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Forum -> Household Management -> Finances
S/O making more money
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Do you make more money than your husband
Yes- we both work  
 31%  [ 60 ]
Yes- kollel wife  
 16%  [ 31 ]
 52%  [ 99 ]
Total Votes : 190



Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 10:27 pm
I’m curious how common it is for two working spouses to have the woman make more.

In my case I make more than him, but he also bh really makes nicely and will hopefully make more than me shortly once the sales pick up (commission based)

Feel free to add what you both do
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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 10:34 pm
Many of the higher income fields are a bit more female dominated. Not a lot, but a bit. Possibly this shows more with frum women who can start college earlier, and have an expectation to support the house, at least in the beginning.
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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 10:37 pm
I forgot to answer…I currently earn more, but his job has more potential. He does e-commerce, and I do P3. We’re kind of supporting each other, because he wouldn’t be able to start e-commerce with out my steady income, but my income would definitely not tide us over in 10 years from now with more kids imyh. We’re a team.
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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 11:05 pm
Yes dh is a resident. Will way out earn me iyh in 2 years
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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 11:08 pm
Your poll doesn’t include an option for dh being chronically unemployed while the wife pays the bills. There’s a bunch of us on this site.
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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 11:35 pm
amother Alyssum wrote:
Yes dh is a resident. Will way out earn me iyh in 2 years

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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 11:37 pm
I make more (by around 15k) but he has more earning potential while I’m pretty much capped.
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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 11:37 pm
amother Camellia wrote:

👏 yay!!! Looking forward to the day for both of us!!
Did DH start PGY3 today??
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 12:24 am
I make more per hour (more than double) but work part time so I bring in less than he does
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 3:29 am
My husband studied a much more lucrative field, but is having a hard time breaking into the job market, so for now I'm outearning. He earns more per hour than I do though.
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 4:52 am
I earned more than my husband for many years. In the last couple of years, he now earns more than I do. He's a lawyer and I'm a nurse.
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 5:29 am
I make more but in large part that’s because my husband was in kollel for 10 years and didn’t officially learn a profession (I have a Masters and various certifications).
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 6:10 am
Yes, he is in school
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 7:13 am
amother Honeysuckle wrote:
I earned more than my husband for many years. In the last couple of years, he now earns more than I do. He's a lawyer and I'm a nurse.

Was he working as a lawyer in the time period that you were making more than him?
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 8:52 am
I don't, but my job has tons of benefits. So, in the end, I feel like we're about even.
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 9:21 am
We are approximately in the same window - over the years it's gone back and forth, like first I made about 10k more, but now he makes about 15k more, but soon I go up on the salary scale so we'll be approximately equal again. My health benefits are really good. But his parental benefits are amazing compared to mine. So it all balances out!
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 10:26 am
amother Alyssum wrote:
👏 yay!!! Looking forward to the day for both of us!!
Did DH start PGY3 today??

No, PGY2.
And he has 5 years left..

But eventually IYH...
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 10:33 am
We both work full time, but I have always been salaried at a large employer and he has his own business. My income is more predictable, his is more variable. There have been years when he has outearned me and years when I have outearned him.

I don't worry about how much he makes. Even his "bad" years are sufficient. Either one of us could quit completely anytime, and the other would support our family adequately.
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 10:38 am
married under 5 years and in kollel.

so right now I make a lot more Smile
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Post Tue, Jul 02 2024, 10:40 am
My husband used to make more than me but he opened a business about 2 years ago and he’s still struggling.
It’s crushing for him but we have an income
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