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Tricking School into Accepting Unvaxxed Kids
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 8:18 am
Your claim about injections VS antigens is a fabrication

I challenge you all to watch the documentary vaxxed
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 8:37 am
The infant mortality rate in the us may have to do with other things than vaccinations.
See the quality of care mentioned in the homebirth thread.

See? There are other ways babies can die.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 8:50 am
Maybe wrote:
Your claim about injections VS antigens is a fabrication

I challenge you all to watch the documentary vaxxed

It's not a "claim". It's a description of how the study chose to count the number of vaccines given.

Had the study counted by antigen (ie, diseases vaccinated FOR), rather than number of shots given, Japan would've come out on top.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 9:00 am
Maybe wrote:
Your claim about injections VS antigens is a fabrication

I challenge you all to watch the documentary vaxxed

I don't mean to be personal, but, Vaxxed is a horrible documentary spreading lies. It has great music and gets the emotions involved very well. With all those stories they tell, its a great movie made by hollywood producers. It can almost make you cry. And, they try to make it sound scientific too. If I weren't well educated on the topic, I would probably believe it. But, I'm trained as an immunologist and Vaxxed is full of lies.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 9:17 am
Iymnok wrote:
The infant mortality rate in the us may have to do with other things than vaccinations.
See the quality of care mentioned in the homebirth thread.

See? There are other ways babies can die.

The bolded is true, but I wanted to keep my response to the study cited, simple.

What is not true is that the US has a high infant mortality rate, as compared with other countries.

The problem is, countries have different criteria for what they consider "live births", so there is little gained by comparing different countries' infant mortality rates to the US's.

The preceding idea actually comes from Bernadine Healy, former head of the NIH (England), in 2006.

For instance, in Austria and Germany, a baby is only considered born "live" if it weighs at least 1 pound or 500 grams.

In Switzerland, a baby is only recorded as a live birth if it is at least 12 inches long.

In Belgium and France, a baby's birth is only recorded as live if it has reached 26 weeks gestation. Otherwise these babies are recorded as stillborn.

Other countries don't record babies that die within 24 hours of birth as born live, altogether.

In the US, a baby is considered born "live" if it is born live, regardless of weight, length or number of weeks gestation, and how long it lives.

The US also has very high fertility treatment rates, which lead to high multiple pregnancy rates, which carry greater risk and are associated with pre-term labor, also affecting the infant mortality rates as recorded.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 12:43 pm
marina wrote:
Of course. Still, please cite the law or regulation barring these private schools from accepting only vaxxed students.

Can a private school decide they want to mandate the flu shot even though it's not mandated by the state? Where does the law state that a private school can't bar students for not having the flu shot? That's basically what you're asking.
Private schools have to follow government policies.

Look up the law in your state. That law applies to schools statewide.

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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 2:27 pm
amother wrote:
What if there are another few kids in same situation as yours? So maybe in a large school there could be a handful of these kids. Do they not pose a threat to each other?

Still genuinely curious about this. Anyone?
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 5:23 pm
Maybe wrote:
Your claim about injections VS antigens is a fabrication

I challenge you all to watch the documentary vaxxed

The film is directed by Andrew Wakefield, which is.....all we really need to know.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 5:32 pm
amother wrote:
I don't mean to be personal, but, Vaxxed is a horrible documentary spreading lies. It has great music and gets the emotions involved very well. With all those stories they tell, its a great movie made by hollywood producers. It can almost make you cry. And, they try to make it sound scientific too. If I weren't well educated on the topic, I would probably believe it. But, I'm trained as an immunologist and Vaxxed is full of lies.

Watch vaxxed. Just watch it.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 6:03 pm
goldrose wrote:
Watch vaxxed. Just watch it.

Exactly as I said above, I watched Vaxxed and it's full of lies. It's a great heart pulling movie though.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 6:04 pm
goldrose wrote:
Watch vaxxed. Just watch it.

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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 6:21 pm
marina wrote:
What federal or state law or regulation, in NYC or elsewhere, bars private schools from accepting only vaccinated students, regardless of exemption type? I haven't seen anything like that.

That question was posted earlier. What stops a religious school from say stating their religious beliefs include vaccination and therefore anyone who chooses to not vaccinate (for non medical exemption) isn't following their religion? And therefore isn't accepted? A Jewish school who takes government money must accept anyone including Christians. But ALL students can be forced to comply with the school code (which can include vaccinations or in the latter case, not promoting or publicly acting upon any other religion).
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 8:57 pm
amother wrote:
Still genuinely curious about this. Anyone?

Ya, me too.

I actually find it quite funny when people get all up in arms about the poor people who can't be vaxxed and then get nasty and insist they wouldn't let their kids near the non vaxxed ones. Of course that never includes those who can't be vaxxed for medical reasons and they obviously pose the same threat. The anger also isn't usually coming from those who can't vaccinate their kids it's coming from everyone else who is super eager to get nasty in their defense. If their kids are vaccinated and they believe it's the answer to all evil then they should be covered. And whether or not it is a risk to other unvaxxed kids should be no concern to them.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 9:56 pm
amother wrote:
The film is directed by Andrew Wakefield, which is.....all we really need to know.

The man who risked all he has to save the world
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2016, 11:48 pm
Maybe wrote:
The man who risked all he has to save the world

Risked everything except his gaiva.
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Post Wed, Sep 07 2016, 2:09 am
Maybe wrote:
The man who risked all he has to save the world

Yup, the man who took millions of dollars to act as an expert witness, then paid his kid's 10 year old friends for blood at a birthday party and told them not to tell their parents to act as controls (I.e. he did this after agreeing to be an expert witness/he had no data at the time) and then produced a paper to support his claims. Then he moved to Texas and used biopsies from autistic children to 'support' his claims without the parents permission when the procedures were unnecessary. Oh, and he makes supplements and sells them. He is actually a rich man. The most ethical man in the world.

His paper was retracted --in the world of science this means it never existed. The problem with retractions, is that you can read it but it doesn't exist.
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Post Wed, Sep 07 2016, 4:18 am
see how much you know or don't http://enrichedparenting.org/v......html

If Wakefield would have $500,000 he could apeal & get his licence back like his Co=author http://www.ebcala.org/areas-of.....nduct


How is lying ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FumTh_IaKgA
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Post Wed, Sep 07 2016, 5:59 am
Maybe wrote:
The man who risked all he has to save the world

I love your humor 😀😀
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Post Wed, Sep 07 2016, 6:27 am
Maya wrote:
I love your humor 😀😀

Glad you are enjoying yourself


History repeats itself https://www.google.com/#safe=s.....lweis
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Post Wed, Sep 07 2016, 6:40 am
Maybe wrote:
The man who risked all he has to save the world

It is truly frightening that one of the biggest medical frauds in the history of the world, who has been disowned by the scientific community, has succeeded in convincing people--via his powerful and well funded PR machine--that he is the opposite.
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