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Tricking School into Accepting Unvaxxed Kids
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 5:19 am
amother wrote:
I took my son who has debilitating eczema and life threatening allergies to an immunologist and I asked him the following questions: 1) what causes a child to develop eczema like this, where he's covered head to toe, and was literally not sleeping from being in pain? 2) how can we cure it?
And the answers that I got were the following: 1) I don't know, some children are just like this 2) I don't know
I lost all faith in the medical professions understanding of the immune system on that day. I have since asked the same questions of an allergist, and received the same answers.
My sons immune system is not working properly and you don't know why, and you can't fix it, yet you feel confident to manipulate it?
I made the decision to delay vaccinating my next child. I plan to have him caught up before he starts school. This child is my 4th child, and is the first one that does not have allergies or eczema.

We do understand the process of your dc's eczema. We do not understand the initiating event because by the time people are seen by doctors, the chain of events has already started. We never have a population of children to study and manipulate before the initiating event in order to determine and prevent it. Such a study is completely unethical and we can't predict which children will develop allergies to sufficiently power the study. This is why we use animal models but they are simply not as good. The LEAP study is the closest anyone has come to understanding allergies in children and they haven't even begun their immunological analysis.

I'm so sorry you are going through this as a parent. Its simply devastating. I would probably advocate delaying in your case too.
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 6:39 am
cnc wrote:
FYI: A learning disability has no effect on one's intelligence.

An academic record has no connection to one's intelligence.

Intelligence and education are not the same thing.

Go back to your previous post. You yourself (and others) said the people you know in real life who don't vaccinate are "not educated" and don't know what a peer reviewed study is. All of a sudden, we bring you some examples and you change it to unintelligent. Make up your mind guys.
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 8:08 am
amother wrote:
Go back to your previous post. You yourself (and others) said the people you know in real life who don't vaccinate are "not educated" and don't know what a peer reviewed study is. All of a sudden, we bring you some examples and you change it to unintelligent. Make up your mind guys.

Yes. That's exactly what I said.
And I stand by it. I live in a specific type of community. I can think of 6 or 7 people offhand that don't vaccinate. They are all not educated- meaning that I don't trust their research. In fact, I don't think they know HOW to do proper research. They don't understand the concept of peer reviewed articles. They don't know know how to use databases to skim through journals etc. As I said previously, spitting back what the PEACH papers write, doesn't constitute proper research to me.

There is an poster on here that loves Google and is constantly posting links from anywhere (including junk science sites) to prove her points. I'm sure as a college graduate you'll under why I don't really take her very seriously. (Especially as many times she posts links and she has no idea how to interpret them. She says something, posts a link as evidence and then the link has no relevance or totally contradicts what she said.)

I know that there are some valid arguments that non vaxxers have and not all are like this but IRL these are the type of non vaxxers that I'm dealing with. (Similar to the Google poster.)
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 8:44 am
And adding onto CNC, the sites that disseminate anti-vaccination info all seem to be, or at least, overwhelmingly, junk science sites.

Often, these sites are filled with hate speech, as well. Anti-vaxxers (NOT the ladies on imamother, but the originators of the junk science), will personally attack, stalk, and harass outspoken pro-vaccination doctors and scientists.

This all undermines the supposed "science" of their cause.

ETA. Just for fun, here's one ludicrous example. The Bill Gates Foundation has been sponsoring vaccinations of children in Africa to save lives.

This junk science site, which many anti-vaxers seem to rely on, came up with this headline:
Gates Foundation partner forces vaccines on Malawian children at gunpoint, arrests parents

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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 9:14 am
amother wrote:
ETA. Just for fun, here's one ludicrous example. The Bill Gates Foundation has been sponsoring vaccinations of children in Africa to save lives.

This junk science site, which many anti-vaxers seem to rely on, came up with this headline:
Gates Foundation partner forces vaccines on Malawian children at gunpoint, arrests parents


This is why I become frustrated in such discussions. I know many people who are involved in vaccination in Malawi and they are incredible human beings. I can say that children from this area go through way too much. And, these people are not only vaccinating, for example, they have also organized a campaign for bed nets to reduce the incidence of malaria. The incidence in some large cities, thanks to these efforts, have decrease drastically over the past few years. People from these regions willingly bring their children traveling for days to be at a clinic and I know because I have seen. Some pay weeks worth of salary and eat less just to come to a clinic for treatment. "Natural news" should maybe take a visit to understand and maybe experience the pain and poverty of these people.
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 9:28 am
amother wrote:
I took my son who has debilitating eczema and life threatening allergies to an immunologist and I asked him the following questions: 1) what causes a child to develop eczema like this, where he's covered head to toe, and was literally not sleeping from being in pain? 2) how can we cure it?
And the answers that I got were the following: 1) I don't know, some children are just like this 2) I don't know
I lost all faith in the medical professions understanding of the immune system on that day. I have since asked the same questions of an allergist, and received the same answers.
My sons immune system is not working properly and you don't know why, and you can't fix it, yet you feel confident to manipulate it?
I made the decision to delay vaccinating my next child. I plan to have him caught up before he starts school. This child is my 4th child, and is the first one that does not have allergies or eczema.

I'm sorry for what your going through and I know from personal experience how frustrating it is to deal with this and not have answers.

That being said, my first 2 kids have/had eczema and allergies, my second 2 do not. They were all vaccinated equally.
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 9:46 am
[quote="amother"]I took my son who has debilitating eczema and life threatening allergies to an immunologist and I asked him the following questions: 1) what causes a child to develop eczema like this, where he's covered head to toe, and was literally not sleeping from being in pain? 2) how can we cure it?
And the answers that I got were the following: 1) I don't know, some children are just like this 2) I don't know
I lost all faith in the medical professions understanding of the immune system on that day. I have since asked the same questions of an allergist, and received the same answers.
My sons immune system is not working properly and you don't know why, and you can't fix it, yet you feel confident to manipulate it?
I made the decision to delay vaccinating my next child. I plan to have him caught up before he starts school. This child is my 4th child, and is the first one that does not have allergies or eczema.[/quote]

I just want to make you aware that you may be exchanging eczema for a life potential dangerous fatal illness that can take these childrens lives away. choose wisely. and be mindful of others as they rely on you immunizing on time not delayed. because its the young that are affected. including your child.
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 10:02 am
Come on, most people know that naturalnews is not a serious site. It is meant to be exaggerated and comical, although it might have some kernels of underlying truth.

Isn't peach magazine exclusively chassidish or Jewish ? You realize most of the world has never even heard of it?

People have got to realize that the world doesn't end at brooklyn, Monsey, and Lakewood. This discussion goes well beyond your town and your own 4 acquaintances.

There were many people in CA that were outraged over the new mandatory vaccination law. Many children were sent home from public school this year on the first day of school because they didn't have their vaccines. Other then health and religious concerns, there are other problems with mandatory vaccination laws. And like other posters suggested, there are problems with making every vaccine that comes out mandatory without allowing parents to opt out of 1-2 vaccines. 6 more vaccines can be added to the already long list of vaccines and your children will be forced to get them all or else no education. This is concerning to me. It concerns me that the government will have this much control over choices that in my opinion should be personal.

If you want to argue that there was a measles outbreak in Disneyland and this is why they instated the law, please realize that the Disneyland outbreak was started by travelers from foreign countries. It did not involve the local school children. The logical thing to do would be to check the travelers vaccine records before allowing them in. But no, those travelers can still freely enter the state without vaccines. Instead, the local school children(majority of whom were vaccinated anyway) get stricter laws. How does that make sense?
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 11:02 am
amother wrote:
Come on, most people know that naturalnews is not a serious site. It is meant to be exaggerated and comical, although it might have some kernels of underlying truth.

Isn't peach magazine exclusively chassidish or Jewish ? You realize most of the world has never even heard of it?

People have got to realize that the world doesn't end at brooklyn, Monsey, and Lakewood. This discussion goes well beyond your town and your own 4 acquaintances.

There were many people in CA that were outraged over the new mandatory vaccination law. Many children were sent home from public school this year on the first day of school because they didn't have their vaccines. Other then health and religious concerns, there are other problems with mandatory vaccination laws. And like other posters suggested, there are problems with making every vaccine that comes out mandatory without allowing parents to opt out of 1-2 vaccines. 6 more vaccines can be added to the already long list of vaccines and your children will be forced to get them all or else no education. This is concerning to me. It concerns me that the government will have this much control over choices that in my opinion should be personal.

If you want to argue that there was a measles outbreak in Disneyland and this is why they instated the law, please realize that the Disneyland outbreak was started by travelers from foreign countries. It did not involve the local school children. The logical thing to do would be to check the travelers vaccine records before allowing them in. But no, those travelers can still freely enter the state without vaccines. Instead, the local school children(majority of whom were vaccinated anyway) get stricter laws. How does that make sense?

Was not referring to Peach; only learned of it from this site. And no, I don't think that people know that Natural News and other junk science sites, are just that.

Hence, the problem here.
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 2:25 pm
amother wrote:
One gets a blood transfusion for immediate life saving problems. That's different than prophylactically poisoning yourself for a maybe. And I didn't say I don't trust them. They have valid arguments. So do I.

This doesn't make any logical sense. If the medical establishment has no problem poisoning people prophylactically then why would they take such step to ensure that the blood banks are safe?
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 3:33 pm
sourstix wrote:
I just want to make you aware that you may be exchanging eczema for a life potential dangerous fatal illness that can take these childrens lives away. choose wisely. and be mindful of others as they rely on you immunizing on time not delayed. because its the young that are affected. including your child.

You missed the part where I said he has life threatening allergies. My son had life threatening reactions 4 times within the past year. He could have been died each time without immediate medical intervention. And it wouldn't have taken weeks or days, it could have taken minutes. And it could happen again at any time. And no medical professional knows what causes a child to develope allergies like this. So who says I didn't trade the potential of my child contracting a deadly disease once for this? The answer is nobody knows
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 4:09 pm
[quote="amother"]You missed the part where I said he has life threatening allergies. My son had life threatening reactions 4 times within the past year. He could have been died each time without immediate medical intervention. And it wouldn't have taken weeks or days, it could have taken minutes. And it could happen again at any time. And no medical professional knows what causes a child to develope allergies like this. So who says I didn't trade the potential of my child contracting a deadly disease once for this? The answer is nobody knows[/quote]

so then why blame it on vaccine? you could blame it on anything. if for instance I fell right after I ate something does it mean the food is at fault? I am just trying to understand your logic?
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 4:24 pm
sourstix wrote:
so then why blame it on vaccine? you could blame it on anything. if for instance I fell right after I ate something does it mean the food is at fault? I am just trying to understand your logic?

A vaccine is intentionally triggering my sons immune system to build immunity to whatever disease the vaccine is for. Perhaps it is unintentionally triggering an immune reaction to something else at the same time.
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 5:01 pm
amother wrote:
A vaccine is intentionally triggering my sons immune system to build immunity to whatever disease the vaccine is for. Perhaps it is unintentionally triggering an immune reaction to something else at the same time.

so you have something to base this on? Or are you just guessing?
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 5:13 pm
amother wrote:
so you have something to base this on? Or are you just guessing?

Do you have any research to show me one this topic at all proving anything one way or another? Because if proper research wasn't done on the subject your guess is as good as mine
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 5:29 pm
amother wrote:
Do you have any research to show me one this topic at all proving anything one way or another? Because if proper research wasn't done on the subject your guess is as good as mine

what do you mean? my dr. said vaccines are safe and effective. the science is clear LOL
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 5:31 pm
amother wrote:
A vaccine is intentionally triggering my sons immune system to build immunity to whatever disease the vaccine is for. Perhaps it is unintentionally triggering an immune reaction to something else at the same time.

A sister in law of mine has several kids with severe, life-threatening air-borne food allergies. New food allergies have popped up with no warning. She's had kids hospitalized more than once, and they all know to always carry epipens.

She does not attribute this to vaccines, and follows the vaccine schedule recommended by her pediatrician.

Different people respond to things differently I guess
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 5:34 pm
amother wrote:
You missed the part where I said he has life threatening allergies. My son had life threatening reactions 4 times within the past year. He could have been died each time without immediate medical intervention. And it wouldn't have taken weeks or days, it could have taken minutes. And it could happen again at any time. And no medical professional knows what causes a child to develope allergies like this. So who says I didn't trade the potential of my child contracting a deadly disease once for this? The answer is nobody knows

Actually there is a lot of evidence that the increase in allergies today are from kids being in too sterile of an environment. Some dirt is good for the immune system to distinguish between harmful microbes and non harmful. Antibacterial soap is not good either. Kids in farming communities have way less allergies.
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 5:38 pm
amother wrote:
what do you mean? my dr. said vaccines are safe and effective. the science is clear LOL

My dr said so is not a scientific study
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Post Thu, Sep 01 2016, 5:38 pm
[quote="amother"]Do you have any research to show me one this topic at all proving anything one way or another? Because if proper research wasn't done on the subject your guess is as good as mine[/quote

That's pretty funny
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