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Chossidmom's thread about childhood vaccines
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:21 am
amother Scarlet wrote:
It's the same trope as "Jewish cabal that controls the world" and is inherently antisemitic imo to buy into the idea that there's some elite group pulling the strings. Nah, just regular greedy people at every rung in society, just like normal. There's no vaccine conspiracy. It's ridiculous that people think academics and doctors are out here cackling and rubbing our hands together trying to get one over on honest folk.

Go ask doctors if they vaccinate their own children. The proof is in the pudding.

I have a STEM PhD, my husband is an MD, so we've seen both academia and medicine in action. We know how these studies work. We know what the pressures are and aren't for vaccinations within clinics.

We vaccinated our kids.

Enough said.

Very hard to deprogram yourself especially if you drank the kool aid.

How many doctors have lost their licenses over the past three years because they started speaking up? Doctors who have been vaccinating patients for years.
The second they don’t agree with the narrative - they are shut up.
What if - just what if, you’re wrong?
You’ll come back to this response and regret it. How lucky you are that your kids didn’t react from the shots.
Thank your lucky stars. Thank hashem every day. You’re wrong. They cause more harm than good.
And as a doctor, I’m sure you’ve seen the effects of vaccine injuries.

Have they ever been tested on a placebo control group - against saline?
Have they ever tested this poison you inject in kids daily?
How is it possible that the garbage they put in there can be healthy for the pure defenseless children who trust us with their health?

Terrifying to know you can have caused a lifelong of suffering on someone else’s child. And why aren’t they liable for injuries? Do you report to vaers?

Don’t trust any doctors anymore. They messed up big time. And what’s even worse, is how deep into it people are. You actually trust them.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:25 am
amother SandyBrown wrote:
it could be all this is true but it sounds a little tin foiley...

like some big bad evil people in charge are gleefully poisoning the entire civilized world for their own gain..

idk I cant take that image seriously.

Right, like evil communist governments did not intentionally murder 100 million of their own people quite recently.

Like the people in charge don't say there are too many billions of people and too many people are a threat to the planet....
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:26 am
amother Scarlet wrote:
Honestly I didn't read the rest of your post because there were so many falsehoods in this part alone.

First of all, the amount of benzyl alcohol in the vit k shot is HUNDREDS of times too small to cause any side effects. You'd have to inject 100x that amount daily for several days to see any chance of an impact.

Secondly, no, my husband does not get any bonus based on vaccinations. lol. This sounds clinic-specific. Maybe some hospital/clinic groups are like this, but certainly not all. My husband used to be in a clinic that gave bonuses if you had a low ER visit rate among your patient panel, but even that was ultimately viewed as problematic because it encouraged doctors to discourage patients from going to the ER who DID need to go...so it got nixed. Is profit seeking a big problem in corporate medicine? HUGE. Of course it is! But even in my husband's old corporate med clinic, when something was actually dangerous for patients, it got dismantled pretty fast even though it cost doctors bonuses.

I say "cost" them bonuses, but they still got the money...it was just now given as part of other incentive pay, like production bonuses (which is where you REALLY need to be paranoid, if you're gonna be paranoid about anything - my husband does get paid more if he runs more blood tests, or orders more procedures, etc - so worry less about vaccines and more about why your doctor "has" to check labs on you or your child if you're healthy).

Hep b vaccination right after baby is born is not necessary unless you have hep b. Problem is, lots of people don't know they have it. But if you prefer to get tested for hep b, then decline the vaccination at birth, that's fine. I don't think anyone would say there's a problem with that. So you're creating a strawman here.

As for placebo control groups, yes. Even COVID-19 vaccine trials used placebo control groups. Seriously, where are you getting this information? Have you tried using pubmed or google scholar to research instead of facebook?

Covid had a saline placebo for a period of time until they decided it’s “unethical “ to “withhold the lifesaving vaccine “ from the placebo group and vaxxed them too so that group no longer exists.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:27 am
amother Scarlet wrote:

As for placebo control groups, yes. Even COVID-19 vaccine trials used placebo control groups. Seriously, where are you getting this information? Have you tried using pubmed or google scholar to research instead of facebook?

Are you sure? Look into this. You’re wrong.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:28 am
amother Scarlet wrote:

As for placebo control groups, yes. Even COVID-19 vaccine trials used placebo control groups. Seriously, where are you getting this information? Have you tried using pubmed or google scholar to research instead of facebook?

Please link studies for trials of any childhood vaccine with saline placebo.
Thank you
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:35 am
amother Blush wrote:
Please link studies for trials of any childhood vaccine with saline placebo.
Thank you



[url=https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(23)00598-9/fulltext#]measles mumps rubella[/url]

Interested to see how you will move the goalposts next, now that your claims have been shown false.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:35 am
amother Scarlet wrote:
It's the same trope as "Jewish cabal that controls the world" and is inherently antisemitic imo to buy into the idea that there's some elite group pulling the strings. Nah, just regular greedy people at every rung in society, just like normal. There's no vaccine conspiracy. It's ridiculous that people think academics and doctors are out here cackling and rubbing our hands together trying to get one over on honest folk.

Go ask doctors if they vaccinate their own children. The proof is in the pudding.

I have a STEM PhD, my husband is an MD, so we've seen both academia and medicine in action. We know how these studies work. We know what the pressures are and aren't for vaccinations within clinics.

We vaccinated our kids.

Enough said.

I'm not following how people being motivated by greed means that nobody is acting greedy?
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:39 am
amother Aquamarine wrote:
I'm not following how people being motivated by greed means that nobody is acting greedy?

I just mean there isn't a conspiracy. People might be acting greedily but there isn't an organized group of them. One of my academic colleagues might be greedy and p-hack his data to get published in a good journal. But when I look at 99% of my colleagues, they are motivated by the idea of justice and good in the world. That's why we accept $74k/year salaries despite having PhDs. We care about doing good, not making money.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 11:52 am
amother Scarlet wrote:
I just mean there isn't a conspiracy. People might be acting greedily but there isn't an organized group of them. One of my academic colleagues might be greedy and p-hack his data to get published in a good journal. But when I look at 99% of my colleagues, they are motivated by the idea of justice and good in the world. That's why we accept $74k/year salaries despite having PhDs. We care about doing good, not making money.

But if those who are greedy are government bureaucrats who comprise a powerful minority of the governing board of the CDC? We have regulatory agencies because we don't "trust" big corporations. Unfortunately these agencies have largely been captured.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:01 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:


[url=https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(23)00598-9/fulltext]measles mumps rubella[/url]

Interested to see how you will move the goalposts next, now that your claims have been shown false.

Maybe I have reading comprehension issues, but I did not see anywhere in those studies that a completely harmless placebo (I.e. saline) was used. It simply says "placebo" or "inert." Neither of which are what we are discussing. In vaccine testing, a previously accepted vaccine, or the same vaccine minus the live virus, is considered an acceptable placebo.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:05 pm
amother Valerian wrote:
I hear… once upon a time, I thought like you. Now, I can tell vaccinated vs unvaccinated a mile away. We are BH 14 years out of our last vaccine. Vaccinated kids have their recurring ear infections, strep throat, allergies, significantly slower fine motor and gross motor development, eczema, and difficulties with focus and memory as they get older. These are simply the realities of injecting aluminum, antifreeze, and formaldehyde in a blood stream and allowing multiple live or attenuated virus unnatural simultaneous access to the immune system.

And don’t get me started on the research that’s been done showing the effects of injecting alternate-gender DNA into a child. (Meaning, your son is getting vaccines grown on DNA of a female human, pig, cow, or monkey.)

Everything deserves a risk-benefit analysis. For me, I’m comfortable taking the chance my kids might get chicken pox. Lol.

What do you do about schools and camps that won't accept without complete vaccination?
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:07 pm
amother Opal wrote:
Maybe I have reading comprehension issues, but I did not see anywhere in those studies that a completely harmless placebo (I.e. saline) was used. It simply says "placebo" or "inert." Neither of which are what we are discussing. In vaccine testing, a previously accepted vaccine, or the same vaccine minus the live virus, is considered an acceptable placebo.

My fault, I should have clarified. Yes, in this parlance, “inert” means saline. If it was one of the alternatives you mentioned that would not be considered an “inert substance.”
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:10 pm
amother Aquamarine wrote:
But if those who are greedy are government bureaucrats who comprise a powerful minority of the governing board of the CDC? We have regulatory agencies because we don't "trust" big corporations. Unfortunately these agencies have largely been captured.

I’m with you in part. But for this to trickle down to vaccine trials you would also have to believe that the everyday scientists working in universities for pennies to do the vax research before Pfizer or whomever even gets their hands on it were ALSO somehow even in on the conspiracy. That’s where it all starts seeming far fetched to me as an academic. Like if there is some conspiracy where I can get paid to falsify data I’ve never heard of it. The best thing that would happen from falsifying data would be publishing in good journals for an ego boost. And even that would only be worth it if you’re some kind of sociopath.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:12 pm
None of you trust your doctors?

My baby's doctor is an erliche Yid with many years of experience with a bracha from the lubavicher rebbe.

I trust him completely with a well-being of my child and I don't think he would do anything that would hurt my baby. Also I'm not in the US and he told my mom that we should follow our country's vaccination protocol because we don't have the big pharma out here like it's in the US.

For example my OB is a gentle older semi-retired woman. She is very overprotective and I trust her too that she wouldn't do anything that would harm me. She used to be the head of the OBGYN department in one of the biggest hospitals in my city.

Hashem gave doctors permission to heal and I do my standard hishtadlus as required by halacha.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:12 pm
amother Opal wrote:
Maybe I have reading comprehension issues, but I did not see anywhere in those studies that a completely harmless placebo (I.e. saline) was used. It simply says "placebo" or "inert." Neither of which are what we are discussing. In vaccine testing, a previously accepted vaccine, or the same vaccine minus the live virus, is considered an acceptable placebo.

An inert placebo is ok. Many vaccines were not tested against "inert" placebos like saline. The rationale is that it would be unethical to withhold a lifesaving vaccine from those in the control group. I don't see how this can be not self-serving.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:19 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
I’m with you in part. But for this to trickle down to vaccine trials you would also have to believe that the everyday scientists working in universities for pennies to do the vax research before Pfizer or whomever even gets their hands on it were ALSO somehow even in on the conspiracy. That’s where it all starts seeming far fetched to me as an academic. Like if there is some conspiracy where I can get paid to falsify data I’ve never heard of it. The best thing that would happen from falsifying data would be publishing in good journals for an ego boost. And even that would only be worth it if you’re some kind of sociopath.

I doubt the researchers and scientists have any involvement, other than like you said, some crazy person here or there. But if the end result shows only negligible benefit, for instance, the corporations might see no harm in offering certain members of government advisory boards some cushy jobs with an understanding that certain data will not be looked at too closely.

I mean, how did Purdue Pharma succeed in creating a national prescription drug epidemic? The answer is, lots of very underhanded and dishonest behavior.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:20 pm
amother Puce wrote:
None of you trust your doctors?

My baby's doctor is an erliche Yid with many years of experience with a bracha from the lubavicher rebbe.

I trust him completely with a well-being of my child and I don't think he would do anything that would hurt my baby. Also I'm not in the US and he told my mom that we should follow our country's vaccination protocol because we don't have the big pharma out here like it's in the US.

For example my OB is a gentle older semi-retired woman. She is very overprotective and I trust her too that she wouldn't do anything that would harm me. She used to be the head of the OBGYN department in one of the biggest hospitals in my city.

Hashem gave doctors permission to heal and I do my standard hishtadlus as required by halacha.

I used to, back when they had private practices working for themselves. Sadly our doctors have in recent years been bought out by giant health systems and there's been a definite, noticeable change.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:24 pm
amother Aquamarine wrote:
An inert placebo is ok. Many vaccines were not tested against "inert" placebos like saline. The rationale is that it would be unethical to withhold a lifesaving vaccine from those in the control group. I don't see how this can be not self-serving.

Hoping not to dox myself too much here haha but I’m in neuroscience and psychiatry. It is actually a thing even outside vaccine research that if something is KNOWN from past research to have benefit you can’t ethically do a true placebo trial. Usually the original trials are against placebo though. But when developing new variations if the original vax is known to be effective you can’t just use placebo, you have to compare new formulation to old.

True even outside medicines. If I am doing a clinical trial on a certain type of therapy’s efficacy for borderline personality, I can’t just do my group therapy vs a control where people come in and talk about something different. It has to be my new therapy vs DBT because DBT has been shown to be effective and it would be unethical to enroll borderline patients without offering them some potentially effective treatment.

Does that make sense? Happy to elaborate or provide other examples.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:28 pm
amother Aquamarine wrote:
I used to, back when they had private practices working for themselves. Sadly our doctors have in recent years been bought out by giant health systems and there's been a definite, noticeable change.

Well I still trust my doctors and they are still recommended vaccines. My baby's doctor as a private practice.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:42 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
Hoping not to dox myself too much here haha but I’m in neuroscience and psychiatry. It is actually a thing even outside vaccine research that if something is KNOWN from past research to have benefit you can’t ethically do a true placebo trial. Usually the original trials are against placebo though. But when developing new variations if the original vax is known to be effective you can’t just use placebo, you have to compare new formulation to old.

True even outside medicines. If I am doing a clinical trial on a certain type of therapy’s efficacy for borderline personality, I can’t just do my group therapy vs a control where people come in and talk about something different. It has to be my new therapy vs DBT because DBT has been shown to be effective and it would be unethical to enroll borderline patients without offering them some potentially effective treatment.

Does that make sense? Happy to elaborate or provide other examples.

Gotcha. It sounds like this presumes that the first generation vaccines were in fact tested against proper placebo trials?
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