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Do you actually know someone who was vaccine injured?
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Do you actually know someone who was vaccine injured (not a headache, minor seizure, etc.)?
 19%  [ 62 ]
 74%  [ 233 ]
Something Else  
 0%  [ 3 ]
Temporarily, but it was addressed and fixed BH  
 4%  [ 15 ]
Total Votes : 313



Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:07 pm
amother [ Silver ] wrote:
I have a medical problem that started shortly after I got a booster as an adult. Can I say with 100% certainty it was caused by the vaccine? No. but there are studies linking the two and I will never give my kids that shot.

wow im so sorry Sad could you please tell us what shot it was and what the connected medical problem is so that we can all make informed decisions? thnak you
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:17 pm
I also think it’s odd that I’ve never met anyone, or heard from anyone I know personally, any of these vaccine injury stories.
It does seem strange that some people know all these stories and I’ve yet to meet one.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:22 pm
yksraya wrote:
Well, classic is when the child shows symptoms early. Regressive is if they seemed ok but then regressed. Which is the case with your niece, as well as with my brother. What you explained about your niece, is the classic symptoms of autism. It's not vaccine injury. It's autism. She was born with it. It just came out at 4 and not at 1.

Says you.
She had a week of high fever after the MMR, and then regressed. Sell me the Brooklyn bridge.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:35 pm
amother [ Lilac ] wrote:
It very clearly is a religious issue. I never studied gemara, but most men (or women) who did can very easily tell you how there is a very clear argument to be made in this case for this particular family not to be allowed to vaccinate. There are definitely religious shittos who'd argue that its not recommended.

I agree. I'm not the mother though. She was very traumatized and she wanted to not vaccinate because her baby died and not have to send in a religious exemption.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:38 pm
amother [ Black ] wrote:
Says you.
She had a week of high fever after the MMR, and then regressed. Sell me the Brooklyn bridge.

I dont understand the correlation either. High fever is normal after the MMR or with any virus, especially in children. Autism can be noticed at birth or seen on scans now (or a likelihood of developing it) and studies have already proven it is not caused by vaccines, specifically not MMR.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:39 pm
amother [ Scarlet ] wrote:
I agree. I'm not the mother though. She was very traumatized and she wanted to not vaccinate because her baby died and not have to send in a religious exemption.

What does she have against religious exemptions?
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:39 pm
amother [ Pewter ] wrote:
I also think it’s odd that I’ve never met anyone, or heard from anyone I know personally, any of these vaccine injury stories.
It does seem strange that some people know all these stories and I’ve yet to meet one.

Because anti vaxxers tend to be part of groups where people share these stories or groups that attract people who have had real or imagined adverse reactions. Most people dont know one million children so wont know kids who had adverse reactions. Also, maybe genetics play a role so people with one kid or family member with a reaction are more likely to know others.
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Sunny Days  


Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:40 pm
amother [ Black ] wrote:
Says you.
She had a week of high fever after the MMR, and then regressed. Sell me the Brooklyn bridge.

Y’know other things happen also. My baby had high fever after MMR. We happened to have a Dr appt so Dr did a full workup, while me, ‘educated’ mom is rolling my eyes and telling the Dr it’s not necessary bec it’s from the vaccine. Now guess who was a fool? Me! She had RSV! So are you going to say the mmr caused the rsv??
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:42 pm
My mother developed crohn's disease after visiting Israel and eating in places where the hygiene left a bit to be desired. When she was finally diagnosed with Crohn's, several months later, she was told that sometimes a disease lies dormant in one's system, and a shock to the system, such as the amoebic infection she contracted during her visit to Israel, can bring it out. I had been told that the same is often true of vaccine/vaccine injury. The shock to the system caused by the vaccine can bring out problems that lie dormant in the child's system. That doesn't mean that without vaccines they would be in the clear, it just means that in this case, the vaccine was the systemic shock which brought out this problem.

Two of my kids came down with mild cases of rubella (confirmed by their doctor) shortly after receiving the MMR, but I voted no - it wasn't a vaccine injury, just a side effect.
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  Sunny Days  


Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:43 pm
I still want to understand why it would be better for all these kids that developed allergies, asthma, autism, sids and teddy bear anxiety- to be better off getting the actual disease. Why do you think they would *NOT* die or become severely incapacitated?

Explain to me how they’re better off???
I’m bumping this up because 7 pages later- and I’m still waiting for an answer...

Last edited by Sunny Days on Tue, Jul 09 2019, 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:53 pm
gamzehyaavor wrote:
I still want to understand why it would be better for all these kids that developed allergies, asthma, autism, sids and teddy bear anxiety- to be better off getting the actual disease. Why do you think they would *NOT* die or become severely incapacitated?

Explain to me how they’re better off???

I don't have energy to explain the theory, but I'll let this anecdote speak to those who really want to know. Those who aren't interested will nitpick and argue because they don't want to hear no matter what I say.

My vaccinated child has an issue that we deal with on a weekly basis (there are studies showing a much larger percentage of this issue in vaccinated vs unvaccinated).
My unvaccinated child had the measles for a couple of days and its now a distant memory. The child was not in pain at the time, just very weak, sleeping through most of it. But besides for shunning light, child didn't complain about anything else.
Comparing lifelong issues to temp I know what I choose for children.
And, my child who had a side effect (I'm not really calling it injury bec. a lot of ppl live with this condition to a ripe old age, but it still is a negative side effect), could not get a medical exemption bec. unless the injury is life threatening the DOH is down the docs back not to give one. Well, the negative repercussions are there even if they are not life threatening. If we have to wait until it is life threatening we are in a bad place.
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Post Sun, Jul 07 2019, 11:57 pm
amother [ Brown ] wrote:
My mother developed crohn's disease after visiting Israel and eating in places where the hygiene left a bit to be desired. When she was finally diagnosed with Crohn's, several months later, she was told that sometimes a disease lies dormant in one's system, and a shock to the system, such as the amoebic infection she contracted during her visit to Israel, can bring it out. I had been told that the same is often true of vaccine/vaccine injury. The shock to the system caused by the vaccine can bring out problems that lie dormant in the child's system. That doesn't mean that without vaccines they would be in the clear, it just means that in this case, the vaccine was the systemic shock which brought out this problem.

Two of my kids came down with mild cases of rubella (confirmed by their doctor) shortly after receiving the MMR, but I voted no - it wasn't a vaccine injury, just a side effect.

There's a thread here with almost every single imamother ganging up on the woman who went off BC bec. pregnancy can trigger her PPD. If someone is prone to depression or any other mental illness you try to set up your life in a way which doesn't trigger the negative reaction.
It would be wholly irresponsible for anyone has the possibility of having an issue triggered by vaccines, take vaccines.
If it comes out another time, when it was unpreventable, it comes out. Why bring it upon yourself? Do everything in your power to ensure that it will never be triggered.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 12:03 am
I know a baby that developed Gillian Barre syndrome after her 2-month vaccines. Here's how it goes unrecognized-I had been looking into the topic and researching and read up on Gillian Barre which is a known side effect written on a few package inserts. I went to visit a friend -her baby had a round of vaccines that same day and she was very out of it with a high fever. About a week later she was not moving one side of her body. My friend brought the baby to the doctor and the baby got started on physical therapy which slowly but surely helped although she was delayed for a while. The dr told the mother is that she must have been in a tight position in the womb which caused this difficulty moving one side of her body. The parents did not know what to think and accepted this. I'm very close to this family and I know that the baby was moving fine before then. Had the baby not been moving normally and been stiff, the parents would have noticed.
The doctor didn't even suggest it could possibly be Gillian Barre which is written on the package insert.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 12:18 am
Wrote this in an essay a while ago. Thought it'll come in handy in this thread:)

This autism thing is as absurd as saying that vaccines make you have a big nose or high hairline. Autism is a gene, for heaven's sake. The reason ppl believe this theory so readily is because the ages happen to coincide. Autism "comes out" at two years of age, same time as doctors recommend vaccines. It's the equivalent of saying that seventh grade causes acne. The catch? They happen at the same time. And who are the people who come up with these studies? One of whom said that her kids who had antibiotics at birth have terrible teeth. Seriously? No bad teeth in the genes I assume. Antibiotics are the sole cause. The other claimed that her children who took shots were by the doc with infections more often than not. Well, my son took shots and didn't need antibiotics until way past his first birthday (besides for the antibiotics he got at birth before the shots. Now we're waiting to see his teeth. Not that he stands much of a chance. My husband and I have terrible teeth.) Theory debunked.
Disclaimer: I don't believe in blindly doing what you're told. I believe in education. I believe in saying a tefilla before your child is vaccinated that Hashem should save him from all harm (which can happen. Just not as often as anti vax claim it does and not as rarely as pro vax do.) I just find this anti vaccine missionary attitude irksome. If you feel that doing what is needed to keep society safe goes against your core beliefs, do whatever you want. The least you can do to help is shut up.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 12:23 am
My niece had a vaccine injury.
My sister stopped vaccinating her kids.

My niece had what one would call "autistic characteristics" soon after a high fever that started withing the hour of her dtap vaccine.

But it's not autism becuase after close to 3 years of intense therapy, she is bh in a mainstream school and doing great. But it was a huge struggle.
Her symptoms were really symptoms of a brain injury. Some connections in her brain were fried.
For example, she saw an apple. She wanted an apple. She started making kvetching sounds. Noone knew what she wanted.
Her brain didn't connect, "you want apple. Ask for apple" meanwhile she was getting more and more agitated. And she'd cry and tantrum for 2-3 hours at a time nonverbally....
And that was a THREE year old.
Whereas 2 years before, as a baby she'd point and make gestures with her hands for what she wanted. It all stopped after that shot....

So what helped was intense therapy to help her brain build all of these connections again. It was a long slow process.
At times she can still go back to those behaviours but overall she's functioning fine now.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 1:11 am
amother [ Brunette ] wrote:
I am really curious - not bashing at all! How do they know the 7 month old baby died from the shot?

I have a child with epilepsy. His first seizure was the day he got a bunch of shots when he was 7 weeks old. I am told that he had epilepsy and the stress on his body from the shots caused his first seizure, which makes sense to me. Why should I say that the shots caused his epilepsy?

im so sorry you went through that. I do want to say that that is pure manipulation and a clear vaccine injury. If there were an epilepsy disorder if would have been there and noticeable before.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 1:18 am
Yes, my father a”h. He contracted Guillain Barre after getting the flu shot. It is a known side effect of both the flu and the flu shot (rare). He was completely paralyzed as a result, but Tammiflu helped to treat the paralysis. Sadly, he had the chronic form of GB. Most people recover fully with the help of Tammiflu but with the chronic form, it never fully goes away. He suffered terribly for 10 years with the condition and complications that resulted from it until he passed away several years ago.

I still vaccinate all my kids with the required vaccines but opt out of the flu shot.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 1:24 am
amother [ Brunette ] wrote:
I am really curious - not bashing at all! How do they know the 7 month old baby died from the shot?

I have a child with epilepsy. His first seizure was the day he got a bunch of shots when he was 7 weeks old. I am told that he had epilepsy and the stress on his body from the shots caused his first seizure, which makes sense to me. Why should I say that the shots caused his epilepsy?

I don't mean to be insensitive, but a bunch of shots when a baby is 7 weeks old is a disaster in the making. A baby is so fragile at that age. How much do you think they can handle?

We are told not to give babies' cow milk and a million other stuff at that age. Why should they be receiving vaccines? let along a 'bunch' of vaccines?
I don't care if you want to call it a cause or a ....? I don't know, what else would you call it besides for a cause? Maybe a trigger? To me its the same thing. Whether its a cause or a trigger for an dormant condition, I don't think vaccines should be administered if there is danger of either one happening.
People can go live to a ripe old age without underlying conditions ever being triggered if they take proper precautions.
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  Sunny Days  


Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 1:26 am
amother [ Lilac ] wrote:
I don't have energy to explain the theory, but I'll let this anecdote speak to those who really want to know. Those who aren't interested will nitpick and argue because they don't want to hear no matter what I say.

My vaccinated child has an issue that we deal with on a weekly basis (there are studies showing a much larger percentage of this issue in vaccinated vs unvaccinated).
My unvaccinated child had the measles for a couple of days and its now a distant memory. The child was not in pain at the time, just very weak, sleeping through most of it. But besides for shunning light, child didn't complain about anything else.
Comparing lifelong issues to temp I know what I choose for children.
And, my child who had a side effect (I'm not really calling it injury bec. a lot of ppl live with this condition to a ripe old age, but it still is a negative side effect), could not get a medical exemption bec. unless the injury is life threatening the DOH is down the docs back not to give one. Well, the negative repercussions are there even if they are not life threatening. If we have to wait until it is life threatening we are in a bad place.

I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. Forgive me for asking, but my overtired brain is not processing this.... had the tables been turned-and your kid that’s dealing with the issue would be unvaccinated- would he still be better off? Not knowing what the condition is, it might not make a difference, but just curious. In my child with a condition- it would be terrible if they would get measles for example.
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Post Mon, Jul 08 2019, 1:27 am
amother [ Lilac ] wrote:
I don't mean to be insensitive, but a bunch of shots when a baby is 7 weeks old is a disaster in the making. A baby is so fragile at that age. How much do you think they can handle?

We are told not to give babies' cow milk and a million other stuff at that age. Why should they be receiving vaccines? let along a 'bunch' of vaccines?
I don't care if you want to call it a cause or a ....? I don't know, what else would you call it besides for a cause? Maybe a trigger? To me its the same thing. Whether its a cause or a trigger for an dormant condition, I don't think vaccines should be administered if there is danger of either one happening.
People can go live to a ripe old age without underlying conditions ever being triggered if they take proper precautions.

YEP! introduce foods a few days a part in case of allergy and wait until 6 month... but vaccines? Shoot them with a couple at once at 2 months old and no chance of allergy or bad reaction.

Wake up! People should not need to be subjected to this. It infuriates me. It should be a choice, an an informed one! Lets let our immune systems do their jobs.
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