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Tricking School into Accepting Unvaxxed Kids
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 10:06 am
amother wrote:

Not sure why people are afraid to have opinions under their own name.

Be that as it may, the link you posted did not reach the blanket conclusion yiu stated. As most research articles do, it was much more nuanced in reaching a conclusion. It also included statistics regarding schedules which is quite different than vaccination completin when a child is ready to enter school.

However, the vast majority of doctors do vaccinate their progeny. At least according to this study. πŸ˜€

Your initial statement not only misrepresented the study but in terms that would make one assume the vast majority of doctors were hypocrites who were willing to endanger other children but not their own.

Last edited by Amarante on Sun, Aug 28 2016, 10:47 am; edited 2 times in total
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 10:21 am
amother wrote:
There are about 300 vaccines in the pipeline. Why don't all u enthusiasts volunteer to be the experimental candidates. Oh...wait, that's what the population is now, because vaccines do not go through actual double blind studies and long term effects are not studied.
Doctors are very reluctant to vaccinate themselves or their families. U might want to look into that when u choose an obstetrician.

I know 10 mom pediatricians and many other female doctors. Every single one of them willingly vaccinated their own children, and realize at this point that there's no vaccine for stupidity....so many of them decided to ban unvaccinated families from their practices. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 10:56 am
If you want, I can call my dad, who worked very closely to government projects, and ask him why he put his own children's lives in danger, when there's a conspiracy going on about the evils of vaccinations. Or better yet, I'll ask my step mother who worked at nih why she put her children, and continues to put her grandchildren in grave danger by advocating that they be immunized.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:01 am
MrsDash wrote:
If you want, I can call my dad, who worked very closely to government projects, and ask him why he put his own children's lives in danger, when there's a conspiracy going on about the evils of vaccinations. Or better yet, I'll ask my step mother who worked at nih why she put her children, and continues to put her grandchildren in grave danger by advocating that they be immunized.

Excellent questions. Good points. I know you were being sarcastic. I'm not.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:27 am
I would say that 13-21 percent is a significant number who are wary of the cdc guidelines and who won't be following them for thier own kids.
I don't believe I wrote most or the vast majority but I can check.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:44 am
amother wrote:
I know 10 mom pediatricians and many other female doctors. Every single one of them willingly vaccinated their own children, and realize at this point that there's no vaccine for stupidity....so many of them decided to ban unvaccinated families from their practices. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

The ban for the unvaccinated is because your doc won't get their bonus if less than 90% of their patients are vaccinated. That again tells me they are not impartial to vaccines. They vaccinate your kid's to receive a bonus.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 12:56 pm
amother wrote:
The ban for the unvaccinated is because your doc won't get their bonus if less than 90% of their patients are vaccinated. That again tells me they are not impartial to vaccines. They vaccinate your kid's to receive a bonus.

There you are applying a motive to someone else's decision. There is no proof to your tenuous claim. Sweeping generalization. Maybe they ban unvaccinated individuals to protect their other patients!!
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 1:09 pm
amother wrote:
The ban for the unvaccinated is because your doc won't get their bonus if less than 90% of their patients are vaccinated. That again tells me they are not impartial to vaccines. They vaccinate your kid's to receive a bonus.

And they vaccinate their own kids to receive a bonus?
They choose money over their own children's lives?
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 1:10 pm
amother wrote:
The ban for the unvaccinated is because your doc won't get their bonus if less than 90% of their patients are vaccinated. That again tells me they are not impartial to vaccines. They vaccinate your kid's to receive a bonus.

Uh, proof?
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 1:10 pm
amother wrote:
I would say that 13-21 percent is a significant number who are wary of the cdc guidelines and who won't be following them for thier own kids.
I don't believe I wrote most or the vast majority but I can check.

Um, I read the study. Do you have science background and/or have taken research methods?

The study said 10-21% don't follow the guidelines but that includes those who delay vaccination (but still vaccinate!!) AND includes the somewhat controversial guardasil HPV vaccine. And included those whose children were medically contraindicated from getting a particular vaccine. The statistics don't say they WONT vaccinate- just that they deviate for at least one vaccine. (And asks about hypothetical children. It's like asking "if I had a a pony would I name it Sally". Um, I was not a new parent in 2009-2010 and a vast majority of people aren't! Just look at the date of graduation from medical school for the doctors surveyed...many could be grandparents... It won't be 100% accurate).

So the study doesn't prove what you claim it does.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 1:23 pm
Once again, I wrote they are reluctant -and yes, for that large a percentage of doctors not to follow the cdc guidlines says a lot.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 1:32 pm
amother wrote:
The ban for the unvaccinated is because your doc won't get their bonus if less than 90% of their patients are vaccinated. That again tells me they are not impartial to vaccines. They vaccinate your kid's to receive a bonus.

This is completely untrue.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 1:50 pm
amother wrote:
Uh, proof?

Uh.. no! Like I said originally I will not waste my time sending you fact sheets and peer reviewed studies. You want proof, you look it up. I have done and I know this for a fact.

To the other mother claiming gardasil is somewhat controversial, really? On what scientific study do you base this? In the word of mothers who's children have had appalling reactions? Well correlation doesn't mean causation now does it? Gosh you pick and choose!
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 1:56 pm
amother wrote:
Uh.. no! Like I said originally I will not waste my time sending you fact sheets and peer reviewed studies. You want proof, you look it up. I have done and I know this for a fact.

To the other mother claiming gardasil is somewhat controversial, really? On what scientific study do you base this? In the word of mothers who's children have had appalling reactions? Well correlation doesn't mean causation now does it? Gosh you pick and choose!

Typical attacking others when you have no proof for your claims.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 2:05 pm
amother wrote:
Typical attacking others when you have no proof for your claims.

I certainly haven't attacked anyone. But if you look up thread you may see some mother reveling in the fact that our life choices may haunt us. Didn't see you caring then. Please note my post you quoted wasn't an attack. It was mere sarcasm to the words that are constantly being shoved down our throat "trust your ped. Trust the CDC. Trust the science." by the same people who are now questioning their pediatricians, the science, and even the actual CDC. Can this be??
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 2:23 pm
amother Tangerine wrote:
I certainly haven't attacked anyone. But if you look up thread you may see some mother reveling in the fact that our life choices may haunt us. Didn't see you caring then. Please note my post you quoted wasn't an attack. It was mere sarcasm to the words that are constantly being shoved down our throat "trust your ped. Trust the CDC. Trust the science." by the same people who are now questioning their pediatricians, the science, and even the actual CDC. Can this be??

Well that's not entirely accurate. When I made a *general* statement about kooks on the thread, you *personally* insulted me saying that I'm unbalanced. You didn't generalize that statement, it was a personal attack against me. Just sayin'
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 2:49 pm
amother wrote:
I know 10 mom pediatricians and many other female doctors. Every single one of them willingly vaccinated their own children, and realize at this point that there's no vaccine for stupidity....so many of them decided to ban unvaccinated families from their practices. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

Pediatricians spend a lot of their time vaccinating kids. Most appointments are for that. The unvaccinated kids won't be coming in much 1. Because they get sick less 2. Because they won't be getting 40 vaccines. So why keep them? They don't get any business from them anyway. There are plenty of sick kids in the pediatricians office and if they really wanted to protect children from spreading diseases to others, there should be small stalls for people to wait in seperately instead of one waiting room where kids are breathing all over each other.

Better yet, How about they ban sick kids from coming in at all because they are a risk to others?
Why not make the pediatricians office only for kids coming in to get immunized. Then maybe we will all be safe.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 3:33 pm
Hi all - I'm a fellow mom, nurse and new member to imamother. I've been following this thread with interest and have a few points as food for thought.

1 - What is the rush to bombard the infants with so many vaccines at such a young age? The rate of neurological development from 0-2 is extraordinary and the infants are extremely vulnerable during this stage. If herd immunity is present and the disease(s) is/are currently not prevalent, what's the rush? The chance of any negative reaction lessens with each passing stage.

2 - There have been many new vaccines introduced only in the last few years. It's impossible for the long term effects to be known at this time.

3 - It's a much better option to develop natural immunity to diseases that are not harmful for healthy youngsters (I.e. chickenpox). The chickenpox (and other similar) vaccines last about 10 years while natural immunity lasts a lifetime. While many adults do keep track of their vaccination schedule, there is an equal percentage NOT doing so. Having chicken pox as an adult carries significant consequences and is especially harmful to a fetus.

4 - For those concerned about the unvaccinated schoolchildren - Where is your concern and/or outrage about all those millions of illegal immigrants entering our country? The vast majority of them are NOT vaccinated and are now mingling in our society. While they may not be in our schools, they are in our malls, health care facilities, streets, amusement parks and public buildings. Many of them are actually in our employment and in our households. Are you keeping your children locked in your homes all day? (This is definitely an area of concern, but apparently our government seems to be turning a blind eye.)

I am not against vaccination at all, I actually am wholeheartedly in support of it. It is in my opinion though that the process needs an overhaul. Pushing this mass inoculation of every kind of disease to (mostly) uneducated parents has its consequences. I believe that the health care system needs to provide some more education and additional options. They should list which vaccines are absolutely mandatory, which ones are optional, allow for a broader timetable, provide actual statistic rates of injuries, etc.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 3:34 pm
amother wrote:
Pediatricians spend a lot of their time vaccinating kids. Most appointments are for that. The unvaccinated kids won't be coming in much 1. Because they get sick less 2. Because they won't be getting 40 vaccines. So why keep them? They don't get any business from them anyway. There are plenty of sick kids in the pediatricians office and if they really wanted to protect children from spreading diseases to others, there should be small stalls for people to wait in seperately instead of one waiting room where kids are breathing all over each other.

Better yet, How about they ban sick kids from coming in at all because they are a risk to others?
Why not make the pediatricians office only for kids coming in to get immunized. Then maybe we will all be safe.

All of the pediatric doctor offices I've been to have separate waiting areas for the sick and well visits.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 4:27 pm
MrsDash wrote:
All of the pediatric doctor offices I've been to have separate waiting areas for the sick and well visits.

You share your flu with me, I'll share my stomach virus with you!
I'm for home visits.
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