Could it be they meant only lace tops are not allowed? because technically a lace front doesn't look like a lace top, and the whole head is covered....
Sheitel macher here
I would seriously just pull it back further a tip and wear a headband to their liking (covering the front hair)
You don’t have to line that lace top if you don’t want to.
May you have lots of nachas from your children!
What is a lace top? Vs a lace front? I'm guessing a lace front is that mesh you can sometimes see when you look at the sheital hairline ? What's a lace top though? (Yes I feel like an alien I'm so clueless lol)
You didn't check out school rules before you bought the sheitel?
I bought the sheitel a few years ago and I lived in a different community where this type of wig was more acceptable. I ended up not wearing it for other reasons so it’s brand new and I would like to wear it now but it’s not in line with the schools I send to and honestly my own hashkafa but I’m not in a financial position to just get a new sheitel….
I bought the sheitel a few years ago and I lived in a different community where this type of wig was more acceptable. I ended up not wearing it for other reasons so it’s brand new and I would like to wear it now but it’s not in line with the schools I send to and honestly my own hashkafa but I’m not in a financial position to just get a new sheitel….