-> Inquiries & Offers
-> Child-related inquiries
Sat, Feb 04 2017, 4:58 pm
Hi all,
We are moving to a different town and thus unfortunatey our baby (8 months old) has to leave his daycare programme . We're looking for a baby to take the place of our boy in the daycare in Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem. I will add that we are very happy with the metapelet and are unfortunate that we have to leave the current daycare. If anyone knows of someone that is looking to put their baby in a daycare, or if anyone has an idea of ways for finding a baby for the daycare I would be greatfull, especially because we will still have to pay for this daycare untill the end of the year if we don't find anyone else.
Thanks and shavua tov to you all!
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Sun, Feb 05 2017, 3:26 am
I'm looking for a spot but only want 1-2 mornings a week-is that helpful? pm me.
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Sun, Feb 05 2017, 11:54 am
if you are moving you shouldn't have to pay for babysitting care not receiving
and nobody is just going to send a baby blindly to a stranger ... at least they shouldn't
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Sun, Feb 05 2017, 1:28 pm
When we put our baby in the daycare we agreed that if we leave in the middle of the year we'll have to bring someone instead. It makes sense because why should the lady running the daycare loose out on salary just because we took our kid out in the middle of the year? and about putting your child with a stranger - you're right! that's why you should always (in my opinion) talk with a few mothers who had their child in that same daycare. Recommendations or disrecommendations are crucial in my oppinion.
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Sun, Feb 05 2017, 1:35 pm
You have to understand that the area the OP is talking about isn't a sprawling metropolis. It's a small neighborhood (A few blocks in different directions) of young couples with a few well known baby sitter options that are discussed in the park regularly. No one is sending their kid to a stranger.
Additionally, yes, that's how it works in these parts. Part of the initial contract is trying to find a replacement should you pull out mid year. It's not that difficult, there's always people waiting to get in.
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