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Chossidmom's thread about childhood vaccines
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Post Tue, Feb 06 2024, 4:11 am
amother Pink wrote:
What protocol? You gave the vaccine, so at some point you thought it was a good idea, no? I would hope so.
This thread wreaks of extreme anti vaxing.
What is your point in asking this?

I think you mean "reeks".
You "wreak" havoc.

Is there something wrong with a thread that reeks of anti vaccine? I got all mine. Gave them all to my kids. If I could do it all over again I would give NOT ONE shot to my kids. I've been doing my homework.
So, yeah. This thread REEKS of anti vaxing.
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Post Thu, Feb 08 2024, 3:47 pm
Via Jessica Rojas from Twitter. 💔💔😢
"My son Landen Steffen was born in a hospital in January 2009. He was born a healthy 8 lbs. boy through normal birth (no C-section).
We started allowing him to be vaccinated with the Vitamin K and Hepatitis B shots within 12 hours after delivery.
Even though our son developed several colds and earaches during his first year of life, he still was achieving every milestone perfectly and was right on target with his Speech, Motor, and Cognitive Skills.
My husband and I took Landen in for his 12-month vaccinations at 15-months.
He received 5 viruses at this visit, 4 of which were live viruses; MMR, Varicella, Influenza.
He went to sleep and when he awoke the next day, he began SCREAMING and going into ANGER RAGES. The rages were in-and-out throughout the day.
Next, he began balancing his gut on the arm of our couch or would lay on his back on the floor and tighten every muscle in his body in a solid-locked position with his legs in the air - he would do this for long periods of time.
By 18 months, my son no longer knew who we were or who his 2 older sisters were.
He lost all his vocabulary which was approximately 10-15 words and all eye contact.
When I took him back to our pediatrician and explained to her what was changing, she only focused on his speech. Knowing he was previously developing and functioning normally, she referred us to Vanderbilt Hospital in TN to get his speech checked.
At this visit, she vaccinated my son with his 2-year vaccinations.
The waitlist at the hospital was 9 months to 1 year. During this wait he:
🔘Broke-out in eczema
🔘Began to drop and meltdown in public settings
🔘Started tip-toeing
🔘Arm flapping
🔘Absolutely no eye contact
🔘Diaper digging and eating his own feces
🔘Smearing his feces on the walls
🔘Began eating his bedroom furniture (wood bedframe, wood dresser, window seal, bed mattress, etc.)
🔘Would elope if we let go of his hand outdoors
🔘Did not know what danger was
🔘Developed pica
🔘Peeled large portions of paint off his bedroom walls
🔘Ate the sheetrock
🔘Attacked us
🔘Bit us
🔘Scratched us
🔘Pulled his sister’s hair
We thought he might have somehow lost his hearing since he was unresponsive to his name or sudden loud sounds, however, his hearing scored normal when tested.
When we got into a psychologist after 9 months, he was diagnosed with AUTISM!
The psychologist had NO answers as to how Landen developed Autism, except the assumption that these children are born with it and it appears around the age of 2-years-old.
All that was given to me for help, was a piece of paper with a list of therapist’s names to take my son to for BEHAVIORAL HELP - NOT MEDICAL HELP.
Landen will be 10-years-old on January 22nd. He is still non-verbal, in diapers, an eloper, occasionally has meltdowns due to frustration, cannot dress, feed, or bath himself.
I am my son’s full-time caretaker, and stay home to assist to his needs. I run him to two different learning center's 5 days a week, to help him with learning Life Skills - the things a 2-year-old is learning.
Vaccinations CAUSED my son to regress into severe Autism.
Do you still think all vaccines are safe and effective?
Do you still parrot that "autism is a gift from God"?
By repeating those two statements, you too are playing a part of this evil agenda that is wiping out our generation!”
- Natalie Renee Steffen
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 5:22 am
ChossidMom wrote:
A friend of mine told me a very bad vaccine story yesterday.
Her son was completely normal.
When he needed to enter a certain talmud torah, she couldn't find his vaccine card with the record of all the childhood vaccines he had.
The talmud torah insisted that he take every single vaccine again.
He is now on the spectrum and mildly [crazy]. He is a teenager. She KNEW it was the vaccines.
What a travesty.

That's pretty ridiculous of the mother. When I couldn't find my kid's pinkas chisunim, I went to kupat cholim, paid a couple shekel and they printed out a new one with the vaccine records
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 10:29 am
amother Heather wrote:
That's pretty ridiculous of the mother. When I couldn't find my kid's pinkas chisunim, I went to kupat cholim, paid a couple shekel and they printed out a new one with the vaccine records

The story is in way able to be true. I mean no nurse giving chisunim in schools is giving any kid any chisun that the parents have not signed permission for.
There is no way this story can be true.
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 4:28 pm
I could see it happening. I think it could be true. When we moved to a new state, the pediatric doctors insisted that we give all kinds of vaccines to my 7 year old because they were not able to successfully request her records from the old doctor. She had not missed one ever. I didn't think much of it at the time, as the doctors treated the shots like they were nothing and had no risk, we let them re-administer shots. In hindsight I should have worked harder for those old records. My daughter deteriorated over the next 2 years. She developed type 1 diabetes. I asked the endocrinologist, with no expectation of what answer she might give, what could have caused this with no family history, and she said, "most likely her vaccines." I was floored. I started looking into them more after that and agree with posts above that if I had it to do over again, not a single shot would we give.
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 4:30 pm
amother Lemonlime wrote:
I could see it happening. I think it could be true. When we moved to a new state, the pediatric doctors insisted that we give all kinds of vaccines to my 7 year old because they were not able to successfully request her records from the old doctor. She had not missed one ever. I didn't think much of it at the time, as the doctors treated the shots like they were nothing and had no risk, we let them re-administer shots. In hindsight I should have worked harder for those old records. My daughter deteriorated over the next 2 years. She developed type 1 diabetes. I asked the endocrinologist, with no expectation of what answer she might give, what could have caused this with no family history, and she said, "most likely her vaccines." I was floored. I started looking into them more after that and agree with posts above that if I had it to do over again, not a single shot would we give.
But the story in question is in Israel, where vaccinations are given in the school, buy a medical representative nurse that can administer the vaccines. She is not coming to the school with every vaccine under the sun. Just the vaccine that that grade is getting that day. And every parent must sign a permission slip that allows the nurse to give the vaccine. This story could not have happened. There is no way.
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 4:38 pm
amother Olive wrote:
I give shots but I get so nervous every time. is there any data that shows it’s better to stagger the shots?
Also, what about all the diseases these shots eradicated? Bh we don’t have kids getting sick with polio any more. Is that not a good thing?

I'm not sure if you already got an answer, but I didn't see that you did. I thought the same thing before I looked deeper. Reading the book Dissolving Illusions was incredibly informative on polio and what really happened, rather than the media hype to sell a medical product. Dr. Suzanne Humphries does an excellent job looking at the raw data and showing how the increase in paralysis associated with polio during that time period, was actually due to an increase in the use of (now banned) pesticides. I bought a book written by vaccine makers and meant for use in medical school for vaccinologists. It was mostly about antibodies, but the best part for me as a mother was in the chapter on polio, when it said that polio has been with us for thousands of years, but for an unknown reason it became associated with more paralytic features during a specific time period. They said no one knows why. Dr. Humphries knows why! They also pointed out that it was increased in late summer and fall. This lines up with the information in Dr. Humphries book, because there would have been more pesticides in use during that time. Reading her book removed my fear of polio. I'm more worried at this point about the disruption to the immune system, long term health problems and toxic exposure from shots.
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lakewood mom  


Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 4:45 pm
Another great and easy read is Turtles All The Way Down- sold on Amazon. Every sentence is irrefutable. Book is backed up with footnotes… when everything is factual- it’s hard to argue against it.
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 4:46 pm
amother Pink wrote:
But the story in question is in Israel, where vaccinations are given in the school, buy a medical representative nurse that can administer the vaccines. She is not coming to the school with every vaccine under the sun. Just the vaccine that that grade is getting that day. And every parent must sign a permission slip that allows the nurse to give the vaccine. This story could not have happened. There is no way.

Oh, I don't know how things are done in Israel. I guess my point was that they are treated very lightly by many doctors and I could see it happening in general. It sounds like the mother did sign off on what happened?
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 5:44 pm
amother Lemonlime wrote:
Oh, I don't know how things are done in Israel. I guess my point was that they are treated very lightly by many doctors and I could see it happening in general. It sounds like the mother did sign off on what happened?

Nope, chossidmom did not say the mother signed anything. She just said thd lady's son had to take all vaccinations at once.
Thats not how its done in israel. The story is beyond not believable.
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 6:02 pm
amother Lemonlime wrote:
I could see it happening. I think it could be true. When we moved to a new state, the pediatric doctors insisted that we give all kinds of vaccines to my 7 year old because they were not able to successfully request her records from the old doctor. She had not missed one ever. I didn't think much of it at the time, as the doctors treated the shots like they were nothing and had no risk, we let them re-administer shots. In hindsight I should have worked harder for those old records. My daughter deteriorated over the next 2 years. She developed type 1 diabetes. I asked the endocrinologist, with no expectation of what answer she might give, what could have caused this with no family history, and she said, "most likely her vaccines." I was floored. I started looking into them more after that and agree with posts above that if I had it to do over again, not a single shot would we give.

Completely false.
I had to see if I had immunity for certain things before starting a job, and I took a blood test to see if I needed to get a shot. There is no reason for anyone to have to get all new shots. In USA, all shots are recorded by the state health department so first look it up there. If it can’t be found, you take a. Lois test. If there is no immunity then you get a shot.
Type 1 diabetes is not caused by shots. What do you mean your daughter deteriorated? Type 1 diabetes can come from autoimmune issues, so it’s possible she had a lot going on in her body. It’s also genetic. Chances are your family has more cases of type 1 than other families.
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Post Tue, Feb 27 2024, 11:43 pm
I do vaccinate my kids (with a perek of tehillim each time, so apprehensively), and I have to add here...the stories my grandmother told of the diseases people died from before vaccines (early 1900s in Europe). How can you ignore that? Yes, I agree that maybe some aren't necessary, like chicken pox, flu, definitely covid. But other diseases really did kill. Maybe it's easy for you to talk about not vaccinating because you're protected by all of us who did vaccinate, so the diseases are mostly eradicated.
I also want to add that my grandmother spoke a lot about the people in her days who were a "shtikel bissel" - meaning they were autistic or some other version of special needs. It was very common then, and this was before vaccines. It just didn't have a name.
I'm not saying vaccines are 100% safe. That's why I am nervous when I give it. I can also be nervous to cross the street, drive a car, or fly. But the alternative is so much scarier. These diseases are eradicated now and you know nothing of them.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:40 am
amother Yellow wrote:
I do vaccinate my kids (with a perek of tehillim each time, so apprehensively), and I have to add here...the stories my grandmother told of the diseases people died from before vaccines (early 1900s in Europe). How can you ignore that? Yes, I agree that maybe some aren't necessary, like chicken pox, flu, definitely covid. But other diseases really did kill. Maybe it's easy for you to talk about not vaccinating because you're protected by all of us who did vaccinate, so the diseases are mostly eradicated.
I also want to add that my grandmother spoke a lot about the people in her days who were a "shtikel bissel" - meaning they were autistic or some other version of special needs. It was very common then, and this was before vaccines. It just didn't have a name.
I'm not saying vaccines are 100% safe. That's why I am nervous when I give it. I can also be nervous to cross the street, drive a car, or fly. But the alternative is so much scarier. These diseases are eradicated now and you know nothing of them.

See lemonlime's response above (replying to olive).
That's not just for polio. Most diseases have a similar story.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 12:51 am
amother Oak wrote:
Completely false.
I had to see if I had immunity for certain things before starting a job, and I took a blood test to see if I needed to get a shot. There is no reason for anyone to have to get all new shots. In USA, all shots are recorded by the state health department so first look it up there. If it can’t be found, you take a. Lois test. If there is no immunity then you get a shot.
Type 1 diabetes is not caused by shots. What do you mean your daughter deteriorated? Type 1 diabetes can come from autoimmune issues, so it’s possible she had a lot going on in her body. It’s also genetic. Chances are your family has more cases of type 1 than other families.
Not false at all. I know another child who got type 1 after being immunized. Maybe its genetic maybe not. The vaccine activated it.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 1:15 am
amother Bisque wrote:
Not false at all. I know another child who got type 1 after being immunized. Maybe it’s genetic maybe not. The vaccine activated it.

Knowing two children out of thousands doesn’t mean much.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 1:53 am
amother Bisque wrote:
Not false at all. I know another child who got type 1 after being immunized. Maybe its genetic maybe not. The vaccine activated it.

Did a doctor say that what was activated it? And if not for the vaccine it would have never happened?
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 6:49 am
amother Blush wrote:
See lemonlime's response above (replying to olive).
That's not just for polio. Most diseases have a similar story.

The death rate, especially in children, was so much higher then. What did they die from? My great-grandmother had about 16 children and only 7 survived childhood. How can you say vaccines are a total scam? Diptheria was a huge cause of death.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 7:12 am
amother Yellow wrote:
The death rate, especially in children, was so much higher then. What did they die from? My great-grandmother had about 16 children and only 7 survived childhood. How can you say vaccines are a total scam? Diptheria was a huge cause of death.

You’re misunderstanding. They aren’t denying people direc from disease. They are saying the vaccines are not what stopped that.
Basically the theory goes that modern plumbing, access to clean drinking water and better sanitary and hygiene practices led to a steep decline in deaths from each of these diseases which predates the introduction's of the vaccine to the public. So the vaccine was credited with saving millions of lives which in reality were never in danger.
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 7:17 am
tryinghard wrote:
You’re misunderstanding. They aren’t denying people direc from disease. They are saying the vaccines are not what stopped that.
Basically the theory goes that modern plumbing, access to clean drinking water and better sanitary and hygiene practices led to a steep decline in deaths from each of these diseases which predates the introduction's of the vaccine to the public. So the vaccine was credited with saving millions of lives which in reality were never in danger.

I disagree.
It was a combination of many factors, and the vaccine also saved millions of lives.
The people who don’t vaccinate are just lucky and (selfishly) rely on herd immunity.
Do you also think that seatbelts in cars are scams?
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Post Wed, Feb 28 2024, 8:05 am
amother Oak wrote:
I disagree.
It was a combination of many factors, and the vaccine also saved millions of lives.
The people who don’t vaccinate are just lucky and (selfishly) rely on herd immunity.
Do you also think that seatbelts in cars are scams?

Biggest joke. Herd immunity doesn’t exist. There’s no such thing.
Did the covid vaccine also save millions of lives? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

And regarding the seatbelts, are you one of those that needs someone else to wear a seatbelt to keep you safe?
Because that’s the same kind of people that needs someone else to vax their child because it’ll protect them. When what’s the point of the vax to begin with, if it doesn’t protect you?

Oh also - when it all comes out how big a scam this is, don’t feel bad. I was fooled too. But open your mind. Question things. Soemthing doesn’t add up.
Why are they making money off of us vaccinating our kids?
Why is it that vaccinated people are spreading the viruses?
Why haven’t they tested anything?
Why has chronic diseases erupted in the past 60 years?
What changed other than the processed foods? Vaccines.
I will never be able to convince you. I’m so happy I only got a little wake up call. It could have been so much worse.
A close autism diagnosis. Psoriasis. Cysts.

You could bury your head under a rock with my sister in law who won’t see us because I didn’t vaccinate one child out of six. She obviously thinks that her kids vaccinations are not enough. I need to wear a raincoat too so she doesn’t get wet. Go figure. 🙄🙄🙄
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