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Chossidmom's thread about childhood vaccines
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 7:22 am
GLUE wrote:
Two questions:

-DDT spraying did not start until 1939 how did it cause Polio in the early part of the 1900's?

-A few African countries(I forgot which ones) have started to use DDT in 2006 for Malaria, has Polio or Gillian Barr increased in those countries?
Personally I believe polio is a virus that can infect the nervous system and cause paralysis, but there are different factors that give it easy access to the nervous system. Neurotoxins like ddt can "open the door" for the virus to invade. Which is why the epidemic of paralytic Polio began at that time.

I don't know stats about ddt and malaria, but I'm sure it's having adverse neurological effects on the population because it is a known neurotoxin.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 7:45 am
amother Yellow wrote:
I feel like when people who don't give vaccines start with the whole conspiracy-theorist mentality of the government wanting to mass murder the whole world, they lose credibility in everything else.

Are vaccines safe? Maybe they're not. Maybe they haven't been tested properly. Maybe they can be safer. Maybe they do cause all these diseases.

But to say that all the thousands of researchers, scientists, government agencies, doctors, etc. are on a rampage to inject poison into the majority of the population, including themselves and their children!!! just makes you sound a bit off.

I did not take any covid vaccines and I don't plan to, ever. I do think it's just a minor version of the flu now. But I lost a very close family member to covid in the beginning. My husband was really, really sick for over 2 weeks. We kept calling hatzalah because he couldn't breath. It was a real thing. It was scary. It was touch and go (we were avoiding the hospital at all costs because they were too overwhelmed -- with people on vacation, maybe?). B"H he recovered. But to say all these diseases and illnesses aren't real and just a hoax to kill the mass population is an insult to the people who lost loved ones to them.

I - like you, once upon a time ago - not too long ago thought the same.
Do I sound like a conspiracy theorist ? What is that anyways? Someone who doesn’t agree with everything they’re told? Well yes. I don’t anymore. I did. I even took a Covid shot. I was terrified. I thought I would die. I thought I would lose my baby. I was seven months pregnant and the doctors advised me to get it! What in the world? Was it tested? Did I think to ask? I was so scared of a lousy virus that I endangered my unborn child and myself and don’t know what the future has in store for me and my health.
Did I lose people from Covid? From Covid itself? More like neglect and probably starvation in the hospital. Unfortunately.

We were fed a lie.
How is it that everything that was told to us - and argued by - you know it, conspiracy theorists, came true within six months?
I didn’t believe it at first. Argued everything. Then they started contradicting themselves. Covering their tracks. Hiding data. Gaslighting injured and blacklisting doctors and labeling people who were vaccinated as anti vaxxers. It’s just a term to fit their agenda.

I vaccinated all my kids. With everything. Held them down. Pushed poison into their little bodies while they screamed. Didn’t think for one second that it’s even possible that it could all be for something other than my kids health. We are more scared of the chicken pox than the side effects of a shot that is unknown.
Like Covid. I was more scared of a virus THAT THEY DEVELOPED IN A LAB AND LET ON THE LOOSE! Then a shot which has unknown effects on the human body.

I’m not an anti vaxxer. Not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t trust them anymore. It doesn’t make sense. I wish I would have been smarter. But I fell for it - because I - like you, could not imagine they were “out to get me”

After I got the shot and heard of people dying from it - I apologized to my kids for giving them their childhood vaccines, and if anything were to happen to me. I said it’s in Gods hands, but don’t fold over so quickly if they tell you anything. Do not comply. Even if you’re blacklisted and shamed and called names. Hold your head up.

Because now we know. I didn’t. Now I do.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 7:57 am
amother Yellow wrote:
I feel like when people who don't give vaccines start with the whole conspiracy-theorist mentality of the government wanting to mass murder the whole world, they lose credibility in everything else.

Are vaccines safe? Maybe they're not. Maybe they haven't been tested properly. Maybe they can be safer. Maybe they do cause all these diseases.

But to say that all the thousands of researchers, scientists, government agencies, doctors, etc. are on a rampage to inject poison into the majority of the population, including themselves and their children!!! just makes you sound a bit off.

I did not take any covid vaccines and I don't plan to, ever. I do think it's just a minor version of the flu now. But I lost a very close family member to covid in the beginning. My husband was really, really sick for over 2 weeks. We kept calling hatzalah because he couldn't breath. It was a real thing. It was scary. It was touch and go (we were avoiding the hospital at all costs because they were too overwhelmed -- with people on vacation, maybe?). B"H he recovered. But to say all these diseases and illnesses aren't real and just a hoax to kill the mass population is an insult to the people who lost loved ones to them.

Covid was real in the beginning but instead of the government immediately creating a medical task force to study the repurposing of existing medications, they cancelled and fired any doctor who tried to do exactly that. The result was there was no recommended treatment protocol until the first drug was rushed through several months later (and with very questionable efficacy according to their own studies). How many lives were lost during those months? It is unforgiveable.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:03 am
amother Firethorn wrote:
I - like you, once upon a time ago - not too long ago thought the same.
Do I sound like a conspiracy theorist ? What is that anyways? Someone who doesn’t agree with everything they’re told? Well yes. I don’t anymore. I did. I even took a Covid shot. I was terrified. I thought I would die. I thought I would lose my baby. I was seven months pregnant and the doctors advised me to get it! What in the world? Was it tested? Did I think to ask? I was so scared of a lousy virus that I endangered my unborn child and myself and don’t know what the future has in store for me and my health.
Did I lose people from Covid? From Covid itself? More like neglect and probably starvation in the hospital. Unfortunately.

We were fed a lie.
How is it that everything that was told to us - and argued by - you know it, conspiracy theorists, came true within six months?
I didn’t believe it at first. Argued everything. Then they started contradicting themselves. Covering their tracks. Hiding data. Gaslighting injured and blacklisting doctors and labeling people who were vaccinated as anti vaxxers. It’s just a term to fit their agenda.

I vaccinated all my kids. With everything. Held them down. Pushed poison into their little bodies while they screamed. Didn’t think for one second that it’s even possible that it could all be for something other than my kids health. We are more scared of the chicken pox than the side effects of a shot that is unknown.
Like Covid. I was more scared of a virus THAT THEY DEVELOPED IN A LAB AND LET ON THE LOOSE! Then a shot which has unknown effects on the human body.

I’m not an anti vaxxer. Not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t trust them anymore. It doesn’t make sense. I wish I would have been smarter. But I fell for it - because I - like you, could not imagine they were “out to get me”

After I got the shot and heard of people dying from it - I apologized to my kids for giving them their childhood vaccines, and if anything were to happen to me. I said it’s in Gods hands, but don’t fold over so quickly if they tell you anything. Do not comply. Even if you’re blacklisted and shamed and called names. Hold your head up.

Because now we know. I didn’t. Now I do.

No, a conspiracy theorist is "a person who believes that some secret but influential organization is responsible for a particular event or phenomenon." You believe the government is intentionally poisoning the mass population.

I agreed with you that many vaccines aren't 100% safe. But you are taking it to the next level. I just told you that my husband was very sick with covid at home. How can you say people died from neglect and starvation only? Maybe some did - the hospitals were overwhelmed and there definitely was neglect. But the fact that you are generalizing everything into black and white, bad and good, without any grey, makes me doubt you. The things you are stating may or may not be true. But you are stating them as black and white fact, which they aren't.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:27 am
amother Yellow wrote:
No, a conspiracy theorist is "a person who believes that some secret but influential organization is responsible for a particular event or phenomenon." You believe the government is intentionally poisoning the mass population.

I agreed with you that many vaccines aren't 100% safe. But you are taking it to the next level. I just told you that my husband was very sick with covid at home. How can you say people died from neglect and starvation only? Maybe some did - the hospitals were overwhelmed and there definitely was neglect. But the fact that you are generalizing everything into black and white, bad and good, without any grey, makes me doubt you. The things you are stating may or may not be true. But you are stating them as black and white fact, which they aren't.

My husband was also sick.
But he got vaccinated, and many people who got vaccinated experienced worse symptoms.
My aunt died. But no doubt from neglect.
Anyone who was ventilated had no chance. And hospitals were so overrun that nurses had so much time to make TikTok dances? In the beginning it was such a shock and nobody knew what to do, and people were dying. Then they blacklisted ivermectin - lol. A drug they approved themselves in the 90’s but all of a sudden it was dubbed as horse medicine. It is what helped. So why hold it back from the general population? Too cheap? Won’t make enough money?
People were able to go to liquor stores and eat without a mask, but we weren’t allowed to go outside? When vitamin d was a main factor in helping with the virus???
When you hear of all the real things going on, it makes you doubt everything. It’s a rabbit hole. It started with Covid. Goes so deep down. So much corruptness. With money and power comes very crazy unbelievable things.

So yes. At this point. I believe the government knowingly poisoned the population and vaccines for children - up to what now? Over 100? Are slowly killing people and making them dependent on them for medicines and doctors.

Seriously - they’re trying to convince people lab grown meat is healthier than beef 😂
Eggs are unhealthy
But vaccines are safe
And Ritalin, very safe
And anti psychotics safe
But meat, eggs, sunshine, and water are dangerous. All causing all sorts of diseases. 🙄🙄
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 8:59 am
Eggs are healthy.
Water is healthy. It’s the microplastics that aren’t.
If people need medicine, they should take medicine.
Vitamin D is important for covid.
Some of what you’re saying is true. Some of what you’re saying isn’t true.
People spent lots of time outdoors during covid shutdown. I didn’t spend any time in liquor stores.
Ivermectin has lots of uses, and like anything it worked for some people and didn’t for others. The danger was when people were using ivermectin intended for animals for humans. Ivermectin has to be used properly. It also has side effects. Too much of anything isn’t a good thing.
People are looking for things to put the blame on. It’s very hard to take a step back and to think logically instead of only emotionally.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 9:04 am
amother Firethorn wrote:
My husband was also sick.
But he got vaccinated, and many people who got vaccinated experienced worse symptoms.
My aunt died. But no doubt from neglect.
Anyone who was ventilated had no chance. And hospitals were so overrun that nurses had so much time to make TikTok dances? In the beginning it was such a shock and nobody knew what to do, and people were dying. Then they blacklisted ivermectin - lol. A drug they approved themselves in the 90’s but all of a sudden it was dubbed as horse medicine. It is what helped. So why hold it back from the general population? Too cheap? Won’t make enough money?
People were able to go to liquor stores and eat without a mask, but we weren’t allowed to go outside? When vitamin d was a main factor in helping with the virus???
When you hear of all the real things going on, it makes you doubt everything. It’s a rabbit hole. It started with Covid. Goes so deep down. So much corruptness. With money and power comes very crazy unbelievable things.

So yes. At this point. I believe the government knowingly poisoned the population and vaccines for children - up to what now? Over 100? Are slowly killing people and making them dependent on them for medicines and doctors.

Seriously - they’re trying to convince people lab grown meat is healthier than beef 😂
Eggs are unhealthy
But vaccines are safe
And Ritalin, very safe
And anti psychotics safe
But meat, eggs, sunshine, and water are dangerous. All causing all sorts of diseases. 🙄🙄

Again, extreme. Black and white. No grey. What you're saying is true. And also not true. My sister is a nurse in a hospital. How dare you say she made tik tok videos and neglected her patients. You know nothing about what really happened in every hospital to every patient. Maybe some nurses did. But it's the black and whiteness of those who are anti vaccines that is so problematic. Not every single thing is completely right or wrong, bad or good.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 9:12 am
amother Yellow wrote:
Again, extreme. Black and white. No grey. What you're saying is true. And also not true. My sister is a nurse in a hospital. How dare you say she made tik tok videos and neglected her patients. You know nothing about what really happened there. Maybe some nurses did. But it's the black and whiteness of those who are anti vaccines that is so problematic.

Again. I’m vaccinated. My kids are vaccinated. How does that make me an anti vaxxer?? I just don’t believe it anymore.
They lied about the deaths. They lied. About everything. And that’s all in MAINSTREAM MEDIA, it’s already admitted to. Maybe if the nurses weren’t told to euthanize people by ventilating them and giving remdesivir (Toxic drug banned years ago) they wouldnt have been overrun with death. But it wasn’t from “covid.” And I imagine she was just doing her job and following orders.

Covid deaths were exaggerated by all hospitals.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 9:47 am
amother Firethorn wrote:
Again. I’m vaccinated. My kids are vaccinated. How does that make me an anti vaxxer?? I just don’t believe it anymore.
They lied about the deaths. They lied. About everything. And that’s all in MAINSTREAM MEDIA, it’s already admitted to. Maybe if the nurses weren’t told to euthanize people by ventilating them and giving remdesivir (Toxic drug banned years ago) they wouldnt have been overrun with death. But it wasn’t from “covid.” And I imagine she was just doing her job and following orders.

Covid deaths were exaggerated by all hospitals.

What mainstream media? Remdesivir is safe. Nothing is 100% 100% of the time.
And nurses making TikTok? They’re allowed to have downtime. They’re humans. You’re online … and if you’re at work you have downtime. I hope. Otherwise it’s geneiva.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 9:52 am
amother Oak wrote:
What mainstream media? Remdesivir is safe. Nothing is 100% 100% of the time.
And nurses making TikTok? They’re allowed to have downtime. They’re humans. You’re online … and if you’re at work you have downtime. I hope. Otherwise it’s geneiva.

Paxlovid too, right?
Right. The vaccines too. Safe AND effective.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 9:56 am
amother Firethorn wrote:
Paxlovid too, right?
Right. The vaccines too. Safe AND effective.

Nothing is 100% 100% of the time. Did you ever hear of someone who had strep and was put on amoxicillin and it didn’t work?
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 9:58 am
amother Firethorn wrote:
Again. I’m vaccinated. My kids are vaccinated. How does that make me an anti vaxxer?? I just don’t believe it anymore.
They lied about the deaths. They lied. About everything. And that’s all in MAINSTREAM MEDIA, it’s already admitted to. Maybe if the nurses weren’t told to euthanize people by ventilating them and giving remdesivir (Toxic drug banned years ago) they wouldnt have been overrun with death. But it wasn’t from “covid.” And I imagine she was just doing her job and following orders.

Covid deaths were exaggerated by all hospitals.

If you wouldn't continue to vaccinate then you're an anti-vaxxer. Anti-vaxxer = anti vaccines, which you are. I don't have a problem with anything you're saying as long as you're aware that it's not all or nothing. Are there people looking to only make money and don't care about others? Yes. Are there bad apples in medicine? Yes. Is there corruption in the government? Yes. Were covid deaths exaggerated? Yes. But to generalize and say the whole government is bad, the whole medical world is bad, all nurses made tik tok videos and allowed their patients to die of starvation, is just wrong.

I do believe that vaccines were created for our good, not for people to make money as we slowly die. I'll repeat what I said a bunch of times. It's the black and white, no grey, that's the problem here. You can have your hesitations about vaccines, doctors, nurses, scientists, whoever you want. I do, too. But it's not everyone, it's not all or nothing.
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  lakewood mom  


Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 9:58 am
amother Oak wrote:
…than they’re protected against three more diseases!

You can look at it that way… or you can speculate how they’re giving vaccines to your child without testing if there’s any damage that can occur when the three are given at the same time. Certain drugs cannot be taken together; the same should be tested with vaccines.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 10:06 am
lakewood mom wrote:
You can look at it that way… or you can speculate how they’re giving vaccines to your child without testing if there’s any damage that can occur when the three are given at the same time. Certain drugs cannot be taken together; the same should be tested with vaccines.

Just give them in different limbs.

This is seriously what was said at an acip meeting re a vaccine with a new adjuvant (I think a hep b vax) 'Cuz all limbs are completely separate entities and there is no way it could interact if they are given in different limbs.
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  lakewood mom  


Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 10:13 am
amother Yellow wrote:
No, a conspiracy theorist is "a person who believes that some secret but influential organization is responsible for a particular event or phenomenon." You believe the government is intentionally poisoning the mass population.

I agreed with you that many vaccines aren't 100% safe. But you are taking it to the next level. I just told you that my husband was very sick with covid at home. How can you say people died from neglect and starvation only? Maybe some did - the hospitals were overwhelmed and there definitely was neglect. But the fact that you are generalizing everything into black and white, bad and good, without any grey, makes me doubt you. The things you are stating may or may not be true. But you are stating them as black and white fact, which they aren't.

No one will deny that people were very sick with covid. But did the doctors speak about preventative measures you can do in order to refrain from getting it? When I go to my Dr for a well visit, I don’t have to pay a copay- because it’s under preventative health. There was a Dr who spoke up- suggested vitamin C, D, quercitin and zinc. Dr Zelenko a”h. We all know how they dragged him through the mud for offering preventative measures and treatment. WHY? Because he wasn’t pushing the vaccine?!? Since when is medicine a one size fits all. There are people allergic to Tylenol. People go for second opinions all the time when they get a diagnosis. For some reason, covid was treated differently. Any doctor who had a difference of opinion against an experimental vaccine was shunned, threatened and labeled a quack. Why is this normal? This behavior is very telling. There were many doctors who told patients they should take the vaccine and held up a paper saying “don’t take it. I’m supposed to tell you to do so. Please don’t!” I heard this from a few friends separately who go to the same OBGYN practice. One Dr from the group risked his job by doing this …
I can go on and on about the protocols and incentives hospitals got for treating covid cases. I have close family that worked there and were horrified what they discovered. Someone can come in DOA from a car accident, they shoved a test up their nose and wrote covid as cause of death on their death certificate. I’m not going to continue this topic. It’s been spoken about ad nauseum.
The point being- when you see how the medical establishment at large completely misguided you, shut you down when you had questions and took advantage of your blind trust in them- how do you continue to follow and trust them anymore? They did a huge disservice to themselves. This made so many parents open their eyes and start questioning everything they’ve been telling us. Theres a big pediatrician in Lakewood who gave the covid vaccine to kids… how are people supposed to take him seriously now when he speaks about the importance of other vaccines? Do you have any idea how many mothers are now educating themselves about all vaccines and how to treat their children if they get one of the diseases that we vaccinate against? Surprisingly enough, there’s a treatment for everything. And there’s a risk vs benefit as well… but it’s about time that parents are empowered with this education of what we’re putting into our children. So many mothers spend time researching the best schools, camps, clothing for their kids. They look at calories and ingredients in their food so they can fit… now it’s time to research vaccines and the ingredients in them as well.
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  lakewood mom  


Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 10:30 am
amother Yellow wrote:
If you wouldn't continue to vaccinate then you're an anti-vaxxer. Anti-vaxxer = anti vaccines, which you are. I don't have a problem with anything you're saying as long as you're aware that it's not all or nothing. Are there people looking to only make money and don't care about others? Yes. Are there bad apples in medicine? Yes. Is there corruption in the government? Yes. Were covid deaths exaggerated? Yes. But to generalize and say the whole government is bad, the whole medical world is bad, all nurses made tik tok videos and allowed their patients to die of starvation, is just wrong.

I do believe that vaccines were created for our good, not for people to make money as we slowly die. I'll repeat what I said a bunch of times. It's the black and white, no grey, that's the problem here. You can have your hesitations about vaccines, doctors, nurses, scientists, whoever you want. I do, too. But it's not everyone, it's not all or nothing.

I believe in the corruption and I also believe that not every person involved in the fields mentioned above is bad and corrupt. I don’t believe she feels that every nurse was making TikTok videos was allowing their patients to die of starvation. Those were two different things. Some nurses were making videos. Many patients were starved- not because of the TikTok making nurses, but because of hospital protocol. There were many nurses at the time that did their very best to help their patients. No one will argue on that. The point being made is that there was protocols implemented that were not in the best interest of the patients. I had family working in some of the big hospitals at the time… the stories they came back with are terrible… They saw corruption first hand. This corruption came from up top. They still treated their patients properly, but it was shocking and a huge eye opener for them to witness.

And remdesivir is awful. Fauci submitted it to be approved in trials and it failed. But it was used for Covid.
Ivermectin is used for people. No one was taking the ones given to horses. Saying it’s for horses was another attempt to shut down anything other than what they wanted you to take.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 10:30 am
lakewood mom wrote:
Do you have any idea how many mothers are now educating themselves about all vaccines and how to treat their children if they get one of the diseases that we vaccinate against? Surprisingly enough, there’s a treatment for everything.

Again, generalizing. You lost me at that. No, there isn't treatment for everything. What's the treatment for measles? Chicken pox? Rubella? Polio? Mumps? Natural herbs and alternative medicine is not considered treatment.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 10:34 am
lakewood mom wrote:
I believe in the corruption and I also believe that not every person involved in the fields mentioned above is bad and corrupt. I don’t believe she feels that every nurse was making TikTok videos was allowing their patients to die of starvation. Those were two different things. Some nurses were making videos. Many patients were starved- not because of the TikTok making nurses, but because of hospital protocol. There were many nurses at the time that did their very best to help their patients. No one will argue on that. The point being made is that there was protocols implemented that were not in the best interest of the patients. I had family working in some of the big hospitals at the time… the stories they came back with are terrible… They saw corruption first hand. This corruption came from up top. They still treated their patients properly, but it was shocking and a huge eye opener for them to witness.

And remdesivir is awful. Fauci submitted it to be approved in trials and it failed. But it was used for Covid.
Ivermectin is used for people. No one was taking the ones given to horses. Saying it’s for horses was another attempt to shut down anything other than what they wanted you to take.

Show proof.
One of the issues was people were stocking up on animal ivermectin for humans.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 10:34 am
amother Yellow wrote:
If you wouldn't continue to vaccinate then you're an anti-vaxxer. Anti-vaxxer = anti vaccines, which you are. I don't have a problem with anything you're saying as long as you're aware that it's not all or nothing. Are there people looking to only make money and don't care about others? Yes. Are there bad apples in medicine? Yes. Is there corruption in the government? Yes. Were covid deaths exaggerated? Yes. But to generalize and say the whole government is bad, the whole medical world is bad, all nurses made tik tok videos and allowed their patients to die of starvation, is just wrong.

I do believe that vaccines were created for our good, not for people to make money as we slowly die. I'll repeat what I said a bunch of times. It's the black and white, no grey, that's the problem here. You can have your hesitations about vaccines, doctors, nurses, scientists, whoever you want. I do, too. But it's not everyone, it's not all or nothing.

When it comes to vaccinations, it’s all or nothing. It’s the people questioning the vaccines that are not black and white thinkers. The government enforces that every child must take ALL vaccines no matter what. No room for any grey. Doctors are not allowed to take individual circumstances into account. They are not allowed to make exceptions or look at things on a case by case basis. Either you vaccinate or you are banned from almost anywhere? Where is the Grey thinking here.
You said you mostly agree with everything this poster said. Yet, you can’t admit that you agree so you’re resorting to stating that she’s a black and white thinker. Obviously, there are good people in medicine and in the world, still , the situation was and is corrupt. You want to label with Black and White or Conspiracy Theory. It’s an easy way to avoid backing up your own view. Now state how what happened during Covid makes sense to you.
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Post Thu, Feb 29 2024, 10:36 am
amother Steelblue wrote:
When it comes to vaccinations, it’s all or nothing. It’s the people questioning the vaccines that are not black and white thinkers. The government enforces that every child must take ALL vaccines no matter what. No room for any grey. Doctors are not allowed to take individual circumstances into account. They are not allowed to make exceptions or look at things on a case by case basis. Either you vaccinate or you are banned from almost anywhere? Where is the Grey thinking here.
You said you mostly agree with everything this poster said. Yet, you can’t admit that you agree so you’re resorting to stating that she’s a black and white thinker. Obviously, there are good people in medicine and in the world, still , the situation was and is corrupt.

Totally not.
Doctors definitely take individual circumstances into account.
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