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Maalot, bnot Elisheva, Bnos chava, bjj, ofakim?
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:03 am
BJJ and Bnos Chava don't take Israelis.

Imo Ofakim is your best bet from the list. My friend's DD is there. She is very, very shtark and also musical and artistic.

Why would you want an American seminary? Don't you want her to have a future in Israel?
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:04 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
So the principal told me my daughter has way more potential than chedvas, michlala etc. it would be suitable but my daughter can do better, her words. We are looking into options about the 12th grade thing but if it doesn’t work out I still need to send her to sem in the coming years. I’ve heard alot abt bjj isn’t it only accepting Americans and also Bnos chava?

What does more potential mean?

I do t know much about Chedvas, but Michlala is serious, high level studies, and she would have the option of taking some classes in the Israeli programme, as well. Some of the best teachers I know went to Michlala.

It's not Beis Yaakov, if that's what you mean by potential, and the girls have smartphones, if that's a deal breaker for you, but it's a demanding programme, both intellectually and spiritually, and gives plenty of room to grow.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:06 am
Dolly151 wrote:
Why not try chedvas? Also sending to an american place costssss.

Ya. What is it these days? 20k USD. Israeli places are a fraction and she can have kodesh/hashkafa and leave with a form of parnasa.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:06 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
So as far as I understand- maalot and bnot Elisheva - high skls
Bnos chava- too American
Bjj - won’t accept American living in Israel ( understandable)
Ofakim- potential option together with chedvas

Is Ofkim for only kodesh?
I thought it was a post high school seminary offering vocational maslulim (13th/14th grade) plus kodesh.
But I don't know.

Maalot and Bnot Elisheva are both high schools plus post high school (13th/14th grade) - she could move over there to complete 12th grade if they have space and accept her, but I don't think they'd take her for 13th if she hasn't done 12th.
But she could apply there after 12th grade, to do 13-14.
They give priority to girls who were there in high school, but they also take in new girls, especially if your principal helps her get in.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:07 am
Elfrida wrote:
What does more potential mean?

I do t know much about Chedvas, but Michlala is serious, high level studies, and she would have the option of taking some classes in the Israeli programme, as well. Some of the best teachers I know went to Michlala.

It's not Beis Yaakov, if that's what you mean by potential, and the girls have smartphones, if that's a deal breaker for you, but it's a demanding programme, both intellectually and spiritually, and gives plenty of room to grow.

Yes, it's another great option. But not really BY. More RWMO. At least in my day it was.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:08 am
amother Crystal wrote:
BJJ and Bnos Chava don't take Israelis.

Imo Ofakim is your best bet from the list. My friend's DD is there. She is very, very shtark and also musical and artistic.

Why would you want an American seminary? Don't you want her to have a future in Israel?

So ofc I do want her to have a future in Israel, I personally know lots of family and friends who sent there that’s all.
Ofakim- what are the classes like? Dorming?
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:11 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
So ofc I do want her to have a future in Israel, I personally know lots of family and friends who sent there that’s all.
Ofakim- what are the classes like? Dorming?

Where is there?
I'm not well enough versed about Ofakim to tell you about classes but the girls definitely dorm.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:13 am
salt wrote:
Is Ofkim for only kodesh?
I thought it was a post high school seminary offering vocational maslulim (13th/14th grade) plus kodesh.
But I don't know.

Maalot and Bnot Elisheva are both high schools plus post high school (13th/14th grade) - she could move over there to complete 12th grade if they have space and accept her, but I don't think they'd take her for 13th if she hasn't done 12th.
But she could apply there after 12th grade, to do 13-14.
They give priority to girls who were there in high school, but they also take in new girls, especially if your principal helps her get in.

So the principal literally said she thinks she should go there, so I would take it that it means the principal [/b]will[b] get her in. I just have no info abt those sems whatsoever
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:16 am
Ofakim is the city of Ofakim, near Be'er Sheva. The girls dorm during the week, normally coming home for Shabbos. When my friends daughter was there they were expected to stay for one Shabbos a month, with an option of more.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:19 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
So the principal literally said she thinks she should go there, so I would take it that it means the principal [/b]will[b] get her in. I just have no info abt those sems whatsoever

They are not sems. They are high schools. They include post high-school maslulim for two years, combining vocational training with kodesh studies. The girls live at home, and there is very little extra-curricular activity. Many girls will date and get married while attending.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:23 am
Elfrida wrote:
They are not sems. They are high schools. They include post high-school maslulim for two years, combining vocational training with kodesh studies. The girls live at home, and there is very little extra-curricular activity. Many girls will date and get married while attending.

Yes she recommended the post high school things ur talking abt
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:26 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
Yes she recommended the post high school things ur talking abt

So you also meed to think about which maslul your daughter would take.
I think the standard options are graphic design, computers, accounting, taxes, and teaching. There could be others. It's not just kodesh. You have to consider whether she can cope with bagrut and exams for her maslul at the same time.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:30 am
Elfrida wrote:
So you also meed to think about which maslul your daughter would take.
I think the standard options are graphic design, computers, accounting, taxes, and teaching. There could be others. It's not just kodesh. You have to consider whether she can cope with bagrut and exams for her maslul at the same time.

Ok so we would have to think about that.
The principal suggested those 2 year post high school suggestions of maalot and Bnos Elisheva with the intention that my daughter would stay for 12th grade finish bagruyot and then move onto that.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:34 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
Ok so we would have to think about that.
The principal suggested those 2 year post high school suggestions of maalot and Bnos Elisheva with the intention that my daughter would stay for 12th grade finish bagruyot and then move onto that.

I think that's a more realistic suggestion.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:37 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
Ok so we would have to think about that.
The principal suggested those 2 year post high school suggestions of maalot and Bnos Elisheva with the intention that my daughter would stay for 12th grade finish bagruyot and then move onto that.

Right that makes sense.

Check with your menahelet if she really believes she will get accepted though.
If your DD is now in a school like a charedi tichon, and not a beit yaakov seminar, they might not accept her, unless you have some protekzia.
They don't have many spaces for girls coming in from outside - the new girls that join for post-high school are often girls who live outside Jerusalem, or girls whose current high school seminar doesn't offer what they want to study. But they have to get in.

Adding to Elfrida's list of professional options, there is also architecture which is popular.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:38 am
Elfrida wrote:
I think that's a more realistic suggestion.

You are correct. But my daughter is going to have an unhappy, unenjoyable lonely 12th grade. It’s her last year of high school. And idk if that’s really what I wnat for her to go thru another year like that, Ik we can all come and say “it’s her mindset, it’s her she can turn it into a good year”. But Ik my daughter and honestly idk what to do.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:43 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
You are correct. But my daughter is going to have an unhappy, unenjoyable lonely 12th grade. It’s her last year of high school. And idk if that’s really what I wnat for her to go thru another year like that, Ik we can all come and say “it’s her mindset, it’s her she can turn it into a good year”. But Ik my daughter and honestly idk what to do.

Why doesn't she try and move to Maalot or Bnot Elisheva for 12th grade.

If she's going to go to one of those places post-high school anyway, and do one of their tracks, then she won't need to full bagrut, the finals that she does in these By high schools will suffice.
She will have a more enjoyable and fullfilling 12th year, with girls who she will match up with hashkafically.
If one day she wants to 'mashlim' her bagruyot, she can do it in a course one day after that.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 7:47 am
That’s a super idea salt, however as I mentioned the principal suggested. Idk if that’s really the best option or even what my daughter wants. I’ve tried but have No information whatsoever on those schools- high schools. And 12th grade is such a hard year to move schools. I don’t think they’d accept now anyways.
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 8:03 am
Perhaps you could look for some out of school options for volunteering, which would give her a social environment and personal sipuk.

The other thing that it is important to consider about the maslulim in Beis Yaakov, is that they are vocational level career training, which get some recognised certification. Some of the girls will choose to do bagrut and psychometric exam afterwards and go on to university, but it generally isn't encouraged. You mentioned that she was planning on university, but spending two years involved in vocational study, where a degree is regarded as optional could also influence her in that direction. It's not necessarily bad, but it is a possibility.

I also think it's important that you discuss options with your daughter, and see what she really wants. You've mentioned a few times that you aren't sure, but she's the primary player here!
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Post Wed, Jul 17 2024, 8:12 am
indecisivemotha wrote:
So the principal told me my daughter has way more potential than chedvas, michlala etc. it would be suitable but my daughter can do better, her words. We are looking into options about the 12th grade thing but if it doesn’t work out I still need to send her to sem in the coming years. I’ve heard alot abt bjj isn’t it only accepting Americans and also Bnos chava?

So sad to talk about perfectly amazing schools as if they are second class. Alot of Israeli chareidi look down on Chedvas since they don't preach kollel is the best and only option, anything else is second best etc, and aren't against going to chareidi colleges.

A lot of high schools are so against their girls going, even though the environment is amazing.

Id bet this same principal thinks your daughter has the "potential" to continue to Yud Gimmel and Yud daled and not "ruin herself" in a "fake" chareidi college to mivchar or machon tal
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