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Post Sun, Sep 22 2024, 10:55 am
Day 22 passed peacefully.

So far I'm 3,5kg down

That's not much bearing in mind I haven't cheated ones and I make plenty of sports BUT

Two colleagues noticed something, commented on my looks ( felt great)

And I fit into an older skirt...obviously not in all of my old clothes, but at least a start.

I definitely feel better and that's shat counts, no?
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Post Sun, Sep 22 2024, 10:57 am
Would anyone like to join maybe to hold each other updated/ accountable?
Doesn't have to be the same system 😀
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Post Thu, Sep 26 2024, 8:17 am
Day 26 , so far uneventful except that there was no cheating yet!!! Not ones in 26 days.

I think that might be the first time in my life.

Curious whether I'll manage till day 30 😉

I weighed myself in thr morning and the scale showed a minus of 6kg kg BUT I skipped dinner last night and maybe the scale is inaccurate because I cant fathom 6kg.

Wpuld be nice if someone joined.

Last edited by amother on Thu, Sep 26 2024, 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Sep 26 2024, 8:45 am
Your an amazing looser. So proud of you Very Happy Very Happy
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Post Thu, Sep 26 2024, 9:58 am
Have you been tempted to cheat? Had any cravings?
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Post Thu, Sep 26 2024, 12:13 pm
To answer you questions:

No cravings b"H (which is so not typical for me. Im a volume eater, love junk and healthy food, cook/ bake/ host a lot, constantly nibbling and searchong for different tastes/ textures to satisfy my cravings... truely horrible)

Temptations are EVERyWHERE but its,as if I was numb...they dont tempt me ...its magical...I would gave never dreamt this could be

That being said the first 5 days were a nightnare, hunger, cravings, migrene, keto flu...after day 5 its as if I became a different human being. It woukd be almost creepy if it woukdnt feel so good to be FREE not caught in the crawls of constant dissatisfaction and food addiction

I pray thus feeling if freedom will kast a little longer its very empowering to feel easily in control of food and not be foods slave . I dong know , its only day 26 im by far not experienced nor an expert, but wow I had a new life the past weeks.
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 5:17 am
so its officially 30 days!!!!!!


6kg down
16 workouts done
0 cheats (I broke my record yay!)

no weightloss in the past 5 days BUT I was on my period and I do believe my musclemass increased too, so that could be a cause, or my body just adjusted to the low calorie eating pattern and doesnt shred the pounds quickly anymore...)

b''H I feel better than ever.

I just wish I had a 'dietfriend' to go this journey with.
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 5:20 am
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 8:44 am
You are amazing! Thats incredible! I lost weight before I made a bar mitzva and having a hard time getting back on track. It's really hard!! Today I am trying again to start this journey
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 9:18 am
Hi op, I’m your diet friend!

I started the same day you did and I’m also losing but not as much as you. Down 7lbs but my hormones and pcos work again me so I’m grateful for every lb.

First time in a long time I haven’t cheated even once either and made it this far.

I read your post and thought I wrote it. Aside from the 6kg you lost!!
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little neshamala


Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 9:48 am
amother OP wrote:
so its officially 30 days!!!!!!


6kg down
16 workouts done
0 cheats (I broke my record yay!)

no weightloss in the past 5 days BUT I was on my period and I do believe my musclemass increased too, so that could be a cause, or my body just adjusted to the low calorie eating pattern and doesnt shred the pounds quickly anymore...)

b''H I feel better than ever.

I just wish I had a 'dietfriend' to go this journey with.

I am so proud of you!! Keep going and please keep updating! Youre inspiring me to start exercising
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 11:39 am
Dear Amber, im so happy for you. 7 pounds is great success, you should be pround and celebrate!!! We can only decide the right things, outcome is in H's hand and depends on millions of factors which we cannit nevessarily influence. As long as we dont give up and walk the way step by step we are winners, no matter whether we gain or lose. But k wish you tons of success to continue to imorove your health.
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 4:47 pm
Thank you.

I need the encouragement 😊

I’m going to daven for your success… and it should be with ease.
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 7:40 pm
amother OP wrote:
so its officially 30 days!!!!!!


6kg down
16 workouts done
0 cheats (I broke my record yay!)

no weightloss in the past 5 days BUT I was on my period and I do believe my musclemass increased too, so that could be a cause, or my body just adjusted to the low calorie eating pattern and doesnt shred the pounds quickly anymore...)

b''H I feel better than ever.

I just wish I had a 'dietfriend' to go this journey with.

I'm confused. You said you are doing keto, but keto is not low calorie. It's more high fat and protein, not calorie counting.

I do NSNG which is in the keto category. I don't count calories or eat anything low fat.

Also, when you break the sugar addiction, the cravings lighten up a lot or go away. Sounds like you got there. You're doing great!
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 7:57 pm
amother OP wrote:
so its officially 30 days!!!!!!


6kg down
16 workouts done
0 cheats (I broke my record yay!)

no weightloss in the past 5 days BUT I was on my period and I do believe my musclemass increased too, so that could be a cause, or my body just adjusted to the low calorie eating pattern and doesnt shred the pounds quickly anymore...)

b''H I feel better than ever.

I just wish I had a 'dietfriend' to go this journey with.
Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause So happy for you! I’m currently in maintenance after doing keto, and the compliments taste so sweet ☺️. Also, feeling like I finally am the size I’m supposed to be (healthy bmi) and not shlepping extra weight with me is life changing.
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 8:46 pm
Wow! You should feel soooooo proud of yourself ! The losing weight and the fitting into an old skirt is great really great , but even more you should just be floating feeling so Proud of your hard work , your sticking to it , your control over food. Wow. Go you !
I can be your diet friend too I started about the same time as you and BH I am rocking this ! I am BH doing great on the eating plan and not too bad on the exercising , I hope I will get better at the exercise. But for now I am thrilled at how long I have been doing great on my eating plan and how I feel mentally emotionally and physically. And I lost what is a lot of weight for me 5% of my starting weight so far , and seeing a difference in my clothing. I usually lose much slower than this. This is hard work but sooooo worth it.
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 11:23 pm
@ iris: amazing!!! Im so happy for your success. I feel if you find exercise thats fun you stick to it easier. Every movement counts

@ shani: u r absolutely right. I eat fatty cheese, avocados etc BUT compared to the energy I ate before thats still less calories. So for my bidy this might still be less to metabolize. I agree the cravings leave once the sugar/ carb leaves the body. Its magical
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Post Mon, Sep 30 2024, 11:31 pm
I can be your diet buddy!

But I started my lifestyle 3 months ago and lost 20 pounds.

I need accountability during the yomim tovim. So nervous not to gain. Don't mind maintaining my current weight for the next month. I need to lose another 30 pounds.
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Post Sun, Oct 06 2024, 8:27 am
day 36.

no cheats on yt/shabbos : yeah!

down another 0,5kg, which is 6,5kg in total. some ppl begin to comment ...

I worked out very softly today

I plan a tough cardio unit tomorrow.

...I hope to make it till day 60. but im scared ill disapoint myself on the way.
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Post Sun, Oct 06 2024, 8:41 am
Wow. So happy for you op.

People beginning to notice should be the biggest motivator, no?

I didn’t gain over yt but I didn’t lose. Hoping fasting today will jump start my weight loss that didn’t come off last week. I didn’t cheat either which is huge. But no one, not even myself can see a difference, even at almost 9lbs down.

Keep going op, you made it this far.. especially thru a 3day yt… you can do anything
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