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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 10:58 am
Based on the request of my teens, I'm looking to create a very beautiful sukka. Yes, we will still have a fun kids wall or two of all the kids projects from all the years. But what else can we do to create a beautiful sukka with decorations. They don't want the plastic fruit and shiny plastic decorations they sell in stores.
DH doesn't want low hanging objects from the schach for halacha reasons. Please share your ideas! Also for the table decor. What should I get? How can I arrange flowers in a nice way to be kept on the table?
Where should I go looking for reasonably priced paper goods? I'm doing this for my girls as I really try and cater to their wants every yt so they can really grow up with the good feelings (aside from the happy moments we create as a family on yt). I don't want them on the internet looking up ideas. They are happy to work on decorations but they just don't have ideas.
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 11:06 am
I like getting floral-type hangings that are long in length (I've found some in dollar store, some at my local Jewish supermarket) that we hang along the top edges of the succah for a festive green look. We also line the beams of the Succah with these.
I have lanterns that I purchased at Ikea a few years ago. I have some fake grapes and greenery trimming the top, and I put the electric tealights in these. I hang them from the schach. the idea is not to hang them low for Halachic reasons - I tie the string tightly so the distance from the Schach is minimal.
We hang various pictures on the wall - some of Gedolim, some beautiful crafts projects the girls did in school (some in groups of similar types, like each of the girls did a similar project in 3rd grade, so we grouped those together....) and large posters with the Ushpizin and Yehi Ratzon for before shaking the lulav.
For the table, I like using a pleather tablecloth in the Succa. I bought large green leaf placements, and I use an old set of white/gold china (but you could get disposables) that goes over the placemat, with the leaf showing around. I like getting floral/leafy napkins, and flower centerpieces with focus on big leafy greenery. It ends up looking very beautiful.
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 12:41 pm
Thank you!
If anyone has any links to ideas that would so helpful
Having a hard time finding myself
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 12:46 pm
Someone told me she bought something like this. Don’t know which one. I just did a quick search.
But I’m not sure if you can still get it before yom tov
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 12:54 pm
We've hung bunches of white tulle around the walls for the ananei haKavod.
Is there a reason you can't use real dishes? They go a long way to making the table loom festive.
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 1:15 pm
love all these!
but it takes someone with a good sense of how to lay it out and where to put it in the actual sukkah. I feel like I'll take the same items as you and just put them in the wrong place!
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 1:18 pm
This year I decided to go with a greenery /nature type of idea.
I ordered faux vines, leaves, birds, I have some different colored butterfly wind chimes I picked up on sale in the summer, I got a couple of hanging fake green plants in pots, Will have some real green floor plants in the sukkah in the corners . We have hanging lights all around the perimeter of the Sukkah.
I also found these disposable table clothes on Amazon and the gold on the table clothes coordinates with my white and gold trimmed disposable dishes as well as the greenery.
Last edited by Highstrung on Wed, Sep 21 2022, 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 1:32 pm
amother OP wrote: | love all these!
but it takes someone with a good sense of how to lay it out and where to put it in the actual sukkah. I feel like I'll take the same items as you and just put them in the wrong place! |
Leave that to your girls creativity to do.
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mother to be
Wed, Sep 21 2022, 1:36 pm
amother OP wrote: | love all these!
but it takes someone with a good sense of how to lay it out and where to put it in the actual sukkah. I feel like I'll take the same items as you and just put them in the wrong place! |
I would order, and play around once my sukkah is built. Its amazon... Free returns!
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 1:40 pm
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 2:29 pm
I have a dream to paint one whole (fabric) wall of the succah
with text (like tehillim) and fruit around- maybe shivas haminim for something extra special, unique and creative
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 2:37 pm
I love that!! I don’t have a fabric sukka. What type of fabric can I buy that is huge? And weatherproof? What kind of paint should I use that won’t get ruined in the rain?
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 4:12 pm
wow that is insanely gorgeous
im not such an artist!
I dont know. I think a big white peice of fabric that would be enough to cover one wall -which is enough for me like 2-3 meters length and the width of the fabric whatever it is
the idea of decorating the outside is stunning
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 4:21 pm
I don’t know how invested you are in its appearance personally, or if you and give your girls a budget and say order what you want, and do as you see fit, Enjoy!
I don’t know how many kids you have and how many walks your sukkah has. Can you leave one wall for the littles and give each big girl one? They can collaborate and it can match or they can do their own thing and have different walls with different themes. What look do they want?
It’s also a great way to teach compromise and working together.
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Wed, Sep 21 2022, 4:35 pm
There are beautiful waterproof large murals sold to cover a succah wall. I got one of a yerushalayim scene. Sold online and in Judaica stores.
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