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ALARMING! Please Only Respond If You Support Vaccinations
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 10:17 am
Scrabble123 wrote:
I cannot comment on anyone's personal exemption, but I listened to the conference and heard what Peach (pathetically endangering all children's health) Magazine is advocating.

The speaker advised that parents must first state that they are religious and then bring examples from their religion. She said to use pesukim. That is heresy! Last time I checked you are not allowed to manipulate the words in the Torah to create new meanings! It is unacceptable and assur! It is alarming!

Everything in the opening post is scary. One should know their facts before spewing them forth. That doesn't invalidate everything they said just makes them sounds like dumbasses who shouldn't be preaching anything. But the people I know who claim religious exemption don't claim it has anything to do with being Jewish.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 10:25 am
I contacted this website http://www.vaccineinformation.org about my concerns regarding an anti vaccine publication and here is their response: (please note, I deleted the person's full name and contact info, I didnt feel right publishing it on public forum)

Thanks for your concern and wanting to do something about this issue! There is a great group called Voices for Vaccines that you should check out: http://www.voicesforvaccines.org/

They have a page of tools for those who want to advocate for vaccines/respond to anti-vaccine tactics here: http://www.voicesforvaccines.org/tools/

We also have a page of resources about common concerns here: www.immunize.org/concerns. This is more oriented toward healthcare providers, though.

Good luck!

Teresa xxxxxxx, DDS, MPH
Immunization Action
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 10:47 am
amother wrote:
Except there IS such a thing as a religious exemption which has absolutely nothing to do with being Jewish so people claiming exemption are not doing anything wrong or misrepresenting Judiasm.

Except that the ones claiming religious exemption (at least the ones I know) have no clue what it means! They only know there's a term "religious exemption" and figure that the DOH know there are plenty of things we as Jews can't do, so make this another one. religion aside, if g-d forbid someone's child contacted a disease which they could've vaccinated against and the child is left w repercussions - death, hearing loss... (I.e. meningitis), how on earth will that mom continue her life w/o a guilty conscience?
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 10:54 am
I wish there was something to do to combat this... I know this magazine has b"h not appeared in my community. If it did, I would try to organize something.

If anyone has any ideas to organize and teach the facts, please post.

--amother in vaccine development
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 10:58 am
The Internet has changed how we get educated.

Nowadays, people read things and believe it's true.

People who are educated properly can read things critically and determine which factors are most important in determining whether what they're reading is reliable, valid and credible.

People who are not educated properly don't even have the skills for basic critical thinking.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:11 am
MaBelleVie wrote:
People who are educated properly can read things critically and determine which factors are most important in determining whether what they're reading is reliable, valid and credible.

People who are not educated properly don't even have the skills for basic critical thinking.

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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:25 am
I'm with you, too alarmed by this for now to think straight of what can be done. But I do think we can pull together a counter-movement, most of which should target the people supporting and disseminating this stuff (who runs this akeres habayis business?!) Rather than simply promoting vaccines, we should show the problems with the peach people. I don't consider myself qualified to tell anyone what to do for their children, there is the slight issue of risks and such, but I do think it's very clear that someone who doesn't even know what's in the DTaP (for example) is certainly not in a position to tell others not to take it! Good grief!!!
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:31 am
In case anyone is interested, there are books out there that present an unbiased look at vaccines. I personally know the doctor who authored this one; she is an excellent and well regarded pediatrician.

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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:34 am
seeker wrote:
I'm with you, too alarmed by this for now to think straight of what can be done. But I do think we can pull together a counter-movement, most of which should target the people supporting and disseminating this stuff (who runs this akeres habayis business?!) Rather than simply promoting vaccines, we should show the problems with the peach people. I don't consider myself qualified to tell anyone what to do for their children, there is the slight issue of risks and such, but I do think it's very clear that someone who doesn't even know what's in the DTaP (for example) is certainly not in a position to tell others not to take it! Good grief!!!

I'm with you. But, how do we do this? I don't know anything about the akares habayis hotline, but, is the hotline anti-vaccine? Would they have a vaccine education discussion? Is there any other forum that we can speak on?

I know I'd volunteer to do it and I know others who know much more than I before this thing does any more harm in the frum world. I know one male MD who is frum and very, very senior in academia in a vaccine development. He may also be willing.

-amother in vaccine development.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:42 am
I found the Dr. Sears book to also be very balanced, and very palatable to one who is not so keen on the whole vaccine idea. However, again, you need to be a smart reader to gain from it.

As I understand it, this akeres habayis hotline has various speakers to inspire women, and one of their speakers is an anti-vax evangelist or something. If we can find out who is in charge of the hotline and influence them to see how misguided this speaker is, maybe at least that avenue can stop, and maybe we can get some damage control broadcast there too. Of course, it could be that the whole hotline was set up by this woman as a platform for herself (WHAT is driving these people's agendas?! Is it just conspiracy theorists or what???) in which case that would be a lost cause and we'd have to go higher up, but it seems like a good place to start...
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:43 am
I think many people would be interested in hearing from those in vaccine development. Most effective, I believe, would be acknowledging the possible risks and explaining why these risks are minimal, and how they can be minimized further. It can't be all about "trust the ones who study this for a living." Don't dumb it down, but make the information accessible. Address all of the common misconceptions and hesitations that people have. Explain the process of vaccine development, and the roles that different agencies play in this realm.

I think if you run a webinar series that is widely publicized in the frum women's magazines and popular newspapers, you can reach a wide and receptive audience.

Just remember, people are likely to be turned off from an extreme viewpoint. If you go in with the goal of convincing people that vaccines are 100% safe, you'll lose them very quickly.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:53 am
What you're suggesting is a nice idea, but I think for many of these people we do need to "dumb it down." You and I want to see research and reasoning, but what we have here is hundreds of people swallowing rhetoric hook, line, and sinker. The other side is playing a totally different game. I guess we need both, something for people who want info and something for people who won't know what to do with that.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:56 am
MaBelleVie wrote:
I think many people would be interested in hearing from those in vaccine development. Most effective, I believe, would be acknowledging the possible risks and explaining why these risks are minimal, and how they can be minimized further. It can't be all about "trust the ones who study this for a living." Don't dumb it down, but make the information accessible. Address all of the common misconceptions and hesitations that people have. Explain the process of vaccine development, and the roles that different agencies play in this realm.

I think if you run a webinar series that is widely publicized in the frum women's magazines and popular newspapers, you can reach a wide and receptive audience.

Just remember, people are likely to be turned off from an extreme viewpoint. If you go in with the goal of convincing people that vaccines are 100% safe, you'll lose them very quickly.

I'll have to talk to my dh and a rav as well. I will first try to contact that hotline after shabbos and see if they want to answer questions and present alternative view points.

It all sounds good to me though. I'm not the only frum person in vaccine development. Maybe I can talk to and motivate some friends!

-amother in vaccine development.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 12:25 pm
I'm going to be having a meeting with a Rov and a Doctor regarding PEACH magazine. I will let you know how it goes. We're going to brainstorm ideas as well.

I definitely think that hearing from someone in vaccine development is a great idea.

Have a great shabbos, everyone!
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 12:43 pm
Scrabble123 wrote:
I recently listened to a live conference that PEACH magazine had held.

I was astounded to hear many of their claims. I always thought that those who do not vaccinate do so because they feel that the risk of any reaction, even a slight fever outweighs the benefit in today's society. I felt that people relied heavily on herd immunity, but when forced with no other options and either saw outbreaks or travelled abroad, would vaccinate.

Listening to this hotline really shocked me.

Some of the claims made on the phone were (and this list is not comprehensive):

1. Polio is the same disease as meningitis. I'm not sure where they got this idea from. Meningitis means a an inflammation of the meninges. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc.

2. Many of the handicapped children in the U.S. today really had polio, not other illness or physical limitations.

3. The Middle East has a Polio resurgence because the U.S. is vaccinating them with OPV, which causes Polio. Dr. Salk admitted that in court. Yes, it is true that there were a small amount of children who presented with paralysis after receiving OPV, but it is still the best defense against a Polio outbreak in a country where it is endemic. Obviously, since the U.S. has no polio, the government deemed the risk of OPV to be greater than the necessity for a live vaccine, and started to IPV in the 1990s.

4. That the CDC cannot possibly know who brought the disease into the country so just use the words unvaccinated to scare people. I'm sure that we all know that the CDC is fully capable of tracing an outbreak. They do a wonderful job at that and that is how they have stopped many outbreaks.

5. When asked if the DTaP vaccine contains live, attenuated viruses, the speaker responded that, "she did not know." This vaccine contains the dead virus/bacteria.

6. Someone on the line asked if there is a Typhoid vaccine. The speaker responded, "no." Another listener came forward and said that there is indeed a Typhoid vaccine given to travelers, but that it is not recommended in the U.S.A. because doctors do not make money by giving the vaccine. Someone then asked, "Well, what is Typhoid anyways?" No one on the line was able to answer that question. Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 5,700 cases occur annually. Most cases (up to 75%) are acquired while traveling internationally.

7. They ask people to distribute the magazine in their buildings and neighborhoods.

8. The magazine was available at Supreme Health in Williamsburg. This statement clearly shows that Supreme Health supports the magazine!

9. People spoke up during the conference stating that the magazine impacted their decision and has encouraged them to stop vaccinating [or at least to put it on hold for now].

10. The hotline also discussed how to fill out an exemption form. The speakers stated examples of what to write on an exemption form. I would just like to state that their exemption forms are false. It has nothing to do with religion, as we know Judaism allows vaccinations. Furthermore, the speaker gave them ideas of what to write from a Jewish perspective to "fool" the Health Dept. into accepting the form. She alone knew that the proofs she wrote to support her anti-vax attitude were not valid. That is unacceptable.

I am truly alarmed after having listened to this information. The conference was almost 2 hours. At first, I did not know if this information posed a threat because I honestly could not believe that educated people could believe such lies, but I see that people are not only believing them, but sucking the, up. I am petrified about the potential abuse of this organization.

I really feel like we must do something. I usually just sit back and never get involved, but I am just too alarmed to do that this time. The potential consequences here are just too severe to allow me to look away. Are you also alarmed?

*edited for grammar.

Speaking to someone else who listened to the conference. She claims you misunderstood some of the points.

Supposedly the first claim that polio equals meningitis wasn't meant like that. In the past, anything that caused paralysis was called polio. When the vaccine came out they narrowed it down which lessened incidence of polio because less was included in that definition. Aseptic meningitis used to be included in the term polio but no longer is. They are not one and the same.
And a lot of paralyzed children did have what used to be included in the polio definition but no longer is now that the definition has been narrowed down.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 12:47 pm
seeker wrote:
What you're suggesting is a nice idea, but I think for many of these people we do need to "dumb it down." You and I want to see research and reasoning, but what we have here is hundreds of people swallowing rhetoric hook, line, and sinker. The other side is playing a totally different game. I guess we need both, something for people who want info and something for people who won't know what to do with that.

I don't know... I feel like there are already all these dumbed down pro vax messages, and people aren't taking them seriously. Even if a lot of it goes over their heads, I think they'll respect the information more if it isn't totally stripped down.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 1:17 pm
MaBelleVie wrote:
I don't know... I feel like there are already all these dumbed down pro vax messages, and people aren't taking them seriously. Even if a lot of it goes over their heads, I think they'll respect the information more if it isn't totally stripped down.

Oh I agree, it can't be totally stripped down, but I don't think handing these people a pile of research studies is going to have much impact. Also, I think there is probably a lot of emotional/psychological pull somehow, and we need to analyze what it is and fight fire with fire.
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 1:28 pm
seeker wrote:
Oh I agree, it can't be totally stripped down, but I don't think handing these people a pile of research studies is going to have much impact. Also, I think there is probably a lot of emotional/psychological pull somehow, and we need to analyze what it is and fight fire with fire.

Find the moms who have had kids harmed by these diseases.... Give back an emotional response as well....
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 1:47 pm
With internet people think they know..
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 2:07 pm
seeker wrote:
Oh I agree, it can't be totally stripped down, but I don't think handing these people a pile of research studies is going to have much impact. Also, I think there is probably a lot of emotional/psychological pull somehow, and we need to analyze what it is and fight fire with fire.

I think we agree Smile
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