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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Rosh Hashana-Yom Kippur
Bais Din Shel Maaleh. Is it true?

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Post Thu, Aug 29 2024, 11:45 pm
I write this with so much pain. Watching my elderly parents suffer at the hands of another Jew. We tried respectful discussion, going to a Rav, Giving a gift in the begining etc. They are now at the point of being terrorized from some one who REFUSES to understand. I prefer not to give details. They are suffering emotionally, forget the monetary loss and aging in despair. There is nothing worse than seeing your father take deep sighs with his head in his hands when he should be smiling when we come over with the grandchildren. This person shames my parents so much. This person can be my parents child ( thats how young they are). I can not deal with the suffering anymore. How can one jew be so nasty to another? So not understanding of even an inch? I cried I beg to Hashem every night that this person should do teshuva. I write this with tears in my eyes after seeing them sitting with gray faces another night when I went to visit. Explain to me the concept of Bais Din Shel Maalah. This person refuses to go to a proper Din Torah. I want Hashem to know the suffering they are causing to another jew. How do I do this? Write a letter. I know you might think it sounds pathetic But I dont know how else to deal with the pain.
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Post Fri, Aug 30 2024, 12:55 am
Hashem determines everything. Every person gets exactly what they deserve. This person who is causing pain to your parents are the shaliach from Hashem who decided this. This person will also get his judgement from Hashem for his behavior as well. Hashem is perfectly just even if we don't see it.

Signed a daughter watching her parents being destroyed by someone and can't do anything about it.
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Post Tue, Sep 03 2024, 12:23 am
Please don't do this, for your own sake. The Sefarim warn that it brings harm on the petitioner.

ETA I get the temptation. Wishing them harm is a different issue, maybe more appropriate at times. But you really don't want to be calling down explicit Divine judgment, ever.
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Molly Weasley


Post Tue, Sep 03 2024, 12:37 am
amother Blushpink wrote:
Please don't do this, for your own sake. The Sefarim warn that it brings harm on the petitioner.

The reason it can be harmful to the person making the request is that if they ask for others to be punished—even if it’s deserved— if they’re not completely righteous themselves, it gives Satan a chance to target them. We really don’t want to face judgment more than once a year
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Post Tue, Sep 03 2024, 12:41 am
amother OP wrote:
I write this with so much pain. Watching my elderly parents suffer at the hands of another Jew. We tried respectful discussion, going to a Rav, Giving a gift in the begining etc. They are now at the point of being terrorized from some one who REFUSES to understand. I prefer not to give details. They are suffering emotionally, forget the monetary loss and aging in despair. There is nothing worse than seeing your father take deep sighs with his head in his hands when he should be smiling when we come over with the grandchildren. This person shames my parents so much. This person can be my parents child ( thats how young they are). I can not deal with the suffering anymore. How can one jew be so nasty to another? So not understanding of even an inch? I cried I beg to Hashem every night that this person should do teshuva. I write this with tears in my eyes after seeing them sitting with gray faces another night when I went to visit. Explain to me the concept of Bais Din Shel Maalah. This person refuses to go to a proper Din Torah. I want Hashem to know the suffering they are causing to another jew. How do I do this? Write a letter. I know you might think it sounds pathetic But I dont know how else to deal with the pain.

It’s so painful to watch loved ones suffer, especially when it’s needlessly, at the hands of someone else.

But leave the judging to Hashem. You don’t need to tell Him a thing. He sees all. He knows all. He takes care of all. Just daven that your parents be free of this person quickly and leave the rest to Hashem. He is running the show exactly as it’s meant to play out.
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Post Tue, Sep 03 2024, 6:47 am
amother OP wrote:
I write this with so much pain. Watching my elderly parents suffer at the hands of another Jew. We tried respectful discussion, going to a Rav, Giving a gift in the begining etc. They are now at the point of being terrorized from some one who REFUSES to understand. I prefer not to give details. They are suffering emotionally, forget the monetary loss and aging in despair. There is nothing worse than seeing your father take deep sighs with his head in his hands when he should be smiling when we come over with the grandchildren. This person shames my parents so much. This person can be my parents child ( thats how young they are). I can not deal with the suffering anymore. How can one jew be so nasty to another? So not understanding of even an inch? I cried I beg to Hashem every night that this person should do teshuva. I write this with tears in my eyes after seeing them sitting with gray faces another night when I went to visit. Explain to me the concept of Bais Din Shel Maalah. This person refuses to go to a proper Din Torah. I want Hashem to know the suffering they are causing to another jew. How do I do this? Write a letter. I know you might think it sounds pathetic But I dont know how else to deal with the pain.

I don't have an answer. I hope you see your tefillos answered, b'karov. I just want to say that I am so impressed with your graciousness, and may Hashem give you continued koach to keep taking the high road.

As to a letter to Hashem, He knows. If you think it will help you, write that letter, then rip it up. I think you know, deep down, that Hashem knows EVERYTHING and ultimately, justice will prevail, whether you see it in this world or not. Just focus on davening that they do teshuvah, and not being like them but being your best you.
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Post Tue, Sep 03 2024, 7:36 am
I feel for you, OP. And I am also dealing with a very difficult person in my life also. I’m not asking Hashem to punish them but I have started asking for Hashem to make it that I don’t have to deal with them. Hashem can do anything right? Maybe the nasty people in our lives can randomly decide that they want to move to Antarctica. Halevai.

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Post Tue, Sep 03 2024, 7:42 am
amother Blushpink wrote:
Please don't do this, for your own sake. The Sefarim warn that it brings harm on the petitioner.

ETA I get the temptation. Wishing them harm is a different issue, maybe more appropriate at times. But you really don't want to be calling down explicit Divine judgment, ever.
She doesn't have to do it, Hashem knows what's going on. The people causing the pain are relaying the information directly to Hashem. Yesh din vdayan.

Op, I must say that you are super special davening to Hashem that they should do tshuvah! That's like seriously tzadeekim material, like Reb Meir's wife that told him to daven that the bad neighbors should do tshuva as a pose to davening that they should die!!! Wow! Just Wow!!!! Your parents must've really raised you right!!!

May Hashem take your parents out of their pain!
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