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I`m from Stamford Hill, London AMA
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 6:51 am
amother Hyacinth wrote:
Half of Golders green is on the hill on Sundays, clothes shopping 🙃
Jewish clothing shops for women include Madamoda, Coats and co, Modello, Finx, Miss Moda,
For kids there's Kiddi Chic, Little People, Polka Dots, Clad, PB Layette, Jelly Bean, Pink and Blue, Mosaic, Buckingham, Royal Kids, Banim, Shoe and Fashion, Weiner's have I left out any?
Plenty choice
All price ranges

Nice list.

Also Magenta and Klarz, - women's ,(less pricey than C&Co)
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 6:51 am
amother White wrote:
I saw it!
was also wondering, cuz the milk looked like a clipart picture not the original bottle look
who needs more milk?

you mean it looked like a new product?

I am thinking now maybe its a advert for something else....
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 6:54 am
amother Amber wrote:
Were discussing women wearing black tights.. one poster mentioned she is in a minority..
As for school girls, BCL girls also wear black tights...

There are many older, non chasidish women that dont necesarily wear 'black', (they may wear shades of grey or natural, ) that doesnt make them ' non black tights people'.... their children def wear black ...

Being that SH is now spread over a massive area, and includes such a variety of people- many not born and bred here, Its quite bizarre to difine an entire community and location by their hosiery colour...!!!

The black tights thing is a BIG ISSUE in SH. So if the discussion sounds bizarre; it's because it is indeed bizarre. With the schools, with the masses. It's pathetic. I wish there was a way to change it, with people realizing that it is not a tznius issue, just a cultural or community one.
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 6:55 am
amother Hyacinth wrote:
Half of Golders green is on the hill on Sundays, clothes shopping 🙃
Jewish clothing shops for women include Madamoda, Coats and co, Modello, Finx, Miss Moda,
For kids there's Kiddi Chic, Little People, Polka Dots, Clad, PB Layette, Jelly Bean, Pink and Blue, Mosaic, Buckingham, Royal Kids, Banim, Shoe and Fashion, Weiner's have I left out any?
Plenty choice
All price ranges

The cheaper kids clothes shops are Royal Kids, Buckingham and Mosaic. If you need their addresses, I am happy to help. The other kids clothing shops listed are definitely more pricey. Women`s cheapest is probably Modello but I am not sure because I rarely buy local clothes. I buy my skirts in Accessory World for cheap and tops from non-Jewish places.
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 6:56 am
amother Lemonlime wrote:
I visited SH many years ago. At that point, you needed to order cheese a month before shavous. Otherwise, the grocery didn't have enough in stock. Is this scenario still something that happens nowadays?

No we have come a long way since then! One year there was a shortage of cheese on erev shevuos but nowadays BH there is plenty of everything Smile
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 7:11 am
Debbie wrote:
Was she ever head teacher?
I didn't really know any of the pupils, although I did sometimes get to see the siblings of the creche children.
I remember one nursery age child coming in with her mother and asking if they could go home but leave her baby sister in the creche; I don't think she was too happy when mummy said no!

She was never head teacher but could tell us off. I was in senior school these years
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 7:14 am
amother Dill wrote:
I live in GG but I come sometimes to shop. As an American, I have a very limited selection of frum shops where I am.

Can someone kindly recommend on trend but well priced children and women’s store? Does that exist?

Mosaic have cheap things that are pretty on trend. They just opened a new shop near Buckingham and polka dots across the road from Morrisons. But because they are so reasonable they can run out of sizes pretty fast
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 8:17 am
It's interesting because I just had a conversation with my dds about the shopping in sh. We live in gg and go fairly often to sh to do shopping, and we just went this past Sunday. On the way home dd asked me why does sh have soooo many shops and we have barely any in comparison, why does noone open up in gg. So I thought about it and came up with a few ideas why
1. This I think this is the main reason - there are so many more people in sh, the place is bustling, so they can support all these shops. The few shops we have in gg is somehow enough. I know over the years ppl have opened other shops like for robes, kids clothes, glasses etc, but they've never lasted long
2. Most people in sh dress in frum style whereas in gg/hendon people are generally happy to dress in styles from next, zara, etc. Especially young kids and boys but even lots of women.
3. They are just much more into their things, I think it's a chasidish thing. Clothes, jewellery, homeware etc

Personally I really like sh. I've never lived there but dh grew up and went to school there and I had a bunch of cousins living there when I was younger. They've all moved away now. Dh loves it there always says he would move back in a heartbeat but he wouldn't really fit in any more.
One year on holiday we ended up in a chalet surrounded by families from stamfordhill, all yiddish speaking very chasidish. At first I was nervous my kids would feel left out but it was probably one of their funnest holiday. Ds who was about 6 then played all day with boys who spoke only Yiddish and somehow managed to communicate just fine and my girls had a constant huge crowd of girls to hang out with. On shabbos morning one family sent us a huge platter of hot kugel just because, they were all so warm and friendly.

Eta I had a 4th reason - cos sh is just half hour from gg so it's not like we are lacking, whoever wants just goes to sh
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 8:25 am
amother White wrote:
I saw it!
was also wondering, cuz the milk looked like a clipart picture not the original bottle look
who needs more milk?

it might be a cheaper milk from manchester to bring down milk prices abit.
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 8:32 am
amother Plum wrote:
It's interesting because I just had a conversation with my dds about the shopping in sh. We live in gg and go fairly often to sh to do shopping, and we just went this past Sunday. On the way home dd asked me why does sh have soooo many shops and we have barely any in comparison, why does noone open up in gg. So I thought about it and came up with a few ideas why
1. This I think this is the main reason - there are so many more people in sh, the place is bustling, so they can support all these shops. The few shops we have in gg is somehow enough. I know over the years ppl have opened other shops like for robes, kids clothes, glasses etc, but they've never lasted long
2. Most people in sh dress in frum style whereas in gg/hendon people are generally happy to dress in styles from next, zara, etc. Especially young kids and boys but even lots of women.
3. They are just much more into their things, I think it's a chasidish thing. Clothes, jewellery, homeware etc

Personally I really like sh. I've never lived there but dh grew up and went to school there and I had a bunch of cousins living there when I was younger. They've all moved away now. Dh loves it there always says he would move back in a heartbeat but he wouldn't really fit in any more.
One year on holiday we ended up in a chalet surrounded by families from stamfordhill, all yiddish speaking very chasidish. At first I was nervous my kids would feel left out but it was probably one of their funnest holiday. Ds who was about 6 then played all day with boys who spoke only Yiddish and somehow managed to communicate just fine and my girls had a constant huge crowd of girls to hang out with. On shabbos morning one family sent us a huge platter of hot kugel just because, they were all so warm and friendly.

Eta I had a 4th reason - cos sh is just half hour from gg so it's not like we are lacking, whoever wants just goes to sh

Agree with everything you say here. I definitely started buying more frum style stuff since moving to sh. It grows on you. In GG we were more into making stuff from high street stores work. We just shopped in Brent cross mostly. And yes I also see chassidish people are more into their kids looking good, accessories etc. And yes the people are the nicest. I was so nervous to make the move but can't think of going back.

What we need now is more eatery options!
I still go back to GG for the restaurants!
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 9:01 am
Lots of people from Stamford Hill go to GG to eat out!
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Post Fri, Oct 27 2023, 11:15 am
amother Mint wrote:
wine, yes I know your grandfather really well, figured out who you must be😉😉

It’s not too hard to figure with the details I shared…
If you know…
Hmmmm, do I know you?
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Post Sat, Oct 28 2023, 1:12 pm

More reasons why SH has more clothing shops:

Less women drive
GG has Brent Cross right nearby, to go to a decent shopping centre from SH it is much further.

Why does SH have less places to eat? Also, I find the range of food products are often much more limited. Nothing like Kosher Kingdom for example. I love cheese including different french varieties and they don't really seem to have a lot in SH. Shops in Manchester are much better and Golders Green amazing.

However I agree Grods is amazing.
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Post Sat, Oct 28 2023, 1:45 pm
OKKkkkk just read through this entire thread and I would like to clarify some things:

I'm an old time 'Stamford hilly' and live here now...

Firstly the black tights situation - this is not only about black tights unfortunately, in SH the only thing people care about is your external appearance not what you are on the inside so most of Stamford hill is made up of unknowingly shallow people who live their lives for 'show' there is very little emotional connection to Yiddishkeit and I'm not saying this lightly, I have heard firsthand from a major mechanach that came to london and said he nealy froze from the coldness here... and I couldnt agree more... love is non existant and I hope this can change... my bro came home from Cheider with a worksheet that had the word Love crossed out coz its tomer... thats the general consensus here.

The mosdos only care about your external apperance - and yes ONlY 2 schools in stamford hill allow wearing black tights which is YHS and Beis yaakov whoever said BCL allows it doesnt know what they are saying I have a sil there and she was nicely wearing beige tights today even though she hates it but they absolutely do not allow it and neither are the mothers allowed. Even a school like YHS which used to be sooo open and accepting now have extremely strict rules no smartphones, no bandfalls, only shoulder length wigs... so yea maybe 20% here wear black tights the rest aint allowed if they have kids!

I came from a school that I got zero from, I was bullied by certain staff in a horrible way and hated it and this school is one of the biggest in SH and people know what happened but still choose to send there with the same people still in power... I hundred percent agree that people here all into fashion and clothes and would spend anything when they dont have money and then take tzeddkah... Someone even wrote a letter in the update and wasnt ashamed to say it!!! I was mortified!!

You were discussing Universal Credit and exactly its just a poverty trap and it's impossible to buy a house here without coming from a family with money...

I feel like im just rambling and I know I am but Stamford Hill in my opinion really needs a shakeup... It's my dream to open moisdes and make awareness about the true beauty of the torah and of life in this place. How watching movies is actually worse for your yiddishkeit than wearing a plain sheitel, that Hashem loves us and that we need to love ourselves and everyone else (not that anyone that is not your chassidus is a rasha which some moisdes preach - heard firsthand) That life is more than just being scared to rot in gehinnim and that MItzvos are beautiful opportunites to connect to Hashem and not rules that need to be ticked off not to get yelled at. That Tehillim is our greatest tool to connect to hashem and not a punishment (in my school you had to say tehillim when you were punished what an awesome chinuch!) im still struggling to get over that...

Everyone else here from stamford hill I love you all and wish you all and amazing life and if I see you on the streets I wish I can give you all a big hug! for you to know that your loved and wanted! That we are so special to be part of the chosen people by Hashem! And that all the struggling teens (and adults) here locally should serve as a massive wake up call to see how our outlook is so warped and how the community here can use so much more!! I've thought about moving away plenty times but on the other hand I love it here, I am comfortable here, I just wish everyone here can be ehrlich true Torah jews without fighting, hate (think tearing down eirovs) and negativity...

Have an awesome week!
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Post Sat, Oct 28 2023, 2:45 pm
Such a loaded and may I say ultra negative post!?
I feel for you and you sound very very bitter!
The black tights situation is a chassidishe thing. I am chassidish I wear black so does my mother and all my sisters/cousins and aunties.
I dress my kids in black too. BUT when I want to send to shabbos group and their rule is not black tights, then I respect it. If I don't want to dress my girls in beige tights then I shouldn't send there.
That is their rule. Full stop.
I agree with you that London are more cold. Whereas in Israel and NYC people are way more friendly and approachable. Out of towners call us "kulteh britishe"
I don't know which school you went to but can I clarify that bullying can happen in ANY school.
The only school I can imagine you are talking about is exclusive to that chassidus and hardley anyone else sends there. whereas I had a bunch of different chassidishe and other girls in my class-even travelling in from GG.
Im sorry you had such a horrid experience, but what makes you think you wouldn't have had that at any other school? And even more importantly, what has your school got to do with SH on a whole?
And last but not least I wouldn't send to your moisad if this is how angered you sound. I went to a chassidishe school where I was taught middos, respect, love kindness and how to give to yennem. NEVER did they cover the word love-utter rubbish
Tearing down the eiruv, ill have you know I saw with my own eyes in Boro Park a couple of years ago too. Its like those 5/6 crazy Neturekarters at pro hammas rallies. Do they represent the whole yiddish como=unity in London? No. So same is with the eiruv. People in BP still dont use the eiruv just like we have here. Nobody is teraing down eiruvs anymore and I hear they want to expand it to further up SH. It most likely will never reach the Satma area which is a shame. But they probably wont hult of it so no use.
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Post Sat, Oct 28 2023, 3:02 pm
The main reasons my litvisher friends moved away from Stamford Hill is because they say there’s no moisdes for their children. But they all say they would move back in a heartbeat if there would be more litvishe schools!
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Post Sat, Oct 28 2023, 3:07 pm
Hey thanks for your reply... You ttly didnt get my post at all! quite on the contrary I am not bitter and the post wasnt meant to be negative I was just highlighting the many negative parts of the community so people can see it and change! it's a shame that people take it as a fact that this is what it is! no it can and should change! And no the school I went to was satmar which I would say probably only 10% of my class are satmar and no I would never send my child there as you say! not because I am bitter but because I want better for my children!! and obviously bullying can happen in any school I was just highlighting that this happened in the biggest school here and people are OK with it!! and that is the problem! bullying especially by staff should by highly discouraged! and I am so happy for you that you were taught middos and love and kindess in your school! I would love to know which school you went to! and I am confused with you saying you were black tights but shabbos groups you dont? so your wearing even though the school doesnt allow it? unless you send to YHS or BY... I highly encourage respecting rules, the problem is when the rules are so strict eveyone is breaking them or angry about them, what does this teach the children?? And bh in your school they didnt cover the world love but that doesnt change the fact that I did see a local cheder cross it out... and that is sad! and I wish people would know better! I am bh very happy where I am and who I am and your right my post might have sounded negative but sometimes its important to highlight the issues to know what to improve...
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Post Sat, Oct 28 2023, 3:11 pm
amother Navy wrote:
The main reasons my litvisher friends moved away from Stamford Hill is because they say there’s no moisdes for their children. But they all say they would move back in a heartbeat if there would be more litvishe schools!

this is really unfortunate!! I also have some amazing litvishe freinds that don't want to live here because they dont feel comfortable here anymore... the environment is not the welcoming loving place it should be! and the schools are all trying to be externally frummer than the next not better, its all about the more rules the better and unfortunately even a place like YHS which used to be geared to the litvishe community are very open about the fact that they want chassidishe families now, which is ok but then yes there are no litvishe moisdes here anymore
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Post Sat, Oct 28 2023, 3:13 pm
amother Tiffanyblue wrote:
OKKkkkk just read through this entire thread and I would like to clarify some things:

I'm an old time 'Stamford hilly' and live here now...

Firstly the black tights situation - this is not only about black tights unfortunately, in SH the only thing people care about is your external appearance not what you are on the inside so most of Stamford hill is made up of unknowingly shallow people who live their lives for 'show' there is very little emotional connection to Yiddishkeit and I'm not saying this lightly, I have heard firsthand from a major mechanach that came to london and said he nealy froze from the coldness here... and I couldnt agree more... love is non existant and I hope this can change... my bro came home from Cheider with a worksheet that had the word Love crossed out coz its tomer... thats the general consensus here.

The mosdos only care about your external apperance - and yes ONlY 2 schools in stamford hill allow wearing black tights which is YHS and Beis yaakov whoever said BCL allows it doesnt know what they are saying I have a sil there and she was nicely wearing beige tights today even though she hates it but they absolutely do not allow it and neither are the mothers allowed. Even a school like YHS which used to be sooo open and accepting now have extremely strict rules no smartphones, no bandfalls, only shoulder length wigs... so yea maybe 20% here wear black tights the rest aint allowed if they have kids!

I came from a school that I got zero from, I was bullied by certain staff in a horrible way and hated it and this school is one of the biggest in SH and people know what happened but still choose to send there with the same people still in power... I hundred percent agree that people here all into fashion and clothes and would spend anything when they dont have money and then take tzeddkah... Someone even wrote a letter in the update and wasnt ashamed to say it!!! I was mortified!!

You were discussing Universal Credit and exactly its just a poverty trap and it's impossible to buy a house here without coming from a family with money...

I feel like im just rambling and I know I am but Stamford Hill in my opinion really needs a shakeup... It's my dream to open moisdes and make awareness about the true beauty of the torah and of life in this place. How watching movies is actually worse for your yiddishkeit than wearing a plain sheitel, that Hashem loves us and that we need to love ourselves and everyone else (not that anyone that is not your chassidus is a rasha which some moisdes preach - heard firsthand) That life is more than just being scared to rot in gehinnim and that MItzvos are beautiful opportunites to connect to Hashem and not rules that need to be ticked off not to get yelled at. That Tehillim is our greatest tool to connect to hashem and not a punishment (in my school you had to say tehillim when you were punished what an awesome chinuch!) im still struggling to get over that...

Everyone else here from stamford hill I love you all and wish you all and amazing life and if I see you on the streets I wish I can give you all a big hug! for you to know that your loved and wanted! That we are so special to be part of the chosen people by Hashem! And that all the struggling teens (and adults) here locally should serve as a massive wake up call to see how our outlook is so warped and how the community here can use so much more!! I've thought about moving away plenty times but on the other hand I love it here, I am comfortable here, I just wish everyone here can be ehrlich true Torah jews without fighting, hate (think tearing down eirovs) and negativity...

Have an awesome week!

You sound like you're really hurting
I'm sorry

I can't weigh in on everything because I'm fairly new to Stamford hill (and have lived in 2 other British communities and this one is by far my favourite!) But I'd like to believe that your experience was a minority. I see love for yiddishkeit and ahavas chinam and chessed all around me. You are right that the mosdos are clamping down on sheitels and smartphones. I'm not chassidish. But given the nature of this community, I respect it. I wear black tights and I send DD to yhs. If I would send to a school that doesn't allow it, I would have the choice of changing schools or confirming.

About the bullying, that's inexcusable and I'm sorry you went through that. I dont know which school you are referring to but I don't think it has anything to do with Stamford hill. It can unfortunately happen anywhere n the world.
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Post Sat, Oct 28 2023, 3:16 pm
amother Tiffanyblue wrote:
this is really unfortunate!! I also have some amazing litvishe freinds that don't want to live here because they dont feel comfortable here anymore... the environment is not the welcoming loving place it should be! and the schools are all trying to be externally frummer than the next not better, its all about the more rules the better and unfortunately even a place like YHS which used to be geared to the litvishe community are very open about the fact that they want chassidishe families now, which is ok but then yes there are no litvishe moisdes here anymore

They can open their own.
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