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Modern Orthodox School that parents follow the hashkafa
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 8:23 am
amother Aconite wrote:
And I am sticking to my guns. SAR is a religious school, as is the student body and families. There are so many false rumors, distortions, and frankly a fair amount of malice in these responses. I cannot vouch for the sending texts on Shabbos since my kids don't do that, but I can tell you that it's not the rule and it happens in many other places. I work with women from Yeshivish, Chassidish, and JPF families and there is a lot going on with both teens and adults. Pointing fingers is neither useful nor accurate.

Two things can be true at once. SAR is a great school and an Orthodox school and plenty of Orthodox families send there. It is also not the right place for some segments of orthodoxy. It's indisputable fact that there are same gender parent families that send their kids there and that there are openly lgbtq students there as well. Many people would not be comfortable sending there for that reason alone, and given where op is coming from and what she's looking for SAR is not for her. This is not to impugn SAR (and so far, only one poster has really been mean about it) just to be honest about what it's like there, because facts on the ground as op shares, it's not right for her family.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 8:48 am
amother Sand wrote:
Your explanation earlier of RWMO was right. It was about the hashkafa of Torah umada being at the root of their actions.
Modern yeshivish is the same, but the root of their actions are yeshivish hashkafas. The hashkafa of Torah learning being most important and respected and holding up the world, at the root of it.
Otherwise, the actions and hashkafas of rwmo and modern yeshivish are basically the same. I say this as a more modern yeshivish (jpf?) woman with a LOT of RWMO relatives.
Our actions are the same basically, the root of what we find most important is a drop different
That’s it

I think modern yeshivish is less firmly defined than RWMO, hence the confusions
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 8:54 am
amother Strawberry wrote:
I think modern yeshivish is less firmly defined than RWMO, hence the confusions

I would say that the reason we don't call ourselves modern yeshivish is we are very zionistic.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 9:19 am
amother Strawberry wrote:
From what I understand, modern yeshivish is we dress the dress of yeshivish but watch movies at home and go mixed swimming on vacation. I don’t think it’s as popular as it once was though. It could also be used to mean yeshivish but goes to college, but that’s less common.

Like others said, Modern Yeshivish does the same things as RWMO - fully follows halacha, values secular education, works for a living, but considers itself part of the yeshivish world. So they are more likely to dress yeshivish, send to yeshivish schools, and look up to the gedolim. They have to live with the cognitive dissonance of pledging allegiance to daas torah and the gedolim while at the same time not learning in kollel and not bashing general society. (RWMO otoh has to live with the cognitive dissonance of natural history that doesn't fit parshas Bereishis.)
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 9:27 am
amother Magenta wrote:
Ummmm sar Is not considered a regular modox school it’s on its own level
Women layning,wearing tfillin, lgbt clubs…
Ya sounds super frum!

And your schools where the parents cheat on their taxes, wear super tight skirts and speak LH about other types of Jews, ya sounds super frum
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 9:28 am
In my mind, RWMO is not just "Torah u madda and serious about halacha." That description would also include many center MO and LWMO people. I identify as plain MO, not RWMO, even though I ask shailos, dress tznius, cover my hair.

For those who are familiar with both, I believe there are significant differences in outlook between RAL ztzl and RMW on madda and other hashkafic issues. While these distinctions aren't a perfect science, like classifying someone's blood type A+ or O-, I personally lean more towards the RAL way of thinking.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 9:36 am
[quote="amother Aconite"]And I am sticking to my guns. SAR is a religious school, as is the student body and families. There are so many false rumors, distortions, and frankly a fair amount of malice in these responses. I cannot vouch for the sending texts on Shabbos since my kids don't do that, but I can tell you that it's not the rule and it happens in many other places. I work with women from Yeshivish, Chassidish, and JPF families and there is a lot going on with both teens and adults. Pointing fingers is neither useful nor accurate.

I went to a different MO school but have a relative who sent to SAR. it's not what OP wants. I remember in highschool a teacher said the MO world has their issues and the yesheivish world has their issues. At the time I wanted to be more yesheivish but now as an adult I realize how true that statement was. that doesn't mean that SAR is what the op wants.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 9:37 am
im sorry if I came across harsh abt SAR im not trying to just be mean, and im sorry if I said LH. the people who I know who went to SAR didnt keep shabbos etc. but anyways what I meant to say is SAR is not RWMO and probably not what OP is looking for.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 9:40 am
We are centrist Mo,I do wear loose pants,we looked at SAR when choosing high schools. It’s a beautiful school with a lot of amenities but I definitely would not call the it a typical MO school. It’s great that it exists and works for those who go there,but even for us,it’s as left as it gets. I am not sure why the poster upthread is getting so upset and defensive,it’s definitely not a place that caters to the average MO kid
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 9:50 am
amother Junglegreen wrote:
And your schools where the parents cheat on their taxes, wear super tight skirts and speak LH about other types of Jews, ya sounds super frum

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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 10:41 am
amother Navyblue wrote:

So it's my understanding that SAR is 70 percent religious and 30 percent not. There used to be Solomon Shechter schools( conservative)in all 5 boroughs. when they closed down..all these kids whose parents wanted them in a Jewish schools had no where else to go. You definitely do have kids from SAR who are very sincere and go on to be more RW..but the school itself is definitely not defined as RWMO.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 10:52 am
I disagree with the poster above. I live somewhere with a solid RWMO option and there is a reason parents choose it vs being the most leftwing in a bais yaakov style school. Some reasons are Zionism, value of secular studies, media, dress code especially for girls. You want your home to match the school as much as you can.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 10:56 am
mha3484 wrote:
I disagree with the poster above. I live somewhere with a solid RWMO option and there is a reason parents choose it vs being the most leftwing in a bais yaakov style school. Some reasons are Zionism, value of secular studies, media, dress code especially for girls. You want your home to match the school as much as you can.

Which school?
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 10:57 am
I live in the Midwest. But I was disagreeing that RWMO in practice as modern yeshivish. I know both and its not the same.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 11:31 am
mha3484 wrote:
I live in the Midwest. But I was disagreeing that RWMO in practice as modern yeshivish. I know both and its not the same.

Still curious about the school. We're looking to move.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 11:34 am
You can PM me I live in Chicago my own kids are in the yeshivish schools but we have a co-ed MO school and a single gender RWMO school that I mentioned earlier. I have many very happy friends there. But because anyone who feels strongly towards co education has a school this attracts the families who lean much more right.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 11:50 am
Another vote for YBH Passaic. The atmosphere in Passaic in general is leaning toward more serious, and respectful of one another's derech.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 1:26 pm
I agree that SAR is not for OP, it's more modern/liberal than she wants. I just disagreed with the hateful post.

RWMO is also hashkafically Zionist, whereas modern yeshivish is not. There is overlap in lifestyle, but not background and hashkafa. Shulamith is classically RWMO, though not all families who send there are -- the same way that not all TAG families are the same type (I am not sure how to label TAG because while it's a BY, "yeshivish" doesn't seem right.)

Both LWMO and RWMO still see themselves as being halakhically observant, so that definition isn't very good: you can't say someone isn't observing halakha by wearing pants if their rabbis' interpretation is that pants are allowed. But the RWMO interpretation of what halakha is is more stringent on certain matters (for example coed schools and activities), and they are culturally a bit less open.
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 1:57 pm
In North Jersey its RYNJ, YBH, or Jec - but I think they are more of a mix of middle of the road MO and RWMO.

Naaleh and Heichel Hatorah are definitely more solidly RWMO. I know people who have sent to Sharei Zion ( which is more or a JPF day school then a MO school) in Highland park and then to Naaleh and Heichal Hatorah, because they wanted a more RW environment then the typical Bergan County schools.

If you are looking to move, I have heard that there are good high school options in Miami
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Post Mon, Jun 24 2024, 3:29 pm
For high school I would also recommend MTA if your child is solid in who they are and not dragged down. They separate by shiur and the top shiur is very machmir.
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