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How are you doing Financially
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How are you doing Financially
Fine. Im not worried, I can buy what I want.  
 7%  [ 26 ]
Fine now. But I'm being cautious and saving just in case  
 18%  [ 62 ]
I'm okay as long as I'm careful with what I spend on  
 28%  [ 95 ]
Worried. Living paycheck to paycheck  
 23%  [ 77 ]
Not making it.  
 12%  [ 41 ]
 9%  [ 33 ]
Total Votes : 334



Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 7:22 pm
I didn’t vote but we are really tight now…

However, we did go on a short vacation this summer using only points that we had piled up, and went to hotels fully with points.

So I guess not everyone going on vacation is doing it because they have alto of $.
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 7:48 pm
amother Sage wrote:
We’re barely making it - waiting for my paycheck to come in tomorrow to pay the babysitter, 11k cc debt 0% interest type of barely making it Smile
That being said, we went on vacation this summer for 3 days, 2 nights entirely paid with cc points.
Vacation doesn’t mean your making it.

Why don't you do cash back instead of points?
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 7:50 pm
amother Jetblack wrote:
Why don't you do cash back instead of points?

Not that poster
But for us it doesn’t feel worth the amount you get back… it seems like you get a fraction of the price back in cash

And can buy you airline tickets/ hotel stays & really get the bang for your buck

(And give the family an experience we couldn’t afford any other way)
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 8:49 pm
We are super tight.
And worse because somehow our local Tomchei didn't have us on their list when we have been getting regularly. No response when I messaged them...

But we did do a vacation this year. Family paid 100%. I think I bought a bottle of water the whole time. So not only did kids get some break we also didn't pay for food or other expenses during that time. And yes, those family members are helping us with other expenses year round and it was their decision to pay for the vacation as they wanted to see their grandkids.
I work full time, about 40 hours a week. Husband lost job. Kids with special needs and not covered all by insurance. Life is expensive.
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 8:52 pm
Was living paycheck to paycheck (we are maximg out our 401k)

Bh just made a simcha. We are drowning
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 9:01 pm
I also vote for drowned and I am living in total peace because hashem is my loving father and he knows exactly what and how I need for me to be the best me.
Ya.. Maybe I'll need to sell my house. Wtvr. Hashem obviously knows what's best for me. And I trust.
My husband lost his job two months ago.
I voted I buy what I need. Because I do. And I trust I will have everything I need.

I've literally had outright nissim of where money came from. And it still comes from. But we're still living and our mortgage is getting paid bh.
The whole world doesn't make sense. Why would I choose to live a different way.

And as a poster said you need to be a malach not to worry.. I'm by all means a human and if you'd meet me irl I wouldn't say anything different than I'm saying here.
When someone has cancer I don't worry either. I do the best I can and leave the rest to hashem.
Throw tomatoes. Go live how it works best for you. I've tried other ways. I was a worried nervous wreck who practically lost my insides from worrying. Not for me!
This way is a beautiful way to live life.
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 9:07 pm
Jewish life is incredibly expensive. Think about all the expenses expected just because har sinai. Like matzos, flower and cheesecake extravaganza, summer vacation (ok self induced), school registration (because most of us don’t send to public school), yt food for all the meals, arbe minim, Chanukah expenses, tips for teachers…. So much.
I have no idea how people swing regular expenses like weekly grocery, tuition, clothing, and then the Jewish life expenses. I’m literally on the street this week scratching my head as people are just back from the vacations, be it Catskills, Aruba, or Europe, how they enroll their children in school, shop and restock the house, pay for cars, and then shop clothes like madams.
I came to the conclusion that I must be missing a piece of the puzzle. Can anyone enlighten me?
It can’t be cards and families and debt and whatnot. I feel like it’s the Rubik’s cube trick. Once you know the trick it’s all you need to succeed.
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 9:19 pm
amother Azalea wrote:
Because you'd have to be a malach to live this way.

Believing in hashem doesn't mean it will work out the way you hope. It means that we accept we don't understand why bad things happen.

Are you truly ok when really bad things happen?

You can accept the reality of the moment while still hoping and praying and believing in a better future. That's literally what bitachon means. It doesn't mean you throw up your hands and say this is what Hashem wants, especially for something as fluid as your financial health.
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 9:22 pm
We are living tight. Im married about 16 years. Weve been living this way since the day we got married even when times were a bit better. Right now, we are struggling. But bh we were smart from the beg and never lived a high lifestlye so now we have where to take the money from. We went on a vacation once in all the yrs of marriage. I could count on one hand how many times we went out to eat. But even then it was a low key restaurant. Im not sure how we would make it now if we didnt live this way from the beg
Yes, its frustrating to always be super careful about buying things. It gets to me plenty, that Ive never had the luxury to just spend cuz I like something. But, at the same time Im grateful bec I know I have what I truly need bh!
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 9:26 pm
To answer your question OP, I'm way past drowning. I sent my kids to school today with empty envelopes that were supposed to hold cash for "extra supplies" because the hundreds I already spent this week running around town trying to find the cheapest options of everything were clearly not enough. They needed $70 in total and I didn't have two dollars left to scrape together. Out of checks also and can't afford to buy more. But I didn't want my girls to be empty-handed when their teachers ask them for those envelopes, so I wrote notes saying I will send it iyH next week. Hope I can. Sad

I'm fine with myself (not really fine, of course I want a new wig and new clothing, but I've learned to accept my reality), but I have a hard time accepting that my kids can't have everything I wish I could give them. I need to keep reminding myself that just like it's min hashamayim that money is really tight for me now, it's min hashamayim that my kids can't have the most expensive backpacks, water bottles, new shoes for school etc this year. For whatever reason, it's in their best interest.

May Hashem shower all of us with everything we need and more.
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 9:28 pm
calvinhobbs wrote:
Jewish life is incredibly expensive. Think about all the expenses expected just because har sinai. Like matzos, flower and cheesecake extravaganza, summer vacation (ok self induced), school registration (because most of us don’t send to public school), yt food for all the meals, arbe minim, Chanukah expenses, tips for teachers…. So much.
I have no idea how people swing regular expenses like weekly grocery, tuition, clothing, and then the Jewish life expenses. I’m literally on the street this week scratching my head as people are just back from the vacations, be it Catskills, Aruba, or Europe, how they enroll their children in school, shop and restock the house, pay for cars, and then shop clothes like madams.
I came to the conclusion that I must be missing a piece of the puzzle. Can anyone enlighten me?
It can’t be cards and families and debt and whatnot. I feel like it’s the Rubik’s cube trick. Once you know the trick it’s all you need to succeed.

The trick is to be rich. Start a business and work hard and get lucky enough to make a ton of money or work in a profession that pays a ton.

The frum lifestyle is only affordable to the people earning several hundred thousand dollars a year. It’s insane. Because that’s not possible for most.
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 10:28 pm
We are literally drowning.
We are over 30k in debt.
We have lots of expenses
Car payments
Tuition for 2 kids
And that's besides for groceries, gas, yom tov expenses etc.
I work full time and barely bring home 2500 a month.
My husband doesn't have a steady job so every month is a different story.
That being said all I can do is trust in Hashem that he will see us through this.
One Friday, about a year ago we had no money in the account.
I was in between paychecks
I asked my husband to pick up my dress from the cleaners.
He apologized and told me that there was no money in the account and we would have to wait.
It was very humbling.
I walked away and silently spoke to Hashem and begged him to help us. A minute later my husband called me over and told me that we got part of our tax return. I was speechless.
My Sister told me that a friend of hers is also struggling financially. Her kids kept asking her if they were gonna go on trip that summer and she didn't know what to them.
But she was 100% sure that hashem would make it happen.
A few days later her Aunt called her and told her that she rented a house with a pool but her plans changed last minute.
She offered her the house which was fully stocked for shabbos and they had a wonderful vacation without spending a cent.
Trust in Hashem and he will send you exactly what you need.
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 10:40 pm
amother Nasturtium wrote:
But why not use the points to get cash back or credit back to your account/bill? Why use for vacation?

THIS. When people say it was a free vacation because they used points I usually just think they may not be the smartest… everyone is entitled to spend on what they want and necessaries and priorities differ person to person.. but saying it’s free because of points ??? 🧐🤔 get cash back and cover bills
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 10:41 pm
amother Aconite wrote:
We are a young couple with two kids making around 270k combined. We are pretty careful about saving.
at that income you should be investing
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Post Thu, Sep 05 2024, 11:25 pm
Fine, B"H. We make ends meet and I have a nice little cushion in the bank, saved from my work income.
But it comes at a price. I've got a frugal mindset and always automatically look for ways to save money. Where possible, I buy second hand furniture and clothes. Even though I have enough money in the bank to theoretically buy everything new. It just feels wrong to me to buy new/expensive. I buy things on sale and other than that usually go for whatever is cheaper. I drive a small used car, even though I could have afforded a bigger, more impressive one. People have made remarks about it at work. I like DIY, to save costs. Maybe I sometimes go a bit overboard with my frugality-on-autopilot and make a fool of myself. I look poorer than I am.
Also, a trap I tend to fall into - if something is very cheap or very much on sale, I buy too much of it. Which of course then can end up more expensive than buying less of a normal priced item.
But at the end of the day, the reason I have savings is that I save money!
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Post Fri, Sep 06 2024, 4:03 am
amother Mintcream wrote:
at that income you should be investing

We are. My point is we are putting away rather than spending money.
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Post Fri, Sep 06 2024, 4:57 am
Some cc points are not worth much if you choose cash back. So instead of feeling like a complete nebach that had no summer (both of us work straight through the summer), we take a vacation on points
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Post Fri, Sep 06 2024, 5:15 am
amother Mintcream wrote:
THIS. When people say it was a free vacation because they used points I usually just think they may not be the smartest… everyone is entitled to spend on what they want and necessaries and priorities differ person to person.. but saying it’s free because of points ??? 🧐🤔 get cash back and cover bills

Not all Cc are cash back.
And selling points you really lose value.
I also find that points are worth double when used for travel
I am BH newly married without kids and BH able to save and invest at this stage
But points don’t go into our budget at this point.
So it feels like a free vacation since it doesn’t mess up my saving .
So although I am frugal and save, the liberty to spend on vacation helps me not feel deprived and stick to my budget.
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Post Fri, Sep 06 2024, 5:24 am
amother IndianRed wrote:
Why is there no option for really struggling, no savings at all, but not worried because a Hashem is in control. Why is there no option for not worried?

I was thinking the same. We’re almost 60k in debt, and just just making it every month, but not worried at all. It’s in hashems hands
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Post Fri, Sep 06 2024, 5:54 am
amother DarkKhaki wrote:
Not all Cc are cash back.
And selling points you really lose value.
I also find that points are worth double when used for travel
I am BH newly married without kids and BH able to save and invest at this stage
But points don’t go into our budget at this point.
So it feels like a free vacation since it doesn’t mess up my saving .
So although I am frugal and save, the liberty to spend on vacation helps me not feel deprived and stick to my budget.

I’ve rarely seen that. Points are usually worth over 1 cent per point to sell and usually less than that when redeemed for travel. I’ve almost never seen double the value for run of the mill point redemptions. (Chase UR points can be worth 1.25- 1.5 for travel but often the pricing isn’t as competitive so you are really getting a lower redemption rate, and flight changes are a pain.)

The exception is business class flights and last minute flights where you can get a much higher value vs paying cash and selling the points. Additionally, points cards usually carry an annual fee. You have to factor that into your vacation costs when not selling the points.

For example we got 2 nights at a $750 a night Conrad in Florida plus two round trip business class tickets all free on points, but the annual fee on the two Amex cards we used to redeem the points was $595 and $395, so our total vacation cost was actually $990, which was still a bargain but not free. (We did get some additional perks from the cards that effectively lowered the cost a bit more but the idea is true.)
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