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Post Sun, Oct 06 2024, 11:55 am
wanttobehappy wrote:
Ur rocking it!! Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Make sure ur diet good is really yummy learn new spice pallets use herbs. Try every type of veg. Get creative e1/2 peppers is my bread cauliflower/ lime bean mash is my mashed potatoes. Squash/ cauliflowers/ cabbage are the least calorie foods there is.every meal should have tons of diff vegs. If u can add weights (I am a trainer) u will build muscles and lose weight while sleeping. Do it for yourself cause u love and respect yourself and u want to be ur best version of u. U want energy I want health looking good is. A side bonus. Plan ur meals and have fruit cut up in a bowl right when u open the fridge pineapple is my fav. Keep small bags of almonds in ur purse for emergencies. U can and will do this. Think how happy u will be in 3/6/9 months that u did this for yourself

your post is awsome!
I love the line about losing weight in your sleep Smile
as a trainer, would you know if I am building muscle by doing a recumbent bike daily?
I am not into lifting weights....
thanks so much!
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Post Sun, Oct 06 2024, 2:53 pm
Wow wow wow for those who didn’t cheat at all over a 3 day yt you def have my admiration and applause !
I did pretty well , but did eat more carbs - ie challah than usual. Just a little more , but a little more for a few meals adds up. I did have one cheat the last afternoon- I finally ate a piece of rich chocolate cake my daughter made for yt. I really did not want her to bake for yt for this reason , I already had desserts planned that either I could eat or that I am not tempted by. She wanted to bake so badly , I felt putting my diet over her Simchas Yom Tov was not right , so I let her. I am not going on the scale today, I feel heavier Sad. Working on getting back on the strict track and remembering how amazing being in control over food feels !
Keep on rockin it , diet buddies !💪🏻
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Post Sun, Oct 06 2024, 3:02 pm
amother Iris wrote:
Wow wow wow for those who didn’t cheat at all over a 3 day yt you def have my admiration and applause !
I did pretty well , but did eat more carbs - ie challah than usual. Just a little more , but a little more for a few meals adds up. I did have one cheat the last afternoon- I finally ate a piece of rich chocolate cake my daughter made for yt. I really did not want her to bake for yt for this reason , I already had desserts planned that either I could eat or that I am not tempted by. She wanted to bake so badly , I felt putting my diet over her Simchas Yom Tov was not right , so I let her. I am not going on the scale today, I feel heavier Sad. Working on getting back on the strict track and remembering how amazing being in control over food feels !
Keep on rockin it , diet buddies !💪🏻

Same sort of situation here 😕 I felt so down last night. We'll get back into it though! Today I was much better.

Well done op! You're motivating me. Keep updating us.
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Post Sun, Oct 06 2024, 4:31 pm
Now that we went thru the first day YT, can we share tips to do well the next sets of yt ?
I’ll start :1. I learned to have quick easy to grab protein for myself so I wouldn’t grab something else when I was feeling hungry/weak/rushed. I knew I could grab some cooked turkey cold cuts , or a teaspoonof peanut butter on a corn thin . Just knowing I had options made it easier for me.
2. I learned to start every meal (after kiddish and a bit of challah) with drinking water. For sukkos I will have a big crowd and will be very busy in the kitchen so I will prepare a big glass of water , with a straw, for myself in the kitchen so as soon as I finish my bit of challah and get up to serve I will have it waiting for me .
What tips do you have to share ?
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Post Sun, Oct 06 2024, 5:43 pm
amother OP wrote:
Just kidding.

It's day 16 and I haven't cheated on my diet yet...probably the biggest accomplishment healthwise in the past years. Desperately need a change in lifestyle as I'm overweight.

Of course you can't tell , it's too early, but at least I stayed on track so far...and as noobe really knows about it ( except maybe dh) I post it here.

Thanks for listening and hopefully day 17 will ve good too iy"H.
To all fellow " losers": let's do it this time!

Way to go!

Question - is this a temporary diet until you reach your goal, or have you made permanent changes to the way / what you eat?
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Post Mon, Oct 07 2024, 3:49 pm
Its totally temporaty. I dont think I can permanently stick to IF Keto with 4 workouts each week. I just needed something radical that will show fast results to motivate me. I was so hopeless. I plan to reintroduce new healthy foodcategories after a 10% loss.
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Post Mon, Oct 07 2024, 4:42 pm
May I show off? Lost a pound since last week. I weigh on Sunday mornings so the taanis didn't contribute. I was just hoping not to gain, since a three day YT involves a lot of festive meals and very little in the way of exercise.

One three-day YT down, two more to go. We'll be guests, so that'll be a challenge. When we were hosted over YT I consumed a ton of salads--not calorie-free, what with the dressings and sunflower seeds and Craisins and croutons and so on--but skipped the kugels and desserts. The meals at home were heavy on the veggies and for the most part I stuck to my regular eating plan in both quantity and type of food. It's much easier when at home and in charge of the menu and food prep. Being a guest for five or six days? Hmmm... Obviously my regular strength training and floor exercises won't be possible, but I'm hoping to be able to at least take a nice brisk walk for an hour or so each day. Again, a realistic goal is simply to maintain, but losing would be fabulous.
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Post Tue, Oct 08 2024, 9:38 am
@ springgreen: amazing!!! Well done!!!! Co gratulations, that's a huge achievement . Keep up the great loss!!!!
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Post Tue, Oct 08 2024, 10:44 am
Yay Springgeeen ! Congrats on the loss and the planning for a walk each day while at your hosts.
Although I did not lose like spring green , I did not gain over 3 day YT which is a HUGE win for me . This week I am really careful and working so I can go into the next two sets of 3 day YT in a good place. I would love to feel some control by planning ahead,I posted two actions above that I plan to do. I Would love to hear what some of you amazing ladies plan to implement.
Keep rockin this , diet buddies 💪🏻
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Post Tue, Oct 08 2024, 10:52 am
Hi iris:
I also try to plan ahead. Food and workouts. I make sport with somebody else, so that I'm accountable and actually show up 😉.

I try to fill the fridge with healthy protein and meal prep for 3 days ahead. Healthy food/ snacks are prepared in case I crave...but I honestly don't and unortune lately I had to toss some , some snacks I feed my kids be4 they go bad.

For seudos: I make salads and healthy pseudokugel and a protein I love.

I brush my teeth at 6pm and don't eat anything afterwards.

Hungry? I large spoon almondbutter: for some reason this is extremely filling. Anyone know why??? Works for me.

I should drink more water though.
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Post Sun, Oct 13 2024, 6:02 am
Exactly 7 weeks of progress, no cheating so far, I think 24 workouts accomplished. 7 kg lost. Hardly anything happened scalewise last week, which is a little surprising,especially because I fit into older skirts and coats (which makes me happy, finally clothes to wear,hurray). I understand that it's just the beginning and the road is steep, but I stick to it, because the scale cant dictate. Lets say I plateau for a while, so what? I put in effort and b"H at some point ill notice more progress. If u stopped now I wouldnt have any improvement for sure. And the biggest bonzs: I dont crave, I feel "free"

How are you fellow duet buddies, hope u had a good fast and feel good Smile
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Post Sun, Oct 13 2024, 11:15 am
You are doing great!
My scale is moving so so so slowly! Haven’t cheated either in 7 weeks which is amazing and I Dont feel the temptation to cheat either.

But I’m not fitting into anything old yet (
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Post Sun, Oct 13 2024, 10:54 pm
amother OP wrote:
Exactly 7 weeks of progress, no cheating so far, I think 24 workouts accomplished. 7 kg lost. Hardly anything happened scalewise last week, which is a little surprising,especially because I fit into older skirts and coats (which makes me happy, finally clothes to wear,hurray). I understand that it's just the beginning and the road is steep, but I stick to it, because the scale cant dictate. Lets say I plateau for a while, so what? I put in effort and b"H at some point ill notice more progress. If u stopped now I wouldnt have any improvement for sure. And the biggest bonzs: I dont crave, I feel "free"

How are you fellow duet buddies, hope u had a good fast and feel good Smile

This is called an NSV -Non Scale Victory!
Hooray for you! Thumbs Up
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Post Mon, Oct 14 2024, 12:36 am
Yay op and everyone else!!!
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Post Yesterday at 12:22 am
day 45, no cheat (I cannot believe this)

8,5 kg down...dont think I can hold this. iweighed in the morning after bathroom etc..so maybe in "real life" its more), but hey, it felt good to see the scale react .

Im scared of two 3-day yontefs with hosting guests preparing tons of food and 2 bday parties (my kids invite friends to the succa, think cakes, crisps etc)...many temptations and fewer opportunities of sports...

im happy with the progress, I would have NEVER dreamt 45 days ago that I would successflly head into this direction. But at the same time Im a little unhappy about me doupting every step and being unsure. I believe being overweight my entire life and having experienced many downsides with diets, jojoing clothesshopping etc I dont quite trust myself and the process. May this be the worst I experience, really first world problems, but despite teh fact that ecerything runs smoothly there is underlying anxiety or fear.
I spoke to a friedn and told her that ones I reach a certain weight (I dont plan on fitting in the BMI chart, as I never have and dont think I ever can) I should look into councelling or dietitians because I need methods to maintain the reached weight (I have way to go still). I dont think Keto IF is a sustainable way of living 120 years. It works beautifullyfor now b´´H, as it cuts cravings and seeing results motivates me of course, but what will be after this phase?

anyone experienced here? May be you can chip in your ideas/infos Smile

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Post Yesterday at 4:43 am
amother OP wrote:
day 45, no cheat (I cannot believe this)

8,5 kg down...dont think I can hold this. iweighed in the morning after bathroom etc..so maybe in "real life" its more), but hey, it felt good to see the scale react .

Im scared of two 3-day yontefs with hosting guests preparing tons of food and 2 bday parties (my kids invite friends to the succa, think cakes, crisps etc)...many temptations and fewer opportunities of sports...

im happy with the progress, I would have NEVER dreamt 45 days ago that I would successflly head into this direction. But at the same time Im a little unhappy about me doupting every step and being unsure. I believe being overweight my entire life and having experienced many downsides with diets, jojoing clothesshopping etc I dont quite trust myself and the process. May this be the worst I experience, really first world problems, but despite teh fact that ecerything runs smoothly there is underlying anxiety or fear.
I spoke to a friedn and told her that ones I reach a certain weight (I dont plan on fitting in the BMI chart, as I never have and dont think I ever can) I should look into councelling or dietitians because I need methods to maintain the reached weight (I have way to go still). I dont think Keto IF is a sustainable way of living 120 years. It works beautifullyfor now b´´H, as it cuts cravings and seeing results motivates me of course, but what will be after this phase?

anyone experienced here? May be you can chip in your ideas/infos Smile


Sounds like you're doing great on your jump start weight loss journey.

Love the intuition around it not being sustainable and looking for better options.

Im a nutritionist/have a degree in it so will weigh in like you asked.

How much further until your desired goal weight? It might make sense to implement longer term sustainable habits already now.

A plan of balance where all foods fit is going to be the most sustainable. It's based on exchanges or macros. This makes YT, shabbosim, simchos and other food events easier because as long as you understand what is in a certain food, you can have the food available in your home without the fear you mentioned. It also helps reset metabolism and pallete so that those foods that are not good for you don't appeal as much because intuitive cues.

The fear is something to look at more. Eating and weight loss should just be a numbers game but because we are complex and have emotions, those are important and can reeeaalllyy interfere.

Like you mentioned, some more affirmations and self confidence in yourself can help combat the fear (use your experience to prove to yourself that you can do it!).

I'd also suggest changing the terminology. I really hate the "cheating" word in this. It adds more emotional components and deprivation which can result in more cravings, negativity, low self confidence...it's a fear based approach (even if subtle) vs a loving one.

I wonder if you try on for size "choice" how that would feel. Ie; I am choosing to eat aligned with my plan because my body is my home and I am deserving of a life that I feel better about. And vlvecause I have other avenues of abundance (create some if you don't if food is the only joy), I will choose those". As opposed to "I can't cheat otherwise I will be fat and worthless and prove myself I can't do anything" which are the subtle messages in that narrative.

Otherwise you're really doing great!!! Keep it up! Especially listening to that inner voice!
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Post Yesterday at 6:37 am
Oh prairiefairy your post is so so valuable thankyou!!

I think another 8 kg would be fine eventhough id still be overweighed according to bmi. Less wouldnt feel authentic I think
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Post Yesterday at 12:39 pm
amother OP wrote:
Oh prairiefairy your post is so so valuable thankyou!!

I think another 8 kg would be fine eventhough id still be overweighed according to bmi. Less wouldnt feel authentic I think

Glad it was helpful!

If you have another 8kg to go, I'd definitely start implementing more sustainable for you approaches now. A good weight loss is half to 1kg loss per week so that's quite another bit to go when you're already feeling like you're breaking with the current approach.

Especially with the yomim tovim. Unfortunately, it's so much easier to put on the weight vs get it off so I think extra important to go into the chag with more Empowerment.

Do you have insurance that covers this? You can see if someone offers a last minute session (or you could reach out to me or anyone of your choice). I think even though it's super close to chag so can't get a full change, there are some ideas that I (and I imagine others in the field) would be able to suggest/help with so you can feel more confident going into it (and for the next steps of your journey).

But if timing doesn't allow before the chag, you can do it! Remember the approach you're taking now is temporary and it will be easier to stick with it if you remind yourself that.
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