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I was a staunch Vaxxer then went completely anti vax - AMA
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:11 am
small bean wrote:
OP do you believe that vaccines are definitely harmful or do you have scepticism on the topic and believe given two choices better not to vaccinate? ( not including covid)

Also to piggy back off this - why haven’t they tested a single vaccine with a placebo? What are they afraid of?
Why is it that each person is required to get the same dosage of poison when everybody can handle different levels and it’s not a one size fits all for everyone?
So aside for the fact that I don’t think they help in any way - if they wanted us to believe they do help, why won’t they test it out?
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:23 am
amother Burntblack wrote:
I have 2 questions otherwise wouldn't vaccinate
Vaccine makers have no liability and possibly don't try to ensure safety,
But before that happened they were sued and didn't want to continue
Why was it in the governments interest to continue vaccinating?
There must be a reason

Pharma gives millions in donations (bribes) to politicians who do their bidding.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:38 am
amother Azure wrote:
I've been wanting to ask this to an anti-vaxxer for a while, but never had the opportunity (don't know any in real life). Thanks for starting this thread

So, I believe there are many many people with vaccine injuries, I really do. And I think it's very unfortunate, and not sure what to do about it.

But OTOH, if vaccines are truely so detrimental as the anti vaxxers make them out to be, how is it possible myself, my kids and millions of others I know are fully vaxxed and still completely healthy? No recurring ear infections, ASD, ADHD, LD, strep don't even get cold too often, maybe 1-2x a year. No other weird symptoms. Like are we just ticking time bombs waiting to explode? I mean, I'm in my 30s already and still waiting to see the "damage" from the vaccines I got when I was a kid.

I only just became an "anti vaxxer" since the scamdemic. Before that I was vaccinated with all the childhood shots (not too many, in my day) and I also gave my kids all their shots, unfortunately.
I do have children with ADHD, which, today, I attribute to the vaccines.

I do not feel like a time bomb. I'm B"H healthy and my body dealt with the vaccines. No reason for you to wait for damage.

What I am is more educated today about what is going on. I am aware that the childhood vaccine schedule vaccines have never been properly tested for safety and that they contain all kinds of harmful materials which cross the brain barrier. I am aware that there are so, so many people who have vax injured children. I have watched the movie "Vaxxed" on Rumble https://rumble.com/v2npdg2-vax......html and "Vaxxed 2". I watch and listen to the parents of children who were vax injured and I see how the authorities whitewash and ignore everything. I see that the vaccine companies have no liability for anything that happens as a result of the shots.
I am interested in educating myself so I read, I watch and I listen. I bought the book Turtles All the Way Down on Amazon and I'm reading that.

Here is something online that you can read: https://studylib.net/doc/25301.....dbook
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:39 am
OP you seem to have gone straight into the deep end.

I am not anti vax, I am not pro vax, I do my research and do what works for me. So I give most of the standard vaccines but did not do the covid vax, which is untested.

You went from giving the covid vax to giving none which is quite the leap. I can only assume you did no research before giving those vaccines and once you realized your doctor was less than honest, you panicked.

It's worth calming down and evaluating information thoroughly, because right now you sound completely irrational.

Btw I only clicked on this thread because it was in entertainment, and I thought it would be entertaining. But it's not. I feel a bit deceived.
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  small bean  


Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:40 am
amother Burntblack wrote:
Would it not affect ppl long term?

Not sure what you're asking.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:45 am
It’s interesting that the covid vaccine and all the nonsense and lies surrounding covid brought my faith and belief in the medical system down to zero as well.
In theory I would be anti vax as well. The singular reason I still vax is
Hashem gave power to doctors to heal . if my Dr is a yorei shamayim and he recommends vaccinating (unlike covid where many drs just rolled their eyes or didn’t recommend ) who am I to mix in. I can’t control my health , I can rely on the pple that Hashem gave the power to. I also suffer from health anxiety and recognizing what I have control over and what I don’t have control over and just doing my part is essential (This isn’t to say that you have to be doing the same and that I look down out you and your choices as being non believers)
My question is how do you maintain that balance of believing in Hashem and his messengers vs taking your health into your own hands
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:53 am
small bean wrote:
Not sure what you're asking.

Weren't ppl paralyzed long term from polio?
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:55 am
amother Thistle wrote:
It’s interesting that the covid vaccine and all the nonsense and lies surrounding covid brought my faith and belief in the medical system down to zero as well.
In theory I would be anti vax as well. The singular reason I still vax is
Hashem gave power to doctors to heal . if my Dr is a yorei shamayim and he recommends vaccinating (unlike covid where many drs just rolled their eyes or didn’t recommend ) who am I to mix in. I can’t control my health , I can rely on the pple that Hashem gave the power to. I also suffer from health anxiety and recognizing what I have control over and what I don’t have control over and just doing my part is essential (This isn’t to say that you have to be doing the same and that I look down out you and your choices as being non believers)
My question is how do you maintain that balance of believing in Hashem and his messengers vs taking your health into your own hands

There are plenty of health professionals that are against vaccines...what makes them any less hashems messengers? You are deciding who his messengers are.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 8:56 am
My question to you is, if you believe all the illnesses you mentioned earlier come from vaccines, then unvaccinated people should not be suffering from any of these illnesses. Do you know people who have not taken any vaccines and aren't dealing with anything? Or if people aren't vaccinated and are dealing with these issues, or illnesses, then what do they believe is the contributing factor.
I don't know if I'm coherently expressing what I'm trying to ask. If anyone gets it, I think it would be an interesting study, or comparison.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:03 am
amother OP wrote:
I would say count your blessings. And the immune system was created to protect you, nobody knows how bad their batch was and if it will cause things down the line. It’s not only about childhood chronic diseases which are on the rise since the insane number of shots required by the CDC, it’s also about the illnesses that are popping up at other points in our lives like cancer, MS, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s which barely if not did not exist in the population before the vaccine rollout.

Just like the covid shot didn’t kill everyone who took it, but the side affects are real, as are deaths, it doesn’t mean that there’s nothing wrong with vaccines, it means you dodged a bullet, and should be ever so grateful.

I remember the first story I saw about a vaccine injured person - Maddie de garay who’s been gaslighted - including millions of others and I realized that I’m so lucky that my batch was not tainted as bad as the others.

And now when I hear of SIDS and see little kids with lupus or other diseases like childhood cancers diabetes asthma and things they suffer for life, I realized that why isn’t it related to the shot?

Why didn’t I realize that my sons pandas was from his shots or my daughters raynauds or even just behavioral issues? Some people can’t handle the poison.

Thanks for answering. I definitely count my blessings and daven to Hashem every day to thank Him for our health and continue to keep us healthy.

But you really think I "dodged a bullet"? Yes, let's say it's possible all the illnesses that exist today stem from vaccines- so that's millions of people with "vaccine injuries" R"L. Now what about the millions of other otherwise healthy people in the world? All those millions have dodged bullets? That seems like an awful lot of bullet dodging to me?
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:07 am
amother Starflower wrote:
OP you seem to have gone straight into the deep end.

I am not anti vax, I am not pro vax, I do my research and do what works for me. So I give most of the standard vaccines but did not do the covid vax, which is untested.

You went from giving the covid vax to giving none which is quite the leap. I can only assume you did no research before giving those vaccines and once you realized your doctor was less than honest, you panicked.

It's worth calming down and evaluating information thoroughly, because right now you sound completely irrational.

Btw I only clicked on this thread because it was in entertainment, and I thought it would be entertaining. But it's not. I feel a bit deceived.

This is SO condescending!
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:17 am
amother Starflower wrote:
OP you seem to have gone straight into the deep end.

I am not anti vax, I am not pro vax, I do my research and do what works for me. So I give most of the standard vaccines but did not do the covid vax, which is untested.

You went from giving the covid vax to giving none which is quite the leap. I can only assume you did no research before giving those vaccines and once you realized your doctor was less than honest, you panicked.

It's worth calming down and evaluating information thoroughly, because right now you sound completely irrational.

Btw I only clicked on this thread because it was in entertainment, and I thought it would be entertaining. But it's not. I feel a bit deceived.

So you think it was only the covid vax that went untested? Look into the shots you give your children. Look into how they test those. Maybe you’ll reevaluate and thoroughly research your information, because you’re naive to think it was just the covid shots they got away with not testing.

And thank you. I’m so grateful my eyes were opened due to covid, better late than never. I’m more rational than I’ve ever been and have read up on this topic so much that I firmly believe in finally doing the right thing instead of trusting science. It’s not one doctor, I never had one doctor that told me anything really other than this is the required schedule - come get your shots. Doesn’t work like that where I live.
It’s me not even knowing I had a choice. It’s the fact that they injected my babies and children for diseases that the risk of the vaccine outweighs the “disease” and nobody even making it seem like there was any other option.
And I didn’t give my kids the covid shot. Thank you Hashem for opening my eyes.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:18 am
Serious question here.
If you can’t trust the studies and research that are pro vaccine, why can you trust the studies and research that are anti vaccine?
Let’s assume you are truly qualified to understand medical statistics and analyze and interpret data as you assert you are.
If you believe the data and studies are faulty, then what are you researching and studying and interpreting and basing decisions on?
How are you deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth?
Again, asking seriously.
I always wondered this- if I’m assuming all studies are real and I believe them- than the majority of the data points to one conclusion. If I decide the research is a lie, then I am left with no data to interpret because I don’t have a set of established data points to analyze, only my limited experiences (which are obviously not sufficient for scientific study).
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:19 am
OP, you're making a lot of claims about behavioral/health issues suffered by your children that now you can see are related to vaccines - is this just an assumption you're making? Or do you have research to back it up.

Also - what's your response to the fact that vaccines have eliminated diseases in the population? I don't think you can argue with the fact that 75 years ago thousands of children every year got polio, measles, mumps, and often with devastating long-term effects (or childhood death) and that doesn't happen anymore because those diseases are eliminated? The response can't be "so let's stop now" because look what happened with measles a few years ago, and with polio in Israel - we need to continue vaccinating to keep these diseases under control
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:29 am
amother Navy wrote:
Serious question here.
If you can’t trust the studies and research that are pro vaccine, why can you trust the studies and research that are anti vaccine?
Let’s assume you are truly qualified to understand medical statistics and analyze and interpret data as you assert you are.
If you believe the data and studies are faulty, then what are you researching and studying and interpreting and basing decisions on?
How are you deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth?
Again, asking seriously.
I always wondered this- if I’m assuming all studies are real and I believe them- than the majority of the data points to one conclusion. If I decide the research is a lie, then I am left with no data to interpret because I don’t have a set of established data points to analyze, only my limited experiences (which are obviously not sufficient for scientific study).

It’s a very good question.
At this point once I realized what happened with covid and how everything was censored and they didn’t allow any other information to be listed on any Google search and banned doctors and confiscated licenses I started thinking that maybe the mainstream media wasn’t the right route.
Once Elon musk opened up Twitter and gave freedom of speech and all these doctors have started being able to speak again, reputable doctors who had all of a sudden been banned because they didn’t agree to follow the narrative, I realized there’s more to the story.
I read turtles all the way down which opened my eyes a lot to the whole vaccine industry and started reading peoples personal experiences with shots ranging from those who were never vaccinated or who’ve become like me and started doubting the system since covid and just kept reading up on it.
I know that before this point the mainstream media which is heavily biased and funded by the wrong people definitely swayed my opinion but I’ve since stopped reading it or just go back to the source, which coincidentally is all the same people pulling the strings.
I’ve had a very hard time wrapping my head around that concept, but follow the money, and you end up seeing the same things. Something is wrong. And maybe the way I was seeing it was blinded by trust and faith in people and mankind, but money is a scary thing and I firmly believe at this point that there’s something a lot bigger than what I can see, and for the most part, I’m confident that for once I’m seeing things clearly.

When I watched Candace owens - a shot in the dark, I realized that I may not have the tools to acquire the information I need, but there are people out there who have everything to lose and still choose to do the research and I trust them more than the doctors who are getting paid to push vaccines - literally, and won’t speak up for themselves and for what’s right because the money is too tempting and/or they just are misinformed.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:39 am
amother Cadetblue wrote:
OP, you're making a lot of claims about behavioral/health issues suffered by your children that now you can see are related to vaccines - is this just an assumption you're making? Or do you have research to back it up.

Also - what's your response to the fact that vaccines have eliminated diseases in the population? I don't think you can argue with the fact that 75 years ago thousands of children every year got polio, measles, mumps, and often with devastating long-term effects (or childhood death) and that doesn't happen anymore because those diseases are eliminated? The response can't be "so let's stop now" because look what happened with measles a few years ago, and with polio in Israel - we need to continue vaccinating to keep these diseases under control

Vaccines have not been the reason that diseases have been eliminated. That’s what I’ve learned. The timelines are all off. When the vaccines were rolled out, the death tolls had subsided in the years prior due to other reasons - hygiene, proper sewer systems, no more horses in the streets and many many more things.
Those timelines are actually able to be found everywhere.
And as I stated earlier - in fifty years - there will still be those who believed that the covid vaccine actually saved lives. Which it didn’t. But if you look at the timeline - they stopped before the rollout - and unfortunately skyrocketed two years after the rollout. But it’s only when you’re looking closely that you see.
And the polio scare in israel - due to vaccinated children carrying the virus.

Go look at what’s happening in Africa now with bill gates, on a mission to vaccinate them all and there are terrible outbreaks due to his “saving the population”

Or him releasing his malaria mosquitos and all of a sudden for the first time in years that there’s a malaria outbreak in those places - go figure.
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  small bean  


Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:43 am
amother Burntblack wrote:
Weren't ppl paralyzed long term from polio?

The question is what was the medical treatment then and how it differs today? Would there be the same results. Would people become paralyzed or would new treatment options prevent that?
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:48 am
amother Burntblack wrote:
I have 2 questions otherwise wouldn't vaccinate
Vaccine makers have no liability and possibly don't try to ensure safety,
But before that happened they were sued and didn't want to continue
Why was it in the governments interest to continue vaccinating?
There must be a reason

There are millions $$$$$$$$ of reasons politicians support vaccines.

Pharma is biggest donor / bribes of politicians.
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:51 am
amother Azure wrote:
Thanks for answering. I definitely count my blessings and daven to Hashem every day to thank Him for our health and continue to keep us healthy.

But you really think I "dodged a bullet"? Yes, let's say it's possible all the illnesses that exist today stem from vaccines- so that's millions of people with "vaccine injuries" R"L. Now what about the millions of other otherwise healthy people in the world? All those millions have dodged bullets? That seems like an awful lot of bullet dodging to me?

What is strange?

We are all unique individuals.

Did everyone who gers polio get paralyzed?

Vast majority recovered with no side effects
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Post Thu, Sep 28 2023, 9:51 am
amother OP wrote:
It’s a very good question.
At this point once I realized what happened with covid and how everything was censored and they didn’t allow any other information to be listed on any Google search and banned doctors and confiscated licenses I started thinking that maybe the mainstream media wasn’t the right route.
Once Elon musk opened up Twitter and gave freedom of speech and all these doctors have started being able to speak again, reputable doctors who had all of a sudden been banned because they didn’t agree to follow the narrative, I realized there’s more to the story.
I read turtles all the way down which opened my eyes a lot to the whole vaccine industry and started reading peoples personal experiences with shots ranging from those who were never vaccinated or who’ve become like me and started doubting the system since covid and just kept reading up on it.
I know that before this point the mainstream media which is heavily biased and funded by the wrong people definitely swayed my opinion but I’ve since stopped reading it or just go back to the source, which coincidentally is all the same people pulling the strings.
I’ve had a very hard time wrapping my head around that concept, but follow the money, and you end up seeing the same things. Something is wrong. And maybe the way I was seeing it was blinded by trust and faith in people and mankind, but money is a scary thing and I firmly believe at this point that there’s something a lot bigger than what I can see, and for the most part, I’m confident that for once I’m seeing things clearly.

When I watched Candace owens - a shot in the dark, I realized that I may not have the tools to acquire the information I need, but there are people out there who have everything to lose and still choose to do the research and I trust them more than the doctors who are getting paid to push vaccines - literally, and won’t speak up for themselves and for what’s right because the money is too tempting and/or they just are misinformed.

You’re words are passionate and persuasive but you’re not really answering the question. You are saying that you can’t trust the data- but yet you are able to know which data to trust based on your personal beliefs. So when you believed in vaccines you trusted that set of data and now you don’t believe so you trust the other set of data.
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