-> Interesting Discussions
Thu, Sep 01 2016, 8:44 pm
amother wrote: | My dr said so is not a scientific study |
I couldn't find a sarcastic emoji to put at the end.
major hugs to you. those are one of the hardest things to get rid of, but its usually possible (at least to some extent) but only by someone who can tell you what caused it and according to that propose a treatment plan. did you try GAPS diet?
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Thu, Sep 01 2016, 8:45 pm
amother wrote: | what do you mean? my dr. said vaccines are safe and effective. the science is clear |
Your doctors science is definitely better than one woman's guess
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Thu, Sep 01 2016, 8:47 pm
amother wrote: | Your doctors science is definitely better than one woman's guess |
how so? I asked him if he did research in this particular area he said in school they are taught all they need to know about it. (basically the schedule...)
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Thu, Sep 01 2016, 9:08 pm
amother wrote: | A vaccine is intentionally triggering my sons immune system to build immunity to whatever disease the vaccine is for. Perhaps it is unintentionally triggering an immune reaction to something else at the same time. |
This is the type of "research" that gives antivaxxers a bad name.
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Thu, Sep 01 2016, 9:11 pm
amother wrote: | This is the type of "research" that gives antivaxxers a bad name. |
You missed my point. You asked me what my logic was, I answered your question. I didn't say vaccines cause allergies. I said nobody knows.
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Thu, Sep 01 2016, 10:04 pm
(Dr. Yehuda Schoenfeld is actually studying how vaccines effect auto-immune disorders. It's not something Mint pulled out of thin air. He has peer reviewed articles and the research is ongoing but it is very possible that triggering an immune response can cause the body to go haywire and form immune responses we don't want. Don't knock something just because you want vaccines to be faultless.)
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Thu, Sep 01 2016, 11:08 pm
Here's a peer reviewed article published in the prestigious journal Pediatrics, complete with full citations. The question as to whether there is a link between vaccinations and allergies and autoimmune diseases, was examined. No such link was found.
skipping to the conclusion:
Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how vaccines might cause allergic or autoimmune diseases. However, flaws in proposed mechanisms are consistent with large well-controlled epidemiologic studies that do not support the hypothesis that vaccines cause chronic diseases. Furthermore, because infections with wild-type bacteria or viruses are more likely to expose self-antigens and induce levels of cytokines greater than that found after immunization with attenuated or avirulent pathogens, some vaccines are probably more likely to prevent or modify than cause or exacerbate autoimmune diseases (eg, Lyme vaccine for genetically susceptible individuals, or influenza vaccine for patients with multiple sclerosis).
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Fri, Sep 02 2016, 12:15 pm
amother wrote: | This doesn't make any logical sense. If the medical establishment has no problem poisoning people prophylactically then why would they take such step to ensure that the blood banks are safe? |
That's like saying I had a bad electrician so I don't trust the plumber. Blood banks have nothing to do with pharmaceuticals. And the ethics involved are different. They do their best toake sure blood is disease free but the small risk involved is worth it because the other option is chance of imminent death. With prophylactic treatment with vaccines there is risk for low benefit. You don't have the disease and are often unlikely to get it (like hep b) so what's the rationalization for the risk?
Besidea, getting back to how this point started, I don't think anyone says to vaccinate babies in case they need a blood transfusion. You generally speaking assume most wont. If a parent has hep b I'd be more inclined to promote the vaccine but otherwise it's incredibly unlikely an infant will get it.
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 1:27 pm
Did anyone else try to follow this link?
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 3:41 pm
cnc wrote: | They are all not educated- meaning that I don't trust their research. In fact, I don't think they know HOW to do proper research. They don't understand the concept of peer reviewed articles. |
Let's clarify the concept of peer review: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pm.....0798/
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 5:19 pm
amother wrote: | Oh no don't tell me you just made an aveirah. You stated a lashon hara on me. For your information no I didn't just google like you I am actually a registered nurse with four years of university education, who read and owns 50 page report written and signed by rav Shlomo Kanievski and consigned by his bro rav Chaim Kanievski who paskened that schools cannot reject unvaxed kids since there are risks involved. I am also a mother who experienced having a child go through SEVERE vaccine side effect at age of 3 and I am also a friend to someone whose both kids had vaccine injuries and I am also a niece to a dead aunt who died at age of 20 due to anaphylaxis to a shot. Don't you dare talk back to antivax mom accusing her of basing her decision solemnly on Google. |
Haven't read all the responses yet but...proof of vaccination is not mandatory in Israel, which is where I believe Rav (Chaim) Kanievski lives. His psak should not be valid outside the country where the laws are or may be different.
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 5:57 pm
Amarante wrote: | Completely off topic but recent research is showing that introducing small amounts of peanuts to infants actually prevents future allergies.
You should research yourself but there was a segment where an allergist was able to prevent his children who were genetically predisposed to being highly allergic from developing the peanut allergy.
As a peanut-allergic individual - in *some* people this is true. However, it should NOT be done at home, only under medical supervision. Further, it is entirely possible not to react to a first exposure but to react subsequently. We watched that happen one Shabbat afternoon and the mother, beside herself, just kept saying "but she's had it before and nothing happened". B"H the little girl was fine...
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 6:13 pm
amother wrote: | A vaccine is intentionally triggering my sons immune system to build immunity to whatever disease the vaccine is for. Perhaps it is unintentionally triggering an immune reaction to something else at the same time. |
If you think a vaccine is causing your son's allergies, what do you imagine might happen if your son were exposed to the actual disease?
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 6:14 pm
Maybe wrote: | Hep B is primarily an STD, NO other country in the world gives it to babies, unless mom is infected or high risk.
Antibodies are expected to last 10 years, no boosters for teens
Can you find scientifically sound medical research to explain that ? |
Actually, that's not true. Israel also gives it to babies; first dose in the nursery at the hospital!
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 6:17 pm
Marion wrote: | Actually, that's not true. Israel also gives it to babies; first dose in the nursery at the hospital! |
True but it's not mandatory and you can refuse it.
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 6:22 pm
amother wrote: | True but it's not mandatory and you can refuse it. |
There is no mandatory vaccination at all in Israel...it's all just "recommended".
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Sat, Sep 03 2016, 9:25 pm
imasoftov wrote: | Did anyone else try to follow this link?
It may be private and can only be viewed by invitation.
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Sun, Sep 04 2016, 12:23 am
amother wrote: | I'm not sure why so many antivaxxers get so worked up about the hep b vaccine. It's transmitted s-xually and through contact with blood. Infants who get it have the most dramatic and terrible outcomes. So why not protect them? Ftr, I have several advanced degrees in the sciences and fully vaccinate my children as does the rest of my educated community. | Do some research as to when the CDC began recommending Hep B vaccinations for infants...
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Sun, Sep 04 2016, 12:33 am
amother wrote: | If you think a vaccine is causing your son's allergies, what do you imagine might happen if your son were exposed to the actual disease? | OMG. Don't tell me you're one of those people who believe a vaccine is a vial of only sterile water and a little tiny bit of strerilized disease? These threads become impossible when on page 16 we need to start with basics...
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