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Finances family of 5 kids 2 adults
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Post Yesterday at 7:07 pm
You should work with a coach like Mesilah. That way you'll know where the money goes and how much you really need.
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Post Yesterday at 7:10 pm
Why are you paying for your daughter to develop pictures? Do your teenagers have jobs like babysitting? Maybe some of the extra expenses are things your daughters should be paying for on their own….
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Post Yesterday at 7:10 pm
amother OP wrote:
Things always come up shoes underwear pants cleaners clothing wig styleing repairs once I a. While I buy supper if have a very hard day....pharmacy....school stuff family stuff whatever so many things come up for example my daughter camera broke costed 150 to fix another wanted to develop pictures another 50

That's a lot for a camera repair. You can huy a brand new camera for less. And developing $50 worth of pictures? Was that like 200 pictures ? Even still, these things can't be happening every week.
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Post Yesterday at 7:10 pm
amother OP wrote:
It's not extras these stuff

What is not extras?
Coffee drinks and nails? Yes they are. They are absolutely extras.
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Post Yesterday at 7:11 pm
Sorry to be harsh Op but a lot of it is you not understanding how to budget. Maybe start keeping track of what you’re buying every week and show Dh but he can’t give you money you don’t have. Maybe buy cheaper underwear and go to a cheaper wig lady/ shoemaker cut out take out etc
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Post Yesterday at 7:12 pm
amother Apricot wrote:
What is not extras?
Coffee drinks and nails? Yes they are. They are absolutely extras.

I never go for Mani Mayne once every 6 weeks
Drinks I never either do maybe once every 4 weeks I go out for cheap lunch
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Post Yesterday at 7:13 pm
amother OP wrote:
Things always come up shoes underwear pants cleaners clothing wig styleing repairs once I a. While I buy supper if have a very hard day....pharmacy....school stuff family stuff whatever so many things come up for example my daughter camera broke costed 150 to fix another wanted to develop pictures another 50 chanuka was chamuka party and gifts then amother week somthing else then yom tov then clothing then summer expenses

These things should not be weekly expenses. Maybe buy takeout food less.
As someone in a very tight budget, most these things are extra.
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Post Yesterday at 7:15 pm
amother OP wrote:
I never go for Mani Mayne once every 6 weeks
Drinks I never either do maybe once every 4 weeks I go out for cheap lunch

That is quite often...
I never get manicures or go out to lunch. Maybe 2x per year.
OP it sounds like you need a financial coach.
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Post Yesterday at 7:15 pm
amother Daylily wrote:
That's a lot for a camera repair. You can huy a brand new camera for less. And developing $50 worth of pictures? Was that like 200 pictures ? Even still, these things can't be happening every week.

True pictures were from 2 years in camp never developed
And camera repair your right but also it's months we keep pushing it off cheap camera kept breaking so her old camon needed to be fixed..so it'd every week somthin else
And clothing I'm stressed now already where can I shop cheap the girls need.tons of pjs shoes and clothing for camp it's gona cost hundreds per kid
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Post Yesterday at 7:16 pm
amother OP wrote:
I never go for Mani Mayne once every 6 weeks
Drinks I never either do maybe once every 4 weeks I go out for cheap lunch

Op $500/week may really be too little for your family’s needs but in order for us to know, can you clarify for us what is NOT included in those $500? We know groceries are not included. What else? How about cleaning lady, gas, phone bill, utilities, cleaning supplies/toiletries? What is not included in the $500?
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Post Yesterday at 7:16 pm
amother OP wrote:
True pictures were from 2 years in camp never developed
And camera repair your right but also it's months we keep pushing it off cheap camera kept breaking so her old camon needed to be fixed..so it'd every week somthin else
And clothing I'm stressed now already where can I shop cheap the girls need.tons of pjs shoes and clothing for camp it's gona cost hundreds per kid

So clothes are an expense that is maybe 2x per year and should be a separate discussion with your husband to budget.
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Post Yesterday at 7:19 pm
amother OP wrote:
I never go for Mani Mayne once every 6 weeks
Drinks I never either do maybe once every 4 weeks I go out for cheap lunch

That's called getting a mani regularly and getting lunch out regularly. Not never. I think you really need to take a closer look st how your sre spending and decide where you want to cut back. These aren't all necessary expenses.
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Post Yesterday at 7:24 pm
amother Gray wrote:
Op $500/week may really be too little for your family’s needs but in order for us to know, can you clarify for us what is NOT included in those $500? We know groceries are not included. What else? How about cleaning lady, gas, phone bill, utilities, cleaning supplies/toiletries? What is not included in the $500?

Cleaning lady need to come off my 500 as well gas as well which is around 100 a week
Groceries and utilities and phone bill not...
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Post Yesterday at 7:39 pm
amother OP wrote:
Cleaning lady need to come off my 500 as well gas as well which is around 100 a week
Groceries and utilities and phone bill not...

Wait a minute. You aren't even including groceries???
I must live in a different world that $500 is little. Please see a financial coach.
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Post Yesterday at 7:48 pm
amother OP wrote:
Cleaning lady need to come off my 500 as well gas as well which is around 100 a week
Groceries and utilities and phone bill not...

I think it can be really helpful to track your expenses. 100$ a week on gas is reallly high in my experience? I commute an hour a day in local traffic and drive quite a bit locally besides, drive an older minivan that’s not hybrid , and fill up once a week max at 60$ max.
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Post Yesterday at 7:51 pm
amother OP wrote:
Cleaning lady need to come off my 500 as well gas as well which is around 100 a week
Groceries and utilities and phone bill not...

How much cleaning help do you have? Maybe cut back.
I pay mine about $200 a week
$100 a week on gas!!!!???? What kind of car are you driving and where are you going!!!???
That is a very high amount on gas especially for a SAHM.
I fill up my minivan for about $50 and lasts me 2 weeks or more. All my regular driving is pretty local. Not more than 10-15 minutes at a time.
If you're going on excursions and driving the highway every day then it makes sense. But you said you're a SAHM so where are you using all the gas to go?
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Post Yesterday at 8:12 pm
amother Red wrote:
How much cleaning help do you have? Maybe cut back.
I pay mine about $200 a week
$100 a week on gas!!!!???? What kind of car are you driving and where are you going!!!???
That is a very high amount on gas especially for a SAHM.
I fill up my minivan for about $50 and lasts me 2 weeks or more. All my regular driving is pretty local. Not more than 10-15 minutes at a time.
If you're going on excursions and driving the highway every day then it makes sense. But you said you're a SAHM so where are you using all the gas to go?

No 200 a week on help and gas included
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Post Yesterday at 8:22 pm
I'm surprised at how many people are shocked. From other threads on this site, it seems like lots of ppl are spending on these extras. I don't have alot of extra money and I totally understand how things constantly come up especially with kids and teenagers and it's not so easy to just brush them off.
I recently started using an app- YNAB ... To track expenses. It has been very helpful and I hope I can keep it up! I also wanted to see where all of my extra money was going......
Some examples-
Water bottles that break, new tzitis, extra knife for the kitchen, random gifts for parents anniversary, new Betty crocker because ours broke, small day trips during vacation time, co pays at doctor etc....
And yes almost every month with the exception of a few, there are extra expenses related to the month... Summer, school supplies, Yom tov, chanukah, chanukah rebbe$ & teacher gift collections, kids off of school for vacation and need to do a few activities even if they don't go away, Purim, Pesach, end of year teacher gift, constant cause matches from cousins schools, random gifts for bar mitzvahs, chasunahs...
That's without clothing and shoes that need to be replaced at times.
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Post Yesterday at 8:22 pm
If her husband has enough to give her more then why isn't he?

To be honest, $500 a week is not chump change but it's not a crazy amount either.

I have cleaning help once a week for 5 hours- $100

Gas once a week for a minivan - $65

Some sort of purchase for something random- incentive for a kid, new socks, pizza lunch for school etc- average $30

Clothing purchases for 6 people spread out over the course of a year - probably about $50 a week. Maybe more because boys need yeshiva clothing, girls need camp clothing, kids need yom tov clothing

Me either getting a manicure or a waxing or a shaitel set or a lunch with a friend etc - it's not every week but sometimes - $30

Medications (I need weekly) - $100
Copays at the doctor - $40

Gifts, tips, other school or camp expenses - $25

Dry cleaning, seamstress, house repairs - $50 on average over the course of the year

Car repairs?

It adds up. Some of you aren't realizing how much you spend. I work full time so I don't justify my spending to my husband but I can see why someone would burn through $500 very quickly and it doesn't make them an out of control spender.
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Post Yesterday at 8:43 pm
Whoever thinks 500 is alot of money per week
1. Doesn't have any clue what they spend
2. Doesn't spend on important things (wash their Shaitel every 6 months), Doesn't give chanuka money, Doesn't buy their kids treats or birthday presents, Doesn't ever treat themselves to something, lunch, manicure, family pizza once in a while
3. Goes to the mikva Friday nights and never pays
4. Counts their tuition as maaser
5. Literally spends very little, their kids don't have decent clothes, they have holes in their socks and tights and pants because Doesn't want to spend
6. Says no to pretty much everything their kids ask etc
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