-> Household Management
-> Finances
Today at 7:31 am
amother Glitter wrote: | Idk I’m neighbors with a family who’s very wealthy but has a daughter who is nonverbal and is on the spectrum. Their son also died from a possible overdose. |
I know of a poor frum family that lost some to overdose and another one that has a few special needs kids.
What's your point? These issues are part of humanity
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Today at 7:49 am
Money doesn’t buy happiness, it buys comfort and conveniences. When you have comfort and conveniences, it’s easier to be happy.
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Today at 7:52 am
amother DarkGray wrote: | Money doesn’t buy happiness, it buys comfort and conveniences. When you have comfort and conveniences, it’s easier to be happy. |
I'd say that when you have money for comfort and conveniences you're comfortable, not necessarily happy.
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Today at 8:06 am
The wealthier my parents became the more miserable they are and feel like they have less bec part of a much higher social class and compared to them are not as wealthy ( their business took them to associate with these people)… I would say my husband and I in a smaller house trying to afford life with a bunch of kids are happier then they are( we are waiting for our inheritance which is so sad bec we will prob be in our 70/80s when we see it because my parents can’t part with their money bec they are so nervous about not have millions in savings in case something terrible happens they were so much more generous and happy when they were just comfortable before they”made it”)
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Today at 8:19 am
amother Mintcream wrote: | The wealthier my parents became the more miserable they are and feel like they have less bec part of a much higher social class and compared to them are not as wealthy ( their business took them to associate with these people)… I would say my husband and I in a smaller house trying to afford life with a bunch of kids are happier then they are( we are waiting for our inheritance which is so sad bec we will prob be in our 70/80s when we see it because my parents can’t part with their money bec they are so nervous about not have millions in savings in case something terrible happens they were so much more generous and happy when they were just comfortable before they”made it”) | not everybody gets an inheritance and your parents don't owe you one. Eta: im sorry I realized this comment isn't the nicest but I got a bit triggered by the way you're making it sound like your parents are selfish for not giving you an inheritance while they're still around
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