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The Grey Lines (Binah Serial by EGSchwartz)
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Post Mon, Nov 25 2013, 9:37 pm
Loved this week!
P(h)easant.... my WORD...
Scotty, you are just too much!
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Mama Bear


Post Mon, Nov 25 2013, 9:46 pm
"ARe you courting my sister?"
"Heavens, no. wait. Am I supposed to?"

Nahhhhh youre sooooo not courting his sister....
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Post Tue, Nov 26 2013, 9:31 am
I love it! It is a real Jewish romance with adventure and history. Well done
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Post Tue, Nov 26 2013, 9:47 am
Thanks for the reminder Scotty! I find it so annoying that I can't remember certain chapters later on in a serial......(a friend of mine takes my old Binahs so can't go back to them....)

There's one other one that's niggling me....a chapter in the beginning, the first time (I think) that we meet Becca, and I think it's about a shul. Anyone remember that?

I just reread Shortchanged, from the book....and it was such fun to read it all at once, without having to wait a week for the next chapter. Sort of like when my DD came home from her Aleph-Bais party with a bag of nosh, and she sat on the living room floor and ATE IT ALL.
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rise above


Post Tue, Dec 03 2013, 9:24 am
Scotty, I simply loved loved this weeks segment of the serial.
Will hide my comments even though there is nothing really spoiling in them..


The back and forth between Wolf and Caro is delicious! I am a real romantic at heart and I miss that element in all Jewish books. Here you walk that line of undercurrent romanticism, after all they HATE eachother Wink but you get that feeling in of the emotions involved in inadvertent courting and also clearly how intellectual discussion can bring on closeness between people.
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chocolate fondue


Post Tue, Dec 03 2013, 8:00 pm
Hey, Wolf doesn't hate Caro.
And Caro would find it intolerable if he were killed... Twisted Evil
Mose, however, does hate Wolf... poor dude.
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Mama Bear


Post Tue, Dec 03 2013, 10:16 pm
Okay someone will have to scan in the first chapter of the serial / the prologue - this is crazy, I need to know what happened there so we can put it together Very Happy
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rise above


Post Wed, Dec 04 2013, 9:13 am
Mama Bear- Scotty posted in on page 3 of this thread - unless that is something else??
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Post Wed, Dec 04 2013, 4:03 pm
Hmmm...this is my first time posting and I don't even get Binah regularly....but I am 99.99% sure that I have figured out the prologue/epilogue. Are all of you really so mystified? But I won't tell Tongue Out ! Don't want to ruin it for all of you with my theory!
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Mama Bear


Post Wed, Dec 04 2013, 9:10 pm
She only postd part of it, no? Or was that the prologue in its entirety?
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Post Wed, Dec 04 2013, 9:13 pm
Mama Bear wrote:
She only postd part of it, no? Or was that the prologue in its entirety?

IIRC it was a pretty short teaser for all of us who only buy Binah for yom tov Tongue Out
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Post Wed, Dec 04 2013, 9:18 pm
PlonisAlmonis wrote:
Hmmm...this is my first time posting and I don't even get Binah regularly....but I am 99.99% sure that I have figured out the prologue/epilogue. Are all of you really so mystified? But I won't tell Tongue Out ! Don't want to ruin it for all of you with my theory!

I could guess at what's going on and who the people are, but the mystery is the lack of context.
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Post Wed, Dec 11 2013, 8:52 pm
The prolougue: its told from mose's point of view isnt it?
its obviously not wolf; he wouldnt be thinking about social scenes and parties adn stuff...

and scotty, you srsly have to give a class on how to include kosher romance in writing. you seem to be the one and only jewish writer who has mastered the delicate art...
ha! I can just see the ad in the binah for that class...and the fun in the letters that will follow LOL
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Post Sat, Dec 28 2013, 11:38 pm
O of all things, simply do not let Caro get married off to this 'dashing' young man...I like how Caro hears Wolf's voice in her mind as she tends to this other guy Wink Great reading! Can I request even more pages of the story per week?? Ok I ask to much.. make a joke ja'?
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Post Tue, Jan 07 2014, 5:02 pm
Thanks, supermama2... :-)


(unused snippet below the cut)

Sunday found the weather unbearable, but indoors even more so, and Caro abandoned the house as soon as possible after breakfast. She was, to be fair, yoked with Alexander, but thankfully the heat had a rather dampening effect on his enthusiasm after a few squares, and in consequence it was as pleasant as the circumstances allowed.
“The old house!” Alex proposed, suddenly. “Oh please please please Auntie Caro! Please please please!”
“Oh, we mustn’t,” Caro said, on reflex, but then thought, why ever not? She hadn’t seen the dear old house since the fire, a year and a half past, and was suddenly overcome with the desire to set eyes upon it again.
“Will you use my bonnet as an apple basket again?” she demanded of Alex, sternly, as he began to dance lightly in place (never a good sign).
“Oh, never,” Alex promised, desperately, and so she wantonly believed him and they set off for the burnt section of town. It was not a pleasant stroll; whole streets still lay in charred ruin, and Caro’s soft heart overflowed with pity. Alex, predictably, was enthralled. Even he fell silent, however, as they approached the familiar lines of the street where Caro had grown up, where the shrouds of memories still lingered: and oh! Oh, how terrible it was, the great sagging ruin that had once been their beloved home, the gaping blackened maw where none ought to be. It was awful, it was indecent, and yet Caro could only trace its foreign slump and try to map what no longer existed. The piazza where she and Gusta had played as children still stood, strangely untouched; nearly everything else was gone or warped into strangeness, wrongness. She sat on the foundation of the iron fencing and remembered, suddenly, having stood on that same balcony on the glorious night of Secession, Noah outlined in the blazing stars of fireworks.
The world changes, the Bavarian sighed.
There was something in her throat; old ash, perhaps, or just—the heat, the heat. A mirage, sitting beside her, standing on the porch above.
“I know,” she said. Alex, climbing a fallen beam after ignoring her protestations, did not turn.
Is this ‘regular and natural’? the Bavarian asked. Is this the ‘regular and natural’ to which the laws fail to conform?
“Hush,” she snapped, or tried to, but truly—what was the use? Snapping at a thought, a specter, a shade of her own thoughts? She was living a metaphor, for goodness sake, sitting here in the ruins of the old house, and yet—
She sat, very still, and watched Alex chuck what most likely had been chunks of her bedroom wall into the middle distance.
Not so very much, then, the Bavarian murmured.
“Oh, do be quiet, you are getting tiresome,” she said. This time, Alex turned around at her voice, looking surprised. She waved at him and felt a fool.

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Post Tue, Jan 14 2014, 10:39 pm
Posting anonymous cause I'm not sure if anyone will speak to me again . . .
sooooo, just wondering why it's ok to have jewish romance stories. Isn't that for the non jews? Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying reading this story, but it eerily reminds me of the novels I used to check out of the library when I was in high school. Just because they don't kiss at the end it's ok? I'm just trying to understand why some people wouldn't use a public library, but no problem with romance stories in Binah?? I'm really curious to hear people's thoughts.
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Post Tue, Jan 14 2014, 11:14 pm
New poster here who doesn't read this serial.

Just want to say that Binah is very strict with content. They have a Rebbetzin whose job is to screen for anything that can be inappropriate. She obviously was okay with it. :Shrug
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Post Wed, Jan 15 2014, 2:45 am
This certainly does push at the edges of what's been considered appropriate boy-girl interaction in a story, but I really don't think there's anything inappropriate about it. Certainly not what people are trying to avoid by staying out of the public library. Nothing to do with kissing. A few points:
1. Caro is from a Reform background, so it's not like a yeshivish BY girl going off the derech talking to boys.
2. Caro's persistent thoughts about the boys are not really romantic at all. Certainly not physical. With one, it's centered on the independently interesting conversation they're having, and with the other it's really no different than a regular shidduch interest which we see often enough - the main difference is that there's another man somewhere in her life adding tension for the reader.

It's definitely edgy but not in the least bit risque. I think it's very well played. Or, yknow, we could just go on pretending that frum people never have any feminine interests at all, resulting in all kinds of problems in adolescence and marriage.
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Post Wed, Jan 15 2014, 8:38 pm
of course its all very kosher and all but hello-the entire story is centered around Caro and the two men in her life and this is Binah, BP's prized paper! I ttly love it and think its amazing but yeah it's a little surprising that no one even wrote in about it...I remember a rather unflattering letter about someone- Henry? Harry? name slipped my mind- leaving signed handkerchiefs in Anna's apartment back in Shortchanged. And now all this and... nothing? unless theyre totally bombarded with letters and theyre just saving all them for one big article on how to include romance in jewish novels in a way that's totally fine...id love that LOL but that'll be the day
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Post Wed, Jan 15 2014, 9:07 pm
Who cares that Caro is reform? So if she would be a frum girl than it would be bad for our neshama to read it, but if she is not frum than it's ok? That's exactly the kind of hypocrisy I'm talking about. It's a double standard. So from the public library we shouldn't read "clean" romance novels, but in Binah it's ok? That's exactly what I mean!!!
By the way this is in no way meant to insult the author who is a very talented writer. It's more the whole concept that is bothering me.
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