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Idaho Students Killing
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 9:10 pm
4 students who were roommates were stabbed to death. There were two more roommates in the house at the time of the murder and they're alive.
I read in another article that they aren't witnesses. Police isn't naming the suspects. Someone called 911 about 10-12h after the murder.
How could these remaining roommates not have heard anything? Could they be the killers?
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 9:37 pm
It said the 2 roommates at home were female. I can't imagine 2 women managing to stab 4 people to death (the report says probably with the same knife, so one at a time). Unless they had at least one co-murderer who was very strong.

No further details were given. Maybe the murderer(s) were had something personal against the 4 victims but not the other 2 roommates, so they told the 2 "stay in this room and don't come out or we'll kill you", possibly even tied them up. Or maybe the murderer (s) intended to kill everyone, but for whatever reason had to stop after 4.
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 9:48 pm
I just read another article that adds that:
* the 2 living roommates were not injured or held hostage
* there are currently no suspects
* the 911 call was initially about an unconcious person, not a stab victim
* they believe it was personal and not a madman on the loose

This makes me believe the 2 living roommates were Chloroform'd (or another drug), passed out and were unconcious for the murders and for hours afterward. One woke up and saw the other was unconcious and called 911, not even knowing about the stab victims.

The murderer possibly used Chloroform (or another drug) on the victims, then stabbed them to death, one at a time, while they were passed out.
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 10:28 pm
jerusalem90 wrote:
I just read another article that adds that:
* the 2 living roommates were not injured or held hostage
* there are currently no suspects
* the 911 call was initially about an unconcious person, not a stab victim
* they believe it was personal and not a madman on the loose

This makes me believe the 2 living roommates were Chloroform'd (or another drug), passed out and were unconcious for the murders and for hours afterward. One woke up and saw the other was unconcious and called 911, not even knowing about the stab victims.

The murderer possibly used Chloroform (or another drug) on the victims, then stabbed them to death, one at a time, while they were passed out.

That's plausible, but why not say they were drugged/chloroformed?
I also read there was no forced entry into the house.
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 10:50 pm
They're college kids. They could have been drunk or high and so they slept through it. For all we know they sleep on a separate floor, maybe even all the way down in the basement and so they wouldn't necessarily have heard anything. There also might not have been anything to hear if they were killed in separate rooms while they were sleeping.

Whatever the case, it's a horribly tragic story and I hope they catch whoever did it very quickly.
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 10:57 pm
chestnut wrote:
That's plausible, but why not say they were drugged/chloroformed?
I also read there was no forced entry into the house.

Police keep a lot of details hidden from the public while investigations are being finalized.

About no forced entry-- I read a lot of college students from that area said almost no one locked their doors. There was little crime. I personally would feel a need to lock my door anyway if I were home alone or with a female roommate, no matter how safe the area, but I could imagine feeling like "there's 6 of us here, that's safety in numbers!" For example, a robber would flee if he woke up several people in a house, but this was no robbery...
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 11:15 pm
Just caught up with this story, how horrible. The police have obviously spoken with the other roommates and we don't know what was said, so it's impossible to speculate. Hopefully they catch the culprit(s) swiftly but four young lives lost is so tragic.
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 11:17 pm
I'm working from the assumption that the main assailant was a young male. There is video footage of an unknown male seemingly following two of the female victims around a food truck, just hours before the murder. But I just feel like to physically pull it off, the assailant would be male.

Even if the murderer was a fit young male, so was 1 of the victims. I just don't think that 1 young fit male would decide to stab to death 4 young fit people at the same time, too risky! They would have fought, they would have tried to run away. People who premeditate murders want to make sure they'll get away with it. And it was clearly premeditated because you don't just happen to bring a combat knife to someone's house.

So that leaves 3 options:

1. Assailant was a highly trained assassin who felt confident taking on 4 - 6 fit people.

2. There were multiple assailants.

3. There was 1 assailant who drugged his victims before killing them.

I find #3 to be the most likely by far.

#1 is far fetched and would be more appropriate for a political or mafia murder, not for random college kids.

#2 I find less likely because in general, you have many more single people who commit a murder themselves, than who manage to somehow find a like-minded person also willing to commit murder, take the risks, follow through, and that they trust not to turn them in.

So #3 makes the most sense, and seems most plausible to me. It would take the murderer having good knowledge of, and access to, powerful sedatives, but that does not seem far-fetched for a college student to be able to do.
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 11:21 pm
I read about this last week. One article reported that the scene was so gory that blood had seeped through the walls and could be seen dripping on the exterior of the building.

I don't know how someone sleeps while that is going on. I guess Jerusalem90's theory #3 is plausible...


Article does not include any gory photos.
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 11:25 pm
I also like the idea of everyone being drugged before the murders, because it would have minimized the victims' suffering. If they were sedated enough, they may not have felt any pain or any fear.

It should already be clear to investigators whether the victims were sedated, for example, lack of defense wounds on the hands and arms. But even if they know that, they may have reasons not to release that information to the public yet.
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Post Thu, Nov 17 2022, 11:42 pm
Horrible. Just so utterly horrible. Dear God.
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Post Fri, Nov 18 2022, 2:34 am

According to this report, the police said that the person who called 911 was NOT one of the surviving roommates. Now, it's possible that the report is wrong, because in other articles it seemed like the police were asked that question and refused to answer.

If it is correct, then my speculation would be that the killer called 911. I still think that he drugged all 6, then killed the 4 he wanted to kill in a separate room. The other 2 he did not want to kill or even hurt, and he even called 911 so someone would come to make sure they were okay.

There are many sedatives where not only does one not have memory of the time they were under, but they also lose memory of the time right before, so they would not remember someone running up to them and holding a chloroform (etc) covered cloth over their faces. The killer may have put them in their beds, and when they woke up, they didn't even realize anything was wrong, and never went into the room with the dead bodies.

The special level of care in calling the police, makes me think the killer knew and had a positive relationship with at least 1 of the 2 who lived. Maybe it was his sister, study buddy, or friend.
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Post Fri, Nov 18 2022, 3:08 pm
I also read today that neither of alive roommates called 911. They also said there were some wounds consistent with defense
So crazy and scary
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Post Sat, Nov 19 2022, 9:23 pm
Here they say that they're not ruling out the remaining roommates as witnesses or suspects, while before they were ruled out as such.
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Post Sat, Nov 19 2022, 11:07 pm
Defense wounds mean the victim wasn't FULLY sedated, but could still have been heavily sedated (enough to sleep through screaming)...

Even if no sedation was used, I still believe that it is more likely that the two living roommates were NOT in on it, and that it was the work of one madman, as strange as it sounds. As someone pointed out, it was a house, not an apartment, and the two living ones could have been in the basement (etc) and not heard anything and the killer not known they were there even.

When stabbing is the method of choice, it indicates red hot rage, and it is almost always a male assailant. If it had been a "sorry, but I have to kill you because you witnessed me do something illegal and may turn me in" type assassination, it wouldn't have been stabbing, probably a gunshot to the head with silencer. The red hot rage could have been something personal, like a jealous ex-boyfriend, but also could be that the victims barely knew him, but the perp was extremely mentally disturbed and high on drugs and was convinced that they were the Anti-Christ (etc). In fact, if no sedation was used, then I do think the perp was on drugs at the time of the attack.

Back to the 911 call. If one of the living roommates didn't make it, then it is almost certainly the murderer who did. Why did he call, and why did he say "unconscious"? If the two living roommates were sedated, then I think it was out of concern for them. But if they were not sedated, maybe the killer had a lucid moment in his madness/the drugs started wearing off, and he wasn't even sure whether he had killed a bunch of people or not. Not that he necessarily regretted killing them, but he just wasn't sure that it was real.

Whoever the murderer is, I believe that he will be caught and that when he is, this will not be one of those cases where friends and neighbors are in shock and say "I can't believe HE did that!". I think police might even catch him due to multiple tips "there was this creepy guy who was hanging around...", etc.
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First Lady  


Post Sat, Nov 19 2022, 11:19 pm
Can't wrap my head around this.
The only way that one person can take out 4 with a knife, is if it's as Jerusalem90 said, they were out cold. And the two surviving roommates as well.
I hope they find the killer soon. What a tragic and gruesome story.
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Post Sat, Nov 19 2022, 11:29 pm
Still don't know how it's possible for one person to stab 4 ppl, one being a man, multiple times, even if using chloroform.
There was no sign of forced entry, so must be someone with a key or was let in.
Also read that one of victims was calling or texting her ex bf around that time, 2:30am, unanswered.
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Post Sat, Nov 19 2022, 11:36 pm
This article is from tonight and says that the 911 call did come from one of the surviving roommates.
Victims slept on different floors, so that explains how one person could have done it.
There'll be a press conference tomorrow.
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Post Fri, Dec 30 2022, 11:37 am
Suspect in custody. Not a student of UOI.
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Post Fri, Dec 30 2022, 12:42 pm
I'm super interested in the details once they're released. Was the car connected in the end?
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