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Tricking School into Accepting Unvaxxed Kids
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 4:08 am
Maya wrote:
It is not just between the person, God and the state if the safety of all our children is compromised over this stupidity.

Is it? How great is the increased risk? Before you answer (or maybe after you answer) here's some humbling research about how we judge the danger of other parents' choices:

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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 6:11 am
Amarante wrote:
The law has the best of intentions but it is used by people as a subterfuge. So the law is fine but the people who are substituting their judgment for that of scientists and medical professionals 😀😀

I honestly don't know what religions actually bar people from getting vaccinated. Jehovah's Witnesses won't get blood transfusions but I believe their religion permits vaccinating. Xtian Science won't get any sort of medical care. Those are the kind of religious beliefs legislators had in mind - not people who are essentially making up their own religious belief.

The issue is people have a misguided medical belief and then are hiding behind the religious exemption by claiming their religious belief doesn't permit it.

The law when passed didn't assume there would be such wide scale hypocritical use of the exemption.

Actually, the MRC-5 cells listed as a vaccine ingredient is from aborted fetal cells. That goes against many religious beliefs in itself, but I'm sure you're aware of that. This is only one problem with vaccines and religion but I shan't bore you with more.

Please give more credit to the law when it was passed. The law makers themselves needed some sort of exemption for their children and the religious one seemed to fit best. Statistically, those who don't vaccinate are more likely to be white, hold a degree and have some relation to medicine and science (look that one up). Ironically, one of the cities in the USA with the lowest vaccine uptake is made up of a very high proportion of scientists (look it up as well).

But yes, you must be right, all us in vaccinated people are spreading terrible disease around the poor vaccinated. We are terrible people, uneducated, selfish and Google is our source of information. Deal with it.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 7:47 am
MRC-5 cells are not from aborted fetuses. A cell line (that is then reproduced in a lab) was developed from lung cells in 1 aborted fetus some time ago. For some this may be a distinction without a difference but let's be accurate.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 8:07 am
amother wrote:
MRC-5 cells are not from aborted fetuses. A cell line (that is then reproduced in a lab) was developed from lung cells in 1 aborted fetus some time ago. For some this may be a distinction without a difference but let's be accurate.

Do you hear yourself? MRC-5 is from 1 aborted fetus some time ago, still making it exactly as I stated. From aborted fetal cells. You can dress it how you want but it is what it is.

The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reasons from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. MRC-5 is a known source of human DNA in vaccines.

The WI-38 human diploid cell line was derived by L. Hayflick from the lung tissue of a 3-month old aborted human female fetus.

The rubella vaccine currently used in the U.S. and in most countries was developed after an American researcher at the Wistar Institute cultured rubella virus from a fetus aborted because the mother was infected with rubella. This vaccine is called RA 27/3 because the rubella virus was isolated from the 27th aborted fetus sent to the Wistar Institute in the 1964 rubella outbreak.

Again, dress it as you wish but this is what is in your vaccine.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 8:29 am
All scientific evidence, still doesn't justify the HORRIFIC LIE that YOUR TORAH is the reason for exemption. That is what I want to make clear.
Again, you can believe WHATEVER.....but don't LIE! Which is totally against Torah!

Btw, your kinderlech, will come back to haunt you...why you didn't vaccinate! Can't wait for the day!
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  pond user  


Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 8:40 am
Btw, your kinderlech, will come back to haunt you...why you didn't vaccinate! Can't wait for the day![/quote]

You seem to live a wonderful wholesome life and I'm sure there are many out there who are just as excited as you are.
There are many things to look forward to in life. I'm sad for you that this is the day you are anticipating.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 9:20 am
amother wrote:

6. I'll bet that most of you mothers on here on not up to date with your vaccines either. That mmr has an 'immune' life of about 20 years. Your tetanus shot? 10 years and your flu vaccine? 12 months if that. So go and get yourself up to date with ALL of your vaccines and then come back and complain about mine or anyone else's kid.

A minor point that may have been addressed, but I am just catching up on the thread. I'd venture a guess that the majority of the women in this thread are mothers. In my experience with routine prenatal care, you receive a flu shot and TDaP, and personally my MMR titers were checked at 7 weeks pregnant. (You can't get MMR while pregnant, I know, but it was checked and I still have immunity - and I know many who have a "pre-conception" check up in which they get boosters as needed)

So unless they specifically decline, I'd say most mothers here ARE up to date on tdap at the very least, unless 10 years has elapsed since the most recent pregnancy.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 9:27 am
amother wrote:
Do you hear yourself? MRC-5 is from 1 aborted fetus some time ago, still making it exactly as I stated. From aborted fetal cells. You can dress it how you want but it is what it is.

The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reasons from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. MRC-5 is a known source of human DNA in vaccines.

The WI-38 human diploid cell line was derived by L. Hayflick from the lung tissue of a 3-month old aborted human female fetus.

The rubella vaccine currently used in the U.S. and in most countries was developed after an American researcher at the Wistar Institute cultured rubella virus from a fetus aborted because the mother was infected with rubella. This vaccine is called RA 27/3 because the rubella virus was isolated from the 27th aborted fetus sent to the Wistar Institute in the 1964 rubella outbreak.

Again, dress it as you wish but this is what is in your vaccine.

I am not sure why the issue of how the cell line was developed is relevant to the discussion.

The abortions were legal and ethically even if one holds the belief that life begins at conception, the cells were used to help millions of people. The greater good was served since if a few cells had not been used, they would have been tossed rather than benefit millions.

Are you attempting to claim that a medical exemption exists because of the manner in which the cell line was procured? That's an even more attenuated argument as I doubt that even the most fanatical checks the antecedents of every medicine or drug prescribed.

I doubt there is any Rav who grants a religious basis for vaccination based on the cell line. And therefore anyone claiming this is not claiming it based on a sincere belief in their JEWISH religion but on some cockamamie religion they have dreamed up.

But of course the reality is that it is lying hypocrisy hiding behind a spurious claim of religious exemption.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 9:37 am
mille wrote:
A minor point that may have been addressed, but I am just catching up on the thread. I'd venture a guess that the majority of the women in this thread are mothers. In my experience with routine prenatal care, you receive a flu shot and TDaP, and personally my MMR titers were checked at 7 weeks pregnant. (You can't get MMR while pregnant, I know, but it was checked and I still have immunity - and I know many who have a "pre-conception" check up in which they get boosters as needed)

So unless they specifically decline, I'd say most mothers here ARE up to date on tdap at the very least, unless 10 years has elapsed since the most recent pregnancy.

The flu shot is optional across the board. Not everyone in the world is popping out babies by the dozen and many adults are not up to date. Even at a preconception appointment (which not everybody does), they check titers and recommend the shots you are not up to date on. They do not force you to get any vaccines and they will still see you for prenatal visits if you decide not to have them.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 9:45 am
amother wrote:
All scientific evidence, still doesn't justify the HORRIFIC LIE that YOUR TORAH is the reason for exemption. That is what I want to make clear.
Again, you can believe WHATEVER.....but don't LIE! Which is totally against Torah!

Btw, your kinderlech, will come back to haunt you...why you didn't vaccinate! Can't wait for the day!

What a ridiculous statement.
There are people who aren't vaccinated and don't vaccinate their children either. If those kinder want the vaccines, they can always get them when they are older. Once you give them, you can't undo that.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:16 am
amother wrote:
Ok, you know better than the law.
The law in 47 states is stupid.

Many laws are stupid.

General order 11. (Banning Jews from portions of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi)
Women werent able to vote or have many rights we now take for granted.
Convenant laws on restricting who can buy property.

All rescinded.

Just because it is a law doesn't make it correct. Especially as more states are changing their laws recently.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:28 am
LittleDucky wrote:
Many laws are stupid.

General order 11. (Banning Jews from portions of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi)
Women werent able to vote or have many rights we now take for granted.
Convenant laws on restricting who can buy property.

All rescinded.

Just because it is a law doesn't make it correct. Especially as more states are changing their laws recently.

Same can be said about ancient medical practices that were later proved to be dangerous and harmful.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:36 am
mille wrote:
A minor point that may have been addressed, but I am just catching up on the thread. I'd venture a guess that the majority of the women in this thread are mothers. In my experience with routine prenatal care, you receive a flu shot and TDaP, and personally my MMR titers were checked at 7 weeks pregnant. (You can't get MMR while pregnant, I know, but it was checked and I still have immunity - and I know many who have a "pre-conception" check up in which they get boosters as needed)

So unless they specifically decline, I'd say most mothers here ARE up to date on tdap at the very least, unless 10 years has elapsed since the most recent pregnancy.

Not to mention all of the mothers here who work in health or direct care and/or who are enrolled in school. Most people that I know actually do get their boosters and flu shot, and the MMR vaccine generally provides very long lasting immunity (so I'm a little confused about that 20 year statement)....
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:39 am
Music Music One love. One heart. Let's get together and feel alright. Music Music
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:52 am
MrsDash wrote:
Music Music One love. One heart. Let's get together and feel alright. Music Music

We can't. Someone may catch something. Wink
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 11:57 am
MrsDash wrote:
Music Music One love. One heart. Let's get together and feel alright. Music Music

I want some of what you're smoking
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 12:02 pm
There are about 300 vaccines in the pipeline. Why don't all u enthusiasts volunteer to be the experimental candidates. Oh...wait, that's what the population is now, because vaccines do not go through actual double blind studies and long term effects are not studied.
Doctors are very reluctant to vaccinate themselves or their families. U might want to look into that when u choose an obstetrician.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 12:25 pm
amother wrote:
There are about 300 vaccines in the pipeline. Why don't all u enthusiasts volunteer to be the experimental candidates. Oh...wait, that's what the population is now, because vaccines do not go through actual double blind studies and long term effects are not studied.
Doctors are very reluctant to vaccinate themselves or their families. U might want to look into that when u choose an obstetrician.

Vaccines definitely go through extensive studies and research.
Rabonim actually encouraged Jews to be apart of the testing with the Smallpox vaccine years ago.
Doctors and their families are vaccinated.
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 12:25 pm
amother wrote:
There are about 300 vaccines in the pipeline. Why don't all u enthusiasts volunteer to be the experimental candidates. Oh...wait, that's what the population is now, because vaccines do not go through actual double blind studies and long term effects are not studied.
Doctors are very reluctant to vaccinate themselves or their families. U might want to look into that when u choose an obstetrician.

You're entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.

There is absolutely no truth that doctors are reluctant to vaccinate themselves or their families. If anything, I would imagine there is a higher percentage who are up on their shots and whose families are vaccinated following currently established medical guidelines.

Since the vast majority of a doctors advocate vaccination, you are attempting to to claim that the vast majority if doctors are dangerous hypocrites are hypocrites. That's just not true and if you approach your vaccination research with the same lack of discernment, it's obvious why you are able to be swayed by half truths and non scientific data and research methods
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Post Sun, Aug 28 2016, 12:50 pm
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