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Chossidmom's thread about childhood vaccines
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 8:24 am
amother Clover wrote:
Just wondering why would she get mmrv shots before her first birthday? The first is given at 12 months and the second is either at age 3 or 4 (depending on the state if in usa) or if in Israel in first grade. I know in South Africa the measles vaccine is sometimes given at 9 months, but not the mmrv. I personallyvaccinate, but do understand vaccine hesitancy. I think its important to have all the facts straight in order to make an educated decision..

I was traveling right before her first birthday and they told me that since I won’t be able to give it right by her first birthday I need to get one in November and one in January when I returned because it’s not effective. Baloney. But why would I think they didn’t have my best interest in mind? So I trusted them. And gave her two shots. Two months apart.
Never will I inject them again.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 8:34 am
amother Aquamarine wrote:
And then I watched RFK Jr. say the above, and it blew me away. He's a trial attorney, he's proven his claims in court. Honestly, we give kids vaccines that have never been subjected to placebo-based trials??? What on earth. Mind blowing. No other medication would make it to market.

But on some level, it wasn't surprising. We watched them skip proper testing for the covid vaccines, so why wouldn't they skip proper testing of all vaccines?

If correlation can't be used to prove vaccines causing adverse effects, then how can correlation be used to prove positive effects, like eradication of diseases, if proper testing according to the scientific method were never done? The statement is made based on the presumption that proper testing was done. If it wasn't, everything goes out the window.

I'll correct the 2nd paragraph. They skipped proper testing on all vaccines, why should they do different with covid? The sausage was made in public now and many people are starting to realize that. Covid vax probably had better trials than the other ones.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 8:37 am
amother Yellow wrote:
That is completely not true that most diseases were eradicated before the vaccine came out! What is your source for that? And how can you specifically blame vaccines for the rise in autism, autoimmune etc? Did you do a study to prove that it was vaccines and not other changes that happened in the world since they came out, like pollution, processed foods, radiation from technology, etc? When you just blame everything on vaccines without having a source or proving it, it breeds distrust. And the fact that vaccines weren't ever tested with a placebo would refute all your points as much as mine: maybe vaccines aren't safe, but maybe they are. It was never tested with a placebo so we don't know.

How are you calculating risk-benefit ratio if the risks and benefits are, at best, unknown????
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:04 am
What are people even TALKING about when they say doctors get paid for every shot given? That's just a bald-faced lie. My husband's a doctor. Well visits, which include vaccines, are free for the patient. He gets paid the same amount for those visits no matter how many vaccines the patient does or does not choose to get.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:13 am
amother Scarlet wrote:
What are people even TALKING about when they say doctors get paid for every shot given? That's just a bald-faced lie. My husband's a doctor. Well visits, which include vaccines, are free for the patient. He gets paid the same amount for those visits no matter how many vaccines the patient does or does not choose to get.

Not from the patient. Silly. From his higher ups. They get a bonus based on vaccinations and continued vaccinations.

Ask him if the vaccines have been tested in a placebo control group and if he has proof for that.
Ask him what’s the point of say - hep b right when a baby is born?
Ask him about the vitamin k shot - and if this information is accurate.

Vitamin K is not “just a vitamin.” There are two main brands given in US hospitals.

Brand #1 contains Benzyl Alcohol as its main preservative. Newborns are injected with 9 mg of benzyl alcohol. What does alcohol do to the system? Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant.

It causes feelings of drunkenness, sleepiness, lack of desire to eat, respiratory depression and decreased O2 sats, and decreased heart rate.

So, as soon as a baby is born, we get them to where they are so drugged up that they are too sleepy to learn how to properly feed , and then stress the exhausted mother out by making her try and try and try...so she feels defeated and like a failure right away.

What else does alcohol do to us? It attacks the liver. So, newborns are given an injection of alcohol, that is toxic to the liver, and then we wonder why there are so many incidences of jaundice???

Brand # 2 contains 10 mg of polysorbate 80. Polysorbate 80 is documented in medical literature to cause premature ovarian failure and infertility. It also opens up the blood-brain-barrier (it is used in cancer treatments for this reason—to get the medicine into the brain).

In Jan 2016, the American College of Pediatrics spoke up about their concern about Gardasil HPV vaccine because it contains 50 mcg of polysorbate 80, and they were concerned on its potential effects on children and teenagers fertility, as it was documented to cause premature ovarian failure.

Gardasil contains 50 mcg polysorbate 80
Vitamin K contains 10 mg polysorbate 80
Vitamin K has 200 times more polysorbate 80 than the Guardasil that the American College of Pediatrics was so concerned about.

HELLO!!! Why are we giving newborns 10 mg of a documented chemical known to destroy fertility and open the brain to potential assault???

Oh, now that the blood-brain-barrier is open, they follow with an injection of Hep B, which has 250 mg aluminum (another medically documented additive which causes neurological damage)!

We can do better for our babies!!!!

Interesting points made about Vitamin K at birth by a brilliant pediatrician who remains anonymous:

"You know what “synthetic vitamin K” enthusiasts don’t understand? The thought that babies (and all animals for that matter) have lower levels of vitamin K at birth for a beneficial, protective, reason. I’m just going to throw these “common sense-based” thoughts out there but let’s consider them:

First, in order to absorb vitamin K we have to have a functioning biliary and pancreas system. Your infant’s digestive system isn’t fully developed at birth which is why we give babies breast milk (and delay solids) until they are at least 6-months-old, and why breast milk only contains a small amount of highly absorbable vitamin K. Too much vitamin K could tax the liver and cause brain damage (among other things). As baby ages and the digestive tract, mucosal lining, gut flora, and enzyme functions develop, baby can process more vitamin K. Low levels of vitamin K at birth just…makes…sense. ???

Secondly, cord blood contains stem cells, which protect a baby against bleeding and perform all sorts of needed repairs inside an infant’s body. Here’s the kicker, in order for a baby to get this protective boost of stem cells, cord-cutting needs to be delayed and the blood needs to remain thin so stem cells can easily travel and perform their functions. Imagine that, baby has his/her own protective mechanism to prevent bleeding and repair organs…that wasn’t discovered until after we started routinely giving infants vitamin K injections.

Third, a newborn might have low levels of vitamin K because it’s intestines are not yet colonized with bacteria needed to synthesize it and the “vitamin K cycle” isn’t fully functional in newborns. It makes sense then to bypass the gut and inject vitamin K right into the muscle right? Except baby’s kidneys aren’t fully functional either.

Fourth, babies are born with low levels of vitamin K compared to adults, but this level is still sufficient to prevent problems; vitamin K prophylaxis isn’t necessarily needed.

Finally, several clinical observations support the hypothesis that children have natural protective mechanisms that justify their low vitamin K levels at birth. I don’t know about you, but we should probably figure out why that is before we “inject now and worry about it later.”

Do you know why vitamin K is pushed on parents and their children? Because pharmaceutical companies don’t like to lose money, doctors don’t like to be questioned, the American Academy of Pediatrics dare not change its recommendations."

"Since 1985, the medical profession has known that oral vitamin K raises blood levels 300 - 9,000 times higher. The injectable vitamin K, results in vitamin K levels 9,000 times thicker than adults blood!!!

Baby's blood thickened with vitamin K, causes a situation where stem cells have to move through sludge, not nicely greased blood vessels full of blood which can allow stem cells easy acess to anywhere. Maybe one day it will dawn on the medical profession that not only are cord blood stem cells important and useful to the newborn baby, but that stem cells need thin blood for a reason."

"Any fetus which gets being wrung out like a wet towel while travelling down a narrow drain pipe, can incur damage in any part of the body, including in the brain, and needs an in-built fix-it. And stem cells cross the brain blood barrier. In fact, stem cells can go ... anywhere!!! Amazing don't you think. God's design has solutions for situational problems. Three solutions, actually. The second is the fact that naturally, in the first few days, a baby's blood clotting factors are lower than normal.

But ... pediatricians consider this a ... "defect" ... so want to give vitamin K which results in blood nearly 100 times thicker than an adult's. This vitamin K injection, so they say ... (like they say immediate cord clamping is safe, and normal, and delayed cord clamping is an unproven intervention) ... is because the baby wasn't designed right, and if you don't give a vitamin K injection, the baby "could bleed to death".

It's not for nothing that the vitamin K syringe, sits right alongside that cord clamp and the scissors!

But there is an unanswered question:
"Why are blood clotting factors in babies low in the first few days after birth? Why has a baby got much thinner blood as a result?"

Might a logical hypothesis be, that thinner blood allows freer and quicker access of cord blood stem cells to any part of the body damaged during birth? After all, why should stem cells have to fight through a baby's blood which is now 100 times thicker than any adult's, courtesy of another needle?"

God did not make a mistake. There is a reason babies are born with lower Vit. K than adults. It gradually increases until by Day 8, baby’s blood has “normal” Vit. K levels.

Yes, share widely, comment, and never give a newborn that dangerous vitamin K shot that even has a blackbox warning on it!!!
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:22 am
amother Scarlet wrote:
What are people even TALKING about when they say doctors get paid for every shot given? That's just a bald-faced lie. My husband's a doctor. Well visits, which include vaccines, are free for the patient. He gets paid the same amount for those visits no matter how many vaccines the patient does or does not choose to get.

Some insurances give a bonus if a certain percent of the practice is fully vaccinated.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:28 am
Re vitamin k I found this book helpful. It's balanced and gives you all sides.
Vitamin K and the Newborn https://a.co/d/5EYQM4y

My midwife uses a different one (imported from uk I think) because the regular ones are bad, and gives half the standard dose for average weight babies.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:40 am
lakewood mom wrote:
It’s not “nice to say”- it’s factual. I’m looking at charts and data. Irrefutable data. Go read the book Turtles All The Way Down.
Nothing is opinions. Almost every sentence has a footnote with a source for it.
Quick question… know of any vaccines for scarlet fever or typhus? Know anyone who has it these days?

Scarlet fever is strep. If you take medicine for strep, you won’t get scarlet fever. And a person doesn’t get scarlet fever every time there’s undiagnosed strep. Typhus is treated with antibiotics and comes from lice. Maybe that’s one reason why camps and schools are insistent on being lice free.
And about turtles all the way down- it’s verybtelling that no one who wrote or edited the book has a medical degree. Traditional or not.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:50 am
Just as a side note.

Polio is now renamed Gillian Barr syndrome
Which is on the rise since the Covid vaccine.
It’s possible that those cases of polio were just side effects from a vaccine.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:52 am
amother Firethorn wrote:
Just as a side note.

Polio is now renamed Gillian Barr syndrome
Which is on the rise since the Covid vaccine.
It’s possible that those cases of polio were just side effects from a vaccine.

Which one?
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:54 am
amother Firethorn wrote:
Just as a side note.

Polio is now renamed Gillian Barr syndrome
Which is on the rise since the Covid vaccine.
It’s possible that those cases of polio were just side effects from a vaccine.

Polio has not been renamed Guillian Barre. The symptoms are similar, but the polio epidemic was due to a virus which has largely been eradicated due to the polio vaccine.

If the polio epidemic was a result of vaccine side effects, how would another vaccine have ended the epidemic??? Make that make sense.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:55 am
it could be all this is true but it sounds a little tin foiley...

like some big bad evil people in charge are gleefully poisoning the entire civilized world for their own gain..

idk I cant take that image seriously.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 9:59 am
amother Blush wrote:
Some insurances give a bonus if a certain percent of the practice is fully vaccinated.

if anything insurances really dont want people sick.. not in their best interest at all.

so while you can question BIG BAD PHARMA I cant imagine that insurance companies are in on the plot here.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 10:00 am
Hey ladies I have a perfect business model.
I'm selling a product that requires only lousy studies, I can't be sued for it, and is government mandated for everyone to take.

But I'm telling you, it's a really great product and I mean only your benefit.

*sarcasm alert*. C'mon give me a break.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 10:27 am
While the Polio vaccine helped eradicate one disease, there are also many other factors that contributed to people living longer. I would give the vaccine a little credit but only a small percent if even because there were many other improvements that helped increase life expectancy. We cannot deny that vaccines do prevent chicken pox, but at what cost? It was very rare for chicken pox to be a problem. Almost everybody got it, and the percent that was badly affected was very minuscule. How many deadly diseases do vaccines actually help prevent? I understand mandating a vaccine in order to eradicate a dangerous disease. Actually, you wouldn’t have to mandate it because everybody would run to get it. The problem is that it was taken too far. When you force the public to take a chicken pox vaccine (not one but 2-3 of them), it really makes you wonder. How many new vaccines were mandated from years 1980-2024? Year 1980 was well past the time where life expectancy was 35 years old. I was alive and people were living long lives. Average life expectancy was in the high 70s. Yet, in the 1980s, there were maybe 5 or 6 childhood vaccinations offered compared to today where about 70 doses are being offered over the course of one’s childhood. What is the big improvement from 1980 to 2024 that justifies the cost?
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 10:35 am
Are children from 2024 healthier than the children from 1980? Do you think they’ll live longer than we do? Hint: According to the data, the life expectancy is on the decline.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 10:57 am
amother SandyBrown wrote:
it could be all this is true but it sounds a little tin foiley...

like some big bad evil people in charge are gleefully poisoning the entire civilized world for their own gain..

idk I cant take that image seriously.

It's not that. It's that our regulatory agencies have been essentially, bribed. It's known as regulatory capture.

So for example, the CDC is supposed to oversee and make sure that drug companies follow all testing protocol. Imagine Mr. John Doe, a government employee for the CDC, makes an annual salary of $200,000 per year. Now a pharmaceutical company he's tasked with reviewing says, Hey Mr. Doe, come work for us in exactly 18 months and we'll give you a starting salary of $500,000 per year, winky-winky.

This is not a conspiracy, it's been going on for many years.

The Sackler family is largely responsible for the prescription drug epidemic in the US. How did that ever happen? Regulatory capture played a role. The book Empire of Pain, about the Sackler family, documents some of this. While the book is not about vaccines, it's not hard to see how things could have happened.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:05 am
amother SandyBrown wrote:
if anything insurances really dont want people sick.. not in their best interest at all.

so while you can question BIG BAD PHARMA I cant imagine that insurance companies are in on the plot here.

I agree, I have no doubt that insurance companies only care about their bottom line. If they offer a bonus to pediatricians for getting all their patients vaccinated, it's because the insurance companies believe that the patients will be less sick over the long term and therefore, make fewer insurance claims.

My problem is the lack of transparency. When my 16 yo ds's pediatrician looked me in the eye and earnestly assured me that if it were his son, he would give him the HPV vaccine, he did not see fit to share with me that he as pediatrician has a personal vested financial interest in me giving the vaccine to my ds.

Nor did he see fit to explain that the only way for a boy to contract HPV is through an*l zex. Maybe the pedi believes that any boy might at some point choose to experiment with gay zex, but that was my decision to make. And it certainly appears that the doctor's personal interest in ds receiving the vaccine may have played a role in the dr's failure to share that bit of information.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:11 am
amother SandyBrown wrote:
it could be all this is true but it sounds a little tin foiley...

like some big bad evil people in charge are gleefully poisoning the entire civilized world for their own gain..

idk I cant take that image seriously.

It's the same trope as "Jewish cabal that controls the world" and is inherently antisemitic imo to buy into the idea that there's some elite group pulling the strings. Nah, just regular greedy people at every rung in society, just like normal. There's no vaccine conspiracy. It's ridiculous that people think academics and doctors are out here cackling and rubbing our hands together trying to get one over on honest folk.

Go ask doctors if they vaccinate their own children. The proof is in the pudding.

I have a STEM PhD, my husband is an MD, so we've seen both academia and medicine in action. We know how these studies work. We know what the pressures are and aren't for vaccinations within clinics.

We vaccinated our kids.

Enough said.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:19 am
amother Firethorn wrote:
Not from the patient. Silly. From his higher ups. They get a bonus based on vaccinations and continued vaccinations.

Ask him if the vaccines have been tested in a placebo control group and if he has proof for that.
Ask him what’s the point of say - hep b right when a baby is born?
Ask him about the vitamin k shot - and if this information is accurate.

Vitamin K is not “just a vitamin.” There are two main brands given in US hospitals.

Brand #1 contains Benzyl Alcohol as its main preservative. Newborns are injected with 9 mg of benzyl alcohol. What does alcohol do to the system? Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant.

Honestly I didn't read the rest of your post because there were so many falsehoods in this part alone.

First of all, the amount of benzyl alcohol in the vit k shot is HUNDREDS of times too small to cause any side effects. You'd have to inject 100x that amount daily for several days to see any chance of an impact.

Secondly, no, my husband does not get any bonus based on vaccinations. lol. This sounds clinic-specific. Maybe some hospital/clinic groups are like this, but certainly not all. My husband used to be in a clinic that gave bonuses if you had a low ER visit rate among your patient panel, but even that was ultimately viewed as problematic because it encouraged doctors to discourage patients from going to the ER who DID need to go...so it got nixed. Is profit seeking a big problem in corporate medicine? HUGE. Of course it is! But even in my husband's old corporate med clinic, when something was actually dangerous for patients, it got dismantled pretty fast even though it cost doctors bonuses.

I say "cost" them bonuses, but they still got the money...it was just now given as part of other incentive pay, like production bonuses (which is where you REALLY need to be paranoid, if you're gonna be paranoid about anything - my husband does get paid more if he runs more blood tests, or orders more procedures, etc - so worry less about vaccines and more about why your doctor "has" to check labs on you or your child if you're healthy).

Hep b vaccination right after baby is born is not necessary unless you have hep b. Problem is, lots of people don't know they have it. But if you prefer to get tested for hep b, then decline the vaccination at birth, that's fine. I don't think anyone would say there's a problem with that. So you're creating a strawman here.

As for placebo control groups, yes. Even COVID-19 vaccine trials used placebo control groups. Seriously, where are you getting this information? Have you tried using pubmed or google scholar to research instead of facebook?
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