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Yesterday at 9:45 am
I think I could write a book!
We traveled with all our kids and my mil to a foreign country for a simcha. I had to go to the mikva the night we landed there. Did I mention that my mil is super nosy, outspoken, and filterless? Yeah, so I put my foot down and told dh in advance that I will not go to mikva under such difficult circumstances while having mil staying with us in our airbnb. We had to find a place for her to stay and she didn't stop grumbling and telling everyone that we didn't want her to stay with us. My kids had just been on a long haul fight, we were in a totally different time zone, that part was hard enough. My mil really put me over the edge, though.
I had 2 family simchas that I absolutely HAD to make it to both. I ended up going to the mikva super late at night and paid extra for a late appt.
After failed treatment cycles and pregnancy losses was always very very emotional to go.
I had surgery and wasn't allowed to go to mikva for a few extra weeks. Ended up being able to go bedikas chometz night but needed the mikva lady to shock the water for me because of germs. She yelled at me that I can't come on such a busy night and ask them to do that. (I spoke to a rav and called mikva a few days ahead and this is what I was told to do!) I did end up dipping that night but I went home in tears.
I could keep going.....
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Yesterday at 10:35 am
Motze anything (I’ve done it all - motze 9av, motze taanis Esther aka Purim night, motze Yom Kippur)
Seder night at my in laws. Found out a few weeks later my Sil who was also staying there had gone the same night to the same Mikvah and we hadn’t even seen each other 😂
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Yesterday at 10:52 am
First of all this thread is so inspiring! The zechusim is so amazing, Hashem definitely sees and rewards each one.
It’s interesting to hear the people that were in the hospital with a child anyway went. My baby was hospitalized as a newborn in the PICU and I was told that since I won’t be sleeping home, to push it off.
It was either me or my husband doing the night shift so one of us weren’t home.
Was my first Mikva pp, and I had to wait an extra week.
Was super hard and stressful, but honestly don’t know how I would’ve managed to go at that time!
Hugs to all brave Moms and women!!
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Yesterday at 11:09 am
I was in middle of a disagreement with my husband and had to go to the Mikvah before we worked it out. Really didn't feel emotionally connected enough to go. Pushed myself as a zchus of Mesiras Nefesh as it was post October 7th. I also knew that it would send a clear message of my unconditional love and loyalty to Hashem and my husband and our relationship. I went in to the waters like a hug from Hashem, connecting to Him in such a special deep way! I conceived that night after 5 years!
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Yesterday at 12:30 pm
Every month for the past 2 years
After my miscarriage
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Yesterday at 12:53 pm
Small town in Europe where my in laws were living at the time. Motsaei pesach, newly wed. I couldn't take a bath and just leave the house while everyone else was working. I don't remember what time I got there but mikva lady (she lived on top of the mikve so when you rung the bell it was in her house!) screamed at us that it was too late and I could come back the next night!!! It was late but motsaei pesach in Europe is late (Zeman is very late there!)
DK if it was most challenging but it's over 30 yrs later and I still remember!
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Yesterday at 1:52 pm
I have too many..
The first time I went after the wedding was the third night of a 3 day yt.
I went on vacation
Night before sils wedding
Night before aunts wedding
On chol hamoed sukkos when we flew to my in laws. I went from the airport to mikvah.
Isru chag pesach which was Friday
We were driving back from 8 hrs away and that shabbos was a family simcha I went after the meal.
My in laws were in town for a wedding
I had to leave in the middle to at.
I went on aMotzei yom kippur and I was so weak I couldn't comb my hair.
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Yesterday at 3:23 pm
You ladies are so inspiring!
I actually posted on imamother abt my dilemma a year ago where I was relatively newlywed 1 year, at my in-laws for first days pesach, in a city I’m not familiar with, first Seder night…
I ended up telling my MIL abt the situation, took a bath erev pesach while everyone was getting ready for Tom tov. I went to Mikva that night and bh now I have a baby from that night after ttc a full year. And I was scared the whole walk there that I wld get lost and the mikva lady rlly creeped me out because she kept telling me to redip that I didn’t do it right. But now I have my baby 😊
Another time was on my honeymoon in a foreign country, and I left my ring there by mistake and had to tell the uber to take me back to where I came from so I ran in to get it while he waited for me and took an uber back to my hotel 😂
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Yesterday at 4:10 pm
It was over 3 years ago, it was my first time going post birth. As I'm driving I am getting tornado notifications on my phone. When I finally get to the mikvah and am ready to dip, there weren't any mikvah attendents. Remember waiting for like an hour till someone came. It was stressful since I had a newborn baby home that only nursed.
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Yesterday at 4:12 pm
Once I tripped in the dark parking lot and fell down hard, getting badly scraped and bruised, and losing the $20 bill I was holding to pay. At least I had my checkbook (yes, this was a LONG time ago!) with me. I didn’t tell the receptionist or ml anything.
Last year, I think it was the night of Purim, there was no hot water to shower in. I’d bathed at home but hadn’t washed my hair properly so I needed a real shower. After slipping out while my teens were up I was not about to go back home to shower! The water was FRIGID!
I’ve had various central lines throughout the years (Hickman, PICC, portacath, etc.). Often I wasn’t allowed to go due to infection risk or chatzitza. I think my longest wait was 4 months. Ml once changed into a robe and went in with me to hold the line that was trying to migrate. I’ve gone after a long medical delay when I was still so weak that my husband called the ml to keep checking on me during prep. Water always needed to be shocked. When I finally had enough of an immune system bH not to require the shocking I was thrilled, but the caring mls were still nervous and insisted on doing it one last time!
I have a very medically fragile child who has been hospitalized for long stretches all over the country. Many times I had to delay mikva while I stayed in the hospital with her. I’m so grateful to the very understanding mikva ladies who have let me come without an appointment and took me right away on the days my child was released. It’s especially challenging when I have to wait for home care nurses who don’t show up on time. It’s always awkward since I have older kids who can’t understand why I’d run out the first night we’re home, once right after a flight home from a prolonged stay. Once I went while my husband stayed with my child in the hospital after a long PICU stay. She’d finally stabilized enough for me to leave but had some dangerous procedures scheduled and I had a lot to daven for. The mls took her name and asked other women to daven also.
I was due to toivel the night after my mother’s levaya. I went the day I got up from shiva and cried like a baby. Then I had to go a second time right before shloshim ended and the ml had to cut my nails for me.
May the zechus of all we ladies do to keep Tamara’s hamishpacha protect us, our families, and all of klal Yisrael!
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Yesterday at 6:09 pm
twice on purim (late afternoon, not motzei taanis Esther)
once I was post surgery and went at almost 2 am. The next morning I saw that I had IV sticky residue that I missed the night before. Had to go again
The night my husband was honored at a dinner, they did not let me make a late appointment. Had to leave in the middle of the dinner
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Yesterday at 6:14 pm
My son was in the hospital three days after very serious surgery. I was terrified bec my cell phone didn’t have service and I gave the hospital the front desk number and told the lady there she must come get me right away if they called. I cried the whole time and felt awful and terrified being away from my son. I was really upset that I was even expected to do this. Ended up getting pregnant (a big bracha).
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Yesterday at 6:48 pm
When my micropreemie was in the NICU. I had to do my final Bedika in the hospital. Drive from the hospital in manhattan to a Mikvah near there. Pumped in the car right before. Had to quickly do everything in the Mikvah and dip. I had no energy. I was in middle of a 2 week bout of ppd and was worrying about my baby. The Mikvah attendant Gave me the Mikvah for a few minutes to Daven and I just sobbed there for 5 minutes until I ran to get ready and pump in the car again
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Yesterday at 9:17 pm
I was supposed to go during shiva for my father but the rav said to push it off to after shiva. I was a few weeks after surgery, still weak. I had sprained my ankle also during the shiva. It was really rough but the people at the mikvah were so nice and kind as I explained my situation.
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Yesterday at 10:48 pm
When while prepping to go, I received news about my sibling having been in a terrible accident and that it was not clear if they were going to survive. They were visiting another country, and we were told to wait for more news and daven, no point in flying in at that point.
DH was wonderful and assured me that it was ok if I wasn't able to go, but I somehow pulled myself together enough to go. That night is a blur, but I had the comfort of DHs arms in the difficult weeks ahead when it was unclear if my sibling was going to survive.
Update: Sibling made a full recovery that was nothing less than miraculous (their doctor's words), and DC, our source of joy and comfort, was born nine months later.
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Yesterday at 10:51 pm
I gotta say that this is one of my most heartwarming threads! We should make a book out of it! Who are like Your people Hashem!? I'm blown away and so inspired and proud to be a part of such a special group of women
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Yesterday at 10:57 pm
For me it was the first time I went after I started self harming more seriously. I was so self conscious but I’m more confident now and ask the Mikva lady to wait in the corner and face the wall until I get in.
Also the time our city lost electricity for several days and there was no hot water and the Mikva got generators but it was crazy. And during Covid when they used insane amounts of clorine in the Mikva. My mouth and eyes would burn like crazy.
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Yesterday at 11:04 pm
Well tonight, although there was no Mikva!
It’s right after my very traumatic miscarriage and it took an extra 2 days to get a clean bedika, from the 2 weeks I had to wait. Each day was 100 years. I’m so crazy hormonal and emotional over the miscarriage that was late in my pregnancy, and I just kept saying I just need a hug from dh.
I was finally making it to the Mikva after my D&E and every bedika and everything was perfectly clean. I removed my underwear to get ready for the Mikva, about an hour before my appointment time and I saw some brown on it, which I know from previous times is fine. But when I looked closer, I saw a tinge of red. Husband ran to rav, who said show it to a different rav who is much more lenient. Unfortunately he wasn’t home. They couldn’t get through to him. The first rav said this is your only chance, no other rav in this city would be maikel. So husband ran to his house, but no one answered.
So I didn’t go. It’s not just that I couldn’t go on a regular Mikva night. It’s right after a very traumatic mis and I just need a hug from dh. But I said in my tears tonight I will daven for me, and for a close anonymous friend on imamother, (I know that sounds insane but if you’re part of our group you’d understand), because I am following Halacha even though it’s so hard and iyH in the zechus of that we’ll both have yeshuos
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Yesterday at 11:08 pm
amother NeonYellow wrote: | Well tonight, although there was no Mikva!
It’s right after my very traumatic miscarriage and it took an extra 2 days to get a clean bedika, from the 2 weeks I had to wait. Each day was 100 years. I’m so crazy hormonal and emotional over the miscarriage that was late in my pregnancy, and I just kept saying I just need a hug from dh.
I was finally making it to the Mikva after my D&E and every bedika and everything was perfectly clean. I removed my underwear to get ready for the Mikva, about an hour before my appointment time and I saw some brown on it, which I know from previous times is fine. But when I looked closer, I saw a tinge of red. Husband ran to rav, who said show it to a different rav who is much more lenient. Unfortunately he wasn’t home. They couldn’t get through to him. The first rav said this is your only chance, no other rav in this city would be maikel. So husband ran to his house, but no one answered.
So I didn’t go. It’s not just that I couldn’t go on a regular Mikva night. It’s right after a very traumatic mis and I just need a hug from dh. But I said in my tears tonight I will daven for me, and for a close anonymous friend on imamother, (I know that sounds insane but if you’re part of our group you’d understand), because I am following Halacha even though it’s so hard and iyH in the zechus of that we’ll both have yeshuos |
I won’t out you but I know your story. You are one amazing strong woman!! Hope you at least get to go tomorrow. Sending you strength!!
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