-> Inquiries & Offers
-> Child-related inquiries
Mon, May 21 2012, 1:01 pm
I am looking for someone who does full day babysitting (9-5) for about 2.5 weeks in August. My mother (DS's usual babysitter) will be out of town for the month and elul zman starts before she gets back. It could be at my house or theirs im not to picky. tho I would prefer PP or southern WRP- would be more convenient for me.
Most people I have heard of dont do it in the summer or only babysit for a half day.
I would be ok with a HS girl... as long as she would be ok with about $5/6 an hour. (which I think is the usual daily babysitter rate)
my DS will be 10 months.
anyone have any leads or ideas? please pm me. TIA
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Mon, May 21 2012, 1:05 pm
I love Chaya Leah Carlsen. She does full days. She charges 5 an hour. Her address is on Jerome. If you want her number pm me she is also in the achenu.
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Mon, May 21 2012, 1:08 pm
mha3484 wrote: | I love Chaya Leah Carlsen. She does full days. She charges 5 an hour. Her address is on Jerome. If you want her number pm me she is also in the achenu. |
Thanks. I am looking for someone a little closer cause using her would double my commute.
but she is my plan b right now...
is there no one else who does full time?????
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Mon, May 21 2012, 1:14 pm
I think most people would want for the whole summer not just two weeks. Most people I can think of are in the Touhy area sorry.
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Mon, May 21 2012, 1:28 pm
what abt HS or even 8th grade age that went to camp and are home at the end of august. or worked for part of the summer but are free since there is no camp for those weeks??
or if people are taking off those last 2 weeks to do something with their family etc (since no camp) and their usual babysitter has an opening?
if anyone knows of anyone that might fit such a qualification.... and is south of devon- or at most a couple blocks north... please let me know.
Thanks mha3484 for your responses. I have used CL Carlsen a couple times this year with the only problem being that she is so far (it takes me longer to get to her house then it usually takes me to get to work! and then I have to get to work too). if I dont find someone else by july 1st then I will prob call her and set it up- b"h shes mega flexible.
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Mon, May 21 2012, 1:30 pm
I might have a lead on a high schooler for you. I will send you a PM.
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Mon, May 21 2012, 4:57 pm
Not sure why I opened this 'cuz I'm not from Chicago lol but if there's a listserv/email group that serves Chicago, you should totally post your inquiry there for either a full time babysitter or a HS girl..I'm sure there is a HS girl in Chicago who would love love the job!! I for sure would have back in the day. Or, maybe you can make inquiries via the schools?
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Mon, May 21 2012, 5:18 pm
thanks. I dont know of such a group.
I did ask my HS age sister to see if any of her friends are available. we shall see if that brings in anything. she said tho most of her friends are doing a vaca then or are going to a camp in august but she will ask around as well.
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Mon, May 21 2012, 5:24 pm
You could post it in the Achdus Bulletin -- and there have been notices there of girls available to babysit.
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Mon, May 21 2012, 11:52 pm
JDBY, in their newsletter gave a phone number for mother's helpers/babysitters that are available, Someone coordinates for HSBY, I've seen a generic ad somewhere, and I'm sure if you call BYHSC someone there will know who to call. There are also girls who are coming back from seminary and won't yet be teaching or in school during that time. I've B'H been able to find someone for that time period by using high school girls. Sometimes they work out better than others, but many are good.
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Tue, May 22 2012, 11:11 am
Thanks. Yesterday a neighbor told me about the JDBY number. I called and left a message.
my sister in BYHSC said she will ask around.
I contacted the achdus bulletin ad but she lives to far and is charging way to much! tho I did ask her to see if she has any friends etc that would do it for less.
I guess after shavuos I will call the high schools and see if they can hang up an ad etc for me. (give the ppl I have tried to contact some time to get back to me etc)
Thanks everyone for your input so far.
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