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Names for Elisheva

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Post Mon, Jun 17 2024, 5:31 am
Middle names for Elisheva?
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Post Mon, Jun 17 2024, 5:32 am
It's a beautiful name itself.
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Post Mon, Jun 17 2024, 5:35 am
I agree, leave it as is. Love the name!
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Post Mon, Jun 17 2024, 5:40 am
Elisheva Bracha is nice.

But yes, nice by itself.
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Post Mon, Jun 17 2024, 5:41 am
My middle name is elisheva and my entire life I've bemoaned that it's my middle name and not my first name. I go by my english name, which I hate. I also hate my hebrew first name. Had my first name been Elisheva, I'd be so much happier. No, I can't change it, I'm in my 40s already.

OP, no other name needed, it's perfect on it's own.
amother Babypink wrote:
Elisheva Bracha is nice.

But yes, nice by itself.

ETA since we cross posted - my name is actually Bracha Elisheva, which I think is nice for other people but it just does not feel right to ME. I wish my name was Elisheva Bracha at least!
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Post Mon, Jun 17 2024, 11:30 pm
Elisheva is much too long to have a middle name too - 4 syllables.
You would just end up never using both names, in which case, no point.
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 4:26 am
Elisheva chaya
Elisheva rochel
Elisheva malka
Elisheva dina
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 4:31 am
Family, I say, or something you like
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 4:44 am
Love the suggestions of Bracha and Rochel as middle names.

Other options:

Elisheva Tovah
Elisheva Noa
Elisheva Tikvah
Elisheva Sima
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 5:02 am
If you are into modern Hebrew names I think Elisheva Tal has a nice ring to it.
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 5:03 am
I have an elisheva tova. Love it.
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 7:18 am
Love Elisheva Tal. Just realised Elisheva Bracha might be called Sheva Brochos!

Not to worry, you get ruach hakodesh when you name her.
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 7:19 am
Elisheva Miriam
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 10:17 am
amother Hawthorn wrote:
My middle name is elisheva and my entire life I've bemoaned that it's my middle name and not my first name. I go by my english name, which I hate. I also hate my hebrew first name. Had my first name been Elisheva, I'd be so much happier. No, I can't change it, I'm in my 40s already.

OP, no other name needed, it's perfect on it's own.
ETA since we cross posted - my name is actually Bracha Elisheva, which I think is nice for other people but it just does not feel right to ME. I wish my name was Elisheva Bracha at least!

I know tons of people who go by their middle or even third name (and someone who got stuck with 4 names who goes by the 4th)

Theres no reason you can't go by your second name.
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 10:18 am
Many names more choices. My children love have several names. I actually use my third.
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 10:47 am
What about Elisheva Meira? I know bezH I will get ruach hakodesh, just brainstorming now. Don’t really have any family names that need to be used kaH
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 11:00 am
amother Babypink wrote:
Love Elisheva Tal. Just realised Elisheva Bracha might be called Sheva Brochos!

Not to worry, you get ruach hakodesh when you name her.

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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 3:07 pm
Elisheva Michaela
Elisheva Menucha
Elisheva Aliyah
Elisheva Shoshana
Elisheva Yael

Idk how set you are on Elisheva as the first name, but I know an Emunah Elisheva, and I thought that sounds really nice together.
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 4:27 pm
salt wrote:
Elisheva is much too long to have a middle name too - 4 syllables.
You would just end up never using both names, in which case, no point.

My daughter has a 4-syllable first name followed by Elisheva Smile (named after Elisheva Basya Kaplan) and we all love it, it flows. We usually just call her by her first name but when we are being extra loving we'll call her by her whole name. She's proud of it!
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Post Tue, Jun 18 2024, 4:31 pm
My elisheva is plain elisheva.
It's beautiful and elegant on its own, and lends itself to all kinds of cute nicknames.
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