarily mean you should cook as opposed to buying. No one is sitting on their tuchus doing nothing for Shabbos.
I agree with the poster that called this more fluff of Judaism then substance.
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 3:24 pm
ShishKabob wrote:
If you would get sources would it make your pain easier to bear? I can try to get some for you tomorrow bli neder.
Do you really need sources?
Not the person you're responding to, but yes, AAMOF. Take nothing on hearsay, especially if you read it on imamother. Without proof, it's just somebody's bubbe-meiseh. I've lived long enough and heard enough narishkeit (exploded by my-son-the- rabbi) to be skeptical.
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 3:42 pm
It’s a mitzva ok. But there are other mitzvos you can do any second at this time that can be bigger. Like helping the needy bikur cholim or even spending time with your children. The fact that this rebetzen makes it like this is the woman role to be in the kitchen and cook is very narrow minded and not smart. It’s really frustrating to hear these type of shiurim.
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 4:11 pm
Can we please clarify that there is a difference between a mitzva, a minhag, a hanhaga tova and an inyan?

The only quote brought so far is this one:
והוא מכבוד שבת וכו': ויש לזה רמז בכתוב והיה ביום הששי והכינו את אשר יביאו את אשר תאפו אפו וגו' משמע דיש לאפות בע"ש להכין לשבת גם בזמן הגמרא היה מנהג קבוע לזה כמו שהביא המגן אברהם ובעו"ה

Translated to mean: It honors Shabbos, there is a remez to it in the posuk which says that on Friday the (Bnei Yisrael in the midbar) prepared what they had collected and baked what they needed to bake, implying that one should bake on erev Shabbos to prepare for Shabbos. In the times of the Gemara there was a fixed minhag for this as the Magen Avraham brings down.

It is not called a mitzva.

It may be a minhag, a hanhaga tova, an inyan that brings down amazing hashpaaos. But not a mitzva. Please don't put pressure on people with misinformation.

NOTE: I take challa with a bracha almost every week. I have no personal interest here in saying it's too difficult. But I strongly believe that putting people under additional pressure which can have a damaging affect on their shalom bayis and on their chinuch is the wrong thing.

Also to realise that there is one point which is preparing for Shabbos which would include both cooking and baking - the only reason baking is specifically mentioned here is because that is the lashon with the mon - and there is a second point which is the actual MITZVA of taking challa with a bracha IF you are preparing a dough.
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Post Sun, Oct 20 2024, 4:53 pm
My main reasons for doing my own food prep are money and health. Homemade is less costly, and, if you choose healthy ingredients and healthy cooking methods, it's far healthier than anything you're likely to buy. Even so-called healthy takeout is loaded with ingredients the truly health-conscious wouldn't use.

Of course it's part of a general prep for Shabbos, but there's plenty of other stuff from washing floors to changing linens to emptying wastebaskets to shopping for fruits and veggies to watering plants to setting timers to boiling water etc etc etc if someone chooses to buy prepared food.
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