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YT does not have to cost this much
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 2:51 pm
amother Tangerine wrote:
Nothing in that picture says flanken roast. But yes imported is much cheaper - I bought one for $16.99 lb but it was $50 still for one package.

I was thinking flanken not flanken roast. Gourmet glatt had flanken 9.99 this week imported. (imported isnt real flanken bec there are no bones but it cooks the same)
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 3:08 pm
amother Hyacinth wrote:
I was thinking flanken not flanken roast. Gourmet glatt had flanken 9.99 this week imported. (imported isnt real flanken bec there are no bones but it cooks the same)

Yes flanken I’ve seen even American sold for 11.99/lb (still $18-20 a package) [not now- but in the last few weeks] at kosher west and it’s delicious.

Flanken roast is a different ballgame.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 3:12 pm
It's Monday Night by us and we still do not have money for shopping yet. I know Hashem will send. But my freezer is not at all full of food for YT. I love shopping ahead of time and not be stuck the day before. I am learning not to be nervous and more patient.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 3:15 pm
Didn't read all the comments. So don't know if this was touched on, but I see often by other people they are maybe not buying such high priced cuts of meat, but they are still wasting money, feeding the garbage can. So much variety and quantities that cannot be consumed. By the end of the meal there is so much left and most tell me they never come close to finishing their leftovers. I'd rather have a nice piece of meat and skip the 10 dips, 8 side dishes, and 4 dessert options.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 4:22 pm
amother Moccasin wrote:
The halacha is very clear that if you eat like this without supporting others, you may as well be eating dung!

Rambam, hilchos yom tov, 6.18

כֵּיצַד. הַקְּטַנִּים נוֹתֵן לָהֶם קְלָיוֹת וֶאֱגוֹזִים וּמִגְדָּנוֹת. וְהַנָּשִׁים קוֹנֶה לָהֶן בְּגָדִים וְתַכְשִׁיטִין נָאִים כְּפִי מָמוֹנוֹ. וְהָאֲנָשִׁים אוֹכְלִין בָּשָׂר וְשׁוֹתִין יַיִן שֶׁאֵין שִׂמְחָה אֶלָּא בְּבָשָׂר וְאֵין שִׂמְחָה אֶלָּא בְּיַיִן. וּכְשֶׁהוּא אוֹכֵל וְשׁוֹתֶה חַיָּב לְהַאֲכִיל לַגֵּר לַיָּתוֹם וְלָאַלְמָנָה עִם שְׁאָר הָעֲנִיִּים הָאֻמְלָלִים. אֲבָל מִי שֶׁנּוֹעֵל דַּלְתוֹת חֲצֵרוֹ וְאוֹכֵל וְשׁוֹתֶה הוּא וּבָנָיו וְאִשְׁתּוֹ וְאֵינוֹ מַאֲכִיל וּמַשְׁקֶה לַעֲנִיִּים וּלְמָרֵי נֶפֶשׁ אֵין זוֹ שִׂמְחַת מִצְוָה אֶלָּא שִׂמְחַת כְּרֵסוֹ. וְעַל אֵלּוּ נֶאֱמַר (הושע ט ד) "זִבְחֵיהֶם כְּלֶחֶם אוֹנִים לָהֶם כָּל אֹכְלָיו יִטַּמָּאוּ כִּי לַחְמָם לְנַפְשָׁם". וְשִׂמְחָה כָּזוֹ קָלוֹן הִיא לָהֶם שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (מלאכי ב ג) "וְזֵרִיתִי פֶרֶשׁ עַל פְּנֵיכֶם פֶּרֶשׁ חַגֵּיכֶם":
What is implied? Children should be given roasted seeds, nuts, and sweets. For women, one should buy attractive clothes and jewelry according to one's financial capacity. Men should eat meat and drink wine, for there is no happiness without partaking of meat,nor is there happiness without partaking of wine.
When a person eats and drinks [in celebration of a holiday], he is obligated to feed converts, orphans, widows, and others who are destitute and poor. In contrast, a person who locks the gates of his courtyard and eats and drinks with his children and his wife, without feeding the poor and the embittered, is [not indulging in] rejoicing associated with a mitzvah, but rather the rejoicing of his gut.
And with regard to such a person [the verse, Hoshea 9:4] is applied: "Their sacrifices will be like the bread of mourners, all that partake thereof shall become impure, for they [kept] their bread for themselves alone." This happiness is a disgrace for them, as [implied by Malachi 2:3]: "I will spread dung on your faces, the dung of your festival celebrations."

You're basically agreeing with the poster you quoted! Everyone should have meat, both the rich and the poor, which is exactly what she said.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 4:33 pm
amother Brass wrote:
Including skin & bones.

Believe it or not, some people enjoy both. I keep the skin on (cleaning as much fat as possible from it) and eat it, and I love chewing the bones and getting the marrow.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 4:43 pm
I have Snap BH so food is the only area I can splurge to enhance my yom tov

We cannot afford a sukkah (built out of scraps and borrowing schach, using sheets for walls, no decorations) and we can’t afford lulav or esrog. DH will borrow hopefully
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 4:44 pm
amother Lightyellow wrote:
I have Snap BH so food is the only area I can splurge to enhance my yom tov

We cannot afford a sukkah (built out of scraps and borrowing schach, using sheets for walls, no decorations) and we can’t afford lulav or esrog. DH will borrow hopefully

He should go erev Yom tov they sell them dirt cheap or might even give it for free at that point.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 4:52 pm
amother Poppy wrote:
Believe it or not, some people enjoy both. I keep the skin on (cleaning as much fat as possible from it) and eat it, and I love chewing the bones and getting the marrow.

Which is really off topic. My husband and some of my kids eat the skin and bones as well, it doesn't replace the chicken/meat part of the meal.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 5:48 pm
amother Hyacinth wrote:
Just saying I didn’t say that. I felt called out.

I guess it’s hard to differentiate the posters.

I had posted in one of the freezer threads. My freezer must sound crazy and I felt maybe this thread was addressing it.
I serve a tremendous amount of adults and teens at every meal.
I serve meat and chicken every meal to spread the meat thin do everyone can get. That is why I have so many dishes in my freezer.
I have lots of exciting meat side dishes to pad meals with chicken. It is lekovid yom tov and this way everyone can have a small bite of meat.
(As an example a $16 square roast made enough egg rolls for 2 full meals for 15 ppl per meal. )

I buy cuts of meat that are cheaper than chicken so we can have meat.

I e also been shopping the meat and chicken sales since shavous. Buying when what we like is cheapest. The nine days I find is the best time to buy meat…

Btw red meat can be extremely affordable.
I made plenty meals with meat lasagna and meat stew that costs significantly less than chicken.

And yes the word gluttonous was thrown around tremendously in this thread. It is true not by the op.

I still don’t think it is fair to make either side feel bad or judged

She was responding to me. Sorry for getting you called out.

In my community BH everyone who can't afford meat, can get Tomchei Shabbos. To my mind that's how it should be.

I was brought up that we have meat on Yom Tov not just chicken on the bone. But obviously not every community prioritizes it and not every community provides all their residents. And that's fine.

I'm not comparing chicken on the bone to bread and salt but chicken on the bone is what we have every Shabbos of the year BH. Yom Tov is only a few times a year and in my worldview should be nicer than that.

But different communities are different and that's how it should be.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 5:51 pm
amother Lawngreen wrote:
She was responding to me. Sorry for getting you called out.

In my community BH everyone who can't afford meat, can get Tomchei Shabbos. To my mind that's how it should be.

I was brought up that we have meat on Yom Tov not just chicken on the bone. But obviously not every community prioritizes it and not every community provides all their residents. And that's fine.

I'm not comparing chicken on the bone to bread and salt but chicken on the bone is what we have every Shabbos of the year BH. Yom Tov is only a few times a year and in my worldview should be nicer than that.

But different communities are different and that's how it should be.

I grew up with meat every yom tov. We lived in a tiny rental. Our furniture was what our neighbors were getting rid of (which was just fine, by the way). Iow we lived quite simply, but meat is about simchas yom tov so we (my parents) prioritized that expense.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 6:06 pm
Maybe I'm depriving my family but I never buy meat over 9.99/lb. Usually 6.99 or 7.99. I need 4-5 lbs roast per meal which I serve only by day.
Before RH chuck eye roast was cheapest on sale for 6.99/lb. On the shelf were only smaller roasts. I asked a worker for larger ones, bought 4, two for RH day meals, two for Sukkos first days meals.
Night meals are stuffed chicken capons or meatloaf with root veggies. Plus soup and sides and dessert.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 7:15 pm
amother Lawngreen wrote:
She was responding to me. Sorry for getting you called out.

In my community BH everyone who can't afford meat, can get Tomchei Shabbos. To my mind that's how it should be.

I was brought up that we have meat on Yom Tov not just chicken on the bone. But obviously not every community prioritizes it and not every community provides all their residents. And that's fine.

I'm not comparing chicken on the bone to bread and salt but chicken on the bone is what we have every Shabbos of the year BH. Yom Tov is only a few times a year and in my worldview should be nicer than that.

But different communities are different and that's how it should be.

Every organization can decide their standards but I do think it’s very important to be transparent. Don’t collect money for Kaparos (which is meant to go to aniyim) to give to poor families to have a $500 meal erev yom kippur or to buy expensive meat. Don’t say your collecting for people who can’t put food on their table if those are people who only eat chicken cutlets and meat. Not being able to put food on the table doesn’t have to mean bread and water but it should mean people who are legit poor, not just not affording luxuries. My problem is the way it’s marketed and turned into a “necessity “. Also there are people who can’t afford daled minim, or to pay their rent, shouldn’t that have priority over a “minhag” .
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 7:41 pm
didnt read this whole thread but just made meat lasagna tonight for Yom Tov and it smells HEAVENLY (I didn't taste it yet)
I used a small package of ground beef (under $10)
so if this helps anyone make a nice meat dish without spending a lot...

brown an onion well
add sliced mushrooms and brown some more
add ground beef and brown some more (splash of white wine and a little tomato sauce after it is browned; add salt and pepper)

Boil Lasagna leaves.

Layer leaves, meat mixture and marinara sauce.

It still costs for the ingredients but compared to a roast it is less expensive and a little different....

I plan on baking it right before the meal....
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 7:52 pm
notshanarishona wrote:
Every organization can decide their standards but I do think it’s very important to be transparent. Don’t collect money for Kaparos (which is meant to go to aniyim) to give to poor families to have a $500 meal erev yom kippur or to buy expensive meat. Don’t say you’re collecting for people who can’t put food on their table if those are people who only eat chicken cutlets and meat. Not being able to put food on the table doesn’t have to mean bread and water but it should mean people who are legit poor, not just not affording luxuries. My problem is the way it’s marketed and turned into a “necessity “. Also there are people who can’t afford daled minim, or to pay their rent, shouldn’t that have priority over a “minhag” .

Meat on yom tov is not a minhag.
It is Halacha
It does not have to be expensive meat and it only has to be once per a day
To me they are equally important
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 8:00 pm
notshanarishona wrote:
Every organization can decide their standards but I do think it’s very important to be transparent. Don’t collect money for Kaparos (which is meant to go to aniyim) to give to poor families to have a $500 meal erev yom kippur or to buy expensive meat. Don’t say your collecting for people who can’t put food on their table if those are people who only eat chicken cutlets and meat. Not being able to put food on the table doesn’t have to mean bread and water but it should mean people who are legit poor, not just not affording luxuries. My problem is the way it’s marketed and turned into a “necessity “. Also there are people who can’t afford daled minim, or to pay their rent, shouldn’t that have priority over a “minhag” .
I don't see meat on yom tov as a luxury. We aren't talking expensive meat at all! Or a $500 yom kippur meal. And the distribution was before RH so the money isn't coming from kapparos.

Rent is not a yom tov expense. Yes, people who can't afford the minim should get help with that as well.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 8:36 pm
Why do I feel that it always comes down to people and what they prioritize.
There are people that prioritize food/meat for y"t and don't have cleaning help, and/or eat "cheap" for the few weeks leading up to y"t.
Or someone that won't give up her cleaning help for anything, and won't have meat on y"t.
And yes, someone saved alot of money to finally be able to serve a meat at a few meals because this year she decided it's important to her on y"t to serve meat.
We really have no idea what is going on behind closes doors and what they "give up" to buy it.
Or maybe they can afford it all Smile
Yay for them.
We should all be zoche to a year of parnassah.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 9:28 pm
amother Melon wrote:
Do you really think those saying they can’t afford things are the same people buying expensive meats? Because they aren’t.

I have close relatives that yes, are really struggling but buy prime meat every yt and shabbos- because it’s covered etc.

Not saying right or wrong and tbh I fargin them and admire their calm but wouldn’t work for me.
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 11:23 pm
amother Melon wrote:
He should go erev Yom tov they sell them dirt cheap or might even give it for free at that point.

Thank you for the tip!
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tree of life


Post Yesterday at 2:47 am
amother Peach wrote:
It's Monday Night by us and we still do not have money for shopping yet. I know Hashem will send. But my freezer is not at all full of food for YT. I love shopping ahead of time and not be stuck the day before. I am learning not to be nervous and more patient.

Please speak to your local rabbi and ask for support vouchers for the chag
If u live in Israel pm I see if I can help guide u who to talk to
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