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What were you blamed for today
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 2:03 pm
I was blamed for dd being late to school today. She went to sleep close to 1, rolled out of bed late, and then couldn’t find her shoes that she didn’t remember where she dropped them the night before. I was treated to a 20 min tearful tantrum.
What was your fault today?
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 2:37 pm
I've been blamed for Not forcing one of them to go to camp. I strongly suggested it for yearsit was always no and now "missed the experienced"
For not forcing to try a certain dish, see above
For not forcing to work, "money missed"
I reminded I actually strongly strongly encouraged, and that job was available since kid was 9 at the local frum daycamp
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 2:38 pm
Took my teen son, practically kicking and screaming, for a root canal today. I was blamed for the cavity, for making him sick, for trying to ruin his life, making him miserable, and called a few choice words.

I did get an apology on the ride home though.
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 2:44 pm
Oh I get blamed all day and she's only 8. It's gonna be a fun ride with her as a teen. These were all from yesterday in the 3 hours she's home before bedtime.
It's my fault she doesn't like the supper being served but that she liked last time I made it.
It's my fault her teacher didn't give the class a reward because I didn't call the teacher privately !?!?!?
It's my fault she went to bed late because I called her in at 7.32 instead of at 7.30 so she didn't make it to bed at 8, rather at 8.45.
And then she threatens to go find herself another mother who is actually nice to her, not like me.
Life is never boring with her around!
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 2:45 pm
I was blamed for cleaning up my daughter's mountain of binders, folders, and papers she left in the living room for three days. I understand it's finals season but I have a right to a clean living room.
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 2:52 pm
amother Yellow wrote:
Oh I get blamed all day and she's only 8. It's gonna be a fun ride with her as a teen. These were all from yesterday in the 3 hours she's home before bedtime.
It's my fault she doesn't like the supper being served but that she liked last time I made it.
It's my fault her teacher didn't give the class a reward because I didn't call the teacher privately !?!?!?
It's my fault she went to bed late because I called her in at 7.32 instead of at 7.30 so she didn't make it to bed at 8, rather at 8.45.
And then she threatens to go find herself another mother who is actually nice to her, not like me.
Life is never boring with her around!

If I may offer a bit of unsolicited advice: get guidance on how to help rid her of this habit. It’s extremely detrimental later on when a teen or adult doesn’t own their actions but instead blames their mistakes and irresponsible choices on others.

Every so often I get a child like this in my classroom and it’s so sad to see it.
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 3:06 pm
That I only let DD get 7 weekday skirts for the summer Banging head Banging head Banging head
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 10:18 pm
That I lower his music when I text him. Being that his ears are blocked by music players, texting is the only way I can ask him if he plans on eating dinner tonight or let him know his clean laundry is sitting on the couch waiting for him to take to his room.
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 11:02 pm
I asked her how her day was.

Apparently, asking that reminds her about her horrible day and only an idiot wouldn't have realized that it's a mean question. LOL
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Post Thu, May 30 2024, 11:27 pm
amother OP wrote:
I was blamed for dd being late to school today. She went to sleep close to 1, rolled out of bed late, and then couldn’t find her shoes that she didn’t remember where she dropped them the night before. I was treated to a 20 min tearful tantrum.
What was your fault today?

love the title of this thread! so I'm not the only one being accused....lol (but not so funny)
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 1:39 am
I got blamed for taking my son for stitches (Mom, just let me stick on a bandaid. He got 22 stitches)
I got blamed for my daughter leaving her homework at home. (You knew I spent all night on it. Why didn't you remind me?)
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 3:06 am
Dd 10 had a massive meltdown today. Made me freak out inside…are meltdowns normal for this age?
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 8:42 am
As a mom of a newly minted teen daughter (boys before her) I struggle with how much I'm supposed to let go and blame on the hormonal ups and downs. I feel like she needs to work on her middos now and not behave badly and blame it on pms.

I can relate to the moms above. So I'm not judging. But why do we let them treat us like this? Why do they feel its ok to step on mom? Is it because we let them? How will they become tolerable adults in a few short years?
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 9:37 am
The title of this thread is so therapeutic...
I have two teens and a 12 year old who is starting to exhibit teen behavior. I feel like I'm constantly walking on eggshells.

I can't tell you how nice it is to be reminded that I'm not alone!

And just for one thing I got blamed for today. My teen couldn't find a shirt that was really gross and she told me to throw out on pesach. Like why would I throw it out after she told me to
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 10:00 am
Apparently the reason my kids don’t have friends is because I don’t buy them brand name sneakers. If I would only buy them all the brand names they would be super popular and have tons of friends!!
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 10:05 am
amother Mintcream wrote:
love the title of this thread! so I'm not the only one being accused....lol (but not so funny)

We’re all in the same boat
Today it was DS turn to tantrum and boy tantrums are apparently louder and involve hitting younger siblings and banging on doors
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 10:07 am
amother Pumpkin wrote:
As a mom of a newly minted teen daughter (boys before her) I struggle with how much I'm supposed to let go and blame on the hormonal ups and downs. I feel like she needs to work on her middos now and not behave badly and blame it on pms.

I can relate to the moms above. So I'm not judging. But why do we let them treat us like this? Why do they feel it’s ok to step on mom? Is it because we let them? How will they become tolerable adults in a few short years?

I can only speak for myself but I don’t tolerate attitude. Neither do I let it get to me and ruin my day though.
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 10:09 am
Oy. Trying to remember why I was looking forward to my young kids growing up 😂
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 10:15 am
So many struggling kids. This is hard to watch.
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Post Fri, May 31 2024, 10:17 am
amother Forsythia wrote:
Oy. Trying to remember why I was looking forward to my young kids growing up 😂

There’s actually plenty to look forward to as well.
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