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Dh says we have too much dirty laundry
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:24 pm
I'm wondering if it's true.
yes, we all change from head to toe, every day. dh says my boys can rewear pants if they stay clean, I say they cant.
he said most people, including kids, wear clothes twice. I say that not.
he says to ask on imamother. Laugh

so, do your kids put all their clothes in the hamper every day or do they rewear...
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:26 pm
My kids clothes go in the hamper every day. They get dirty.
I will wear mine a couple of times before washing it. My skirts even longer.
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:27 pm
Hubby says same thing. Kids and I put everything in hamper every day and I wash daily. Bar mitzva age is hard bc they are dressed like men but act like kids .so they get dressy mens wear dirty the way little boys would get dirty...
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:34 pm
The kids stuff go in the hamper every day. No rewearing ever
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:37 pm
Kids clothes go straight into the hamper daily. Pajamas every time we shower, sometime daily sometimes every 2nd day. Adult clothes, tops we put in the hamper, however skirts/pants we rewear a couple of times before laundering. (Obviously if anything is dirty it’s laundry too)
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:37 pm
Summer/camp everyone changes head to toe daily so this is for the rest of the year.
Girls rewear uniform skirts from a young age and school sweater from a little older. Teen girls will rewear a non school skirt or top depending on what they did that day. Same for me except it’s been a while since I haven’t had some kid getting me dirty every day. When my boys switch to dress pants at bar mitzvah they rewear those and at that age they rewear their dress shirts as well, same as dh. At that age my boys are staying clean not at all like little kids.
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:40 pm
No rewearing ever anything for the kids. Husband might if it’s still clean and fresh and I’m not there to throw it in the hamper.
I don’t rewear unless I absolutely did not sweat at all.
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:41 pm
Who washes the laundry by you? That's who decides if it is too much Wink

I sometimes have my kids rewear pjs. Clothing never stays clean anyhow.
Tzizes they rewear.
Eventually my big girls will rewear then uniform skirts.

I wear my bras twice. I probably don't wash my work clothes often enough. (Does anyone?) I also wear my pjs a few nights. I'm freshly showered, it is clean. Postpartum I would change more often.
My easy skirts and sweatshirts around the house, I wash daily, they look like I have littles. Snoods I rewear.
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:47 pm
I'm teaching my 9 year old now. (11 yo still isn't great at it either) to check their uniform sweaters and skirts/jumpers after taking it off.
If it's clean then it goes in one area of the closet. If it's dirty, they know how to fold it up and put it over the hamper so that I can wash and hang without (or with minimal) ironing.
Uniform shirts and everything that touches their bodies is changed dialy.
The younger kids, it's straight in the hamper. They make it so dirty!

Adults, if I go out for a bit and I stayed clean, no sweat I will rehang in a separate area. After 2 wears it goes in the wash.
If it's aweaty/dirty then of course wash.
Skirts I will rewear until it gets dirty. Usually not more than 2 or 3 times.
Sweat tops/tees that I wear around the house is daily. Its probably once in a blue moon that it stays clean. I'm not going to inspect it every day for the day that I happen upon a unicorn.... those are all wash and wear anyway.
Dh wears his pants until they get dirty. Shirts and everything touching his body daily.
Tzitzis, he wears cotton every day and will change to a new one every Sunday. On shabbos he wears wool and those are worn until the grape juice stains makes it's appearance... usually 2-3 weeks. Sometimes just 3 hours. Lol.

Pj's is a new set every shower night. Or every second night if they showered dialy (summer)

For adults, I change every night. Dh sleeps in his underwear. 🤫
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:52 pm
Lots of ppl in our family don't change often enough
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 10:56 pm
Dh changes every day head to toe.
That's 7 pairs of men's pants plus the lounge pants he wears a couple of times a week around the house.

I have too much laundry - from one person 🙊
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 11:04 pm
Everyone’s clothing, from head to toe, goes into the hamper every day. If I don’t get to the laundry fast enough for dh, he is welcome to put in a load.
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 11:04 pm
I do the laundry but sometimes I complain and that prompts him to say that we change too often.
he changes everything daily besides for his pants, so he says my boys, who arent little kids but not teens or adults yet, should also change every second day.
ok, I'm glad to see I'm not being compulsive about it, as most of you say the same thing as me.
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 11:09 pm
amother Razzmatazz wrote:
Dh changes every day head to toe.
That's 7 pairs of men's pants plus the lounge pants he wears a couple of times a week around the house.

I have too much laundry - from one person 🙊

...do a load a day won't be much
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 11:10 pm
I also think I have too much laundry,
And too much dishes,
And too much dust,
And too much sweeping,
Doesn’t change much.
I also complain/vent, then get to work bc it’s not going away anytime soon.
Just bc you complain, doesn’t mean it needs to change/be fixed.

ETA that I still ask for help
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 11:20 pm
I used to know someone who had leather skirts. She said they only needed to be cleaned very infrequently. Maybe there should be a kids line , although it wouldn't work for white shirts, uniforms, and pajamas.
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Post Wed, Nov 20 2024, 11:24 pm
It depends, on the season, the child, the material. Undergarments and undershirts (and that includes tsisis or anything worn directly on skin in my opinion), should typically be washed daily. Skirts (especially pleated) and pants I am slightly more lenient with and ok with 2 days if not dirty or smelly. Pajamas also.
Socks should be washed daily.
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2024, 6:25 am
For all of you washing head to toe clothes every day. Do your daughters uniform skirts have any pleats left at all???
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2024, 6:37 am
In winter/not hot weather, only underwear is changed daily.
Uniform which isn't visibly dirty (skirts, pants, shirts if they wear a t shirt underneath) is worn 2-3 consecutive days.
Husband's pants - he will wear all week. Shirts etc changed daily.
My clothes- similar, depending on if have been running and shvitzy or sitting at a desk. A clean outfit can be worn again (skirt/sweater), not underwear

We all change out of work/school clothes on arrival home which helps keep them clean.

We don't smell, but washing clothes too often is destroying clothes and also not good for the environment.
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Post Thu, Nov 21 2024, 6:38 am
PJs - we put them on a freshly washed body and if you don't swear overnight then can wear for several consecutive days. Not sure why you would wash clothes you have only lain in bed in for 7 hours after a shower.
Obviously there are exceptions to thus...
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