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Is there a way to reach out to Amy Cooper?
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 7:01 pm
I feel so bad for her. I’m not condoning her behavior. But the punishment of national humiliation, social exile, losing her job and reputation is just so disproportionate to what she did. How can someone bear this or recover from it?

We all make mistakes and do things we are not proud of. The thought of having one of my worst moments recorded and publicised to the world at large and be subjected to its judgment is horrifying.

I’m concerned for this woman’s mental health and stability. Monica Lewinsky became suicidal from the public humiliation she endured, and that was before the age of social media. I want to write this woman a letter of support so she knows that not every stranger in the country hates her. How on earth can I do this?

Please, no debates about the wrongness of her behavior. I already said I’m not condoning it.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 7:05 pm
I don't know how to reach her (I'm sure she went off the grid as much as possible) but if anyone is interested, there's an extremely interesting book called "So You've Been Publicly Shamed" by Jon Ronson. It explores people who, thanks to the internet, were publicly shamed and had their lives forever altered based on things like an insensitive tweet that went viral, or one instance of plagiarism.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 7:41 pm
I so agree with you.
I am not sure if the punishment fit the crime.
I think at some point the actions taken were to make an example out of her..
Disclaimer; I ofc in no way condone what happened.
I just don’t agree with driving someone to the extreme of no return
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 7:55 pm
Her address was doxxed. You could probably send her a letter. If I were her, I would be leery of opening any mail by people I don't know.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 7:56 pm
Squishy wrote:
Her address was doxxed. You could probably send her a letter. If I were her, I would be leery of opening any mail by people I don't know.

Maybe a postcard, then.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 7:58 pm
If my address was doxxed, I would move. Or go stay with a friend until the hate mail burned itself out. I think she did a horrible thing, but her address should have stayed private.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 8:00 pm
daagahminayin wrote:
Maybe a postcard, then.

Maybe you could label it a letter of support. I also feel bad for her and think this is a nice thing to do.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 8:43 pm
What she did was disgusting (pulling out the African American card), but I'm with you, this shouldn't have escalated and she shouldn't have lost her job!
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 8:59 pm
Well I’ll readily say under my screen name that according to Chris Cooper’s own account of what happened, he was extremely obnoxious and threatening to her. She shouldn’t have played the race card, and she lied by saying he threatened her directly, but he absolutely threatened to harm her dog.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 9:31 pm
I don’t feel at all bad for her. She cynically exploited his race and could have gotten him killed!!! How many black men have been shot in error under the knee-jerk assumption that they were a threat?- and she specifically accused him of threatening her, while emphasizing that he is African American - to play into stereotypical fears. He could easily have been an additional focus of protests, etc. had they both still been there, when the police arrived. . .

This was not a simple matter of insulting someone or hurt feelings. She could have actually caused serious bodily harm or worse. My sympathies are with her attempted victim - not with her.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 9:39 pm
Mothers wrote:
I don’t feel at all bad for her. She cynically exploited his race and could have gotten him killed!!! How many black men have been shot in error under the knee-jerk assumption that they were a threat?- and she specifically accused him of threatening her, while emphasizing that he is African American - to play into stereotypical fears. He could easily have been an additional focus of protests, etc. had they both still been there, when the police arrived. . .

This was not a simple matter of insulting someone or hurt feelings. She could have actually caused serious bodily harm or worse. My sympathies are with her attempted victim - not with her.

Not to mention the resources she was using from NYPD to call in a fake threat while there are plenty of real emergencies in the city, and, for anyone who claims to care about police, the conditions she placed on police responders - they could've gotten in trouble for overreacting when she was the one who put them in that situation. Basically trying to use the police and their jobs as her own personal weapon because she didn't like that someone in the park was telling her her dog had to be leashed in that area, and because she didn't have enough control over her own dog to stop him from going to a stranger with a treat (yet another reason her dog should have been leashed).
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 9:47 pm
Mothers wrote:
I don’t feel at all bad for her. She cynically exploited his race and could have gotten him killed!!! How many black men have been shot in error under the knee-jerk assumption that they were a threat?- and she specifically accused him of threatening her, while emphasizing that he is African American - to play into stereotypical fears. He could easily have been an additional focus of protests, etc. had they both still been there, when the police arrived. . .

This was not a simple matter of insulting someone or hurt feelings. She could have actually caused serious bodily harm or worse. My sympathies are with her attempted victim - not with her.

White men are more likely to be shot by the police than black men in the same circumstances.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 9:49 pm
sushilover wrote:
White men are more likely to be shot by the police than black men in the same circumstances.

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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 9:53 pm
itsmeima wrote:

And even if we assumed arguendo that was true, of what relevance is that to Amy's intentions here? You would also have to show that Amy knew and believed that statistic, which is unlikely as she specifically told him she was going to call the police and say an AA man was threatening her. And to those saying it was a descriptor, that's ridiculous in that context. She didn't have to describe to the birdwatcher what he looked like, and we don't talk in third person to people. We say things like, "I'm going to call the cops on you." Not, "I'm going to call the cops and tell them a brunette woman is attacking me!" Unless, of course, you believe the descriptor has some relevance.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 9:58 pm
Not to mention the incredibly bad acting job she put on in terms of faking hysterics.

If she felt threatened she wouldn't have walked over to him pointing her finger at him when he asked her not to come close to him.

There is a long history of white women claiming that black men have threatened, attacked or raped them which resulted in lynchings.

She knew exactly what she was doing when she shrieked that an AFRICAN AMERICAN man was threatening her.

An entitled Karen who was angry because a person of color had asked her to obey the regulations of Central Park which is a bird sanctuary.

FWIW - she filed a lawsuit against a man several years ago and the man claimed she was stalking him. Her lawsuit was dismissed.
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 10:06 pm
itsmeima wrote:

Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force by Roland Fryer Jr
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 10:13 pm
sushilover wrote:
Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force by Roland Fryer Jr

Is that adjusted for percentage of population since whites greatly outnumber blacks in the US. Here is a statistical chart which shows that blacks are disproportionate killed by police based on their population.


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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 10:15 pm
sushilover wrote:
Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force by Roland Fryer Jr

From Wikipedia:

“In 2016, Fryer published a paper concluding that although minorities (African Americans and Hispanics) are more likely to experience police use of force than whites, they were not more likely to be shot by police than whites.[11] The study generated considerable controversy and criticism.”


As per Snopes: “ A ‘Harvard Study’ Doesn’t Disprove Racial Bias in Officer-Involved Shootings
The New York Times inaccurately reported an unvetted working paper as a Harvard study that disproved the claim black people are shot by police at a higher rate than whites.”

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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 10:18 pm
WhatFor wrote:
And even if we assumed arguendo that was true, of what relevance is that to Amy's intentions here? You would also have to show that Amy knew and believed that statistic, which is unlikely as she specifically told him she was going to call the police and say an AA man was threatening her. And to those saying it was a descriptor, that's ridiculous in that context. She didn't have to describe to the birdwatcher what he looked like, and we don't talk in third person to people. We say things like, "I'm going to call the cops on you." Not, "I'm going to call the cops and tell them a brunette woman is attacking me!" Unless, of course, you believe the descriptor has some relevance.

You are correct. Amy appears to be a leftist who has donated to Barack Obama, Pete Buttigieg, and John Kerry. So we can assume that she believes the leftist credo that cops kill African American men.

Even so, does that mean she tried to get Christian killed? Can no liberal ever call the police on a black person?
OR was she was trying to get him to stop whatever he was doing?
I think it's a wild stretch to some that she wanted Christian to be killed.

She certainly acted like a Karen. Do all Karens deserve to have their lives destroyed?
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Post Mon, Jun 01 2020, 10:22 pm
Amarante wrote:
Is that adjusted for percentage of population since whites greatly outnumber blacks in the US. Here is a statistical chart which shows that blacks are disproportionate killed by police based on their population.


Adjusting for population is useless. Adjusting for crime rate is the only thing that counts. If you are adjusting for population, then you'd have to believe that young men are disproportionately killed by police. After all, they make up the majority of those killed. Meanwhile, little old ladies are almost never killed even though they make up 10% or so of our population.
Do you see how adjusting for population is useless?
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