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Helppp I weigh 186
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 8:04 pm
And I’m 5’2”. I literally gained 17 lbs since starting my new bc. This one is the one that has been working best with regards to my mental health. So for right now I’ll be staying on it. I absolutely must lose weight asap. Bh I have a family simcha Rosh hashana time and would like to b 35/40 lb thinner. Is that attainable? I’m thinking about using this thread as an open diary. Write about what I ate, how I was feeling when I ate, did I feel satisfied, and maybe all you wonderful ladies can be my armchair therapist and encourage and critique my ways and habits. Maybe that will help me understand where this weight is coming from and will be a jolt of reality. My normal weight since before baby (now 1.5) is 135/140. O and another thing I don’t have an unlimited budget so I can’t buy salad everyday for lunch o how I wish! I find breakfast and late at night to be the most difficult for me. Breakfast u always have a hard time figuring out what to eat and I abhor eggs of any kind. And late at night is my favorite time to have chewy candies like Mike and Ike’s and twizzlers. So, follow along as I document this time in my life.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 8:07 pm
Im 5'3" and weigh exactly the same! Maybe we can be partners 😄
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 8:11 pm
I'm 5'2" too and weigh 195 if that makes you feel better.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 8:12 pm
I’m 5’2 and 200 lbs 😭😭😭

This is not the norm for me!!!
My regular weight is like 165 … but I was 140 at my wedding (8 years ago) and I got pregnant right away… I am
The heaviest now than I’ve ever been not pregnant

Going thru a difficult time in my life and I’ve been totally neglecting myself plus eating thru my emotions … I feel grosssss
Barely fit into anything in my closet

I need to fix this
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 8:53 pm
I feel you! All of you! Trying desp to get to 150. I’ve been 163 for so long. Not budging. As of today I started eating supper early and no food after 7. Only fruits for breakfast. Let’s encourage each others!!
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 9:19 pm
It’s so nice to see I have company here! I’m also going thru tough time now. And I wonder if my lack of quality sleep and stress is part of all this. I can’t make excuses anymore. The number on the scale is unacceptable for me. I will take responsibility for my weight and health and hope I can lose. I hope losing is 35/40 lb from now till mid September is doable. That’s like 8-10 lb a month. 😬😬
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 9:26 pm
amother Glitter wrote:
I feel you! All of you! Trying desp to get to 150. I’ve been 163 for so long. Not budging. As of today I started eating supper early and no food after 7. Only fruits for breakfast. Let’s encourage each others!!

Fruits have a ton of sugar in them, I don’t think they’re very dietetic.
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Dolly Welsh


Post Sun, May 05 2024, 9:31 pm
Yes, fatigue is fattening, because the body, quite reasonably, thinks, "Times are obviously hard right now. She has to struggle just to survive. That's why she's tired. Better hoard food. Situation could be dangerous concerning adequate food."

That's how your body thinks.

If you eat high quality protein, steak, you body will think, "Game is plentiful here. Good times. I don't have to hoard food."

So that's one way.

Another way is to cut out just one food. This causes some weight loss for a while. It then plateaus. But that's fine. The idea is to do a bit of everything.

You might try walking the length of your house or apartment five times every day at the same time of day. A time when it's convenient and doesn't get in anybody's way, and you have good energy. Then drink a whole full glass of water, and rest for a while on the bed or sofa. Keep this mildly amusing not some big deal. Three times is OK if five is too much.

Make sure you are flexible and have good posture, no matter what your size. Stretch in a hot shower.

Avoid sugar and all sugar substitutes or no-cal sweeteners. Try, try to eat one apple per day. No juices, they have sugar. Go easy on green peas, they are starchy. Green beans are the thing.

Eggs are fine. Try to avoid carbs.

You can have a treat now and then. But only now and then.

This takes time. Be patient. Of course you body will pause and re-assess the wisdom of letting its stores go. Those are the plateaus.

Don't get mad at your body or at your food. Your body is on your side, and food is a gift of G-d.

The more you appreciate your food, the better it will work for you.

And remember, it can take fifteen minutes to feel full after having eaten enough.

You should know what you ate today, every little bit. You will get the hang of knowing what your entire day's intake should be and it will become that.
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 9:32 pm
183 is my goal weight if that n m Ames u fell any better
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 9:38 pm
180 pounds and 5.2. heaviest I have ever been not pregnant. Bh my baby is 7 weeks old so I can't do any major diets. I also have never lost weight while nursing and nurses my last till age 2 bh. I want to do more exercise and hope it helps but have to make time for it...

I need to try to eat healthier I think but I honestly don't eat that badly. I do t eat dairy or white sugar ever. I usually have a salad with protein for lunch.

Making. Bar Mitzvah in 7 weeks iyh and have to get a dress.....but so fat
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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 11:01 pm
Hi op - this tip is for you, I find it extremely helpful when I’m binge eating and must start a diet. For me the sugar and carb cravings are impossible to curb once I have them. When I’m not eating well I’m eating all junk for all meals.
When I’m starting a new diet I start with 3 days of zero sugar and zero carbs. Literally protein and veggies (not even fruit!) I know I’m addicted to sugar cuz for the first day or 2 off of it I shake cuz my body is so used to it, I even get headaches sometimes but then it’s soooo liberating! The cravings are gone, I can eat a normal 12-1500 calorie diet and lose 1-2 a week and not feel like I need to eat all my kids cracker, chips and snacks. I see it and I don’t care for it. Made a huge difference for me. Hope this helps .. good luck
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 10:53 am
O wow! I should try the no carbs and no sugar. I will 💯 have withdrawal. Guess I’ll have to start tomorrow. I had 2 slices we toast for breakfast an iced coffee homemade and bottle water. I did not feel satisfied I think I probably should have put something in the toast. I’m walking now and it’ll end up being a little over 2 miles. I happen to love walking so I’m going to try to do that instead of driving bh the weather is getting better each day. Lunch I plan on having arugula, red onion, tomato, cucumber 2 tuna patties with miso balsamic dressing. I washed 4 large strawberries and packed them for when I want a snack guess I should get it in now before my no carb no sugar tomorrow lol! No clue what I’m doing for supper yet. Tx for all your advice! Pls keep it coming all your little tips add up and I appreciate them all.
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 10:54 am
Dolly Welsh wrote:
Yes, fatigue is fattening, because the body, quite reasonably, thinks, "Times are obviously hard right now. She has to struggle just to survive. That's why she's tired. Better hoard food. Situation could be dangerous concerning adequate food."

That's how your body thinks.

If you eat high quality protein, steak, you body will think, "Game is plentiful here. Good times. I don't have to hoard food."

So that's one way.

Another way is to cut out just one food. This causes some weight loss for a while. It then plateaus. But that's fine. The idea is to do a bit of everything.

You might try walking the length of your house or apartment five times every day at the same time of day. A time when it's convenient and doesn't get in anybody's way, and you have good energy. Then drink a whole full glass of water, and rest for a while on the bed or sofa. Keep this mildly amusing not some big deal. Three times is OK if five is too much.

Make sure you are flexible and have good posture, no matter what your size. Stretch in a hot shower.

Avoid sugar and all sugar substitutes or no-cal sweeteners. Try, try to eat one apple per day. No juices, they have sugar. Go easy on green peas, they are starchy. Green beans are the thing.

Eggs are fine. Try to avoid carbs.

You can have a treat now and then. But only now and then.

This takes time. Be patient. Of course you body will pause and re-assess the wisdom of letting its stores go. Those are the plateaus.

Don't get mad at your body or at your food. Your body is on your side, and food is a gift of G-d.

The more you appreciate your food, the better it will work for you.

And remember, it can take fifteen minutes to feel full after having eaten enough.

You should know what you ate today, every little bit. You will get the hang of knowing what your entire day's intake should be and it will become that.

Yes I believe my stress may be part of this weight gain. Unfortunately the stress isn’t going away any time soon so how do I trick my body into thinking it is so it won’t hoard the calories? By eating meats? What about chicken? I like steak but can’t have it so often I don’t like it that much lol!
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Post Tue, May 07 2024, 7:20 am
Last night I caved. I had few handful of mini twizzler nibs. So so upset with myself. Why is it so hard for me at night?? Any tips on how to break that habit? I also had grilled chicken, garlic infused pasta, and salad for supper. I def had too much pasta I need to work on portions. I hope today will b better. The positive from yesterday I got in 13088 steps in. Would love to have more like 20k. I’ll work my way up. Bh for beautiful weather so I can walk everywhere!
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Post Tue, May 07 2024, 7:56 am
No one ever got fat on eating too many apples. While weaning off junk I'd eat lots of fruit instead. After working on improving diet, I can try decreasing fruit if eating too many. Eat an apple or banana instead of Mike n ikes. I don't think you are getting fat on a bit of junk honestly but if I were you I'd try going off all week and maybe having a bit on shabbos. Or see how many days you can go without eating junk. Can you try not eating junk until shavuous? 5 weeks you can do this!!! Drink water. You'd be proud of yourself. Eat protein, steamed cauliflower, string cheese, turkey, chicken, chick peas, plain Greek yogurt, or lite Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, even 5 almonds are better than candy.
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dats me


Post Tue, May 07 2024, 8:10 am
amother OP wrote:
Last night I caved. I had few handful of mini twizzler nibs. So so upset with myself. Why is it so hard for me at night?? Any tips on how to break that habit? I also had grilled chicken, garlic infused pasta, and salad for supper. I def had too much pasta I need to work on portions. I hope today will b better. The positive from yesterday I got in 13088 steps in. Would love to have more like 20k. I’ll work my way up. Bh for beautiful weather so I can walk everywhere!

If you really want to cut out the sugar cravings , you need to stop eating the carbs during mealtimes (pasta), not just reduce the portion size. Eating just small amounts of refined carbs (or any carbs) has the effect of keeping you in the cycle of craving it all the time. There is literally no nutritional value in pasta that you would be missing if you stopped eating it. You should also make sure to have ample animal fats during your meals to keep you satiated and provide energy and nutrition to your body and brain. If the grilled chicken was a skinless breast, you weren’t getting enough fats in the meal which would also make you more hungry after.
I hope this is helpful for anyone reading this, I’ve struggled with these issues and have done a lot of research to understand proper nutrition. I also know how difficult it is to remove highly palatable carbohydrates , they are truly addicting, but literally we have no use for them and they cause so many health problems!
Also , you shouldn’t blame yourself for these cravings, it’s not a moral failure that you couldn’t control yourself etc. it’s literally your body’s physiology to crave more sugar and carbohydrates once it already has an elevated blood sugar level .
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Post Tue, May 07 2024, 9:23 am
amother OP wrote:
O wow! I should try the no carbs and no sugar. I will 💯 have withdrawal. Guess I’ll have to start tomorrow. I had 2 slices we toast for breakfast an iced coffee homemade and bottle water. I did not feel satisfied I think I probably should have put something in the toast. I’m walking now and it’ll end up being a little over 2 miles. I happen to love walking so I’m going to try to do that instead of driving bh the weather is getting better each day. Lunch I plan on having arugula, red onion, tomato, cucumber 2 tuna patties with miso balsamic dressing. I washed 4 large strawberries and packed them for when I want a snack guess I should get it in now before my no carb no sugar tomorrow lol! No clue what I’m doing for supper yet. Tx for all your advice! Pls keep it coming all your little tips add up and I appreciate them all.

Every meal needs a protein, carb and fat. You had a carb and caffeine sugar breakfast which sets your blood sugar into a rollercoaster all day so then you'll crave things and won't feel full. So add a few eggs with half ovocado and one slice of bread with some veggies. Or skip the bread and just eat some veggies. There are starchy veggies like peas, parsnips, carrots that have more carbs then non starchy veggies like broccoli, string beans, cabbage. Skip the pasta and bread and eat starchy veggies instead.

You can download a macro food app that you plug in the food you're eating so you'll see how many calories you're actually getting. It helps with portion size.
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Post Tue, May 07 2024, 10:35 am
Ok I’m going to be a little mean but very honest. Dieting sucks. It’s hard, it’s uncomfortable and it’s terrible. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lucky or delusional, or both.

Only start dieting when you’re mentally ready to suffer. But usually it’s only for the first few weeks until your body adapts.

Good luck!
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Post Tue, May 07 2024, 11:30 am
You can make your salads at the beginning of the week and put them in containers.
That goes for any healthy food prep. Eat the same things every day if that’s easier for you. Just do cooking and food prep/shopping in bulk, so you have the healthy stuff on hand and you don’t reach for pizza or chips. Watch your portion control. Portion size accounts for a lot of calories.
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Post Tue, May 07 2024, 11:41 am
1. Weekly or more often weigh ins

2.Healthy filling food:

Vegetables and fruits
easy to grab and go, nuts, beans, chickpeas, protein shakes
Oatmeal with berries for breakfast or a protein shake
Tuna, salmon, chicken or meat once or twice a day with a big salad

water only with a splash of lemon or citrus to add flavor

3. Move for 30 Minutes a day
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