Did anyone get the tricycle? I am almost there and want to know if it is really worth it or should I wait for the 3 in one scooter? I don't think I want the plasma car...
Did anyone get the tricycle? I am almost there and want to know if it is really worth it or should I wait for the 3 in one scooter? I don't think I want the plasma car...
I got the pink tricycle and not the best. It's not sturdy enough
Ur 3 yr old child won't b able to ride on it without turning over. It's not a sterdy bike.
So does anyone know: is the scooter a better choice? Hard decision but I am almost at 5,000! And it will be free (ok, I paid for diapers but I would have bought them anyways...).
So does anyone know: is the scooter a better choice? Hard decision but I am almost at 5,000! And it will be free (ok, I paid for diapers but I would have bought them anyways...).
We got the scooter. Haven't taken off the seat yet but my 21mo likes to sit on it while I push it. Seems well made...