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-> Parenting our children
Tue, Dec 19 2023, 7:08 pm
Spinoff of "I'm so proud I cried." Can we post incredible things our kids have done that we are proud of?
I'll start.
13 year old DS can be difficult at home. He fights with his siblings, doesn't listen, is moody, etc. He is also very smart. Recently at PTA his Rebbe said he wants to compliment DS's middos. Before a big gemara test, the rebbe split the class into pairs to learn with chavrusas. He said that the boy DS was given to learn with is very difficult. DS sat there and calmly explained the gemara to the other boy, without losing patience, until the other boy understood it. Even the menahel walking by commented to the Rebbe on what a great job DS was doing.
Anyone else have a story to share? Let's be proud of our kids together!
(And I've been on Imamother long enough to know that someone is going to jump in and comment that this thread is tone deaf, and so many people have difficult kids so how can I rub it in, and so many people don't have kids at all so how dare I, etc etc. But you know what? Right now I don't care. If this thread bothers you, feel free to block it.)
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Tue, Dec 19 2023, 7:41 pm
I drive my kids to school. And my 3 year old started to ask that I drop him off first. I said I will do my best to do it as long as it doesnt make anyone late. I asked why he wanted to be first, and he said when Im the first boy at morah- I wave hi to every boy who comes in and take them by the hand into the class.
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Tue, Dec 19 2023, 7:43 pm
amother Valerian wrote: | I drive my kids to school. And my 3 year old started to ask that I drop him off first. I said I will do my best to do it as long as it doesnt make anyone late. I asked why he wanted to be first, and he said when Im the first boy at morah- I wave hi to every boy who comes in and take them by the hand into the class. |
That's adorable!
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Tue, Dec 19 2023, 8:06 pm
My preschooler was feverish and sick and we still had a long car ride ahead of us, so we got off the highway to find a pharmacy and get some motrin
This kiddo is not a fan of meds at all, and getting it down was a struggle, but after he took it, he said, thank you tatty for buying my medicine
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Tue, Dec 19 2023, 8:20 pm
My bachurim are extremely kind and patient to their special younger brother
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Tue, Dec 19 2023, 8:31 pm
My 2 youngest care so much about each other… 2 year old always makes sure his little sister gets what he gets…. My older ones have a lot to learn from them! 🙈
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Tue, Dec 19 2023, 8:59 pm
I have 2 boys. One has been difficult forever. He’s almost 20. He’s not interested in davening and learning anymore 😢. He spends hours in his room watching movies. My heart hurts from him.
My other son is much younger. He’s 10. Very different personality from his older brother. He told me that he wants to use his birthday money to buy his own set of shas. I don’t want him to use up all his money. He can barely learn Gemara but I’m so proud that this is important to him that I might allow it. In fact, I’m sitting in the car outside of shul now waiting for him to come out from davening maariv. He likes to daven with a minyan and even though this is so inconvenient for me I’m so proud of him so I’m sitting in the car waiting. He told me that he wants to stay an extra few minutes to learn. I told him he should learn at home. He said the yetzer hora is too big at home. So here I am waiting in the car for 1/2 hour. But I’m so proud of him… (dh usually goes to shul with him but he’s out of town now)
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Tue, Dec 19 2023, 9:03 pm
amother Tangerine wrote: | I have 2 boys. One has been difficult forever. He’s almost 20. He’s not interested in davening and learning anymore 😢. He spends hours in his room watching movies. My heart hurts from him.
My other son is much younger. He’s 10. Very different personality from his older brother. He told me that he wants to use his birthday money to buy his own set of shas. I don’t want him to use up all his money. He can barely learn Gemara but I’m so proud that this is important to him that I might allow it. In fact, I’m sitting in the car outside of shul now waiting for him to come out from davening maariv. He likes to daven with a minyan and even though this is so inconvenient for me I’m so proud of him so I’m sitting in the car waiting. He told me that he wants to stay an extra few minutes to learn. I told him he should learn at home. He said the yetzer hora is too big at home. So here I am waiting in the car for 1/2 hour. But I’m so proud of him… (dh usually goes to shul with him but he’s out of town now) |
You should be proud of him but you should also be proud of yourself for putting yourself out to accommodate his desire to do mitzvos. He’s learning it from somewhere!
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Tue, Dec 19 2023, 9:19 pm
6 year old (difficult child) was listening to me test an older child on science homework about gravity…
I asked older child a question from the review something like “what causes the gravitational force to …” and 6 year old pipes up “Hashem!”
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 8:14 am
Loving all these! Keep them coming!
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 8:23 am
So beautiful!!
May you have so much nachas from all your children!!!
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 8:29 am
I clicked on a perek to read for a chayelet kidnapped by Hamas who's mother I vaguely know. I was assigned kuf yud tet!! I didn't have the koach to read it, but I didn't want to select another perek either, since the next person will probably also pass it on. I was complaining out loud to my 9 year old little mentch and he said "I'll read it!" He read it.
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 8:42 am
DS10 had a few first days of school feeling very unsettled due to various changes, to the point that he was sent home early on the second day due to behavior. He's not usually a problem in school, rather one who tries to slide under the radar, so this was very out of sorts. I was afraid the rest of the year had this tone set and the teacher would see DS as a problem kid. B"H that didn't prove to be the case.
She sent me this email overnight:
"Good morning!
I wanted to reach out and let you know that [DS] was really sweet yesterday. I had a rough day and he made me something on a slide with my initials and was really caring. It was nice to see. He is really growing and I'm very proud of him!"
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Dolly Welsh
Wed, Dec 20 2023, 8:45 am
There should always be threads along this line. Wonderful.
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 9:16 am
My 5 year old DD has about an hour bus ride until she gets to school. There are only 5 kids on the entire bus. I asked her what they do for so long and she said they daven together out loud (even though they have Davening in school) and sing “Acheinu” for their brothers and sisters in E”Y to be safe.
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 9:20 am
amother Red wrote: | My 5 year old DD has about an hour bus ride until she gets to school. There are only 5 kids on the entire bus. I asked her what they do for so long and she said they daven together out loud (even though they have Davening in school) and sing “Acheinu” for their brothers and sisters in E”Y to be safe. |
Precious! Is there a morah with them?
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 9:24 am
No Morah. They range from Pre 1-A to 4th grade and this was their own initiative . I love it.
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 9:35 am
Dolly Welsh wrote: | There should always be threads along this line. Wonderful. |
I haven’t seen you here in a long time!!
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 9:53 am
Absolutely LOVE this thread!
My 1.5 yo has crazy hair. It's supper long and straight amd no matter how I style it some of it will get in her face. Match that with a runny nose.... it really annoys her and u try to keep face clean but sometimes hair and snot mix.... ahem.
The other day I see my 4 yo bending over her holding a tissue telling her "you blow hard, not with your mouth, like this with your nose" and she of course blew with her mouth... he tried a few more times kindly and patiently woth the same tune and tone. No impatience no annoyance. Just gently trying to guide her. And then saw its not working he wiped her nose, pulled away her hair and told her "now your clean!" And went to put the tissue in the garbage. It was such a sweet tender moment.
There is one cookie my kids absolutely love. But it's extremely expensive. Like $1 for a medium-sized cookie.
They usually take minimum 2 or even 3 for a snack to school and it is EXPENSIVE.
So I tried a few recipes to find one as good as that to bake at home. My kid tells me yesterday. "It's better than the ones we buy!"
Personally I don't think so. But it's pretty close. Her cimpliment was sweet (shes the most teenagerish pretreen I've ever come across and compliments are hard to come by!) 😉
One of my kids have food intollerances
Whever there is any occasion in school where food is being served, she will take along her own ajsni try to match as best as I can. She always reminds me to send 2 cuz there is another kid in her class that has similar allergies/intolerance and her mother never sends her along so she always wants to bring her some too. Recently once she forgot. She told me she shared half of what she had.💗
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Wed, Dec 20 2023, 10:12 am
These are so beautiful!
My 2 year old son came home a few days ago with a note attached to his shirt. We never saw this before so it's not like routine or something. I almost teared up!
It read:
"Dear Mommy, S is a shining star! He has smart eyes that absorb everything around him. Lesson time would not be the same without him. S has great Social Skills! Thank you a for letting us enjoy him every day. May you continue seeing Lots of Nachas'."
A few days ago my 4 year old daughter was coloring by the table and asked me to come over because she has a secret to tell me. She passionately whispered in my ear: "I want moshiach to come right now and I want to go to Eretz Yisroel!"
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